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Beware of Bad Boy

Page 12

by Brookshire, April

  On the bed making out, Gianna’s leg was propped up over Jared’s hip. He had one hand on her thigh, stroking the smooth skin. Jared’s head whipped up and Gianna’s eyes slowly met mine. Coming closer, I pushed Gianna’s leg off of him.

  He held up both hands in a placating gesture. “Hey, man, I know she’s your sister, but I only have good intentions towards her.”

  “Stepsister,” I corrected him. “And I don’t give my blessing.”

  Gripping her arm, I drew her off the bed and away from Jared. “What are you doing, man?” Jared asked. He made a move to get up, but I put a hand to his chest and pushed him back onto the bed.

  “Family emergency, don’t interfere.” Ignoring his confusion, I guided Gianna out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind us. I took a detour into Cece’s room to grab Gianna’s bag of tricks. A few weird looks were thrown our way in the living room as I pulled her behind me and out of the house.

  I’d parked my car in front of the house next door, so in seconds I was ushering her into the passenger seat. “Get in.”

  I was surprised by her immediate compliance. She didn’t put up the slightest argument. Maybe she was going with the silent treatment as she stared out the window while I drove down the street. Passing a park, I pulled into the parking lot.

  She was still turned away from me as I turned off the engine. “What the hell, Gianna? Are you turning into a fucking whore?” In the quiet of our isolation, my words sounded harsh.

  She flipped around in her seat and even in the dark I could see the flash of anger in her eyes. “Me? I’m just following your example. Why do you care who I have sex with?”

  “I don’t!” I shouted back at her on a big fat lie.

  “If you don’t care, then why don’t you drive me back so I can fuck Jared!” she yelled at me. It was like she wanted to rile me up.

  “Like hell!”

  Grabbing her shoulders, I brought her close, meaning to forcefully plant my lips on hers. Instead, I teased her mouth with mine, planning to persuade her to see things my way. It was driving me crazy that Jared had put his hands on her. She didn’t know what he got up to during the week. He could be sleeping around with the nastiest of chicks. Yes, soon she’d be seeing things my way.

  She jerked back before I’d given her the good stuff and smacked me across my left cheek. “No, you don’t get to kiss me and then go around screwing every girl you meet!” She was breathing hard, but not worked up in the way I’d intended.

  Where did that come from? “I don’t want to fuck anyone else.” Why did girls have to be so unreasonable?

  “Yeah, at this very moment you don’t. But you screwed Desiree last night and you’ll be screwing a new chick as soon as you meet the lucky girl. How do you think that makes me feel after you kissed me?” A sheen of tears in her eyes glistened in the dark, which made me enormously uncomfortable.

  “I don’t see any other girls in my immediate future and I didn’t fuck Desiree last night.” Thank god I could honestly say that.

  Gianna opened her mouth to say something then closed it, blowing out her breath. In a calmer voice, she finally said, “She told me in the bathroom that you told her after you ditched me and Seth, you were going to take her somewhere to have sex.” Her suspicious tone made it clear she didn’t believe me.

  “Actually, that was all Desiree’s idea,” I gladly informed her.

  She made a skeptical sound. “So you didn’t plan on having sex with her?”

  I was almost home free! If only she hadn’t asked that question. “Well, I did plan on it.”

  She interrupted me before I could smooth things over. “See! Don’t kiss me ever again. You can’t play these games with me, Caleb.”

  Trying to soothe her temper, I brought up my hand to the back of her neck and started rubbing circles. “Let me finish, princess. I didn’t have sex with her, and trust me she was more than willing, because I didn’t want her.” Her shoulders relaxed as my actions and words began to work. “I thought if I had sex with her, I’d stop obsessing and wanting to be with you, but it didn’t work. I couldn’t even get past kissing her. I took her home and, believe me, she wasn’t happy.”

  Gianna’s teeth gleamed in the dark as she smiled. “You’re obsessed with me?” Just like that, her mood changed from pissed to pleased.

  I let out a disgusted sigh. “I must be. I don’t know what else to call it. I spend most of my time with you and when I’m not with you, I’m thinking about the next time I’ll spend time with you.” A chuckle escaped from my throat. “It’s pathetic. I’ve never spent so much time with one girl and we’re not even having sex.”

  She shook her head slowly and I moved my hand to allow the movement. “Caleb, only you would think liking a girl for more than just sex for one day is pathetic. It’s too bad though, because even if we like each other, it does no good. I’m still a virgin and you still think girlfriend is a bad word.” She paused then continued in a defeated tone, “Might as well take me back to Jared. Neither one is a problem for him.”

  Was she trying to make me angry again? “Fuck that! He’s doesn’t get to have sex with you or call you his girlfriend.”

  “Oh,” she said in a way that warned me her temper was also rising. “So I’m supposed to remain a boyfriend-less virgin because you say so?”

  “No,” I responded slowly. I couldn’t believe the words were about to come out of my mouth. It was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. “You’re going to be . . . my girlfriend.”

  I could almost hear her mouth dropping open and her giggle sounded a little hysterical. “What if I don’t want to be your girlfriend? I mean, why would I want a boyfriend who’d be flirting with other girls and probably cheating on me?”

  “Gianna,” I said her name sternly. “I would never cheat on you. You mean more to me than that.” Deciding on persuasion again, I told her, “Look, if I’m willing to commit to you, I obviously don’t plan on cheating on you. I couldn’t even fuck another girl last night, when you weren’t even my girlfriend yet. Do you think I’m going to be messing around with other girls now that you are?”

  “You sound like you resent not wanting other girls.”

  More confident now I’d get what I wanted, I pulled her into my arms. “I don’t resent it as long as I have you. Now say you’ll be my girlfriend.”

  “I’ll have to think about it. You haven’t exactly been romantic about it.” What did I know about romance?

  “I guess I’ll just have to convince you.” When I kissed her again, I gave her the good stuff, starting out gently with a slow build to a hot climax.

  Her efforts to pull away this time were weak because she didn’t really mean it. Her lips were so sweet, her willing response even sweeter. Dragging her onto my lap, so she was straddling me, I fingered the hem of her dress.

  “Caleb, what are you doing?” she mumbled against my mouth.

  “Convincing you.” Using the hem of her sexy dress, I quickly peeled it up and off her body, tossing it over my shoulder into the backseat.

  “What the heck, Caleb?” she squeaked, trying to cover herself with her arms.

  “Why aren’t you wearing the babydoll you bought?” I pouted in disappointment. She wore a lacy black bra and matching panties, a suitable consolation prize.

  She made an exasperated sound. “I wasn’t going to actually have sex with Jared. I was just messing with you.”

  “Oh really? And why would you do that?” I asked, feeling absurdly happy as I wrapped my arms more tightly around her. With her wearing practically nothing, I had access to a lot more nakedness than if she were wearing the babydoll. Suitable consolation prize, indeed.

  “Because you pissed me off, treating me like something was wrong with me because I was a virgin. Plus, I knew it’d make you jealous to think I was going to have sex with Jared. And it did,” she finished smugly.

  Running my hands over silky skin, I thought on her words. “I’ll owe you for that one. I’v
e been stressed out about it all week. I’d be expecting some payback for that, if I were you.” For now, her hot body could start making it up to me.

  Despite her words, she didn’t try to stop my exploration. “I already think you’re going to have sex with every willing girl you meet, so I guess we’re even.” Hitting a sensitive spot, I had her moaning and squirming in my lap.

  I cupped her jaw to look her in the eyes. “Gianna, I only want to be with you. Now say you’ll be my girlfriend.”

  Her nervous wiggling was torture. “Caleb, I’m not sure. I mean, I don’t know if I could trust you. Plus, what will people think? Our parents are married. Even though we’re not actually related, they’ll think it’s weird.”

  “Just give me a chance, Gianna,” I pleaded softly. “I’ll prove to you how much I care about you. Forget about what everyone else thinks. If you want, we can wait to tell them.”

  She still looked doubtful as she nodded her head. “Okay.”

  I never thought I’d beg a chick to be my girlfriend. It was always the other way around, girls thinking just because we’d had sex I’d commit to them, eager to claim me as their boyfriend.

  With Gianna, it strangely felt good. Only because it was her that would call me boyfriend. Finally able to do what I liked without restraint, I got lost in her taste, touching her wherever I had access. My fun came to an end when headlights flashed into the parking lot from a car pulling in.

  “Crap!” I searched for her dress in the backseat. Sliding it over her head, I regretfully helped her smooth it back over her body.

  The other car didn’t park anywhere near us, but we still lacked complete privacy. Reaching over to buckle her seatbelt, I felt a sense of possessiveness. She was my girlfriend now, belonging solely to me.

  After we’d pulled out onto the street, Gianna asked, “What about the problem of me being a virgin?”

  I gave her my patented panty-melting look. “Trust me, it won’t be a problem for long. And I’ll be expecting to see you in that babydoll real soon.”

  In response, she rolled her eyes.


  “Even I don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.”

  -Cindy Crawford


  Was I stupid enough to agree to be Caleb’s girlfriend? I was kind of freaked out about the future. Dating a guy like him was like serving your heart up on a platter for him to devour.

  One hand still on the wheel, he reached with his free one to hold my own. Brushing aside worries of an unknown future, I asked, “Where are we going?” It was pretty late and it’d be more than a little awkward going back to Jared’s house.

  “We’re going to my mom’s.”

  Not a better idea. “Won’t she mind?”

  “No, she’s cool about most things as long as I’m not getting into trouble.” He drove into the same parking garage from the last time we were here. Taking the keys out of the ignition, he said, “Wait there!” I sat in the car as ordered, watching in the side mirror as he came around to open my door for me. He smiled proudly as I stepped out of the car. “See, aren’t I a good boyfriend already?”

  In a condescending manner, I patted his cheek. “You still have a long way to go, master player.”

  He scowled at me and took my duffel from me after I grabbed it from the backseat. Throwing it over one shoulder and taking my hand, he locked the car door. “Come on. My mom is going to freak, me bringing a girl home. It’s unheard of.” His sneaky grin hinted at anticipation.

  We walked the distance to the apartment building and waited for the elevator. Entering the place, all the lights were off with the glow of the city coming in through the blinds.

  Halfway to Caleb’s room, a bedroom door opened and a woman stepped out. “Caleb, sweetie, is that you?”


  “Yes, mom, it’s me and Gianna.”

  His mom flipped a switch, turning on the hall light. She was a pretty older woman, in her late thirties with dark hair like Caleb. “Oh hi, that’s right, Gianna, the stepsister. It’s nice to meet you.” Her eyes glanced down at where Caleb was still holding my hand before coming back to rest on my blushing face.

  “You too,” I responded awkwardly. It felt weird and scandalous to be spending the night at a boyfriend’s house. Would she tell Scott?

  “Wow, Caleb didn’t tell me how beautiful you are,” she complimented. My face grew warmer and I wanted to elbow him for forcing me into this embarrassing situation.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled, not having anything better to say.

  “She’s also very tired, so we’ll just be going to bed now,” Caleb cut in, making me want to murder him! It sounded so bad when he said it aloud.

  “Okay then, goodnight, sweetie. Goodnight, Gianna.” As she closed her door I knew I should tell her goodnight, but I couldn’t get it out. She must’ve thought I was the biggest slut.

  “Oh my god, Caleb!” I whispered harshly. “Did you have to say it like that? I can’t believe your mom is okay with this. My mom would totally freak if you stayed the night in my room!”

  Inside his room, he shut the door and locked it. “Who says I’m staying in here with you? Maybe I intend to sleep on the couch to protect my virtue.”

  “Oh please, I’m the virgin here. You’re practically a gigolo. You lost your innocence a long time ago.” I wonder how long ago that was.

  He faked hurt. “You make me feel so dirty and used.”

  “You said it, not me.” Mentally worn out from everything that’d happened I laid down on the bed thinking about the last time I was on here. Did Caleb really have a tattoo somewhere under those pants or had he been messing with me?

  “I’m not the one in the hooker dress,” he teased.

  “It was for a good cause.” What the heck did his mom think when she saw my racy dress? Probably that I was a slut! Mortified, I kicked off my heels and grabbed my bag. “I’m going to change in the bathroom. I think you and your mom have seen enough of this dress tonight.”

  “I really didn’t mean it about the dress. Come back . . . please,” he trailed off dramatically as I quietly padded down the hallway to the privacy of the bathroom.

  I changed into very unsexy sweats and a tank top. For modesty’s sake, I covered up more skin with my hoodie. When I returned to Caleb’s room, he was already down to boxer briefs. Holy crap, a girl could get knocked up just looking at him. Switching off the lamp to give my hormones a rest, I got under the blanket, sensing him doing the same. He wrapped his arms around me and my head naturally rested on his chest.

  “Is this where you try to get into my sweatpants?” I asked him, feeling nervous about sharing a bed with a guy.

  He laughed softly. “There would be no trying involved. If I wanted in them, they’d already be on the floor.”

  “Oh, so now you don’t want to have sex with me?”

  He grabbed my hand and I was startled as he placed it on his crotch. “Believe me, I do. Just not with my mom in the other room.”

  I yanked my hand away. “You are such a pervert!”

  “Thank you,” he said. “Now, I’m going to sleep. I know I’m irresistible, but please try not to molest me again, Gianna.”

  Determined to block out the memory of the feel of him in my hand, I shifted position to lie on my side, facing away from him and his massive ego. “Whatever.”

  He pulled me into his arms again, spooning me from behind and laughing into my hair. “I’m sorry, princess.”

  “No you’re not. Goodnight, Caleb,” I said grumpily.

  Not denying it, he whispered sweetly, “Goodnight, beautiful girlfriend.”

  That was the problem with players. They always had the charm to go with the good looks.


  Gianna’s breathing slowed down as she fell asleep. It was so insane that I now had a girlfriend. Doomed from the start, she had me at get off me, asshole! Well, that and her hot body. If I had to have a girlfriend, only someone as awesom
e as Gianna would do. She wasn’t only beautiful, but also cool and fun to be around. Even if she was mad at me half the time. Not that I didn’t sometimes deserve it. Not that I’d ever admit to deserving it.

  I’d never cuddled with a girl before without sex being involved and usually not even then. I liked holding Gianna in my arms. I liked knowing she was mine. Josh, Seth and Jared were suckers! I’d never felt protective of a female before, besides my mom, and this was the first female I’d been possessive of. This thing between us could go somewhere serious but I could also manage to keep it to having fun. We were too young to worry about forever.

  The player in me was screaming for his freedom, but I couldn’t stand to let her belong to anyone else. The only way to prevent that was for her to belong to me. The idea of not messing around with other girls was surprisingly acceptable. It helped to have the most beautiful girl in the world as my new playtime partner.

  How would my dad and Julie take this? Probably not very well. My mom noticed us holding hands, but she didn’t say anything about it. She was cool like that, but Gianna wasn’t her daughter.

  I was nervous about having sex with her. She wouldn’t be my first virgin but I stayed away from virgins for a reason. Girls put a lot of importance on their first time and I didn’t want the pressure of not fucking it up. I ached to have sex with her now, but I had to wait until she was ready. It also needed to be special for her.

  Kissing her head through a silky cloud of hair, I let go of my worries and joined her in sleep.


  When I woke up at eleven the next morning, Gianna was still asleep. I quietly got out of bed and went to the kitchen. My mom was in there at the stove. “Mom, why are you making breakfast?”

  “For you and Gianna. Which reminds me, what exactly is going on between you two? I saw you holding hands last night and she slept in your room. I don’t think stepbrothers and stepsisters normally do that.”

  “No, but boyfriends and girlfriends do.”


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