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Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14

Page 3

by Trim, Brenda

  “I don’t know for sure. A week, maybe more,” he replied as he rubbed a hand over his face.

  Her heart stopped and her stomach churned. He wasn’t coming back to her. She found her Fated Mate and he didn’t want to be with her. It didn’t escape her that he didn’t ask her to accompany him, or promise to be back soon. In fact, he made no mention of seeing her again. Tears threatened to spill but she fought them.

  “Do what you must but come back. Don’t stay away too long. We need to finish this discussion,” she admitted and searched his eyes for a hint of anything.

  The blazing inferno was gone and she knew his next sentence was going to cut deep. She could see it in his eyes and feel it in his body language. He was rejecting her.

  “Breslin, I don’t want you waiting around for me. Find another mate. I want you to be happy and I can’t give you that,” Rhett said, confirming her fears while he destroyed her entire world.

  She wasn’t a needy female but his statement was a death sentence. She couldn’t choose another. He was her mate and every fiber of her being wanted him and no one else.

  But she’d be damned if she let him know it. She turned away from the fire demon with a dismissal of her hand.

  “Get the fuck out, Rhett,” she ordered then slammed her bedroom door.

  Thankfully, her door wasn’t damaged during the fire. The loud bang was satisfying as rage consumed her. Fire exploded from every pore of her body and the rest of her belongings turned to ash, along with her heart.

  Chapter Three

  Six months later

  It was nearly Valentine’s Day and Breslin wanted to set the world on fire. She abhorred the human holiday and the media’s pressure to prove undying love to your significant other. Her motto was no hearts and flowers, preferring year-round sentiment. Placing such importance on one day was a joke. In fact, love in general was a joke. Her piece of shit Fated Mate had left her high and dry, without so much as a text or phone call in the last six months.

  She wanted to skewer Rhett’s ass and throw him over hot coals but she could hardly move a muscle so that wasn’t going to happen. That was also his fault. She grew weaker by the day, to the point lifting her arms was difficult. She needed his blood and if he didn’t return soon, her condition would deteriorate.

  Having sex with the fire demon was the mistake of a lifetime. The last thing she expected was for her mating brand to appear and Rhett was floored by the news, as well. But never in her wildest imaginations did she think her mate would skip town. It was fuel to the fire when he told her not to wait for him, and to find another.

  Fire demons weren’t driven by the same compulsion as vampires. They chose their mates but Breslin foolishly believed Rhett would come to his senses and return to her. Her hope of love prevailing died a quick death as she significantly weakened a month after he left.

  Once a vampire found their Fated Mate, they could no longer ingest blood from another. It took a long time for a vampire to starve to death, but they lost strength immediately. Breslin wished she were as powerful as her older brother, Zander, who could go years without blood before he was in her position. It had been six months since she last fed, and it was taking its toll physically and emotionally.

  She’d given up on Rhett, love, and Fated Mates. It was all total bullshit and she wanted nothing to do with it. She was lying in her bed, dying a slow, agonizing death.

  The one thing she hadn’t given up on was trying to ingest blood. She made a vow to the Goddess to battle demons and their skirm, and was determined to get back into fighting form. She might not believe in love but she wasn’t giving up on life, or protecting others.

  Unfortunately, all the experiments, pleading, and prayers had done nothing to alleviate her situation. Her body rejected every type of blood including animal, human, supernatural, and demon. They tried heating it, given it to her ice-cold (which was disgusting), and even had her stand on her head to drink it, but it came back up every time. She went into convulsions when they tried an intravenous method. They even tried giving her Bhric’s blood, thinking it was close enough to her own but she rejected that, as well.

  Isobel danced into Breslin’s line of sight, waving a sparkly wand around at the gnomes, Pepper and Dipple. The sight brought a lump to Breslin’s throat. She didn’t want to leave her beautiful niece.

  The young female meant the world to Breslin. They shared a strong bond and both loved clothes and shoes, especially those with bling. Breslin couldn’t imagine not being a part of her life. There was still so much she wanted to teach her about their family heritage.

  Izzy was the embodiment of the Triskele Amulet and a direct connection to the Goddess Morrigan. Breslin recalled when her niece announced she was going to ask the Goddess to fix Auntie Bre.

  They watched the princess as she remained still for several long minutes, clearly in a deep trance. When her eyes popped open, she ran over and wrapped her small arms around Breslin’s neck and whispered in her ear that the goddess told her not to be afraid. She stared into Breslin’s eyes and said she wasn’t going to lose her.

  Oh, how Breslin wished that were true. Unfortunately, that was a few months ago and her body continued to deteriorate.

  Breslin closed her eyes and let out a sigh as she categorized her emotions and shoved them back in their boxes. It took great effort but she didn’t want her last days to be tainted by resentment. She was determined to enjoy every moment and wanted her family to remember her as kind and loving, not spiteful and angry.

  “I’m going to kill that motherfucker,” Bhric barked.

  Breslin cringed at the outburst. She couldn’t hide anything from her twin. They shared a deep bond. Breslin was grateful Bhric had Alex so that her bitterness wouldn’t take root in his heart, as well.

  Breslin envied Bhric and Alex’s love. Hell, she was jealous of what all the couples in the compound shared. Aside from Cade and Caell, she was the only one unmated and it was hard to watch the love shared by Fated Mates.

  “Nay, brathair. You will leave that to me,” Breslin corrected.

  Her words would’ve been more convincing if her voice hadn’t cracked mid-sentence. She only knew of one case where a mate murdered the other and that was when Brantley’s mother, Jaidis, killed her mate in self-defense. Subsequently, she died from wounds he inflicted so no one knew how she would’ve fared had she lived.

  Would Breslin have the heart to kill Rhett? She wished he were standing in front of her so she could test the theory. Her sais were under the chaise cushion, ready for use.

  “I think you’re going to have to get in line behind Zander and Kyran,” Elsie interjected. “I’ve never seen them more blood-thirsty. They’ve scoured every realm imaginable since Kyran and Mack returned from Koine empty-handed.”

  Breslin had to look away from sister-in-law’s comment. The fact that Rhett wasn’t in Koine incinerated her last bit of hope. Like a cow to cud, her thoughts chewed on where Rhett could be, and with whom.

  Her mating brand chose that moment to add burning pain to the rest of her agony. The mark worsened by the day and nothing alleviated the discomfort.

  A mating ceremony was the only thing that would stop the pain but that wasn’t happening, so she had to learn to deal with the torment. Between the cramping in her gut and weakening to her system, she was a total wreck. Her brand was close enough to her heart that it felt like a raging fire in her chest for the past one hundred and eighty days.

  The familiar whir of the automatic blinds ascending told her it was nighttime. Most of the warriors would leave soon for nightly patrols. She missed patrolling with Bhric more than anything. She loved hunting and eliminating their enemy.

  The warriors missed having her in the field just as much. It was Breslin that could easily clean the mess demons’ bodies left behind. They didn’t turn to ash like skirm but one wave of her fire and the evidence disappeared. She could still call her fire but she wasn’t strong enough to defend an attack, and refused
to put her fellow warriors at risk trying to protect her.

  “Okay, this is it,” Cailyn sang out as she entered the room.

  Cailyn had worked the hardest to find a solution to her feeding issue. Breslin appreciated the female’s determination but she was tired of the unusual blood combinations. It made her nauseous just thinking about Cailyn’s latest creation.

  “I am no’ trying anymore blood,” Breslin denied.

  “You have to, Bre. I think this is the one. I used different twin blood,” Cailyn explained as she gestured to Caell as he followed her into the room.

  She surmised that Cailyn must’ve used Cade and Caell’s blood, given they were the only other twins at Zeum. It wasn’t the craziest idea, she thought. Maybe their genetics would integrate with Breslin’s DNA.

  “What does Jace think? And where is he anyway?” Elsie interjected.

  “Where he always is. Working at the hospital. He said you should try it,” Cailyn offered with a smile but Breslin heard the frustration in her tone.

  Breslin wondered if Cailyn had thrown herself into helping because Jace was gone most of the time. She could relate. Her mate was MIA, as well. At least Jace loved Cailyn and would never abandon her.

  “I doona care what Jace said. I’m no’ drinking that. It’s just going to make me sick and I’m tired of vomitting,” Breslin said as she placed a hand over her stomach.

  “Then what are you going to do? You can’t give up,” Cailyn urged as she took a seat on the couch and set the goblet of blood on the coffee table.

  “I’m no’ giving up but shite, there isna anything I can do right now. The mere thought of drinking that turns my stomach. The only blood that will help is Rhett’s and until my brathairs hunt the bastard down, I’m stuck,” Breslin admitted.

  Shae walked in the room and Breslin was grateful for the distraction. She watched the beautiful, red-headed dhampir cross to Elsie’s side. Shae was the quietest female in the house but it was understandable. Shae had been tortured and repeatedly bitten by an archdemon, which changed her into something the realm had never seen before. The archdemon’s victims called themselves dhampir because they had both demon and vampire attributes after their transition.

  “Sorry to interrupt but I need to discuss Elsie’s Hope with you,” Shae said to Elsie.

  “Sure. What’s up?” Elsie replied.

  Breslin respected that Elsie remained the same friendly female after mating Zander. It would’ve been easy to allow the mantle of Vampire Queen to change her into something she wasn’t, but not Elsie. She was as down to earth as the day she set foot into Zeum, and Breslin admired that about the queen.

  “Well, I received three more applications but I don’t have the funds to assist their needs. I have applied for those grants you mentioned but even that won’t be enough. Looks like we’ll have to make more cuts,” Shae explained as she rubbed the scars on her neck.

  Breslin wondered what it must be like for Shae. Her disfigurement was a constant reminder of what the demon did to her. It was ironic because her mate, Gerrick, bore the scars of his past across his face, as well. Breslin always believed the Goddess chose the best mate for each of her subjects, until she was blessed with Rhett. What had she done to deserve the likes of him?

  Elsie shook her head before Shae stopped talking. “No. Elsie’s Hope doesn’t turn anyone away. That’s why victims come to us. We have to find a way to help.”

  “Och, we will give you more money,” Breslin interjected.

  The solution was simple in her mind. The Tarakesh family had money. A lot of it. They were more than able to help the charity.

  “Thank you, Bre, but that’s not a long-term solution,” Elsie denied. “We have plans to expand. I want to open realm shelters and offer services to supernaturals. We cannot personally support every victim. Even you don’t have enough money for that.”

  Commotion down the hall stopped all conversation and had everyone in the room jumping to their feet. Bhric was out the door before Breslin stumbled to her feet. She leaned on the back of the chaise when her weak legs buckled then grabbed her weapons under the seat cushion. Izzy stayed by her mom’s side as they all listened from inside the media room. She could barely see down the hall from where she stood.

  From her twin’s reaction, Breslin expected to see demons and skirm rush through the front door. Instead, she nearly fainted at what she saw.

  * * *

  Rhett ducked but wasn’t fast enough to dodge Bhric’s fist. He doubled over as air whooshed from his lungs. He knew there wouldn’t be a welcome home party when he returned but he didn’t expect to see murder in his best friend’s eyes.

  “You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve showing your face in this house,” Bhric roared and slammed his meaty fist into the side of Rhett’s head.

  “Would you stop, you crazy sonovabitch?” Rhett shouted out as he tried to gain his footing.

  “Give me one good reason I shouldna kill you right now,” Bhric snarled.

  Zander came into view and locked eyes with Rhett. He saw rage bubble before the vampire charged.

  “You fucking piece of shite. How dare you do this to my puthair,” Zander growled and shoved Rhett against the wall.

  “I need to talk to Breslin,” Rhett choked out as he fought against Zander’s hold.

  As he tried to break free, Rhett spotted Breslin from the corner of his eye.

  She was standing at the back of the media room but even from a distance, Rhett could tell she looked like hell. Adrenaline dumped in his system as fear consumed him. What was wrong with her?

  Rhett shoved Zander hard enough that the king stumbled and Rhett took advantage. He moved toward Breslin only to be caged by thick arms. It felt like bands of steel wrapped around his torso. He met Bhric’s darkened gaze. His usual amber eyes were black as night, revealing his fury.

  Rhett ignored the insults Bhric and his brothers hurled his way as he glanced at the female that haunted him for the past six months. Breslin was larger than life, and her presence typically filled any room she entered.

  Now, her bones were stark beneath sallow skin. Her bronze complexion was ashen and the dark circles beneath her eyes were as black as Bhric’s eyes.

  This was not the female he remembered.

  “Let the scunner through, if he’s that stupid,” Breslin said as she lifted one of her knives.

  Rhett shuddered then broke into a cold sweat. Not because of her threat. It was the sound of her voice that sent a shiver down his spine. It was diminished like her body.

  Rhett pushed past Bhric to make his way to her. All eyes were on him but he didn’t give a fuck. Her somber gaze held him hostage.

  Rhett wasn’t prepared for Breslin’s appearance. Vampires didn’t get sick. They were supernaturals that lived forever, and weren’t subject to human disease or illness. She was beautiful beyond compare and it pained him to see her decline. The punch to his gut told him he was the cause of her distress.

  Rhett had seen the hurt in Breslin’s eyes when he walked out on her. Then he watched flames explode from her window as he left the property. He panicked when she announced they were Fated Mates. His first instinct was to bail and that’s exactly what he did.

  Fire demons were given a choice in their mate but that didn’t mean there wasn’t one special being meant for them. He needed time away to determine if Breslin was that female. Months of denial and soul searching left him with one conclusion. He couldn’t live without the vampire.

  The crowd parted as he made his way to Breslin. It felt like cables were attached to his heart, and the organ jump-started and raced against his rib cage the closer he got to her. This was the female that brought him to life like no other.

  He wanted to reach up and caress her cheek but held back. The venom seeping from her pores could fill a stadium.

  “What do you want, demon?” Breslin spat through narrowed eyes.

  “What happened to you?” he blurted, ignoring her question.

  “Oh, you don’t recognize your handy work?” she sneered.

  Her shoulders slumped and her jaw clenched before she turned and slowly walked to a chaise lounge across the room. Elsie rushed to her side and put her arm around Breslin’s waist, helping her sit.

  Rhett couldn’t believe his eyes. Breslin was a strong, fierce, and proud female. Not some weak being that couldn’t take care of herself. How long had she been like this? The pain in his chest felt like her blade was six inches deep, stabbing his heart.

  “This is because I left?” Rhett mumbled as he rushed toward Breslin.

  A deep voice interjected. “Aye, motherfucker. What the hell did you think would happen? Had I known you were such a pussy, I’d have kept you away from my puthair. She deserves better than your sorry ass,” Bhric growled.

  “You’re right about that,” Rhett agreed and met her amber eyes but she quickly looked away.

  “And by the way, dickhead. When a vampire finds their Fated, they canna feed from anyone else. Ever,” Bhric snapped.

  His friend’s words were acid in his veins and nausea assailed at the severity of what Bhric was saying.

  “You need blood?” Rhett asked Breslin.

  “Aye, but not’ from you,” Breslin denied as she laid her head back on the sofa and closed her eyes.

  “Bre, doona say that. Take the fuckers blood or I remove it by force,” Zander insisted.

  Rhett wanted to voice that he preferred Breslin’s lips over the Vampire King’s wrath but decided not to push his luck. Tensions were high and he was the odd man out in this war.

  He couldn’t blame their hatred. If she was unable to drink blood for over six months, he understood why she was so weak. For all he knew, she was dying, and it was his fault.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Rhett demanded as he sat next to her on the chaise. Deep growls echoed but he ignored them.

  “You assed out, bro. If I were you, I’d shut the fuck up,” Bhric warned him. “Besides, we couldna find you. Doona think we didn’t try. Mack and Kyran even went to Koine looking for you.”


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