Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

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Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) Page 9

by Richards, K. R.

  “Is something wrong, Gabriel?” She fidgeted. Senny wrung her hands, and chewed on her lower lip with her white teeth.

  “No, Zenny, I apologize for staring. I’ve never seen you with your hair down. You look…beautiful.” Gabriel watched as pink stained her cheeks. Then she gave him a brilliant smile.

  “You think I’m beautiful?”

  “I do, Zenny.” Gabriel stepped closer to her. He grinned at her. He wanted to kiss her. Hell, he wanted to do more.

  Remembering his reaction to her kiss in the alcove earlier, he restrained himself. If he nearly backed her against the wall in an alcove downstairs in the main rooms with the household about, he simply could not trust himself to kiss her in her bedchamber, while they were utterly and completely alone in the quiet of the midnight hour.

  He nearly reached out and pulled her against him. Instead, he asked, “Zenny, tell me again why you can’t sleep. Did I understand you correctly, you hear men outside talking? We have men on watch. There are probably some below these rooms. Perhaps it is them you hear?”

  “No.” Senny shook her head adamantly. “You taught me earlier how to block out and focus on one thing. I tried it during dinner and I can block everything else out and concentrate on one area.” Senny grinned at him then. “I don’t have so much noise in my head anymore, Gabriel, it’s wonderful!”

  He couldn’t help but return her smile. “Tell me about the Brown Coats.” Gabriel was intrigued. It dawned on him that perhaps her hearing was so sensitive she heard sounds from a farther distance than most people did.

  Senny went to the window and drew back one of the drape panels. “Look there, past the garden and beyond the wall. They are on top of that hill, near those trees.” She pointed.

  She continued, “There are four of them. They said they are watching the house. There are others around too they speak of, but I can only see and hear those four. They say more men will join them tomorrow.”

  Gabriel looked out the window in the direction Senny was pointing. He could barely see the dark silhouettes of the men. Even if one was standing out on the grounds below these windows, they could not hear a conversation from that distance. The Brown Coats stood in the trees far beyond the grounds. The guards on the grounds below would not be able to see the Brown Coats for there were trees, shrubbery and a stone wall blocking the view.

  “They seem to be conversing again, Zenny. Can you hear them now?”

  She nodded. After standing perfectly still and closing her eyes, she said, “They mention something about scrolls, and that they must get into the library. They saw you gentlemen meeting there earlier and they feel that’s where they must be. They guess you are translating them.”

  There was no way Senny could have known about the scrolls, unless Trevan made mention of them to Wenna. However, he knew that was unlikely. He believed Senny. He had no reason not to.

  “I never knew I could do such a thing, Gabriel. I am twenty and four. All my life the noise has been in my head, and today you taught me how to block it out. I can have quiet in my mind almost anytime I wish. I can concentrate on what is said in particular areas and block everything else out. I never knew I could do such a thing. Thank you, for showing me.”

  Senny’s beaming smile tugged at his heart. They were inches apart, both having stood together to peer out the window.

  She seemed much calmer. She was so happy. He could not stop himself from whisking a long stray lock of golden hair from her cheek and tucking it behind her ear.

  His beautiful Senny had lived her life listening to unnecessary noise that ultimately overwhelmed her. No one ever knew, not even him, until today. Gabriel was now aware.

  “I’m proud of you. You’ve done very well.” Gabriel smiled down at her. “My sweet Zenny, all these years, we, none of us, knew how noises truly affected you.”

  “To me, it was all I knew. I used to think everyone had noise in their head, until I got older. Then I realized I was different. Today everything changed. I’m better now, Gabriel. I can be calm, at least most of the time. It’s easier to think when I push away the noise. There are some things I haven’t been able to send away, but most of them I can.”

  He wanted to kiss her, but he could not. He didn’t trust himself when it came to being alone with sweet Senny. Just being close to her as he was now sent his blood pounding through his veins, among other places.

  “It’s late. Will you try to sleep now? Don’t worry about the Brown Coats, as I said we have men on watch. I will send word down to them to keep an eye on the trees beyond the grounds. We are safe here within the walls of Menadue.”

  “Y-yes, I will try.” Senny wrung her hands.

  Gabriel sensed that she was nervous again. “What’s wrong, Zenny?”

  “Every time I try to go to sleep, I cannot,” she shrugged.

  “Why can’t you sleep?”

  Senny never lied, and she certainly could not lie to Gabriel. “I-I keep remembering how I felt when you kissed me and then I can’t sleep.” Her cheeks grew hot, yet she kept her eye contact with Gabriel

  Her admission did not help his situation in the least. The question came out in a thick, husky whisper before he could even think, “How do you feel when I kiss you, Zenny?”

  Senny noted his voice sounded deeper, just as it had after he kissed her. “Warm all over,” she breathed then added, “and tingly. Is that how one is supposed to feel when one is kissed?”

  “Ah, yes. One is supposed to feel, um, very pleasant,” he offered, acutely aware of the deepness of his voice.

  “How did you feel when we kissed, Gabriel?”

  “Warm.” Gabriel offered. He swallowed. He had the urge to pull Senny into his arms right at that moment. He refrained from the temptation.

  “All over?” Senny asked him sweetly.

  She cocked her head as if she were trying to figure out the mysteries of sexual attraction, which apparently she was.

  “What, Zenny?”

  “Did you feel warm all over? When we kissed?”

  “Yes, Zenny, I felt warm, um, all over.” Especially his cock, which was stiffening up, even now.

  “Did you enjoy kissing me, Gabriel?” She looked up into his crystalline eyes warily.

  “Very much so, my sweet Zenny.”

  “When can we kiss again, Gabriel?”


  “Now?” Senny stepped closer to him.



  “I want to kiss you.” He actually wanted to do so much more than kiss her! “I find myself very attracted to you, Zenny, and I don’t trust myself to just kiss you.”

  “There is more to do than kissing?”

  Bleddy Hell! He had quite bungled his attempt at an explanation.

  “Yes.” He nodded. He could say nothing more. No other words came to mind. None that he could speak in front of Senny, in any case. His thoughts were currently centered on his baser needs and what he longed to do to assuage them. Gabriel’s mouth felt dry. His cock was painfully hard, and damned if he could think straight. Again, his mind was clouded with thoughts of driving his cock into sweet Senny’s warmth and kissing her senseless. Caressing her breasts, suckling her, the list went on.

  “What sorts of things?” Senny asked him in confusion. No one had ever explained such things to her. She only knew that to make a baby, a man put his appendage inside a woman and spilled his seed and a baby grew. Her mother had told her that when she was young, after her brother Lanyon was born and she wanted to know what that thing was. And why her brother had one and she did not. After her mother died, Wenna had told her she must never let boys touch her anywhere private.

  Gabriel placed his finger upon her warm, full lips. “Things that a young, unmarried lady should not know about. I shall not tell you.”

  When Senny’s lips pressed against his finger, he thought he might die.

  “Zenny, I’m trying to remain a gentleman!” He pulled his finger away quickly.

/>   “Oh, I’m sorry, Gabriel. Did I do something wrong?” Senny asked as her eyes grew wide. “I know nothing of any of this. No one has ever explained…”

  He realized she might have mistaken the deepness of his tone for anger. He was so aroused, he feared he might lose control. He took a step toward her. His finger curled beneath her chin and he tilted her face upward. He gazed into her fathomless blue-green eyes that so resembled the ocean on a clear, sunny day along the Cornish coast.

  The corners of his mouth turned up as he said, “No, sweetheart. I am not angry. I find it more difficult each day to remain a gentleman with you. You – you tempt me Zenny. I am attracted to you. Very, very attracted to you. I like being in your company, and I very much enjoy kissing you. As I said earlier, we must take things very slowly between us. We will take our time and get to know one another properly. I will not have you being overwhelmed because I lose my head when I’m near you. Now, you need your sleep, and I need mine. I believe you wanted a kiss.”

  Senny’s frown turned into a brilliant smile. She nodded.

  “Only one kiss, my sweet,” he whispered. His finger still beneath her chin, Gabriel bent his head and slanted his lips over hers. It was a tender, soft kiss. He meant to leave it at that and pull away, but Senny opened to him and God help him he had to taste her again. He probed her mouth with his tongue, the movement mimicking what he wanted his cock to do.

  Senny curled her fingers into his lapels and felt her body melt against his strong, muscled frame. His body heat, his spicy scent, his kiss affected her. Her legs trembled and she felt a rather warm, wet sensation between her legs along with a curious throbbing.

  She sighed in disappointment when he lifted his head.

  “Will you try to sleep now, Zenny?” his whisper was thick and husky.

  “Yes, Gabriel. I will try.” She smiled up at him.

  It was a brilliant smile. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her lips were swollen from his kiss. Her blue-green eyes had darkened to resemble stormy seas. It took every ounce of strength Gabriel had to tuck his sweet Senny into her bed, turn down her lamp and leave her to go into his room, alone.

  The gentlemen met in the library immediately following breakfast.

  Trevan began, “I received a letter from Harry this morning. He sent it by messenger. The Brown Coats abducted Fitzlewis’ younger sister, Lady Elizabeth, four days ago from Roseland Abbey. The ransom letter says they want the Jesus the Younger scroll in exchange for her. I am in possession of that scroll. The fact that they are here surrounding Menadue tells me they believe it could be here.”

  Trevan looked to Gabriel before continuing, “I was told someone overheard some Brown Coats talking. They are expecting reinforcements today. As of this moment, everyone is confined to the house. No one, except the watch, can leave Menadue. I feel they are planning an attack to get to the scrolls. The same person who overheard them said the Brown Coats believe the Jesus the Younger scroll is in the library. It is not. But look for the library to be their main target.”

  Trevan sighed, “I sent twenty five more letters today to some of our friends and relatives. There should be at least thirty-five more of us in the next two days. Menadue is a large rambling house and will be difficult to defend. Those of you on outside watch, your jobs are crucial. Here is a schedule for the watch, inside and out.” He tapped a sheet of vellum on the table. “We all shall be participating in the watch. Does anyone have any questions?”

  Trevan answered a few questions asked by his kinsmen. When all had filtered out, he and Gabriel remained at the table alone.

  “Thank you, for not mentioning Zenny’s name. She does not like to be singled out for her differences,” Gabriel said.

  “As she is the sister of the woman I plan to marry, and a woman I also happen to adore, I would never single her out so.”

  Trevan’s bright blue eyes twinkled with mischief as he added, “As the days pass, it’s looking like she may be my cousin-in-law as well as my sister-in-law.”

  Gabriel’s eyes narrowed. “I told you, Trevan. I am taking things very slowly with Zenny.”

  “Kissing her in the alcove off the main hall is taking things slowly?”

  “How did you know?”

  Trevan interrupted, “Aha! Mother was correct. She said it looked as if you were kissing Zenny. The look on your face would have given you away even if you hadn’t told me you were.” Trevan brandished a pleased smile. He chuckled. “Don’t worry, Gabriel. Mother was merely seeking you and Zenny out to see how she was faring. When it appeared you two were indeed sharing a kiss, she left you alone. Mother is very happy that you care for Zenny. Ailla was mother’s dearest friend, as you know. Ailla predicted long ago that-”

  “I would marry Zenny.” Gabriel interrupted, finishing the sentence for his cousin. “I know what she used to say. Ailla told me the very same quite often before her passing. As I’ve told you, cousin, I care deeply for Zenny.”

  “No, you told me you were attracted to her in the carnal way and you had to explore your feelings. I am happy to hear you care deeply for her, Gabriel.” A large, triumphant grin lit Trevan’s face.

  Trevan was enjoying himself far too much.

  Gabriel sighed. “She becomes overwhelmed easily. To find out she has always had noise in her head because her hearing is so acute, screams caution to me. She does not adjust to change easily. I’m taking things very slowly, for her. She must become comfortable with each small step we take together. You must never mention any of this in front of her.”

  Trevan studied Gabriel for a moment then asked, “Are you taking things slowly for Zenny, or for yourself, Gabriel?”

  “You know that I do what I do, for Zenny!” Gabriel insisted. Otherwise, he would have had her against the alcove wall the day before! He had been that close to doing so. When he was near Zenny, he seemed to have no self-control.

  “I’m just asking, for I hope to soon be her brother-in-law. I caution you Gabriel, you had best help Zenny become familiar with you before Wenna and I marry. If you and Zenny are not ready to marry by the time Wenna and I exchange our vows, I shall have to move her and Robert to Menadue. I can’t leave them alone at Callywith.”

  When Gabriel glared at him, Trevan held up his hand and added, “It’s not because Zenny can’t take care of the manor and Robert. We know she can. But the two of them would make easy prey for persons who do not have good intentions; an elderly chair bound man and a girl who they say,” Trevan stopped. He finished in a soft voice, “You know what say of our Zenny.”

  Gabriel nodded. “’Tis not true, what they say. She is just different.”

  “I know this and you know this. However, there are many around who believe she is touched. She would be in danger just as Robert would. Folks who live around St. Mabyn would not harm them, but the mines bring in many strangers and drifters of late. A chair bound old man and someone like Zenny…”

  Gabriel held up his hand. He nodded. He had to agree with Trevan. It angered him to think there were people in the world that would prey upon two such lovely people. Yet, what his cousin said was true.

  He realized how bleak his life would be without Zenny near. “So you and Wenna will marry?”

  “She has not given me her answer yet, but I feel certain she will accept my offer.” Trevan crossed his arms over his broad chest and smiled confidently.

  “Good, I am glad to hear it,” Gabriel smiled. “I’ll not let you take Senny from me. When I take her to wife, Robert will live with us at Fairy Cross. I am certain he does not wish to leave St. Mabyn.”

  Trevan nodded. “I thought that was what you would want.”

  “I must go find Zenny.” Gabriel rose from his chair.

  “You seem to be a man in an awful hurry, to ah, progress slowly with your lady.” Trevan grinned devilishly.

  Gabriel scowled at him.

  Trevan’s amused laughter filled the room as Gabriel left the library to check on his lady.

found her alone and perched upon a window seat in a small parlour. She looked out a window to the garden beyond.

  He leaned against the doorframe and studied her for several moments. She seemed calm and content. A book lay in her lap. Her hair was arranged in her usual style, a simple top knot, with a few wispy tendrils framing the delicate features of her face. Gabriel thought her to be beautiful. There was a fae-like, ethereal quality about her. He always felt a peace come over him when he looked upon her, unless of course, he was alone with her or kissing her, then he became aroused and could only think of his baser needs.

  Though she was tall, fine-boned and slender, she possessed the curves of a woman. It was her curves and full lips that kept him awake at night. Especially last night, knowing there was but a door between them.

  The thing he loved most about Senny was her purity. She was honest, all heart, gentle, and compassionate. She was most like an angel, he decided.


  Senny jumped. Her look of surprise turned into a smile when she realized it was him. “Hello, Gabriel.”

  “You miss your walks outdoors, don’t you?”

  She nodded, “I do, but it can’t be helped.”

  “There’s a conservatory at the back of the house. Let me take you there. There will be plants and sunshine. We can stroll about in there.” Gabriel offered his arm. Senny accepted happily.

  Wenna had retired to her room. She had been up most of the night with Trevan. She found herself nodding off in the drawing room. She made the excuse to Aunt Morva that she had a headache and sought the solitude of her bedchamber to take a much-needed nap. She stripped down to her chemise and crawled into her bed. Sleep came to her quickly.

  She came awake when she thought she felt someone sit on the edge of the bed. She struggled to open her eyes and looked up to see Trevan studying her. She smiled up at him.


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