Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

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Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) Page 10

by Richards, K. R.

  “Are you truly feeling poorly or were you just worn out, Wenna?”

  “I’m merely sleepy. I found myself dozing off in the drawing room, so I excused myself,” she stretched beneath the covers.

  “I’ll let you sleep. You’ll need it, for I’ll be back in your bed tonight, Wen Pen!” Trevan bent and placed a tender kiss to her lips.”

  “I don’t think I’m going to let you go so quickly.” She gave him a sultry smile.

  “And why is that?” he whispered huskily as his hand pulled the sheet down to expose her chemise clad body. His hand started at her calf and slowly slid up her leg.

  “I was dreaming of last night, and I think there is something I want from you before you go.” She grabbed his cravat and pulled him toward her.

  Trevan sighed heavily, “I’ve a meeting in twenty minutes, Wenna. We received a letter sent by messenger from Micah an hour ago.”

  “Bad news?”

  “Good and bad. He and Elveston just happened upon Lady Elizabeth and her kidnappers in Andover. They removed her and she is safe. Unfortunately, Brown Coats surround them now in Salisbury. Micah and Jack are waiting for Harry, Owen and some others to come to their aid. They will be heading to Templecombe, for Micah has the other scrolls hidden there.”

  Wenna let go of his cravat. “I fear I’ve crumpled your masterpiece. I am sorry,” she purred silkily. In a serious tone, she said, “I am relieved they found Lady Elizabeth.”

  “Yes, we all are.” His eyes darkened as he feasted upon the sight of her in her chemise. “I have twenty minutes, and if I don’t have to undress, I could give every one of those minutes to you, Wenna, my love.” His hand was still on her thigh. He moved it upward and found her already wet for him.

  “Well then, I’ve an idea!” Sitting up, she threw her heavy auburn hair over her shoulders. She reached over and unfastened the fall of his trousers, sliding her hand inside. She found his stiffening cock and milked him until he was hard and rigid.

  Trevan closed his eyes and savored her touch, until she released him and resituated herself.

  Facing him, she straddled him, her knees resting against his muscled thighs. She lowered herself over him until he was fully inside her. Her hands grasped his large upper arms. She rose up and came down.

  “Jesu, Wenna! You’ll be the death of me yet.” Trevan’s hands moved under her chemise to grasp the round globes of her derrière. He lifted her up and pushed her back down as he arched to go deep inside her. He bent his head and nipped at her hardened nipples now straining against the thin fabric of her chemise. He began to move her faster, up and down over him.

  Trevan watched her features change as her pleasure increased. Wenna Penrose was gorgeous and the most alluring woman he had ever set eyes on.

  More importantly, he loved her with all his heart and soul, and had since he was a lad. Her blue-gray eyes closed, her dark lashes rested against her flushed cheeks. Her full, rosy lips parted. He was about to move his hand to stimulate her to her release when she moaned deeply and began to convulse in his arms. After several powerful thrusts he followed her, his body shuddering as he gave in to release and spilled his seed inside her.

  “Wenna, I think you did me in that time!” he breathed heavily against her throat as he placed a tender kiss to the place where her pulse throbbed.

  Her laughter was music to his ears. He felt like the luckiest man in the world at that moment to have his Wen Pen back!

  Wenna dressed carefully for dinner. Her maid arranged her hair in an elegant coiffure. She wore her finest gown, a shimmering silvery blue silk trimmed with deep blue ribbon. She put on the Chynoweth sapphires. The necklace, the earrings and bracelet were stunning. She had not yet given Trevan an answer. Today she realized that despite everything, she loved him. She was now certain he truly loved her. She wanted to be his wife, his Duchess.

  Even as busy as he was with the trouble at Menadue, Trevan had made time for her and continued to be very attentive. She hoped he would be pleased she was wearing the sapphires tonight. The ring fit perfectly. She wasn’t certain which hand to wear it on just yet, so she put it on her right hand. She dismissed her maid, Addie, sending her to Senny. She took one last look in the mirror. A knock sounded on her door.

  “Wenna, may I escort you to dinner?” It was Trevan.

  Wenna smiled. “Yes! I am dressed, please come in.”

  The door opened. She saw Trevan’s eyes grow wide. Again, she smiled. “How do I look?”

  Trevan always thought her lovely, but he only saw her formerly attired on rare occasions. Her auburn hair had been curled and coiffed. The silvery gown was stunning and fit her lush figure like a glove. She looked every inch a Duchess tonight.

  “Wenna Penrose, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.” It was at that moment he noticed the sapphires winking in the lamplight. He felt his eyes mist. A lump formed in his throat.

  “You’re wearing the sapphires. Does this mean you’ll have me, Wenna? That you’ll marry me?” he asked, his voice breaking with emotion.

  “Yes, Trevan. I’m afraid you’ll never be able to get rid of me now.” Wenna beamed at him.

  “Does the ring not fit?” He asked as he looked at her bare left hand.

  “It does, but I wasn’t certain which hand I should wear it on tonight. We are not formerly betrothed.” Wenna held out her right hand.

  “I will remedy that this very second,” Trevan said with a happy smile. He took the ring from her finger. Keeping her hand in his, he went down on one knee before her, “Morwenna Penrose, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and my Duchess? I promise to love you forever and make certain you are always happy, well cared for, and well-loved by me.”

  Wenna wiped at a tear that rolled down her cheek. She could see the proof of his love in his eyes. “Yes, Trevan, I will marry you. I love you and shall love you always.” She nodded happily. Trevan then dropped her right hand and slipped the large, sparkling sapphire onto the ring finger of her left hand. He rose and kissed his lady.

  He pulled back and grinned at her. “Shall we announce our betrothal tonight at dinner, my future Duchess?”

  Wenna nodded, “Of course. There is no point in keeping it secret.”

  Trevan placed her hand upon his arm and led his love to the Long Gallery where they would dine with the growing party at Menadue.

  Despite the growing unease with the Brown Coats surrounding Menadue, dinner was a joyous occasion. The announcement of the Duke’s forthcoming wedding was well received by all gathered. The gentlemen and ladies remained in the Long Gallery after the meal. The gathering took on an air of celebration. Some relatives retrieved their instruments they had brought along to Menadue. Before long, there was music and dancing.

  Gabriel watched as Senny moved to the far end of the Gallery to sit alone. He made his way over to her.

  He sat beside her on the settee. She looked tense. “What is the matter, Zenny?”

  “I am unable to block out all the energy around me tonight for some reason. I have noise in my head.” She shrugged and gave him a wan smile.

  Gabriel guessed she was nervous about what would become of her and her grandfather now that Wenna would marry. Although he knew what would take place, she did not. He would ease her mind and tell her.

  “Come with me. We’ll go to the conservatory and sit upon the window seat and look at the stars.” Gabriel stood and took her hand as she rose.

  “I can go to my room, Gabriel. Wouldn’t you prefer to stay and celebrate with your family?”

  “I have celebrated with my family, Zenny. Now I’d like to spend some time with you. Will you look at the stars with me? It is a favorite pastime of mine. I want you with me tonight.”

  She smiled up at him and nodded. “Yes. I would like that.”

  Gabriel pointed out the stars and constellations within their view. “That is the Milky Way, and over there is the little dipper. Can you see it?”

�� Senny turned and grinned up at Gabriel. “It’s about to be covered by the clouds.”

  “I believe a storm is rolling in from the coast.” Gabriel sighed as he took in the sight of his beautiful Senny limned in moonlight. He had lit one lamp but left it on a round center table in the midst of the large conservatory. Though there were some clouds rolling in, there was still enough light from the full moon pouring in through the numerous windows. She looked even more ethereal in this setting.

  With each passing day, he found Zenny to be more beautiful and she became more precious to him. He would speak with Trevan tomorrow and find out when he and Wenna planned to be married. He would need to offer for Senny soon, he was certain. For he would not let Trevan take her and Robert away from St. Mabyn. They would stay with him at Fairy Cross. Zenny would become his wife. The thought of Senny as his wife warmed him. He smiled down at her.

  They sat on the window seat, facing one another.

  “How do you feel, now, Zenny? Any better?”

  “Much better, Gabriel, thank you. The noise in my head is gone.”

  “Good, I am happy to hear that.” He was. Gabriel hated to think of Senny being overwhelmed or suffering because of her gift. Yes, she had a gift, but it came with a tremendous price.

  Perhaps it was the moonlight, mayhap it was the quiet and the fact they were alone, he could not say. He reached out and caressed her beautiful face, then moved closer to her. He whispered, “You are beautiful tonight, Zenny.”

  She was. Her hair was arranged elegantly. Her gown was a color that resembled shimmering sea foam, not green, yet not blue. It looked exquisite on her. It emphasized her slender waist, but showed off her lovely breasts and the curve of her hips quite nicely. Those very breasts and hips that kept him awake nights.

  His thumb lightly skimmed over her full lips before he bent his head to taste her. He drank long of Senny’s purity and sweetness. Her hands moved to his chest, his moved to her sides to pull her closer.

  Senny could feel the beat of Gabriel’s heart beneath her hand. She felt completely connected to him as their kiss continued. She melted against him. It felt glorious when he pulled her closer and his large hands skimmed down her arms. When Gabriel held her and kissed her, the most amazing feelings washed over her.

  Gabriel knew the moment he slid through the veil. He had not done it intentionally. It just happened.

  He knew immediately that he was connected to Senny. He felt her happiness, her joy. He felt pure love from her. Then he felt her fear. It was a small little whisper, but he recognized it. She feared losing him. He wondered why.

  “Zenny what are you afraid of?” He asked softly as he pulled away. He feathered his lips against hers once more as his hand moved to caress her face. He searched the blue-green depths of her ocean-colored eyes for an answer.

  “I – I, how do you always know what I’m thinking, Gabriel?” She gave him a curious smile.

  Gabriel shrugged. “It’s my gift, and apparently when I hold you close like this, I connect with you. So tell me, my sweet Zenny, what do you fear?” He brought her hand to his mouth and softly kissed her fingertips.

  “Wenna is marrying Trevan. I do not wish to leave St. Mabyn. I don’t think Grandfather will want to leave either. I - I don’t want to leave you, Gabriel.” She lowered her gaze. She stood then and began to pace upon the carpet before the window seat.

  He rose and placed his hands gently upon her shoulders, to stop her from pacing. Gabriel slid his finger beneath her chin and tilted her face upward. He laid his finger over her lips. “Shh, Zenny. You’ll not leave St. Mabyn or me. Trust me. Do you trust me?”

  Senny nodded. “But they will think I cannot stay with Grandfather alone. I know they will. I can take care of Grandfather and Callywith, why can they not see it?”

  “Trust me, please?” Gabriel whispered huskily as he gazed into her luminous eyes.

  “I trust you Gabriel, I do,” Senny whispered back.

  He could feel that she did trust him. The knowledge warmed him. “Now, I told you we would get to know one another slowly. Do you feel comfortable so far?”

  “Yes.” She nodded and smiled at him.

  “Good.” Gabriel grinned as she dazzled him with a brilliant smile. “Because when Trevan and Wenna marry, Zenny, I am hoping you and I can marry too.” He grinned. “I suppose I should ask you properly. Sennen Penrose, will you marry me?”

  “I – I w-want to m-marry you Gabriel - but – b-but.” She stopped when she realized she could not speak without stuttering.

  He’d overwhelmed her. “Shh, breathe, Senny. That’s it. Breathe,” he coaxed her to calm down. He embraced her and held her against him, stroking her arms and her back while whispering soothing words into her ear.

  When she ceased trembling, he continued, “Will you marry me, Zenny?”

  “Yes, b-but, are you not afraid of what p-people will say about you m-marrying me?” She cocked her head and looked at him, “They might call you Simple Gabriel.”

  He chuckled. “No. I do not care what people say. You are not simple, Zenny, as I’ve told you before. I want you to be my wife. I want to marry you, no one but you. How do you feel about marrying me? You are not afraid of marrying me are you?”

  “No, I could never be afraid of you. Marrying you sounds very nice. I just don’t know anything about being married. Or b-being a C-Countess.”

  “As far as being a Countess, Zenny, you shall do fine. You and Wenna have run Callywith for years. And as long as you keep making your mint jelly and the sweets you tempt me with, it will be fine, trust me.” He grinned and winked at her. “I know nothing of being married either. We’ll learn together as we go.” Gabriel offered with a smile.

  He continued, “You’ve always felt comfortable at Fairy Cross, haven’t you?” He placed a tender kiss to her temple.

  “Y-yes, I like Fairy Cross.” Senny smiled happily.

  “Would you feel at home living there?”

  “I think I could. Yes. And you would be there. Yes, I could live there, Gabriel. What of Grandfather, Callywith and our servants?” A worried frown creased her brow.

  “Your grandfather will live with us at Fairy Cross. Your servants would remain employed at Callywith. Lanyon will finish his schooling in two years and return to take his place as head of the estate.”

  “Oh, good.” Senny sighed in relief. “I would not wish to let the servants go, I would worry about them. They have all been with us for such a long time. Grandfather would remain in St. Mabyn. His friends could still visit him. I think he would be happy. And I would be happy being your wife.”

  “We can marry when Wenna and Trevan do, as long as you feel comfortable doing so. We’ll take the time to become accustomed to one another before that.”

  Senny nodded. She smiled then said, “I am not afraid of marrying you, Gabriel.” She was elated. It had been her dream for so many years. However, he hadn’t mentioned love. There were times, when they were connected, that she felt how much he cared for her, and it did feel like love.

  “Good.” Gabriel smiled down at her.

  Senny leaned closer. She rose up on her tiptoes and touched her lips to his.

  Gabriel sucked in his breath. He marveled at the feel of Senny’s soft, warm lips brushing gently against his.

  He allowed her to set the pace. When she ran her tongue along the seam of his lips, he opened to her. Her arms wound about his neck, and she pressed her body to his. He felt her soft breasts against his chest. His hands moved to her back where he moved them up to her shoulders then back down to rest just above her bottom. He longed to splay his hands on the beautiful globes of her derrière, pull her hard against him and grind his cock against her, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He would not do that to his sweet, innocent Zenny. He allowed himself to become lost in the tenderness of her kiss.

  Once again, he slid beyond the veil to the in-between world. He heard Senny’s heart beat, more like he felt it in his blood. He felt love
, pure and strong. He felt adoration. He felt blissfully happy and content at that moment. He gathered her closer.

  Then he felt it, the warmth and the heat. It tantalized and teased him. Passion! Gabriel could feel her passion. It was strong, wild, yet so controlled, so concentrated. He swore he felt her pulse quicken, her heart race, and he felt that carnal need so deeply, he wondered if he were feeling his own lust. The flames igniting between them burned higher. He realized his hands had crept to her buttocks and he was indeed holding Senny tightly to him. In fact, he held her so firmly against his cock he was as hard as stone.

  The voice of reason told him he should pull away now, but he was still connected to her, still lost in their joined passion. He savored the heat, the pleasure, felt her burning need. He felt her curiosity also. His Zenny wanted to know more. That knowledge nearly did him in.

  He knew the depths of his own passion, but never before had he joined with and actually felt the passion of another. The new sensation was heady. He found himself intoxicated by it. He sensed Senny could feel his passion as well. They were connected. Linked to one another. Her hands moved down his back and to his buttocks. She began to knead him as he was doing to her. When he realized he was so aroused he could come at any moment, Gabriel did pull away. He gulped in his breath as he gazed down at her.

  “We were connected?” Senny asked him breathlessly. Apparently there was much more to the union of a man and woman than merely a man sticking his appendage inside a woman and spilling his seed. Oh my, she was quite surprised at the warm, wondrous feelings coursing through her body at this moment.

  “Yes,” he said hoarsely.

  “What I felt was how you feel when we are kissing?”

  “I believe so.” He nodded. “I felt what you were feeling, I think.” Realizing he still gripped her bottom, he slid his hands upward to the small of her back.

  “I liked it.” She smiled up at him.

  Gabriel nodded, “So did I.” He grinned down at her. “But enough for tonight, love.”

  “Is that what it will feel like when, um, when we are married?” she asked him shyly.


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