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Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

Page 29

by Richards, K. R.

Tuesday opened the door. Jack stood there grinning. She pulled him into her room.

  Jack thought she looked lovely, even in her prim and proper nightrail. She was even lovelier after he removed it. Her sandy hair gleamed like gold about her shoulders. He decided her body was the most exquisite he had ever seen. Jack lifted her gently into his arms and carried her to the bed while he kissed her.

  Together he and Tuesday removed his clothing in between their passionate kisses. They caressed and stroked one another to a fevered pitch.

  They joined and stoked the fires of their passion into a raging inferno. Caresses, kisses, intimate touches. Their bodies became one. Just as they neared release, Jack raised above her, watching her expressions, studying her beautiful face as he thrust into her deep, fast and hard. Together they crested, exploded, clinging to one another as wave upon wave of ecstasy crashed through them.

  “Tuesday, sweeting, I’m spent.” Jack murmured as he rolled to his side and encircled her in his arms. He pulled her closer as he pressed his lips to her temple. His hand skimmed over her ribs. It rested on her hip.

  He never before felt anything so intensely. What was it about Tuesday that made everything seem so wonderful, so new?

  “Let’s sleep, Trouble. I’m sure you’re exhausted. I know I am. It’s wonderful to be in a soft bed, isn’t it?”

  Tuesday smiled at him then yawned. “It is, Jack. Good night.”

  “Sweet dreams, my dearest Trouble.” Jack kissed the top of her head.

  “I don’t think I am trouble, Jack.”

  “Oh, but you are, Tuesday. You’re the best kind of trouble, the kind I do not ever want to be without,” Jack whispered. He kissed her again. He drew the covers over them and held her in the circle of his arms.

  She woke at dawn to find herself still wrapped in Jack’s arms. Their legs were entwined. She sighed happily. She nestled closer against his warm body and closed her eyes.

  She liked the way his chest hair felt against her cheek. She could hear the steady rhythm of his heart beating. Try as she might, she couldn’t fall asleep. She splayed her fingers over his abdomen, liking how every part of his body felt so hard and firm, so strong. She marveled at the corded muscles beneath her fingertips. She continued her exploration of his body. Her fingers found the line of dark hair below his navel. She traced downward until she found his cock. She was surprised to find it somewhat stiff. She touched it, marveling at the silkiness of the skin in contrast to his hardness. She felt him harden further beneath her fingers. Encouraged, she began to caress him. She even cupped the sacks beneath his growing erection.

  She felt his lips at her ear. His breath tickled her as he whispered huskily, “What are you up to, Trouble?”

  “I believe it is you who are up to something, Jack.” Tuesday giggled when she saw the sheets and coverlet tented over his cock, which now stood at full attention.

  “That would be your doing Tuesday, so I expect you to accept the consequences,” his voice was deep and thick from sleep and his arousal.

  “Consequences?” Tuesday asked, feigning innocence.

  Jack reached out and pulled Tuesday over the top of him. “Sit up, Trouble.”

  Tuesday sat up. Jack took hold of her thigh and moved it to his other side so she was straddling him. He arched beneath her, his cock nestling in the valley between her legs.

  “Oh my! It works this way too.” Tuesday realized what Jack intended. Curious, she rose up on her knees.

  “Slide over me, sweeting. He held his cock in place for her. He placed his other hand on her hip and guided her downward. She slid down until he was completely inside her.

  “Damn, Trouble.” He groaned with pleasure and arched upward, planting himself deeper inside her.

  Tuesday wondered what she should do now. She decided to lift up. Jacked gave another groan of pleasure.

  “I shouldn’t tell you this, for you shall soon be my wife, but I do feel compelled to inform you that many women like this position for they have complete control over their gentleman,” Jack informed her in a husky tone.

  Tuesday grinned. “I will like controlling you, Jack.” She leaned forward and placed her hands palm down on either side of his chest. She began to raise herself up and then back down over his shaft. She looked into Jack’s eyes. His hands moved to splay over the globes of her bottom as he helped her. When she came down, he held her firmly against him as he lifted his hips upward. He moved his hands upward to tease her breasts.

  Tuesday increased the pace as the familiar tightening in her abdomen began. The faster she moved, the more stimulation she received as her sensitive nub rubbed against him. She leaned down, placing her breasts enticing close to his mouth.

  Jack nibbled at the hardened tips. When he sucked one tip into his mouth, she moaned loudly.

  “That’s it, sweeting. Give in to it.” Jack encouraged her as he watched her eyes close, her cheeks flush, her teeth capture her bottom lip. He watched her every expression as she found her release. When she shattered, he lost all control. He lifted his hips thrusting deep. He groaned with intense pleasure as he drove into her until his seed was spilled.

  She collapsed on top of him. His arms wound around her. He helped her ease down beside him. He pulled her close after sampling her full, swollen lips again.

  Heaven help him, Tuesday Inwood was the most fascinating woman he had ever known. He was enraptured, enchanted, and completely captivated by his lovely, Trouble.

  Marrek knocked on the connecting door. He smiled when Catherine opened it.

  “Good morning, Marrek.” She smiled sweetly at him.

  “Good morning, Kitty. I didn’t have much time to speak with you yesterday, is everything going well for you here at Menadue?” Marrek actually fidgeted. The truth was he had missed not spending time with her. He just needed to see her, needed to be in her company. He had been busy and unable to attend to her the past two days.

  “Yes, everything is fine. It was such a hectic day yesterday we scarcely had time to speak to one another,” Catherine acknowledged. She opened the door wider and motioned for him to come in.

  He gestured for her to sit. She chose a chair. He sat on the settee across from her.

  Catherine couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked this morning. His coat was black, as it nearly always was. This morning he wore a dark burgundy waistcoat. A ruby and gold pin nestled in his neatly tied cravat. His hair, as black as a raven’s wing, was neatly combed. He was clean-shaven. She remembered thinking the stubble he sported yesterday after returning from looking for Senny through the night to be quite attractive also. Most people thought his eyes to be black, but she knew they were a deep, dark brown, the color of black walnut.

  “How is Senny this morning?” Catherine asked.

  “I must check with Gabriel first thing, but she did make some improvement last night.” He smiled.

  “That is a relief.”

  “It is. Are you feeling well, Kitty?” Marrek wondered if all married men were this awkward with their new wives. He then realized were he exercising his husbandly rights, he would be sleeping with her and he would know if she slept well or if she felt ill. He felt the loss at that moment of not being truly man and wife. There was some degree of familiarity between them, but not intimacy.

  “I still have some nausea from time to time. For the most part I am feeling well.” Then she smiled brightly as she told him, “I have felt the baby kick.”

  Marrek smiled. He suddenly wished he could spend a great deal more time with her. He found himself wishing he could be with her when the babe kicked or moved around. “That’s wonderful, Kitty. When is the babe due to arrive?” He asked when he realized he had no idea when to expect their child.

  “Your sister said sometime near Christmas.”

  Marrek smiled. “Ah, Christmas. That’s wonderful. And what are you hoping for Kitty, a boy or a girl?”

  Catherine wasn’t certain how to answer that question. Most men wanted a son,
but she didn’t think Marrek would want his heir to be Charlie’s child. “Either,” she supplied.

  “Hmm, I would prefer a son first, but I wish for daughters as well. I suppose most men want an heir first.”

  Catherine looked at him in surprise. “Oh, I assumed you would want your heir to be yours and not Charlie’s,” Catherine said it before she realized what she was saying. “Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said such a thing.”

  “Kitty, dear!” Marrek rose and walked toward her. He reached down and took her dainty hand in his large one.

  He spoke to her in a gentle tone, “You are my wife, and my equal. I value your opinions. Never apologize for speaking your truth or telling me how you feel. Now, let me make myself perfectly clear. You are my wife. This child is part of you. My friend was his sire. If the babe is a son, he will be my heir. Male or female the child will be mine. I will love this babe the same as I would a child from my own loins. The child will be ours, Kitty. We shall be the parents.”

  Catherine gave him a brilliant smile. “Thank you, Marrek. That means a great deal to me.” She looked into his dark eyes. “You’re a very special man,” Catherine whispered. She meant every word. She blinked back tears.

  Marrek produced a handkerchief when a tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Thank you, I am sorry. I am such a watering pot these days. Your sister and Aunt say it is to be expected.”

  “You are a very special woman, Kitty.” Marrek reached out and caressed her cheek. He wanted to kiss her, but he knew he could not. It was far too soon. To his surprise, however, Catherine leaned into his caress. Her eyes closed and she smiled. It was a small thing, but it gave him hope.

  When Catherine opened her eyes, Marrek was smiling down at her. He removed his hand from her cheek.

  “Will you walk down to breakfast with me, Kitty?”

  “Of course, I will.”

  “Shall we stop and look in on Senny and Gabriel first,” he proposed. “I am eager to know of Senny’s condition this morning.”

  Catherine nodded. “I would very much like to.”

  Elowen, Morva and Gabriel were in Senny’s room. Senny was sleeping, but the others happily reported that she had been awake earlier for about a half an hour. She had taken a small amount of broth, drank some tea and she had no fever.

  Marrek smiled, “That is good news. Are you coming to breakfast, cousin?” He looked to Gabriel.

  “Elowen had a tray brought up for me. I ate after Senny fell asleep. I am going to sit with her for a bit this morning. Elowen and Aunt Morva are busy this morning and will come up in several hours. I will join the meeting later, after luncheon,” Gabriel advised him.

  “Until later, Gabriel.” Marrek nodded and led his wife from the room.

  Elowen and Morva left the chamber soon after, leaving Gabriel alone with Senny.

  He was happy to sit and just watch her. Her color had improved though she was still a trifle pale. She slept peacefully. Her breathing was more normal, though she remained congested. He was relieved and thankful that she seemed to be on the mend. He opened his book and read, stopping frequently to check on his love.


  “Yes, Zenny, I’m here.” Sitting in the chair beside the bed, Gabriel closed his book and leaned over so Senny could see him.

  She smiled at him. Gabriel’s heart constricted. Yesterday he thought he might never see her smile again. Today she gifted him with a weak smile, but a smile nonetheless. His fingers brushed strands of her silky golden hair from her face. “What is it, Zenny? Do you need something?”

  “Madingly said he had two men here at Menadue. He told me if I didn’t cooperate, he would have Wenna and Grandfather killed. I thought you should know what he said. That he has men here.”

  Her voice was hoarse. Gabriel covered Senny’s hand with his. “Don’t concern yourself about this, Zenny. You will remain safe, and so will Wenna and your Grandfather. It’s good you told me. I will send a message to Trevan immediately by one of the servants. He will look into it immediately, of that I am certain.”

  Senny nodded.

  “How are you feeling, love?”

  “Weak and useless.” Senny frowned. “My arm is quite stiff and sore.” She winced slightly as she tried to move it. “I’m sure you have something you need to be doing. There is no need for you to sit here and watch me sleep. It seems to be all I can do.” She yawned.

  “There’s nowhere else I would rather be than by your side. You’ll regain your strength. Give it time, Zenny. The wound in your arm was infected, and you have an inflammation of the lungs, no doubt from being out in the rain so long. You will recover.”

  She nodded. “I hope it is soon, Gabriel.”

  “So do I.” He smiled at her. “For when you are recovered we shall marry. Do you remember me asking you?”

  Senny smiled. “I do. We will marry.”

  Gabriel brushed his lips against hers. “Yes, we will.”

  Senny yawned again.

  “Sleep, you need your rest. Sleep will help you heal.” Gabriel entwined his fingers with hers. He smoothed her hair back and kissed her forehead.

  Within minutes, Senny slept again.

  When Elowen returned hours later, Gabriel left his lady’s room to go down to the library. The translation of the scrolls had begun hours ago.

  The library was a hive of conversation and activity when Gabriel arrived. The Duke’s library was high ceilinged and massive in length and width. Truly, it was nearly as large as Micah’s library at Horethorne Hall. Where Micah’s library at Horethorne Hall was decorated for comfort, Menadue’s library was more of an opulent setting. Trevan’s grandfather had selected the original decorations for the room decades before.

  If Gabriel remembered correctly, the Duke had set out to prove that a Cornish nobleman’s home could rival any English nobleman’s home. The transformation undergone at Menadue at that time had done just that. It was one of the finest Great Houses in Britain. The library was formal. The large, open room’s furnishings were rich and sumptuous in dark colors of predominantly forest green, burnished gold, deep red and dark blue in luxurious velvets, satins, silks and damask. Priceless artwork framed in gilt hung on the white plaster walls above the gleaming oak paneling. Thick Aubusson rugs in deep colors, complimenting the furnishings, were scattered about the gleaming, white marble floor.

  Three massive, ornate crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Sparkling crystal droplets hung from the gilded lamps, which adorned the large, cabriole-legged tables throughout the library. The large chairs, boasting intricately carved arms and legs, were upholstered in butter soft leather of rich and varying hues.

  The other pieces of furniture placed throughout the room in groups for reading comfort were upholstered in lush fabrics. Elegant rosewood and mahogany marble-topped tables were placed nearby.

  The bookcases were tall, finely carved and gleamed from frequent polishing.

  The Avalon Society members present were split into groups.

  “Gabriel, how is Miss Senny?” Harry asked as he rose to greet him.

  Gabriel smiled. “She is much better, thank you, Harry.”

  “Wonderful news, we are all very happy to hear she has improved. Now, do you prefer to sit in on the translating of one of the Greek scrolls, or one of the research tables?” Harry asked him.

  “Since I am familiar with the library here at Menadue, why don’t I help with research,” Gabriel posed.

  “Excellent idea. Take your pick. There is Newt’s group over there and Wyldhurst’s or Cleve’s tables across the room.”

  Trevan came to join them.

  “Oh, Harry, Trevan, any luck with finding Madingly’s spies here at Menadue? I realize the Reverend could have been bluffing to frighten Zenny into complying when he told her he had two men here. He threatened to have her grandfather and Wenna killed by them if she did not go willingly.”

  “Not as yet, cousin. Diggory is diligently questioning the se
rvants and outside help,” Trevan informed him. “If Madingly has men here, Diggory will find them.”

  “Very good.” Gabriel nodded as he looked to the three tables Harry had pointed out to him.

  Newt waved him over.

  “Gabriel, join us. We could use the help. Currently we are looking for any references or mention in Cornish history of either Jesus’ or Joseph of Arimathea’s visit. The scroll Micah is working on mentions that Jesus spent a good deal of time in Cornwall as well as Glastonbury.”

  Gabriel glanced at the spines of the books scattered along the table. “Ah. These are good. There are a couple more we should have a look at. I’ll go find them.”

  “Good. We are researching until it’s time to clean up for dinner, then we will meet after dinner to go over our findings,” Jack informed him.

  Gabriel nodded. He quickly found the two books he had in mind. He sat down, looked through them and soon found the information he sought.

  An hour later Trevan received four letters. One was his. Two he gave to Jack and the last went to Marrek.

  Jack read the one from Lord Stanbridge first. He grinned as he read it. Next, he read the one from his father. He rose and said, “Excuse me for a moment. I must find Tuesday.”

  He left the library with a spring in his step. He had received permission from Tuesday’s father to marry her. If anyone would have told him one month before that he would be elated to be marrying, he would have thought them mad.

  Here he was, happier than he could ever remember being, running off from his society business to find Lady Tuesday Inwood. He felt as giddy as a lad.

  He found her in the large parlor with some of the other ladies who were helping Lady Glaston to decipher the Secretum Domini, the book written by William Fotherby Dulac, Lady Glaston’s ancestor.

  “Lady Tuesday, may I speak with you?”

  Tuesday gave him a brilliant smile and placed her hand upon the arm he offered. Her golden hair gleamed. She wore another of Lady St. Erth’s gowns, a very well well-fitting blue silk that was very close to the color of her eyes. He led her into a small empty parlour. He closed the door.


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