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Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

Page 51

by Richards, K. R.

  Music is a big part of my life so I must mention some of my favorite musicians, my friends in the Phoenix area, who have inspired me and blessed me for years with their musical talent, Jeff Garten, Marty & Natalie Lucas, Mike Gilbert, Shane Martinez, and Tim Merrill. Thanks for inspiring me with your musical talents. I miss you all!

  To my Mississippi support team, my friends, Kaye, Kathy, Ann & Wanda, a huge thank you for your friendship and all of your support. We will meet for Mexican Food and Margaritas soon. To LeAnn & Kira, now in TN! Miss you both so much.

  To my friends and Spiritual Circle/support group in AZ. My AZ girls: Liz Rees, a.k.a. Elizabeth Seer, author, Sheila Leedy Ryan, Debbie Wassylenko, Shari Walrath, Jaci Gavnik, Jenny Jackson, Kim Cogill, Kia Velarde, Sarah Kaufman, Jennifer Johnson and Karen Marcom. Love you all!

  To my friends from Starwood “SVO” Tempe/PHX. Miss you!

  Thank you to my friend, Connie Flynn, author, a.k.a. K.C. Flynn for all the idea and brainstorming sessions re: Indie Promo. To Jaclyn Reding, author, for her support and friendship over the years. I would also like to thank all of my other author friends from my PHX RWA days! It’s so nice to keep up with you all on Facebook now.

  To my Guardian Angels here on Earth, Jimmy and Vicki West, two absolutely amazing people. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me. You are both so wonderful to me. I value your friendship. Love you both!

  I must thank my Co-Admin and friend, Elizabeth Lairmore. We Co-Admin on two of the most respected Johnny Depp FB pages in Deppland: (The original) JOHNNY DEPP ADDICTION (Yes, there is an imposter page) and THE MIND OF DEPP. Liz was a Creator of JOHNNY DEPP ADDICTION (JDA), and together, she and I created THE MIND OF DEPP (TMOD). We take great pride in the fact that both of our pages show Johnny, his family, friends the utmost respect.

  Liz works for another actor, Danny Lopez, the World’s Greatest Johnny Depp Impersonator and a talented actor in his own right. You may have seen him in film already, and you will see more of him in the near future, both in film and TV. I give a shout out to Danny Lopez International, truly an awesome group of people.

  I want to thank Danny Lopez, personally, for including me in the DLI family and for taking me under his protective wing recently and including me in the protection of his team when we were being plagued by a stalker (whom we all inherited because we all have “something to do” with Johnny). Many others were affected also, because they are involved in Deppland in some way, shape or form. Danny, who is incredibly busy with his demanding and expanding career, took it upon himself to speak out about this person, and fight back. He took major steps to accomplish this and continues to do so.

  Danny has spoken out publicly about this particular subject and will continue. By speaking out, he has helped thousands of people to spot stalkers, fake profiles and get rid of cyber-stalkers. He became our protector and an advocate against cyber-stalking. He taught us what we need to know in dealing with these types of people.

  I personally want to thank Danny Lopez for being there when I needed him. He is an awesome, caring person and I thank him for including me under his protection and taking the time to help and guide us in trying to rid ourselves of stalkers. Thank you so much, Danny Lopez.

  Thank you all!

  Peace, Love and Light!

  K. R.

  Keep reading, e-books by K. R. Richards and info on her two new series coming up! and K. R> Richards’ Bio.

  e-books by K. R. Richards

  The Lords of Avalon Series

  Lord of the Abbey

  Lords of Honor

  Lords of Retribution

  Lords of Atonement (Coming early/mid 2014)

  Lords of Avalon Novella Series

  Lord Greyton’s Fall From Grace

  A new novella coming in the near future

  The Secrets of the Shroud Series

  Book One, Shadows and Secrets, Coming Soon

  The adventures of the unmarried Avalon Society members, the Lusty Lords of Avalon, continue as they begin a new quest.

  Cornish Rakes Series

  Book One, (as yet unnamed)

  Coming Soon

  I’m very excited about The Cornish Rakes series. These books will be smaller than the other series’ books and will center around one hero and heroine per book. There might be some history and adventure, but it will take a back seat to the romance. They will be set exclusively in some of my favorite places in Kernow. On occasion, characters from the Lords of Avalon series might make an appearance.

  See About the Author, K. R. Richards next!


  Photo: Photography by Maddy

  Natchez Trace Parkway, Chickasaw Indian Village,

  Blackland Prairie Trail

  K. R. Richards is the Author of the Lords of Avalon Series, an adventurous, sexy, romantic, humorous romp through nineteenth century Glastonbury, Devon and Cornwall, England. Book 1, Lord of the Abbey, Book 2, Lords of Honor and a Lords of Avalon series companion novella, Lord Greyton’s Fall from Grace, along with the newest release, Book 3, Lords of Retribution, are all available on Amazon Kindle.

  The Lords of Avalon are members of the Avalon Society, a historical and paranormal society. Did I mention the Lords of Avalon are referred to as the Lusty Lords of Avalon by the Ton? (They are!) K. R. likes to call them Alpha Geeks, because they are scholars who are highly intelligent, but oh so hot and sexy! People ask K. R. all of the time what her series is about. Instead of saying, “Well, it’s complicated,” she generally says, “It’s like Jane Austen meets Indiana Jones.”

  Having definite New Age beliefs and being an intuitive medium, K. R. set out to combine her love of the Spiritual realm and mystic studies with her love of history and the Romance genre and the Lords of Avalon series was born.

  K. R.’s other interests include reading, history, archaeology, genealogy, Yoga, Pilates, antiques, music and although she has long loved and appreciated photographic art, especially landscape photography, her newest interest is learning more about it. She is an avid and serious collector of crystals, gemstones and minerals.

  K. R. currently lives in Mississippi though she calls Arizona home, and plans to someday return to her beloved desert (and her grandkids). She has two wonderful sons, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and two beautiful grandchildren. She has two cats and two dogs, a Border Collie-mix and a Collie, all rescues.

  Coming in 2014 – the last book of the Lords of Avalon series, Lords of Atonement.

  Coming Soon:

  The Secrets of the Shroud series, Book 1 Shadows and Secrets. The unmarried Avalon Society members begin a new Quest!

  The Cornish Rakes series, shorter historical romance set exclusively in Cornwall.

  A new Lords of Avalon series Novella

  Jack Drayton, the Earl of Elveston

  For my FB page fans!




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