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Naughty Cupid Trilogy

Page 25

by Pillow Michelle M.

  Sophia sung softly, almost sounding like a child as they walked. She hugged him tighter, sighing heavily, occasionally whispering how much she loved him and how she’d soon be carrying his child inside her. Larus didn’t answer. Mina’s anger filtered toward him as a distraction. He wanted to toss the blonde sister aside and pull the dark one to his chest. However, he knew it wasn’t Sophia’s fault. If Cupid had enchanted her to him, she wouldn’t be able to fight the spell. Humans were not equipped to fight such magic.

  Accursed troll! Larus swore bitterly. He should have known Cupid wouldn’t let things go. The only thing he knew to do was to bring them to Lycaon. Perhaps Rhiannon, being human, would be able to help the women and then he could take Ilar to help him go find Cupid. Larus didn’t dare bring them to the elders now. It would take too long for them to decide the sisters’ fate, and Sophia didn’t seem to have time on her side. Every hour she slipped more and more into her dreamlike world and he was afraid it would be too hard to get her out of it.

  Lord Malak’s was out of the question. With Sophia so enamored, he was afraid Mina would be drawn to the handsome rogue. Malak attracted women like a troll attracted fleas. Not that he thought Malak would take Mina to his bed, as she was marked, but he jealously didn’t wish to see Mina throwing herself at the man to spite him.

  It was getting late by the time they stopped to make camp. They were close to Lycaon and would be there the next day. He built a fire for the women and hunted for food. It was hard not to go to Mina. He wanted nothing more than to hold her against him, stroke her soft hair, and tell her that he’d take care of everything.

  ‘Ilar,’ Larus thought, directing his thoughts toward the man using the mind link his kind shared. It took a few times, but finally the commander answered.

  ‘My king?’ Ilar’s words came back at him, connecting their thoughts.

  Larus sighed and quickly told his friend what had happened, leaving out the part about his and Mina’s joining. Ilar would detect the mark on her easily enough when he met her. He finished his story with, ‘Perchance, Rhiannon can help them adjust until I know what to do with them. Lady Sophia is getting worse with each passing hour. I am afraid she will do her sister harm, and herself. I found them, so I am responsible for them.’

  ‘I will come for you myself on the morrow,’ Ilar answered. ‘We will find Cupid and make him pay.’

  ‘Very wel--’ Larus began.

  “My love?” Sophia said behind him, interrupting the thought.

  ‘My king?’ Ilar insisted. ‘Larus?’

  ‘Until tomorrow,’ Larus directed before turning around. He cut off the mind link as he looked at Sophia.

  “What are you doing?” Sophia asked, suspicion in her voice. “Were you thinking of Mina?”

  “No,” Larus answered. “I was merely listening to the forest to make sure it was safe.”

  “Oh,” Sophia mumbled, though she kept a wary eye on him. Suddenly, her face cleared and she said, “Larus, I... ”

  Larus studied her, seeing her expression waver into one of confusion. She looked as if she cleared from the fog, only to be slowly sucked back in. “Yes, my lady?”

  “I... help me.” She paused and the cloud came back completely. Her tone became hard once more, as she stated, “I think we should tie Mina up, lest she be tempted to go to you. It’s not her fault she can’t resist your pull.”

  Sophia turned to go. Larus took a deep breath. When he found Cupid, he just might kill him.

  Chapter Ten

  Mina lay very still for a long time. Sophia slept close to her, gripping tight to her arm. But as her sister’s hold finally loosened, Mina scooted away from her and sat up. Swallowing, she looked across the campsite. Larus’s back was turned, but the second she looked at him, he rolled. His dark green eyes met hers, staring deeply until she almost felt as if he was inside her head, trying to talk to her. She couldn’t make out the words.

  Mina glanced at her sister. She still slept. Looking at Larus, she tilted her head toward the forest. He nodded in understanding. Mina stood and walked away from the campsite, stopping as she reached just beyond sight of it. It didn’t take long for Larus to come up behind her.

  Larus hesitated before touching her arm. She shivered, instantly turning into his chest. He gasped softly in surprise, but folded his arms around her in comfort.

  “What’s wrong with her?” she asked, near tears. “Why would a troll do this to her? We have done nothing to deserve it.”

  “She’s enchanted,” Larus answered, stroking her hair over her back. “And Cupid does it for revenge.”

  “Revenge?” Mina repeated, confused. His heart beat steady and strong against her cheek, and he was so warm she shivered to feel his heat. “What did we do to deserve his revenge?”

  “You did nothing,” Larus answered, pulling her tighter to his body when she would push away. “His revenge is against me.”

  “You? What did you do?” Mina pushed again and he let her up to look at him.

  Larus hesitated and he looked like he wanted to tell her something, but was holding back. “I was charged with the task of helping to report him to our council of elders. Cupid enchanted a mortal woman, Lady Rhiannon, from your world and brought her here to the king’s castle. It disrupted the guards and put several lives at risk.”

  “Why would he do that?” she asked, puzzled.

  “Because the lycan commander, Lord Ilar, insulted him. Now, he has somehow enchanted your sister to me as revenge against my telling the council of his deed.” Larus’s hands stroked absently over her back, drawing around in small circles as he instinctively pulled her body closer. She melted easily into him. “I’m sorry that you were hauled into this madness.”

  “I’m not,” Mina said, looking shyly up at him. She liked being held by him, had thought of nothing else all day as he walked with her sister. “Not completely.”


  “Will Sophia be all right? Can you help her?” Mina didn’t want to delve too deeply into her feelings. She was too scared of what he’d say. He had never confessed more than attraction for her and somehow she knew he would never lie to her. If he didn’t care for her, as she cared for him, then she wasn’t ready to hear it.

  “Once we find Cupid, we’ll be able to discover how to end the spell. I will take you both to Lycaon tomorrow. Lady Rhiannon is there. Hopefully, you will be more at ease being around one of your own.”

  “Then you will bring us before your king?” Mina asked, growing sick just thinking about it. Out of everything, that prospect scared her the most. She trusted Larus would help her sister. But, she didn’t trust royalty. They only did things to serve their own purpose.

  “I think you will find he is not so bad,” Larus said. He reached up to touch her cheek.

  “You can’t know what he’ll do.” Mina thought back to the night the king’s army finally broke through her home. The knights had snuck them from the castle with the servants, but not before Sophia heard them say the king would take the noblewomen as his mistresses, should they be found alive. It was why Sophia was convinced any nobleman who came to Aucester would make them his whore. Mina was inclined to agree. Would this king try to do the same?

  “You shouldn’t judge every ruler by the one who hurt your family,” Larus said. “We aren’t like that. We elect our ruler.”

  “Elect?” Mina questioned, shaking her head. “Every king is elected, most by the sword. Whoever has the most powerful army wins.”


  “Please, I don’t wish to discuss it further. I fear we will never agree on this point.” Mina turned her face into his hand and closed her eyes. “I’ll deal with one thing at a time. First, we must help Sophia.”

  “No,” he said, his lids falling over his eyes. “First you must kiss me.”

  * * * *

  Sophia opened her eyes, staring blankly up at the sky. She could see the silver moon shining its strange light through the tree tops. Sitting up
, still dazed, she turned to see Devlin sitting next to her.

  “Where is Mina?” she asked, her tone even.

  “With Larus,” Devlin answered.

  Sophia’s face contorted and her breathing deepened.

  “You don’t love him,” the vampire said. “You know that, don’t you?”

  “He is my soul,” she growled, ready to fight.

  “No, he is your obsession.” Devlin lifted his hand to caress her cheek. She didn’t even feel him, so he pulled back. “I was angry you left me, until I smelled the troll’s presence. So that’s who enchanted you, is it?”

  “You must take Mina,” Sophia said, hard. “Take her and get rid of her. Or keep her, I don’t care.”

  “You don’t mean that,” Devlin answered softly. He lifted his hand to gently touch her lips, running his thumb over them. She didn’t feel him. His eyes filled with regret and sadness. She didn’t see it. “I tasted your love for her when I drank from you. I know you don’t mean what you say. You’re lost, child, trapped in the spell.”

  “I do mean it. If she touches him, I’ll kill her.”

  “I feel the remnants of your spirit in you. How I wish I could have met you before this curse,” Devlin said. “Before my curse.”

  “No, I’m fine,” Sophia stood, looking wildly about. “Tell me, where are they? Where’s that traitor, my sister?”

  Devlin sighed, standing. Slowly, he pointed toward the forest, not saying another word. She wasn’t hearing him anyway.

  * * * *

  “Kiss you?” Mina smiled and felt a giddy pleasure rise in her chest. Right now, with Larus holding her close, she felt safe. Her arms wound forward, drawing around his neck. She lifted up on her toes and pressed her mouth to his, moaning softly as he parted his lips to her. She was surprised when he didn’t automatically take charge, and pulled back to see what was wrong. He squeezed her tighter, and kept her where she was.

  Hesitant, she reached her tongue to taste him. His breath caught and she grew bolder, slipping it into his mouth. Moving her lips, she deepened the kiss, taking control of it as he followed her lead. She slid her hand to cup his face, pulling him closer. She forgot everything, but the feel of his mouth, his body.

  “Larus,” she said into their kiss. He groaned, setting her back against a tree. He moved against her body, lifting her skirt. She tried to help by pulling the knot at his shoulder. She’d felt the pleasure his body could give her and she wanted to feel it again and again.

  She fumbled and gave up, moving her touch lower to lift his tunic. She caressed his heavy length, letting her hand slide over him. Larus pulled his lips from hers and shivered, biting his lips together to keep quiet. He pressed his forehead to hers and looked deep into her eyes.

  Mina pushed on his shoulders, lifting her leg to the side to get closer to him. He growled in the back of his throat. Taking her hips, he pulled her up to rub against his shaft. She was wet, hot, needy, and so very ready for him. Silently, she begged him with her body, trying to keep from crying out, desperate not to wake Sophia.

  Larus thrust within her and she gasped, tightly clutching his shoulders. He kept his eyes steady on hers, connecting to her, watching her, letting her watch him. Mina’s lids dropped as he began rocking into her in long, eager strokes. The fire inside her built, lighting her blood with passion only for him. Before long, she started to shake, her sex trembling and clamping down on him hard. Larus didn’t hold back, letting his seed fill her as he captured her lips.


  Mina froze, pulling back, as Sophia’s voice broke into their private world. She looked frantically around and finally found Sophia standing hands on hips, watching them. Her face was stiff with anger and she was shaking.

  “Sophia,” Mina began, pushing at Larus. He let her go. Their clothing fell down around them once more. She was weak from Larus’s touch, and swayed slightly as he moved away. “Listen, I can explain.”

  “I hate you,” Sophia ground out. Mina tried to speak, but Sophia screamed and swung a branch she’d hidden behind her skirt. Larus, surprised by the attack, moved to grab it, but not before it hit him in the stomach, knocking the wind from him. She swung again and hit Mina on the shoulder, knocking her down. Larus growled and jerked the branch away. Sophia didn’t care. She let it go and jumped on Mina, wrapping her hands around her sister’s throat, trying to strangle her. “You just wanted what was mine!”

  Mina pulled at her sister’s hands, trying to breathe, trying to explain. Larus moved to grab Sophia off, but Devlin appeared by his side and gripped his arm. The vampire shook his head, saying, “She won’t kill her.”

  “She is killing her,” Larus swore.

  “I’ve tasted her, read her,” Devlin said, his words very calm. “She’ll be forced to choose. She’ll break the spell. Trust me.”

  Mina could barely hear them. Her grip weakened on Sophia, but she didn’t let go.

  Sophia leaned down, crying now. Softly, she said, “He is mine. I love him.”

  “No,” Mina said and she felt Sophia’s hands lighten. She gasped for breath, urged Sophia’s ear down to her mouth.

  Larus lurched forward, breaking free of Devlin. Before Sophia came and interrupted them, it had been wonderful. He couldn’t wait to take Mina to his home. He wanted her to meet Rhiannon so that she could see that a human could be happy living in his world, mated to a lycan. Mina had said nothing of feelings, so neither did he.

  Now, watching Sophia’s glazed eyes, he knew she was deep within the enchantment’s thrall. Larus tried to pull away from Devlin, but the old vampire held strong. He couldn’t hear what Mina said, but suddenly Sophia fell to the side, sitting in the dirt with a stunned look on her face. Shivering, she looked first at Mina, then Larus, and then the pale vampire. Her eyes were entirely clear for the first time since he’d met her.

  Larus didn’t move. Mina pulled up on her arms. “Sophia?”

  “I... Mina?” Sophia asked, shaking harder. “I... no.”

  Sophia’s mouth worked. Mina reached out and grabbed her. “It’s fine. Everything is fine.”

  Larus made a move forward and Sophia screamed, clutching Mina behind her back. “Stay away from her, devil!”

  “Sophia,” Devlin stated.

  “Who are you?” Sophia demanded. She shook her head frantically when Larus made a move forward. “Where have you taken us? What do you want with us?”

  Devlin motioned his hand, stating quietly, “Sleep.”

  Sophia instantly weakened, falling over. Mina caught her sister in her arms. She started crying. “Is she...?”

  “Let her rest,” Devlin said.

  Mina began to nod, but the vampire disappeared into mist and floated away. Her eyes turned to Larus. She opened her mouth to speak, but a shout sounded, interrupting them.

  “My king!”

  Larus flinched at the sound of his native speech.

  “King Larus!”

  At the same time, Mina and Larus whipped their heads around to look at the guard who came through the trees. The man, dressed much like Larus, but in a simpler tunic of light brown, knelt down.

  “It is fine,” Larus answered in kind.

  “What’s going on, Larus?” Mina demanded. “Why is he bowing to you?”

  The guard looked at her in surprise and sniffed at the air.

  “Humans?” the man gasped, looking back to Larus for confirmation.

  “They are under my protection,” Larus stated.

  The guard nodded. His words stunned, he said so the women could understand, “My king, we sensed a vampire.”

  Larus flinched.

  “King?” Mina asked weakly, clutching Sophia closer. Her eyes filled with tears. Larus looked at her, his expression begging her to understand, but knew she couldn’t see it in her confusion.

  “What are you doing in the forest?” Larus asked. He’d planned on telling Ilar not to reveal his station earlier with the mind link, but Sophia had interrupted the conversation
and he forgot to pass the order along. How could he have told her he was king of the lycans? She didn’t trust royalty and would think he purposefully deceived her. It didn’t matter now. Now it was too late. She knew and by her look she wasn’t happy.

  “Lord Ilar sent us to attend you,” the man answered. “The others are at your campsite. We’ve brought provisions.”

  Larus nodded. He looked over at Mina and commanded the man, “Lift the blonde lady and take her back to camp. Make sure no harm befalls her.”

  The man nodded and made a move for the unconscious woman. Mina gripped her sister closer. The man sniffed, his eyes shifting with a light gold.

  “Do as I say,” Larus ordered.

  “Yes, my king,” the man said. Mina protested, but he pulled Sophia up into his arms, ignoring the feeble punches she dealt him. He walked through the forest to the campsite. Mina moved to follow him. Larus’s hand shot out to grab her.

  Mina froze, jerking to be free. He didn’t let her go. Larus waited until the man was gone, before saying, “Mina, we need to talk.”

  “Is that a royal decree, your majesty?” she demanded, hotly. She jerked harder and he let her go. “I’ve heard enough of your lies. I’ve nothing to say to you.”

  With that, she walked away, following her sister. Larus stared after her, his heart feeling as if it were ripped out. He’d tried to sense what she was feeling, but she cut him off, blocked her emotions from him completely. It was as if a slab of ice was placed inside him, chilling him to the bone.

  “Mina,” he said. It was too quiet for her to hear. Falling to his knees, he repeated softly, “Mina.”

  * * * *

  Mina hugged Sophia close, keeping a sharp eye on all the men sitting across from them at the campsite. They all watched her curiously, seeming to sniff in her direction when they thought she wouldn’t notice. They exchanged strange looks, speaking in a tongue she couldn’t understand. They were dressed as Larus. Arms and a shoulder were left bare, making no mistake that these men could part from their clothing at a moment’s notice. Calves were left naked, some cross-strapped with leather bands coming from short boots.


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