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Naughty Cupid Trilogy

Page 32

by Pillow Michelle M.

  Sophia’s face fell some and he was instantly sorry for his words. Who knew she’d be sensitive about her weight. Nothing else seemed to get through to her, except for her sister. He didn’t have time to retract his words as Larus and Mina joined them, cutting off the conversation. Larus lifted a brow at Malak and he heard the king’s voice through the mind link, ‘What are you about, Malak?’

  ‘Doing my best not to strangle this one. She is infuriating,’ Malak answered dejectedly, knowing Larus wouldn’t take him seriously. Mina looked at him as soon as he said it. The mind link was a telepathic connection that all lycans shared. It was the only way they could communicate in their shifted form. Humans couldn’t hear it, unless mated to a lycan. Then, the human would become connected as well. Malak glanced down at Mina, watching her face. ‘Can she hear us yet?’

  ‘Larus assures me you will take my sister to the portal unharmed,’ Mina’s voice answered in his head. Larus smirked. Mina glared at him. ‘God help you if I find out that you have not.’

  ‘Yes,’ Larus said, a little late. ‘She picks up some.’

  “Mina,” Sophia said, obviously unaware of the conversation going on around her. She forced a smile for her sister. Mina turned to acknowledge her. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Malak eyed Sophia as she hugged Mina, lightly kissing her cheek.

  ‘Explain to your wife that I meant no harm by my words,’ Malak directed to Larus, doing his best to block Mina from hearing it. If she did, she didn’t let on as she and Sophia talked quietly.

  ‘I will,’ Larus assured him. ‘You have given your word to protect her and I know you will.’

  Malak nodded. Mina hooked Sophia’s arm and they stepped away. Malak watched Sophia’s backside as she moved.

  ‘You like her, don’t you?’ Larus said. There wasn’t any accusation in his voice, just amusement.

  ‘Who? The shrew?’ Malak snorted.

  ‘You know, it would please my wife greatly if Sophia had a reason to stay in our world.’ Larus grinned, not needing to say anymore. If Mina was pleased, he’d be pleased.

  “Then perhaps you should convince one of these lycans to court her,” Malak answered quietly. “Tell them to bring plenty of weaponry for they will need it.”

  “I have tried to find her suitors,” Larus said. “She has turned them all down.”

  At that, Malak couldn’t help but grin.

  “Besides, it’s a little hard now that you have evoked the right of pursuit. I don’t think any of them wish to go up against the legendary Malak, especially when she’s shown none but you favor.”

  “Thanks, my king,” Malak said, giving him a mischievous look. “I so do love having your permission to bed your new sister.”

  Malak bowed and began to walk away, looking for Sophia where he’d seen her disappear into the crowd.

  ‘Malak,’ Larus said as he walked away, ‘that is not what I said.’

  ‘And yet that is what I heard,’ Malak answered mischievously, rotating in a circle to impishly salute to his friend without breaking stride.

  * * * *

  “That was some kiss,” Mina said, pulling Sophia by her arm toward the outside bonfire.

  Sophia eyed her sister warily. “It was just a kiss.”

  “Since when do you even allow a man that much? I remember Sir Rupert trying to kiss you. You nearly disemboweled him.” Mina laughed, leading the way to the bench where they could talk alone.

  “There was no knife on the table tonight,” Sophia defended.

  “I know you, sister. You would have found one had you wished to. You must like this Malak.”

  “Mina, it was just a kiss. I let him pursue me so the others would not. It’s as simple as that.” Sophia hated seeing the hope in Mina’s eyes fade, but she refused to lie to her.


  “No, I have not changed my mind. Lord Malak will escort me back to the portal and I will go home as planned.” Sophia took a deep breath, trying not to think of the fear she felt at being in the human world without her sister.

  “There is no reason to hurry off,” Mina insisted.

  “There is for me,” Sophia said. “I can’t sleep here. I can’t think. Every little sound makes me jump. I don’t want to leave you, but I can’t live like this. I just want to go home.”

  “We don’t have a home.” Mina shook her head. “Not anymore. You know as well as I that our castle was crumbling around our heads. We were going to leave it anyway. What will you do, Sophia? Where will you go?”

  “To France like we planned before we were taken,” Sophia answered. “I’ll dress like a boy and travel like I always wanted to. I may not have money, but I still know how to act like a lady and I can act like a peasant if I need to. When I get to France, they shouldn’t care about our father’s deeds and surely some nobleman will take a liking to me. Besides, there is always Josephine. She took a liking to me when she visited with her husband. I’m sure she’ll introduce me to someone fitting. Even if it is just a Baron or knight.”

  It was a lie. Sophia had no intention of marrying, but knew Mina would be comforted some by the idea. She was right. Mina nodded her head, relaxing some at the plan.

  “I wish there was a way we could write,” Mina said.

  “You just learn what you can of magic. I’ll look for a sign.” Sophia did her best to smile.

  “What sign?”

  “Some sign that you’re trying to communicate to me. If you send it, I’ll know it’s from you.”

  “Oh,” Mina nodded. “I will try to communicate with you. And will you at least consider staying a while longer?”

  “I can’t. I’ve been told the moon here changes. The silver moon turns red and during that time the portals close and none can pass.” Sophia sighed. “It’s better for me to go now than to wait however long the red moon season lasts.”

  A tear slipped over Mina’s cheek. Sophia hugged her, unable to hold back her own tears. She’d miss her sister desperately, but Sophia knew that she was making the right decision. Over Mina’s shoulder, she saw Malak step out into the bailey yard. His eyes met hers and, seeing her with Mina, he nodded and backed away, leaving the sisters be.

  * * * *

  Malak tried to enjoy himself, but something made him keep looking at the outside door, waiting for the sisters to come back. Feeling Ilar at his side, he turned to see his friend easing down in the chair next to him.

  “You don’t dance?” Ilar asked, pushing his long hair over his shoulders.

  “Can’t,” Malak said. “Didn’t you hear? I had to claim Lady Sophia in pursuit.”

  “You did?” Ilar laughed. “Sorry I missed that. I was with Rhiannon.”

  Malak didn’t need further explanation. He could well guess what Ilar had been doing with his wife.

  “So, you are taken with Lady Sophia?”

  “No,” Malak lied. Well, it wasn’t exactly a lie. He did want her, but he wasn’t enamored with her as the right of pursuit would imply. “I just did to put everyone at ease. Larus was worried over Mina. Mina was worried about Sophia. Sophia was worried that the lycan men would turn her into the main course at a buffet. Larus charged me to take care of the difficult woman, so I took care of it.”

  “Mm, how noble of you Malak,” Ilar laughed. “And here I thought you might actually desire Sophia.”

  “Desire? Yes,” Malak said. “Have you ever known me not to desire a pretty maid?”

  “I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t amused by this,” Ilar said. “Something tells me you might have met your match at long last.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I promised to see her through the portal and that’s exactly what I intend to do.” Malak leaned over, grabbed his goblet and downed its contents. As he set the cup down, Mina came in the side door. She instantly went to her husband. Before Malak could stop himself, he was standing. Absently, he said, “I’ll talk to you again before we leave.”

  If Ilar answered, Malak didn’t hear it. He
knew he’d drunk a little too much, but it was a celebration. Walking out of the hall, he again went to the bailey yard. Earlier, he’d seen the sisters in deep conversation and decided to let them talk. But, now as Sophia would be alone, it was only natural he went to her. After all, he was sworn to protect her until he got her to the portal.

  He looked to the bench where he’d last seen the tempting shrew, but she wasn’t there. Sniffing the air, he detected her scent and went after her. He found her by the front gate, alone.

  “You should come away from there,” he said softly.

  Sophia jumped at the sound of his voice. She hadn’t heard him come up. Reminding himself that she was mortal, he made a mental note to make more noise so he didn’t startle her in the future.

  “Go away, Malak,” Sophia answered.

  “Why do you fight what is between us?” Malak frowned, more at himself than at her. By All the Lycan! Why did he say that? It sounded so intimate. He must have had more to drink than he’d realized. “What I meant to ask is why do you fight the attraction between us?”

  At that she turned, eyeing him. “There is no attraction between us, Malak.”

  Was that a challenge? He saw the stubborn tilt to her chin, her beautiful face cast in the silvery moonlight. Stepping forward, he reached for her jaw. Her pulse jumped. She could deny it all she wanted, but she was attracted to him.

  Malak licked his lips, fighting the wild urgings of the beast within him. Slowly, he lowered his mouth to hers. Just as he was about to claim her in a kiss, she whispered, “Is this what your honor calls protecting me or did Larus ask you to come out here and try to seduce me?”

  “I’m here because I want to be,” he answered, his tone just as low and very hoarse with his need to lay claim to her soft body.

  “You’re here because you hope I have softened toward you. You’re here only because you wish for a woman to ease your discomfort and warm your bed. You’re not here for me. You’re here for yourself.” Sophia turned her face to the side, not backing away from his touch, just cutting him off. “You’re here because you’re nothing more than a rutting beast.”

  Malak dropped his hand and took a step back. Sophia refused to look at him. Her body was stiff, her features hard.

  Very quietly, he said, “Be ready to go at dawn. I should hate for that portal to close and lock you here until the next silver moon.”

  Sophia gasped, eyeing him. “Dawn?”

  “Just so we are clear, there is one thing we both seem to agree on,” Malak growled. His body was tight with unspent passions. He was not a man used to denying himself. “We both want you out of the magic realm and where you belong as soon as possible. Be ready at dawn.”

  Malak stiffly nodded to her and stalked away. Going along the outer bailey’s wall, he found a notch in the stone and murmured an incantation. The wall parted to let him through to the outside. Once outside the castle wall, the wall closed once more. Vines grew over the crevices in the uneven gray stone of the wall, sprouting little blue flower buds over the surface. It was darker outside the castle walls, but Malak could see just fine. He looked around the forest, detecting some wildlife in the trees, but nothing to worry over.

  Looking down, Malak tensed. His erection was so stiff and swollen it felt like it was about to burst. He turned to the wall, resting his forehead against the cool stone, hoping it would help ease him. At first, he tried to will the erection away. When that didn’t work, he licked his hand, wetting it before he lifted the draping tunic to grab his shaft in his fist. The saliva helped his fingers glide over the distended flesh.

  It was almost embarrassing, having to relieve himself by his own hand when there were so many women nearby. Usually women were lined up to do it for him--sometimes two or three of them at a time--their mouths and bodies opened for his pleasure, eager to take him any way he wanted. Once, centuries ago, he’d even had as many as six lycan women in his bed. Malak prided himself on being able to please them all.

  He kept his head against the wall, imagining Sophia on her knees before him--submissive and compliant, maybe even tied with her hands behind her back as his prisoner. Oh, yeah. That was good. Tied naked and moaning, no desperately begging, to suck him with her pouty lips. Malak would never bind her for sex without permission, but a fantasy was a fantasy and this was definitely agreeable to his drunken mind.

  Lycans weren’t like humans. His kind embraced their sexuality, enjoyed it. There was no shame in finding mutual pleasure. Humans were taught to fear and deny their carnal desires. It was one of the things that had caused the human wars long ago. Humans had been scared, and envious, of the freedoms immortals possessed. Lycans had all lived long enough to know that pleasure should be taken where it was found.

  He thought of Sophia’s rejection and scowled. Why was it he’d forgotten that part of human nature? Sure the women were soft, but some of them could also make a lot of unnecessary work to get them to into bed. Then, there were the others, who easily jumped into bed with whoever would take them. Only afterward, if they were found out, they’d scream ravishment and a whole village would be willing to die to defend the woman’s honor.

  Malak had been chased by angry villagers many times in the old days when the realms merged freely. At the time, he thought it amusing. The women had been willing enough before they were caught, usually propositioning him to their beds. He’d never once taken an unwilling woman. To do so would be to scar his honor.

  In his irritation over being denied physical pleasure by Sophia, Malak stroked himself hard. Squeezing, he pumped his hips, as if he could punish her by taking himself roughly, as if it was her mouth he was plunging into and not his tight fist. His breath became harsh and he felt his body partially shifting. He growled viciously in the back of this throat, willing the end to come. It did, wetting the side of the wall with a long jet of his seed.

  Malak sighed, taking deep breaths. His drunken mind held on to the pleasure, taking its time coming back to reality. The pressure was gone, but he still felt unsatisfied. Taking a deep breath, he moaned. Why did he have a sinking suspicion that he would be doing this often in Lady Sophia’s company?

  Chapter Three

  The sun was barely over the horizon when Sophia said farewell to her sister. It was a tearful parting, but she knew there was no other way for her. As she had passed through Lycaon’s main hall for the last time, she had seen the eyes of the lycan males on her. Their gazes were hot with barely tempered passions. Only Malak’s presence at her side, disagreeable as it was this morning, seemed to keep them from approaching. That was at least one thing to be grateful for, even if she would have preferred anyone but Malak to be her traveling companion.

  Malak kept a fast pace. She was surprised that no others were with them, but Mina assured her that Malak would behave himself. Sophia wasn’t worried about him assaulting her, so much as she was worried about the way he looked at her and tried to seduce her. It had been hard enough to resist in a keep full of people who could happen by, but alone? In the dark? No one around to witness what they did?

  Sophia glanced over her shoulder as they walked in silence. The front gates of Lycaon were only small specks on the distant horizon. Malak had handed her a pack to carry, keeping one for himself. They walked along a thick forest of red trees. Large, pale leaves graced the branches. Aside from the coloring, the forest looked just like those back home. The sky was an odd shade of purple, but the sun was bright and yellow as she was used to.

  The forest slowly tapered off, leaving them to nothing but a long open field of rolling grasses. A gentle wind swept over them. Malak only wore a blue tunic tied around his waist and short leather boots. He looked completely unaffected by the chilly weather. Sophia had on a long sleeved undertunic dress made of thin linen, a thicker draping tunic of red wool, short boots, and she was trying not to shiver each time the breeze hit her.

  Rhiannon had given her a leather strap to bind back her hair. She did so, rolling it all to the nape of h
er neck to keep it off her face. Still, strands of blonde managed to blow loose, whipping occasionally across her eyes. She glanced at Malak. His raven black hair flowed freely behind him, just the sides bound back from his face. If he wasn’t so aggravating, she would have thought him handsome. But, he was aggravating, having done nothing more than grunt at her a few times in his ill temper before leaving. Now he wasn’t even paying attention to her.

  “Wouldn’t it be faster if you just shifted and gave me a ride?” Sophia asked. “Mina mentioned that’s how your kind normally travel with humans. It seems to me it would be a lot quicker.”

  “My lady,” he answered, his tone as mocking as his look. “Are you suggesting you would like to straddle me with your thighs and ride me?”

  Sophia felt the blood rushing out of her face. Malak didn’t even bother to smile.

  “Actually, thinking on it,” she quipped, “you’d probably only infest me with fleas. That or try to eat me.”

  “Oh,” he tipped his head back and pretended to laugh. There was no humor in the harsh sound though. “You’re much too small a meal to bother with.”

  Sophia stiffened. That was the second time he’d mentioned her weight. Without thought, she responded, “Well, my lord, you would be thin too had the king ransacked your home, killed your father and almost everyone else you knew since childhood as you watched from the distance. Leaving you to spend the next two years starving because you were a lady and ladies have no reason to learn how to hunt for food.”

  Sophia didn’t even bother to keep the bitterness out of her voice. Growing up, she’d begged to go hunting with her father and the knights. She’d even tried to talk him into giving her a falcon. He’d refused, giving her a lengthy lecture on a woman’s place in a man’s home. Her father was a good man, Sophia loved him dearly, but he hadn’t prepared his daughters to deal with the consequences of his actions.


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