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Once in a Lifetime

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m close, Guy.”

  He didn’t let up. Guy fucked inside her harder than ever before. Her cunt tightened around him harder, and he lost it. There was no pace to his thrusts. He gave her everything while also holding onto her hips. When he released her, Guy knew she’d be bruised from his touch.

  The only sounds in the room were the sounds of their cries of pleasure. Emily moaned, whimpering, and suddenly she was climaxing.

  Guy could no longer wait any longer. He pounded into her body. Her tits bounced up and down with the depth of his thrusts. Within seconds he felt the orgasm build, and with one hard thrust he spilled himself into her waiting body.

  Growling, he closed his eyes giving her everything he could.

  When it was all over, he felt the pounding inside his head.

  The love he felt for Emily was never going to disappear even if he tried to fuck her out of his system.


  Emily sat in front of Guy as he brushed her hair. They’d showered together, and he’d insisted on washing, drying, and taking care of her. She hadn’t been cared for like this since she was a little girl. Sitting on the end of the bed she looked at the far wall wondering what the hell she was going to say. He’d washed his semen away from her in the shower. His actions were showing his feelings in way words never could.

  You’re falling in love with him.

  Biting her lip, she let out a sigh.

  “What’s on your mind?” he asked.


  No, there was no way Guy could be falling in love with her. He didn’t do love but sex. She needed to keep her head on straight. The first time she met him, he’d been getting a blow job by another woman. Women surrounded him faster than anything she knew. Her love for him would have to stay wound up tight inside her. Telling the serial womanizer that she was in love with him would be a huge mistake.

  “Your hair is so soft.” His hands were all over her.

  She’d seen the bruises on her hips from their rough fucking earlier.

  “You didn’t have to brush my hair. I can do all of this stuff.”

  “I’m happy to do it, Em. Stop worrying. Wayne stopped by earlier. He was ready to kick my ass for not answering my phone.”

  Was he treating her like a girlfriend? First the trip to his parents and now he was talking about his friends.

  Dorothy is your friend. Nothing is here. Get your head out of your ass. Sex is all he wants and all you should be giving him. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex.

  “Dorothy told me last night. Wayne proposed last night.”

  “I know. She’s the one for him.”

  Emily stayed silent. What could she say to him?

  The scent of the stew they’d been making earlier was filling the air, and she wished there was something she could do to fill the silence that had settled between them. Nothing was happening.

  “You’re not nervous about marriage being up in the air?”

  “No, why would I be?” he asked. “Wayne has loved Dorothy since the first moment he saw her.”

  She smiled recalling Dorothy’s excitement at meeting Wayne.

  Guy crushed her to him, sucking on her neck. “I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  “I’ve got the bruises to prove it.”

  “You do things to me, baby. I can’t keep my hands to myself, and I don’t want to.”

  The brush was left forgotten as his hand sank into the shirt she was wearing. Giggling, she fought him as he took her to the bed. He was wearing a towel, which was soon lost in the fray.

  “Stop it.” She screamed as he started to tickle her. It was too much, and she pushed him to the bed, straddling his waist. Her shirt covered her body, but she felt his cock pressed along her slit. They both paused in their fight. His hands were at her breasts, and she held his ribs.

  “Well, this has changed a few things.”

  “You’ve got me where you want me, Guy. What are you going to do with me now?” she asked.

  He reached down, righting his cock and then pressed her down onto it. Guy filled her so perfectly, and she closed her eyes, relishing the feel of him inside her.

  “This is going to be the perfect way to end the day.”

  Emily knew what he meant. She could easily imagine spending the rest of her life being with him having sex and raising a family.

  The rest of the night was spent in his arms, making love and having rough sex. At one point they left his bedroom to eat the food they’d cooked together. The days melded together, and in no time at all he was dropping her off on Tuesday so she could get ready for work.

  On Wednesday Dorothy and the girls took her out to lunch. She wasn’t due at work until the afternoon. Guy hadn’t abandoned her after their weekend together, but her girlfriends were getting anxious to know what was happening.

  “So you spent the whole weekend with him and Monday as well.” Janet started up the conversation after they’d ordered their food.

  Emily nodded. She eased into her seat gently. Being with Guy had made her rather sore.

  “No more freaky calls from the cheating ex?” Lilly asked.

  Nathan was finally off the scene. She’d seen him across the street the other day with another woman. He’d not called her, and she put their past firmly behind her. Nathan hadn’t taken anything else from her, and she refused to dwell on the past. There was no need for her to keep living like he was in her life.

  Guy is taking up all your time.

  Sipping at her water she explained what she’d seen with Nathan and how she didn’t care. She’d never been in love with him.

  Not like you’re in love with Guy.

  Gritting her teeth, she smiled at her friends. “I was never in love with Nathan. He was a prick, but he kept me entertained. I didn’t even cry when I caught him cheating,” she said.

  Dorothy had remained quiet since the talk started. “You’re in love with Guy Jensen.”

  Her friend was not asking a question. There was a knowing look in her eyes.

  Emily stayed silent staring at her friend.

  “No, Emily, you can’t go falling in love with that man. Guy is a boy in a man’s body. He will hurt you far more than Nathan ever did,” Janet said, warning her.

  “You’re all dating his friends. What’s to say he’s not like them?”

  “It’s Guy Jensen. He goes through women faster than we do underwear.”

  They were all silent as the waiter put their plates of food in front of them. Emily looked down at her chicken salad and lost her appetite. She wasn’t falling in love with Guy. She was in love with him.


  In her defense she felt the connection with him all the time they were together. She and Guy were close, and they clicked. Not one moment was boring between them.

  “I’m going to meet his parents this weekend,” she said, blurting it out.

  She watched her friends pause with food perched at their lips.

  “Was that your suggestion or his?” Janet asked.

  “His. Guy asked me to go to lunch with his parents. Is that normal? Does he ask every woman he screws to meet the folks?”

  Her friends exchanged a look.

  “No. He’s never done anything like that at all,” Dorothy said.

  “Look, I know you’re all worried about me and I really appreciate your concern, but please have faith in me.” She took another sip of water. “Yes, I’ve got feelings for him. You would as well if you knew how amazing and talented he is. He’s sweet and kind, and he’s fantastic in bed. I’m not pushing him into anything.”

  Dorothy reached over placing a hand on top of Emily’s. “Honey, we’re not worried about you or trusting you. If he turns into a prick and hurts you, then we’re going to pick your side. Our men are going to pick Guy’s side. This is going to have a big fallout, and I don’t want you hurt.”

  Smiling, Emily tried to reassure her. “I’ll be fine, and I won’t risk your relationships. I intend to be a bridesmaid a
t your wedding, honey. I’m not going to ruin my chance.”

  The tension around the table eased. Emily hadn’t realized how much was at stake with her and Guy. Maybe it really wasn’t worth it.

  She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she was going to give it a shot.

  Chapter Ten

  “What are you intentions?” Frankie asked.

  “You need to make sure everything is working,” Dale said.

  For the last hour Guy had done nothing but listen to his friends moan. He’d never known them to be so concerned about the women he dated.

  Emily is not just any woman.

  “Are you going to offer some advice from where you’re sitting?” Guy asked, turning to face Wayne.

  “No, I know your true feelings. It’s time you told them.”

  Glaring at his friend he turned back to the other two, who were panicking. “I’m not going to fuck anything up. I’m in love with Emily.”

  “Are you sure?” Dale asked, looking more nervous since he’d come out telling him the truth.

  “Am I talking a different language? I’m in love with Emily. Nothing bad is going to happen. Your women are not going to hate you. I’m not going to fuck this up. We’re going to meet my parents today. You know my mother will love her, and my father will adore her.” He hoped his friends would stop doubting him as he had enough doubts himself and didn’t need them to drum it into them. Guy was in this for life. The last week he’d been making plans to get her to fall in love with him.

  Every night he waited for her and spent the night with her. When morning came he made love to her before leaving. From the moment they’d stopped using condoms he’d been going bareback within her. She was the only woman he’d lost control with.

  “Guy, you’re one of my best friends, but I know you. You fuck things up,” Frankie said.

  “No, I’m not fucking this up. Yes, in the past I fucked everything up. I’ve not been a one man woman, but I’ve changed. Give me a chance.” He slammed the cup he’d been holding in the sink and stormed out of his room, going straight for his garage. Everything they said to him was not lies. He was scared of fucking this up, but he didn’t need them to constantly tell him what he did wrong. Guy didn’t wait to see if someone followed him out.

  Taking a deep breath he looked around his work station needing to calm down. He’d been close to unleashing all of his anger on his friends, and they didn’t deserve it.

  His anger needed to be directed at himself and his past actions.

  “Wow, I’m sure that cup feels real upset,” Wayne said, entering the room.

  “Don’t start.”

  “Frankie and Dale wish you luck. They’ve also apologized for doubting your wooing and shit.”

  Wayne jumped onto the counter and took a seat. Counting to ten, Guy gave himself time to calm down before facing his friend.

  “Are you freaking out and worried that I’ll fuck everything up?” he asked, facing his friend.

  “No. I’ve seen how you are with Emily. You’re different with her. You care about what she thinks of you, but I see that you doubt yourself.”

  Guy wasn’t going to dispute him. When he was around Emily, he wanted to be the better man.

  “The guys are used to you fucking everything in sight. You never had a code or did things by the rule book, Guy. Who you fucked was your business. Our women are connected with Emily. They care about her like she’s a sister. We don’t want to get involved in the fallout.” Everything Wayne said sounded reasonable even to him.

  “Look, I’m going to try and be straight with Emily. I told her it was a load of fun, and I don’t want her to throw that back in my face. I’m nervous here, man. I’m in unknown territory, and I’m fucking scared.” Guy didn’t hide his feelings from the other man.

  “Emily is not stupid. Tell her the truth, and she’ll love you. You’re not an idiot or a harsh guy.” Wayne jumped down.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right. I know what I’m talking about. I’m going to head out. Have fun tonight and say hi to your folks.”

  Nodding, Guy saw his friend out and took a deep breath. He’d called his mother and warned her he was bringing a woman.

  “Mom, she’s important to me. I love her, and I’ve not got the best reputation when it comes to her.”

  “Son, I may be your mother, but I’m not stupid. I know your reputation, and I’ll help you to fix it with her.”

  The conversation had been short and sweet. He hoped it did the trick. Shutting up his house, he grabbed his car keys and headed out to his car.

  Guy drove within the speed limit to get to Emily’s apartment. Parking by the curb he ran up the flight of stairs and buzzed for her to let him in.

  “Are you ready to come down?” he asked, through the intercom.

  “Can you come up? I need to see you first.”

  His car wasn’t parked in an illegal zone. “Buzz me up.”

  The buzzer went off, and he headed up the stairs to her door. She was stood looking at him with her body hidden behind a door. If she didn’t look so adorable the sight would freak him out as her head hung around the door. Very horror movie and freaky.

  “Any reason you’re freaking out the neighbors?” he asked, entering her apartment.

  She closed the door, and she was stood in her underwear.

  “Baby, I’d love to fuck you now, but we’ve got to go. My parents are waiting for us, and they want to meet you.”

  “I’ve not called you up for a quick fuck. I’ve never gone home to meet the parents before. I don’t know what to wear. You do.” She breezed past him holding up three dresses. “I was going to go for the red, and all that went through my head was slut. I don’t want your folks thinking I sleep around.” She held a short red dress in front of her.

  His cock responded to the sight, and he sat back against the couch watching her. He’d have liked to have seen the red on her.

  “The black just screams funeral, and I don’t want your parents thinking I’m wishing they were dead.”

  The other dress was pressed against her front and thrown away. He started to laugh.

  “And the blue just says politics, and I don’t think it works.”

  He was dressed in jeans and a plain white t-shirt. They were visiting his parents, and his mom was cooking a large Sunday roast with meat and the trimmings. His stomach rumbled as he imagined how it would taste.

  Getting up from his seat he walked into her bedroom and went straight for her wardrobe. Going through the clothes he pulled out a pair of black jeans and a purple shirt. He loved the color purple on her, and it reminded him of the dress she’d worn on her date with Andrew. The date he’d interrupted and gotten her to go with him to his amusements place would stay with him forever.

  “Put these on,” he said, handing them to her.

  “I can’t wear these. I’m going to dinner to meet your parents.”

  “Yeah, we’re going to eat a big Sunday lunch. Afterwards all you’re going to want to do is cuddle up against me. Trust me, Em, there’s no need for you to dress up.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “I’ll wait out there. Don’t be long, or I’ll come back and dress you for me.”

  He left her alone and paced her apartment.

  Tell her how you feel.

  Running fingers through his hair, Guy felt the pressure of his feelings weighing down on him. There was nothing for him to do to stop what he was feeling. He didn’t want to mess it up, but he also didn’t want to go too long without her knowing the truth.

  If she thinks this is just sex then you risk her leaving you for another man offering her longer.

  “It should be easy just tell her the truth.” He muttered the words to himself.

  “How do I look?” Emily asked.

  Turning around he saw her standing, running her hands down her stomach.

  “You look beautiful.” It wouldn’t matter to him what she wore. She was beautiful rega
rdless of everything else.

  “Are you sure I should be wearing jeans to meet your parents?”

  He pulled her into his arms. “You look perfect, Em. If you want you can tell them I made you wear jeans.”

  “I might hold you to that.”

  Guy opened his mouth ready to tell her how he felt, and suddenly he felt choked on fear.

  “What is it? What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing. Come on, let’s go and meet the family.” He left the words running through his mind, hating himself for being a coward.


  Climbing out of the car Emily wondered what was going on inside Guy’s head. He’d barely spoken on the way to his parents, and now they were here. She had hoped he would talk her through everything or at the very least tell her their names.

  A woman with graying hair walked out of the house, followed by a man who looked like an older version of Guy.

  “Honey, I was wondering when you were going to turn up,” the woman said, walking down the steps.

  Keeping her distance Emily felt her nerves growing.

  Both of his parents pulled him in for a tight embrace. She was reminded of her own parents hugging her when she went to see them after a break.

  “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Emily.”

  “Son, if I know you then you’ve forgotten to tell her our names,” his father said.

  Smiling at them, she tucked some hair behind her ear. “You’re not mistaken, Mr. Jensen.”

  “I’m Delia, and this is my husband, Jack.” The older woman rushed toward her and pulled her into a hug. “Come on, honey. We’ve got lots to talk about.”

  Before she could stop Delia, Emily was being led into the house with the man walking up behind her. Glancing back she saw Guy was smiling. She was taken into the kitchen. The men didn’t follow them.

  “Take a seat, dear.” A drink was placed in front of her. “Do you take sugar?”

  “No, thank you.” She covered the drink not knowing what to do.


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