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SCIFI ROMANCE: The Encounter (Sci-Fi Romance ) (Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Time Travel Space Exploration Romance Collection)

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by Paquette, Sharon

  “Eva, I have come back and I am here to stay. There will be no attack as we will take away parts of the earth which is uninhabited, like those snow covered peaks and the deep blue ocean.”

  Eva smiled and kissed him and Yev fell down on his knees and pulled out a little shining bright white diamond and said, “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes”

  The sky smiled as two galaxies became one.


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  Title 3: Affair with a Werewolf

  Chapter One

  Life had always been pretty good to me. I didn’t have any major regret. I grew up in a traditional Southern family with strong American values that still runs in my veins. I also wanted to study art and after graduating from Texas University, I found a fulfilling job in Boston. Yes, it was pretty far from my roots and my home, but the job was highly satisfying and kept me going to strive for excellence. I am one of those few lucky people in this world who wake up every morning and can’t wait to go to work. Monday morning blues have always been a hoax to me.

  It didn’t matter if I had a great job, doing well with my career, dating a lot of wrong men and fighting the world on a daily basis, but deep down I was still the same Southern girl who wanted to go back home. I believe I will always be the same girl – my daddy’s little princess. My daddy has always told me that I am a princess and that a knight in shining armor will soon come, riding a big white horse to sweep me out.

  When I was a kid, I strongly used to believe in the fairy tale happily ever after myth. As I grew old, I realized that love was as real as Santa Claus. Don’t get me wrong! There is a part of me who still believes in the existence of love, unicorns, and double ended rainbows. But, then I also know that true love doesn’t exist in this world anymore.

  I have dated a lot of guys in the past. I am not very happy and proud to admit that I must have been to more than hundred “first dates”. Despite all these first dates, there were only a handful of them who turned out to be a “second date” material. Nevertheless, you can get the picture, right? It never progressed beyond a couple of dates. I never had a relationship – no high school romance, no long distance commitment, no college epic love story. Nothing.

  I was just an average girl, living an average life.

  My friends have always told me that I have very high expectations from the people around me and that my checklist is too stringent.

  “No men can pass that list, Sophia!”

  “You are going to die alone with ninety cats, licking your face on your couch, Sophia!”

  “Should I ask your sister to fix you up with one of her friends, Sophia?”

  “I am sure that your perfect fit doesn’t exist in this world!”

  My friends and family would say some of the above statements, invading my personal life. Often, I would tell them that I wanted to concentrate on my career and that if it is meant to be, it will be!

  Sometimes, I believed that they were right. That I would die alone with some ninety cats and a lonely house. That I had very high expectations of the men of our community. That my perfect soul mate didn’t exist in this world and God would send him soon from the outer space. I believed I just had to keep waiting then, wishing on the next UFO!

  Chapter Two

  I love beaches!

  The fresh wind ruining my messy hair and untangling them without any force, the soft sand pressing between my toes and finding its way inside my nails, the sound of the ocean waves hitting the land in passion. I have always fantasized about beaches and how beautiful they have always been. Some of my best memories have been associated with beaches and whenever a part of me misses my hometown, I used to come to the nearby beaches to remember the old days.

  It was just like any other Saturday night. I was sitting alone on a beach near the outskirts of the city. I drove a long way to find one of the loneliest beaches around and sat there to find some solace. I have always loved sitting alone on a beach and floating with the moment, letting time pass me by like a beautiful tide.

  The sun was looking beautiful, setting down at the horizon and painting a breathtakingly beautiful picture. I felt the ocean waves kissing my legs with passion and closed my eyes to take that moment in, as much as I could.

  I stayed there for the next couple of minutes until the sun entirely sat leaving every ray of light and night started to fall. Gradually, everything became dark and before I could crave for a companion, the stars came out to give me company in the beautiful night. The moon looked radiant and romantic, both at the same time. I smiled at it and saw that a part of it smiled at me too, looking at my beautiful face.

  I closed my eyes and wished for something else – something real, something that will last longer than a one night stand. Maybe, something like true love.

  When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t really believe what I saw. At first, it felt as if a star was falling down from the universe. I thought of making a wish, but it didn’t take me very long to realize that it was not a star, as it was approaching towards me. I rubbed my eyes a couple of times and quickly stood up. The bright source of light approached at the beach and before I could realize, it landed just in front of me.

  There was a very strong part in me that wanted to run away. I should have, right? It was clearly a UFO and for what I have seen in movies and read in the books, they always suggested me to run away from the aliens and that their only reason to enter Earth is to invade them. But it didn’t feel like an alien invasion at all. It was just a lonely star, who was trying to find his way back home.

  I didn’t run towards the opposite direction, instead I ran towards the ship. It was like as if there was something in the ship that attracted me, and I couldn’t stop going towards it.

  I stood just a few steps away from the ship. It was shining brightly with luminous colors that were changing their colors and intensity. All of a sudden, I heard a cracking sound coming from the ship and the lights flickered. Soon, the lights stopped shining bright and it was dark. I saw that the ship was made up of metal, which looked a lot like stainless steel or aluminum. I thought that it was just a human ship or could be some advanced vehicle on which NASA must be working on.

  “You are such a stupid girl, Sophia!” I said, almost out loud and made fun of myself. I thought that the ship was a UFO and an alien will come out of it. I was indeed a silly girl, as I didn’t realize my mistake. It was a mistake of staying there and not running.

  Nevertheless, there was a very strong part of me who wanted to stay and witness what was there, inside the ship. I walked a little and touch the exteriors of the ship – they were dark gray in color and it felt like metal. I was alarmed when the doors of the ship were opened and felt a strong sensation across my spine, as I saw a soldier coming out of the ship.

  “Who are you?” I asked him before he could say anything.

  “Mike!” he said in a very natural tone. I looked at him and saw his perfectly crafted face that looked like the moon itself. He had dark hair and a spotless white skin that looked radiant. His eyes were dark ebony and had a very distinctive touch in them. I looked into his eyes and couldn’t see anything at all – no reflection, no past, no strong emotions, no fear, nothing at all. His eyes looked so vacant and devoid of any feeling.

  He was wearing a crisp white shirt that had some medals and a seal on the upper left side. The pair of beige trousers and brown boots looked perfect, way too perfect on him. He was tall and handsome. He was not like any other men that I had ever seen. He looked like them, but still, he was completely different. There was something about him, which I couldn’t really pick at that moment, which made him look so different, yet the same.

  “Where are you from, Mike?” I asked him, as there was a very strong part of me that felt lost. I thought that he was a soldier who needed help or some assistance.

  “I don’t know,” he replied and I heard his seductive and husky voice. I have always had a thing for husky voices. He had a really peculiar accent and I couldn’t really figure out his origin.

  “What do you mean by that?” I couldn’t really understand his reply.

  “I am looking for you – you are the key,” he walked towards me and stood right in front of me.

  “I am so glad that I found you,” he whispered in my ears and I couldn’t understand why he said that. I didn’t even know Mike! None of it was making sense.

  Before I could realize that I was in trouble, I felt a strong sensation across my legs that quickly reached my spine and floated to my brain. I closed my eyes without my will and fell into his arms.

  Chapter Three

  I opened my eyes and found myself on the beach. The sun was shining bright and the cloudless sky smiled back at me. The ocean waves looked clear and almost milky white, they were too pure and good to be true. Everything around me was too good to be true. It was not the same beach that I visited last night; in fact, it was not a real beach at all, as I quickly noticed another sun, which was dark red in color shining in the opposite direction.

  I stood up and saw Mike standing near me. I walked towards him and tried to confront about everything. I couldn’t remember the entire night and wanted to know what happened.

  “Where are we? Who are you? What did you do to me? Why don’t I remember the last night?” I bombarded my long trail of questions at Mike.

  “One question at a time, Sophia,” he calmed me down and touched my shoulder. I felt his fingertips doing some kind of magic to me, as I could feel his energy on my skin that penetrated through my being.

  “How do you know my name?”

  “Because you are the key,” he replied innocently and looked at me. I couldn’t stop to admire his gorgeous face.

  “What does that mean? Where are we? Take me home, please!” I pleaded. I knew that I wasn’t home and wanted to go back.

  “Sit back and listen, please!” and with that we both sat on that beautiful beach that reflected the deep red sun.

  “I am not from Earth. I am from some other planet – far away from your galaxy,” he said, looking right at me and I knew that he wasn’t lying. I was right; he was too good to be real.

  “Is this a dream?” I asked him. He brought his lips nearby and touched my face. He held my face in his arms like the creator would hold the moon and kissed me softly. I felt a strong sensation and felt unexpectedly nice. I wanted more.

  “Does it feel like a dream?” he asked. It was anything but a dream. I could feel him and his touch. It wasn’t a dream.

  “Tell me everything then. Everything from the start!” I demanded and opened up my brain. I wanted to prepare myself for almost anything that could exist in the world and beyond.

  “I am from Skia, a land similar to Earth. Skia follows a very strict bifurcation of the society. It is believed that everyone in our land is born with some or other kind of power and some or the other kind of work is allocated to every individual on the basis of the power they attain. For example, I can control things with my touch. I can make anyone go unconscious; can create fire, change energy or mood with my touch. Since my power could be of a great use in war, I was allocated to become a soldier by the high power,” he said and smiled. That was the first time when I saw something in his eyes – it was a sense of pride and happiness. He was almost proud of his powers.

  “It was believed that almost two million years ago, there was a huge Dead pool in our race. An unexpected disease was found to exist in our race, which caused some thousands of babies to be born without any power. They couldn’t do anything or fit anywhere in the society. The disease was immediately treated by our scientists, but we didn’t know what to do with those kids. They could not exist in our society. We have always known that the atmosphere of Earth is similar to ours and they would survive on Earth without any artificial support. Since the high power didn’t want to kill them, they abandoned them and left them to Earth with a very heavy heart. And that is how your race flourished. Those kids that the warriors of Skia left on Earth grew up and called themselves the human race, when in reality, they were just a residue of Skia race,” he continued and for a moment I couldn’t understand the entire scenario. We have been researching about our existence from such a long time, and there I was, sitting in from of an alien, who was telling me about my existence.

  “Then why are you here?” I asked.

  “This is the interesting part. Over the last few years, we have developed drastically, but with the same development, we also invented weapons of mass destruction. Skia has always been a very peaceful land, but there were some wars in the past. Recently, there was a clash among the communities and one of them triggered a black hole. The entire planet has been submerged in a kind of artificial black hole that is created by our technology and only a key can bring the planet back. I am a soldier who is in search of that key from some last hundred years. I am looking for that key that would bring Skia back to life and then I can go back home peacefully,” he spoke out everything and looked at me.

  “I am sorry that I abducted you like this, without your will, but I had no other option. I am running short on time and that was not the right place to explain you everything. So, I brought you inside my ship!” he said and looked around the beach.

  “This is your ship? I mean, are we still inside your ship?” I asked out of amazement as it seemed like we were in the middle of a beach.

  “Yes, this is my ship. You can imagine anything at all and it will create artificial surroundings on the basis of your imagination. A part of me believed that you love beaches, so I created something like this to greet you. I don’t want to harm you, Sophia. Relax, you are the key,” he said and brought his lips near to mine and kissed them passionately. It was stronger this time. I wanted to stop, but then there was a very strong part in me who wanted him to continue.

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked him and he unbuttoned my shirt and pressed my breast. He leaned ahead and faced me. Slowly, he brought his gorgeous face and kissed my bosom.

  “It means that you are the key to Skia. You can make me go back home,” he replied politely and for a moment, I couldn’t understand the meaning. How an ordinary girl like me could be the key to the origin of the human race.

  “What do you mean?” I moaned in pleasure as he tore my trousers apart and licked my legs.

  I unbuttoned his shirt and stared at his beautifully crafted body for the next few minutes. It was screaming perfection in every possible way. The curves were so flawlessly crafted as if the creator himself had invested a long time in making that flawless structure. His chest was wide and had strong muscles that were made up of steel. His arms, his face, his shoulders, his back was carved to perfection without any trace of any flaw. He didn’t know the definition of flaws, as human faults didn’t exist in his race. He was living and breathing manifestation of perfection.

  “Only something which is created before that black hole can bring Skia back. You are originated from true Skia blood, without any adulteration or mix or some other race. Only you can bring Skia back,” he said and pressed his index figure inside me. I realized that he was not in a mood to talk and wanted to have his way with me. I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted his perfection to entwine with mine.

  We kissed and played with each other’s private parts for the next few minutes, as we lay there, completely naked on the beach. I looked at both the suns and they reflected beautifully a vision of my near future. He started to suck my breasts and I crossed my legs around his Adonis structure. He pressed them and then squeezed them with his strong hands. I felt a little pain but didn’t want the pain to stop.

  We both realized that it was time and he fulfilled my desires by penetrating me – slowly at the beginning and harder each time than before. I looked at the red Sun and listened to the ocean waves. I felt a strong sense of pain and screamed o
ut loud. My echo crossed the ocean waves and he kissed me once to silence my pain. He touched my fingertips and traveled from my arms to my shoulders and again to the tip of my breasts, which calmed me down.

  He was too much for me and I moaned plenty of time with each penetration. He pressed my breasts each time he entered me with his masculinity. I reached my peak, but he didn’t intend to stop. Harder every time than before, he fastened up his pace, as he realized that I was floating on the peak of my orgasm. He penetrated me deep and hit the right spot. I screamed out loud and realized that as I was floating on the other world. He reached his orgasm too and we both had a perfect moment.

  At that moment, nothing existed. There were no rules of time or space that could stop us. We were just two lost souls who wanted to find a home in each other.

  After it was over, I felt his muscular body on my shoulders and he turned back. He held me up and started once again. It came as a surprise, but I realized that he wasn’t done. He wanted to take another round of it and I had no intentions to stop either.

  He made me sit on his stomach and touched my face. I sucked his fingers and kissed his hands. His fingers soon found a home on my breasts and played with my nipples until they stood with an erection. I felt something underneath me – it was his masculinity who wanted to emerge in me again. I let it go and closed my eyes. I didn’t do anything because I knew he would do the magic. He lifted me up with his bare hands and took me to the right spot. He choked my neck with his right hand and his left hand was behind my back.

  He started his tricks and pressed the empty space between my legs. I dig my hands deep in his chest and felt how hard it was. He penetrated me again and I felt the same sensation that originated from my core and reached every cell of my being. I was screaming his name and he held my back tightly this time, doing his magic and calmed my senses down. I couldn’t feel the harsh pain anymore – yes, it was there, but just the sweetest part of it.


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