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Every Which Way

Page 14

by Annabel Joseph et al.

  Jake’s fingers dug into her ass, holding her hard against him, his body stiff. His shaft, buried deep inside, throbbed against the walls of her channel.

  It felt so damned good, Molly almost forgot to breathe.

  When she finally took a breath and let her body relax, she slumped against him, feeling as if she’d just run a marathon. “Well, that answers that question.”

  “What was the question?” he mumbled, the tautness of his muscles easing a little at a time.

  “Do we fit?”

  Jake nuzzled her neck below her earlobe. “Your verdict?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Molly leaned her head to the side to allow him better access.

  “Does that mean you’ll go out with me?”

  She laughed. “That’s a definite maybe.”

  “What more do I have to do to persuade you?”

  Molly lifted his chin with her finger and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “More of the same.”

  “Umm.” He slid his tongue across the seam of her lips. When she opened to him, he caressed her tongue with his in a long, sensuous dance. “Give me a few minutes to recover.”

  Molly shook her head. “I don’t mean right now, although I am tempted to go for a second round. I meant in the future. Sadly, I have to head back to the house and change for work. Audrey and the Ugly Stick Saloon need me tonight.”

  He caught her bottom lip between his teeth and pulled gently, letting it go before he spoke again. “I don’t suppose you could call in sick?”

  Molly sighed. “I can’t. Audrey’s pregnant and shorthanded. If I don’t go in, she’ll work the entire place by herself.” She patted his shoulders. “I have to go. Let me down.”

  “Seems a waste to leave now when we’ve only just begun getting to know each other.” Jake sighed. “But duty calls. Maybe I’ll drop by for drinks.”

  “You should.” She eased off his slackening cock and dropped her legs to the soft sandy creek bottom beneath her feet. “If you do, save me a dance.”

  “Save a dance? Oh babe, all my dances are saved for you.”

  Molly pulled herself up on the boulder and sat with her legs dangling over the edge. She wanted to believe Jake could be exclusive with her, but he had yet to prove it. Seeing him at the Ugly Stick Saloon with all the ladies around him would be a true test. He never seemed to be able to resist women.


  Tucker checked himself over before leaving the ranch. Hair brushed. Check. Teeth brushed. Check. Best button-up shirt. Best jeans. Check. Check. His cowboy boots could use a coat of polish, but other than that, he looked passable.

  He hoped like hell he’d get more than a passing glance from the beautiful Molly O’Brien. He could swear they’d hit it off the last time they were together. He hadn’t imagined it. Since Jake would be at the Ugly Stick too, Tucker would have to get her alone to ask her out.

  Speaking of Jake, the rumble of a truck engine alerted Tucker to a vehicle approaching the house. Jake had been gone most of the late afternoon.

  Tucker walked out on the porch in time to see Jake step down from his truck and reach inside for his cowboy hat.

  His brother’s hair stood on end and his clothes were wrinkled and dusty.

  Tucker frowned. “I thought you were coming straight home.”

  “Sorry.” Jake’s lips quirked upward on the corners for a brief second. Then he settled his cowboy hat on his head and climbed the stairs. “I had to take care of someone—something…first.”

  Tucker descended to the ground, passing Jake on his way up. “I’m headed out.”

  “Horses fed?” Jake asked.

  “Yeah.” Tucker snorted. “Thanks for being here to help. I thought you were going to the Ugly Stick.”

  Jake nodded. “I am, after I get cleaned up.”

  Tucker snorted and didn’t offer to wait until Jake was ready. He wanted to take his own vehicle on the off chance he would be driving Molly home when she got off work.

  Tucker patted his back pocket containing his wallet, with two condoms tucked safely inside. As he climbed into his pickup, he called out, “Feed the dog.”

  “Will do,” Jake responded.

  The drive to the Ugly Stick didn’t take long and gave Tucker a chance to think. As darkness descended on Texas, he pulled into the parking lot of the saloon and stepped down from his truck. The sound of music from the jukebox vibrated the ground beneath his feet. Thursday nights at the Ugly Stick were rowdy, like the cowboys were just warming up for Friday nights. It was hardly conducive to wooing a woman who had to work the crowd, supplying drinks and food. He’d have to get her alone, the earlier the better, before the throngs of drunks took all of her attention.

  At the sight of Molly’s bright red Jeep Wrangler parked near the rear entrance, Tucker’s pulse spiked. Tonight was the night he’d start his campaign to win her heart. She was the one for him. He’d known her a long time, liked the way she kissed and her happy, sassy attitude. Living with four older brothers, she was tough and no-nonsense, qualities he admired in a lady. And she was beautiful with her dark hair and bright green eyes.

  Tucker loved the way she felt when her body pressed against his. His groin tightened. As much as he’d like to skip right to making love, he figured he’d better save that for after a date or two. She needed to feel comfortable around him and secure in the knowledge he was in it for the long haul.

  His plan in mind, he entered the Ugly Stick Saloon, his gaze darting around the room. Fortunately he was early enough to take his pick of chairs.

  “Evenin’ Tuck.” Greta Sue, the bar bouncer nodded as he passed her. The woman was as big as a linebacker and twice as tough. She should have been a prison guard, and maybe she had been in a previous life.

  He considered asking the bouncer which tables Molly was working, but decided against it. The big woman took her job seriously and looked after the waitresses working for Audrey Anderson.

  Instead, Tucker crossed to the bar and slid onto a stool.

  “What can I get you?” Libby Jones asked. The pretty, auburn-haired woman wiped the counter with a clean cloth, smiling his way.

  “Bud Light, draft,” Tucker answered, craning his neck, searching for Molly.

  Libby filled a mug with his choice of beer and set it on the counter. “Looking for someone?”

  “Is Molly working tonight?”

  Libby nodded. “She’s in the storeroom stacking cases of beer and whiskey, getting ready for tonight. Happy hour starts in thirty minutes.”

  Tucker lifted his mug and downed half of the clear, cool liquid in one long swallow. When he put down the mug, he stood. “I reckon I’ll see if she could use a hand.”

  Libby’s lips twitched. “I’m sure she could. Audrey’s in the costume room, backstage with Jackson. They’ll be no help for a while.”

  “At it again?” Tucker winked and crossed the floor. With the barroom half-empty and Molly alone in the storeroom, now was the most opportune time for him to make his move.

  Since the storeroom door stood open, Tucker entered and searched for the dark-haired beauty.

  A wall of beer cases stood dead center, blocking the view of the back of the room. Sounds of boxes being shifted and a few soft grunts drifted to Tucker. He leaned to the side of the wall of beer and caught a glimpse of a pert little ass, pointed skyward, encased in cutoff jean shorts, frayed at the edges and displaying more than a little of her rounded bottom. Long, silky legs stretched straight down to a pair of turquoise cowboy boots with a low heel and an elaborate design. She had bent to lift a case of Jack Daniels whiskey.

  Tucker, hurried forward. “Hey, darlin’, let me help you.”

  Molly squealed, popped upright and teetered backward with the box of whiskey.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Tucker pulled her back against his front, holding her until she steadied.

  “Damn it,” Molly said. “Don’t scare me like that.” She stepped away from him and turned with the box.

er grabbed the box from her hands.

  “Tucker.” Molly’s cheeks reddened. “What are you doing back here? It’s employees only.”

  “Libby said Audrey was busy and you might need help stacking cases.”

  Molly pushed her hair out of her face. “Actually I do. The delivery guy just dumped it all. I have to sort through and stack it in some kind of order.”

  “Tell me where you want it, and I’ll put it there.”

  “Thanks.” Molly glanced around him. “Are you alone?”

  Tucker turned toward the door, a hot shaft of something akin to anger ripped through him. Jealousy? “Yes. Are you expecting someone?”

  The color high in her cheeks, she shook her head. “No, no.”

  With Molly pointing, Tucker moved boxes. In a few short minutes, they had the boxes where Molly wanted them.

  Molly stood with her fists on her hips and a smile. “That will keep Audrey from trying to do it herself.”

  Tucker frowned. “Surely she’s not moving cases of booze still?”

  With a laugh, Molly shook her head. “Not for lack of trying. Jackson follows her around like a shadow to keep her from touching anything heavier than a single glass of beer.” A hair fell across her eyes. She swiped at it, leaving the cutest streak of dust.

  But it was the sheen of perspiration across the swells of her breasts that nearly undid Tucker. His heart pounding against his ribs, Tucker took Molly’s hand and carried it to his lips, brushing his mouth across her knuckles. “Molly, there’s something I want to ask you.”

  Her clear green eyes stared up at him. “What’s that, Tucker?”

  “I’d like to take you out on a date.”

  Her brows lowered. “You’ve already taken me out a few times and then you didn’t call. Why should I go out with you after being ignored?”

  He lifted her hand, weaving his fingers with hers. “I’m sorry about that. Business got heavy and I had some thinking to do.”

  She tugged on her hand, but he couldn’t let go, afraid once he did, he’d never hold her hand again.

  Molly sighed. “A phone call doesn’t take that long.”

  “You’re right.” Tucker stared at where their hands met, electricity zinging through him at her touch. “I’ve spent the past couple of weeks thinking about what I want out of life, and who I want to spend it with.” His gaze captured hers. “At the risk of moving too fast, I have to say…I want you.”

  She jerked her hand from his, her frown deepening, little lines appearing beside each side of her nose. “Me? Why?”

  He missed the warmth of her hands, but couldn’t help smiling. “That part was easy. I like that you are kind to everyone, whether they’re being rude to you or not. I think you’re cute as you wrinkle your nose when you’re listening hard, like you are now.”

  Her frown lessened and the little wrinkle disappeared.

  “I like that you’re worried about Audrey and her pregnancy and that you love your family.” He lifted her hand again. “And I like the way you kiss. I’ve been counting the minutes until I can do it again.”

  By the time he stopped speaking, her frown had completely disappeared and her lips tilted upward, her eyes glistening. “That’s about the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “I could go on, but it would delay the inevitable.” He tugged her hand, drawing her closer.

  “The inevitable?” she whispered, her body pressing against his.

  “The inevitability of another kiss.” He tilted her chin and bent his head. “That is, if you want me to kiss you.”

  “Oh, yes…” she whispered.

  Before she could change her mind, Tucker swept in and sealed his intentions with a kiss, his mouth claiming hers in a gentle but firm connection. When she moved even closer, he traced the seam of her lips with the tip of his tongue.

  Molly wrapped her hands around the back of his neck, weaving her fingers into his hair, then she parted her teeth, allowing his tongue to sweep the length of hers in a long, sensuous caress.

  By the time Tucker lifted his head, his jeans were so tight they were strangling his cock.

  Her breathing a little ragged, Molly leaned her forehead against his chest. “Just when I know what I want, a Maddox walks in and throws me off center.”

  He chuckled. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not. I’ve done nothing but think about kissing you just like that.”

  She lifted her head and stared him straight in the eyes. “Is that all you’ve been thinking about?” Molly eased closer until her belly rubbed against the hard evidence of Tucker’s desire. “Just kissing?”

  Lust ripped through him like a wildfire. He couldn’t move too fast or he might scare her off. But he couldn’t lie, either. “No. I’ve been thinking about holding you in my arms…” Here goes. “Beautifully and utterly naked.” His breath caught and held.

  Molly’s green eyes darkened and her hand ran down his arm and around to caress his backside. “So all you’ve been thinking about is kissing me and holding me naked?” She pressed her hand against his buttocks until his cock fit snug against her belly. “Just holding?”

  He swallowed the moan rising in his chest. The depth of his lust was so great, he fought to keep from tearing off her clothes and taking her there. “Darlin’ what do you want me to say?”

  “The truth.”

  He nodded. “Fine. I want to hold you naked and make hot, passionate love to you in every way I know how.” Just the words make his dick so hard it hurt.

  Molly’s widened and she gave a strained laugh. “Was that so hard to admit?” She shook her head. “All I wanted was to know what it is you really desired.”

  “I’m willing to wait until we’ve dated for a while…give you a chance to get to know me and my level of commitment and loyalty.”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “Shh. The way you describe yourself you could be my dog. If you want to make love to me…do it. Now. Here in this storeroom.”

  He leaned back, his pulse beating a tattoo against his throat. “What do you mean?”

  She walked to the storeroom door, shut it and locked it. When she turned to face him, she grabbed the hem of her tank top and pulled it up over her head.

  Tucker raised his hands as if in surrender. “Darlin’, are you not afraid someone might walk in?”

  Molly stalked him like a lioness after her prey. “I’m too hot to care.” She tossed her dark hair over her shoulder. “What if I want to make love to you immediately?”

  “I want you to get to know me.” Tucker backed a step.

  “Fine, tell me about yourself, while I get naked.” She unclipped her bra and let it slide down her arms. Pert breasts with the prettiest rosy nipples bounced free.

  Words got stuck in Tucker’s throat. He hadn’t planned for her coming on to him and he didn’t know how to react. “I’m loyal,” he stumbled.

  “You already said that. My dog is loyal and you’re not making me horny with that kind of talk.” She toes off a boot. “Tell me something personal.”

  “Like what?”

  She grinned and took off the other boot. “Boxers or briefs?”


  “Now you’re talking.” Her voice lowered and her glance dipped to his crotch. “Show me.”

  “Now?” Heat rose up his chest, seared across his face and out to his ears. “In here?”

  “Now.” Her brows hiked in challenge. “Here.” She reached for the button on her cutoffs and flipped it free. “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours.” Her hand stilled on the zipper, and she tilted her head. “Unless you’re too shy. In which case, you might as well go home.” Molly started to button her jeans.

  Tucker reached out to stop her. “Don’t.”

  “I want a man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it.”

  “I love that about you.” He pulled her close and inhaled the scent of herbal shampoo. “I’m not afraid of going after what I want. I was more afraid
of being too forward and scaring you off. But if you want it here and all means.” He set her to arm’s length, yanked his button free of the hole and jerked down the zipper. His cock sprang free, hard, straight and aching to be inside her.

  Molly smiled and curled her hand around his erection. “Now was that so hard?”

  “Darlin’, it’s hard, all right.” He narrowed his eyes. “Now, what are you going to do with it?”

  Her smile widened. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  Tucker gripped her arms. “I have it and more where you’re concerned. If you want to make love in the storeroom of the bar, I’m game.”

  She ran her hands across his chest, one sliding lower to cup his cock. “I thought you were the by-the-books kinda guy, afraid to step outside of your comfort zone.”

  He forced a shrug, though his body tensed, the source of the tension being fondled by her soft but firm fingers. “I fly planes. Each time I leave the ground I step outside my comfort zone.”

  Molly reached lower, her fingers curling around his balls. Molly leaned up on her toes and whispered in his ear, “Then why do you do it?”

  He turned and captured her lips with his in a hungry kiss before pulling back to answer. “Because I love it.”

  When he’d taken his introductory flight, Tucker knew instantly he wanted to be a pilot. With Molly, Tucker had known at their first kiss she was the woman for him. When he committed to something he was passionate about, there was no stopping him. Winning Molly’s heart was his next goal. Tucker wouldn’t settle for less.

  “Umm.” Molly flicked the buttons on Tucker’s shirt with her free hand while rolling his balls in her other. “I love a passionate man. It makes me want to fuck him wherever I am.”

  Tucker chuckled. “Does your daddy know you use that kind of language?”

  “My daddy is in Australia and still thinks I’m a virgin.” Her hands moved back to his staff and wrapped around him. “And you’re killing the mood by talking about him.”

  “Whatever the lady wants.” Tucker backed her up against a stack of boxes, dug his fingers into her hair and tugged. The motion tipped her head back, exposing her long, sexy neck. He nipped her earlobe and trailed a line of kisses and nibbles down to the pulse beating rapidly at the base of her throat. “One thing...” he said, flicking his tongue across the throbbing vein.


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