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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

Page 6

by Gregory Ellis

  Chapter 6

  The Most Feared Pirate

  Captain Roscoe, Cumberbatch and the rest of the crew could only watch and stare out across the narrowing gap of water which separated the Hopeful and the pirate ship, Royal Fortune. A ship of twenty six guns, it was Black Bart's flagship. The ship and its crew were well known in the Caribbean, the coast of the Americas and along the western shores of Africa. His pirate flag was enough to strike fear into any sailor. It featured a skeleton wearing a tricorn hat and holding a sword. The skeleton's two feet stood on top of two skulls with the abbreviations; ABH and AMH. The abbreviations were a symbol of Roberts' hatred for the governors of both Barbados and Martinique.

  A voice hailed from the pirate ship, "Standby to be boarded. Drop your weapons and do not attempt to defend yourself."

  The crew of the Hopeful did not have any weapons to speak of. The ship only had a few cannon and a couple of swivel guns none of which were loaded or manned. Roscoe had wisely decided not to arm his crew with the few muskets and pistols they had. The Royal Fortune eased up next to the Hopeful and several three-pronged grapnel hooks with ropes attached were thrown from the pirate ship to the Hopeful. The hooks dug in to the railing of the Hopeful and the pirates pulled on the ropes until the two ships ground together with a shuttering thud.

  There was a dreadful silence as the pirates - armed with swords, pistols and boarding axes massed along the side of their ship. Suddenly, someone shouted, "Boarders, away!" and instantly the pirates surged across the railing and stood on the deck of the Hopeful. They yelled and screamed for the crew to gather amidships. The Hopeful's crew did as ordered while the pirates surrounded them. They pointed their weapons at them in a menacing fashion just daring any of them to make a sudden move. Captain Roscoe and Mr. Cumberbatch stood by the helm and did not move.

  Over on the pirate ship, a man slowly stepped up onto the railings. He looked from left to right surveying his prey.

  As the man hopped onto Hopeful's deck he said loud enough for everyone to hear, "My name is Bartholomew Roberts." He swaggered to the quarterdeck and approached Roscoe. "Are you the master of this ship?"

  Summoning all the courage he had, Roscoe mumbled that he was.

  Roberts demanded, "Well? What is your name? Speak up Man!"

  "Timothy Roscoe"

  The pirate asked again, "Well Timothy Roscoe, who might this jack be?" pointing to Cumberbatch.

  "Mr. Cumberbatch, my First Mate." Roscoe stammered.

  Roberts moved over to the ship's wheel and looked the length and breadth of the Hopeful. Roberts was not a big man, but tall and slender with deep black hair. His manner of dress was very different. He wore a crimson colored waistcoat, clean breaches and high leather boots. On his head, he wore a tricorn hat with bright colored feather sticking out. Around his neck was gold chain with a large diamond-studded cross attached to it. He did not look like the ill-educated and rough looking pirate the stories were full of - but rather refined and educated. He carried a sword and a brace of pistols which protruded out of this broad leather belt he wore around his waist.

  "Good morning, Gentleman. So you're the leaders of this sad bunch of whale dung you call a crew?" pointing to the Hopeful's crew standing in the middle of the deck. "What's the name of your ship, Captain Timothy Roscoe?"

  Captain Roscoe replied in a low voice, "The Hopeful."

  Captain Roberts spat out quickly, "Hopeful? Hopeful of what? Never mind. Rhetorical question." Then suddenly he became serious. "You know me?"

  "Yes - er rather - I've heard of you." Roscoe replied.

  Almost quicker than the eye could see, Roberts drew his pistol - cocked it, and pointed it at Roscoe's head, "Captain Roberts if you please." He stepped within a foot of the trembling Roscoe, "You see, it's just two captains meeting each other on the open sea and exchanging pleasantries. I addressed you as captain… have the courtesy of doing the same!"

  Trembling, Roscoe said, "Beg pardon Captain Roberts - meant no disrespect."

  Captain Roberts leaned in and whispered in Roscoe's ear, "I know, for if I believed you did, you'd have a neat little hole in the middle of your forehead by now." He un-cocked the pistol and stuffed it back into his belt. "What's your cargo, Captain Roscoe?"

  "Just… just passengers, Captain Roberts."

  "Passengers? Where are they, pray tell?"

  "Below, Captain Roberts."

  Captain Roberts turned to his crew, "Search the ship and bring any passengers you find up on deck so we can have a look at them."

  Part of the crew responded immediately and scattered like rats in search of a morsel of food. Roberts turned back to Roscoe and Cumberbatch. He studied Cumberbatch for a moment then said, "First Mate eh? Well First Mate, where bound?"

  Cumberbatch answered strongly, "Port Royal, Captain Roberts."

  Captain Roberts smiled and a far-away look washed over his face as if remembering something. "Ah… Jamaica. Yes, been there a few times, never cared for it much. Too civilized for my taste. Still, some good salty wenches can be had, if memory serves." Captain Roberts retrieved some charts under the binnacle and slowly flipped through them as if he were just passing the time, waiting.

  One of Roberts' crew came up from the aft hatchway and reported no passengers could be found and no valuables except some items found in the captain's quarters, a purse with some coins in it and a few bottles of rum and wine.

  "It appears you are a frugal man, Captain Roscoe. Not given to excess which is a boon in our trade, wouldn't you say?"

  Roscoe answered flatly, "If you say so Captain Roberts. I'm not one for vices."

  Captain Roberts smiled and said, "Vices? Oh, my Dear Captain, not vices. Necessities. For without them, life at sea is dreadfully boring or so they tell me. Don't drink myself - so I wouldn't know."

  From up forward, the hatch was opened and one of the pirates shouted, "Found 'em Sir. A bunch of children in the forward hold!" The pirate yelled down into the hatch, "Get up here and be quick about it!"

  Captain Roberts spun around and watched as the first of the children climbed through the hatch and stood on the deck. To Captain Roscoe, he said, "Children! What the devil are you doing with children?"

  Captain Roscoe took a step forward but fell back in place as Captain Roberts faced him again. "I'm under charter by the London authorities to deliver these orphans to Port Royal. They are indentured servants."

  Captain Roberts narrowed his eyes as he turned and watched as more children climbed up on deck, "How many, captain?"

  "Ah. Forty, Captain Roberts."

  "Forty orphans of London, eh? Well, let's have a look at 'em." Captain Roberts walked forward to where the children were assembled. He paused and looked them over trying to determine what to do with this unique cargo. The children stood with their hands shading their eyes from the intense morning sun as if they had not seen daylight for some time. They huddled together as if their very survival depended on it. "A dirty lot I'd say." Captain Roberts took Brock Seachrist by the shoulder and turned him so he could gaze into his face. "Do you know what you are doing on this ship, Boy?" No reply came from the boy. Roberts smiled. "Old Bart here's not going hurt you lad. How is it you came to be on this ship?"

  Brock glanced over at John, his eyes asking what he should do. John nodded to Brock to answer. Brock stammered as he said, "We's just poor orphans, Sir. Never hurt no one."

  Captain Roberts let go of Brock's shoulder and patted him on the head then wiped his hands on the shirt of one of his crew. He walked amongst the group looking at each one in turn. When he saw John Henry, his eyes narrowed as he said, "Come here boy." John walked straight to him, not looking away. "You don't look like you belong with these children, now do you?"

  With his back straight and without hesitation, he answered straight away, "No Captain Roberts. My name is John Henry. I booked passage to Port Royal to find my father."

  "Your father, eh? What was he doing in Port Royal?" Captain Roberts demanded.

  "He was an overseer on a plantation, Sir." he lied. "They said he was dead and my mother sent me here to verify it."

  "You're educated aren't you?"

  "Yes, Sir." John replied. He changed the subject away from himself, "During the voyage, I befriended these children and when your ship was sited, I stayed with them. You see Sir, they are afraid of pirates."

  Captain Roberts smiled, "And you're not?"

  John looked down at the deck appearing to be contrite, "Oh yes, Sir, very afraid!"

  Captain Roberts considered the information for a moment, "Well, Young Sir, I can tell you that these children are not going to be indentured servants, young Master Henry."

  "They're not, Sir?" Some of the children jostled each other thinking they were going to be set free. "But that is what they were told."

  Captain Roberts continued, "They're going to Port Royal to become slaves." Even Roberts did not like the truth. He looked out over the blue sea as he continued. "I know of Sir Duncan Peck. He has other plans for the likes of these. They're supposed to be indentured with the promise of freedom when they reach twenty-five, but Peck has no intention of releasing them. Instead, they'll be slaves for the rest of their lives."

  Several of the children began to shout - the young ones cried. Buster Jack and John tried to quiet them down. John asked, "Captain Roberts, is there anything we can do to stop them from doing this? Their only crime is being orphans!"

  "My only crime is being a pirate. If my crew and I are captured - it's the gallows for us." Captain Roberts' demeanor softened towards the children. "If you are thinking I should take the lot of you with me and set you free somewhere, can't do it. I'm a pirate by profession, not a nursemaid! But now that you all know the truth, your destiny is in your own hands." He paused for a moment then reflected, "Come to think about it, I heard there was another ship full of children that landed in Port Royal a few weeks ago. I'm told they were marched to the plantation and put to work as slaves, so mind what I say."

  To his crew Captain Roberts commanded, "Leave them a few guns with powder and shot. Take the rest along with whatever trinkets and food you want. Second thought, leave the food." He looked once more at the children. "But take anything else, then back to the ship with yah!" The crew rushed around taking whatever they wanted.

  Captain Roberts watched his crew at work. Three barrels of fresh water were sent across to the Royal Fortune. There were only four barrels left so they would sorely miss the three Robert's crew stole. When satisfied all was going well, Roberts bent down and whispered to John, "It's up to you Matey, but if I was you… I'd mutiny. Sail to America and start a new life. But the lot of you will have to decide that for yourselves."

  John whispered back, "Perhaps we will, Captain!"

  Captain Roberts walked aft and stood once more in front of Captain Roscoe, "They call me a pirate and say I'm despicable for what I do. I kill when it suits me. You are worse than a pirate. You destroy lives by taking those children into slavery and a living death. You're nothing better than a slaver yourself!" With that, he struck Roscoe across the cheek with the back of his hand. Roscoe fell to the deck cowering from his attacker. Roberts looked down and shook his head with disgust. Then said, "Mr. Cumberbatch, accompany me over the side if you please."

  Cumberbatch replied, "Aye, Sir." and together they walked to the railing.

  Roberts whispered as they walked, "If I were you, Alex, I'd find another line of work. Voyages like this cause a man to hate himself in the end. Trust me. I know it."

  Smiling, Cumberbatch whispered back, "Didn't think you remembered me, Bart."

  Captain Roberts smiled, "I never forget a shipmate and an old friend. Care to come aboard and away from this slaver?"

  "Not this trip, Bart. I didn't know about them children being used as slaves. I kind 'o want to see if there is anything I can do to help them poor devils. I believe a storm's a com'n says I." Cumberbatch replied.

  "You've grown too soft, Alex. It'll be the death of you yet."

  "Aye, maybe. But you've got a death sentence over yeh head, Bart, so you be careful." And with that, Bartholomew Roberts climbed aboard his own ship and began barking orders to cast off and make sail

  The men and boys of the Hopeful stood watching the pirate ship leave. The idea that pirates had boarded their ship and no one got hurt, except the Captain, was a relief to all of them. By now, Captain Roscoe had regained his composure and stood defiantly next to the ship's wheel. Cumberbatch strode back to his side but neither looked at the other.

  When the Royal Fortune was clear, Cumberbatch broke the spell by ordering the crew to make sail and resume course as if nothing had happened. Captain Roscoe straightened his back trying to salvage his dignity and walked down into his cabin without saying a word.

  John stayed with the children all afternoon and into the night. The time was spent talking about what Captain Roberts said about being slaves.

  Buster Jack said to John, "If what Roberts said is true, my sister is now a slave!"

  John put his hand on Buster Jack's shoulder, "I know this Sir Duncan Peck. I mean I've heard about him. My family invested in his plantation and we own a very large portion of it. He's never given my family reason to believe he is not an honorable man. That is, until now!"

  Hugh Skipwith spoke up, "He's like all the other rich blokes! He believes the rest of us ain't fit to live, 'an that's the truth!"

  After his first encounter with Hugh on the day he rescued Fynn, John knew to watch his two friends, Ralph and Jeremy.

  Ralph was a short, stocky lad of thirteen with dirty brown swirly hair that always looked like he had a layer of mud on his head. Jeremy was the opposite; tall and slender with dark eyes and very long black hair - he resembled a stove pipe.

  John said calmly, "Hugh, I understand how you feel but not all people with money feel that way. As in everything there are good people and — "

  "Save it, you don't know noth'n about us! But we knows about you. We heard one of the crew talking about you when we was on deck. They said you were a lord of some kind. You think by staying with us a few hours over these past weeks makes you an expert on us, you tosspot." Hugh, Ralph and Jeremy moved towards John.

  Buster Jack stepped between them, "Shut your mouth Hugh! You and your two toadies don't frighten me. John was right about them pirates wasn't he? He told us to stay below and act like we been mistreated badly and when them pirates got us on deck, no one got hurt!"

  Hugh looked skeptical, "Just lucky, I'd say."

  "Maybe so but John has been in the Navy and he knows about the likes 'o them pirates." Buster Jack invoked.

  John walked around Hugh and stood in the middle of the gathered boys. "Maybe Hugh is right about rich people, but this much I promise each of you: I will do all I can to get this situation straightened out. The law is on your side. They cannot just make you slaves for the rest of your lives. Anyway, who says the pirates know anything? Maybe he said that just to scare you."

  Cole Seachrist piped up, "He don't scared me. Much!" A few laughed at his joke.

  "Agreed, Cole!" John smiled. "We were all scared and that's the truth. But sometimes being scared of something is the best way to overcome it. We'll overcome this too!"

  Hugh spat on the deck as he said, "We? You're not one of us 'an you never will be!"

  Buster Jack shot back, "He stood by us when Roberts was here. He saved Fynn from drowning. He might not be an orphan, but he did what's right by us so far. I trusts him at his word."

  Hugh shook his head. "Come on." He said to his two companions and together they disappeared down through the hatch.

  Chapter 7

  The Storm

  With only one barrel of fresh water, the Hopeful would be in a desperate situation in a few days. Captain Roscoe consulted his charts and spoke in low tones with his First Mate. They agreed fresh water must be found and if possible some food to last them until they reached Port Royal.

  Luck was not with them howeve
r. Two days after Black Bart boarded their ship, a hurricane struck the Atlantic and turned the light-blue sea into a gray beast of heavy swells and blustery winds with bright streaks of lightening stretching across the sky with very loud thunder. The Hopeful continued on its course with reefed topsail and jib, which was just enough canvas to give the ship steerage.

  Near sundown on the second day, the island they were heading for appeared on the horizon. Roscoe commanded the helmsman to continue to steer towards it in hopes of finding a safe anchorage and to ride out the rest of the storm.

  When John heard the news of the island, the words of JuJu came again to his mind, "JuJu kill you…" He did not know the location of this island, but he knew they were just a few days out of Jamaica. It could be the one, the one he did not want to go to. There were thousands of islands here and most of them looked alike. He tried to put those haunting words out of his mind, for now.

  During most of the storm, the children, including John Henry stayed in the forward hold. The motion of the sea made all but the stoutest vomit, turning their living space into a ghastly place to reside. Still, it was too dangerous to venture up on deck. On a few occasions however, John climbed out of the hold and managed to stay on deck for a few minutes. Just long enough to clear his head and nostrils from the foul smell below by breathing the fresh ocean air. Knowing the Hopeful was drawing near the island did not settle his mind. He saw both Cumberbatch and Captain Roscoe in their usual place by the helm and he waved at them - only Cumberbatch waved back as if to say, all is as well as can be expected.

  An hour after dark, there was a scream from someone on deck as if they had seen the Devil himself. John popped his head through the hatch to see what the commotion was about. He heard someone in a panicky voice exclaim, "Land. Dead ahead!" John looked aft at the helm. Captain Roscoe and Cumberbatch were fighting the wheel.


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