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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

Page 13

by Gregory Ellis

  So that was the other man… Captain Doddle, John thought. The same one that reported his father had drowned at sea.

  "Yes sir, but the Sugar Cane's crew… they will have to be bought off again. Not as much as the price you paid to keep them silent when we marooned Lord Henry on that dreaded island. Them savages probably made short work of him."

  John's anger filled his heart. Now he understood what Peck was planning. With his father gone and with his signature giving him control of all the Henry business holdings in the Caribbean, Peck would become very powerful. But what did this Princess Morgana have to do with all of this? He continued to listen, despite his hatred of this man.

  Sir Duncan continued, "Don't maroon him, just have one of your men knock him out and toss him overboard on the first night. Then return to Port Royal. We have other things for your ship to do. That gold must be transported to our special hiding place along with all the rest, eh? Turnbuckle almost got away with it."

  That must be the gold John heard the woman mention. Peck continued, "So when you are finished with our pompous Lord Henry, continue on to the island and store the gold, then return to Port Royal."

  Their conversation was ended. John quietly made his way back out to the terrace. He had to get out of here tonight. If he waited until morning, it would be too late. He grabbed his socks and shoes and as quickly as he could he ran from the house, away from Sir Duncan and his henchman Doddle.

  He darted in and out of the shadows to avoid any servants that might be guarding the house. Finally he found the road that led to Port Royal. As he ran, his mind was busy trying to think of what to do next. He would go the Green Flash Tavern where Cumberbatch and Buster Jack were staying. He hoped they were there. He would tell them what he heard and together decide what to do next.

  It took nearly an hour to cover the distance to Port Royal because he had to stay hidden in the shadows. Once he was safely in the town he saw why Port Royal was a favorite of pirates and sailors alike. Even at this hour, the streets were teeming with life. From the several taverns and public places, men and women poured out into the streets, singing, boasting and generally having a good time. He hurried past a large woman wearing a torn, dirty dress. Her face revealed heavy makeup and the hair atop her head was cluttered as if she had been in a brawl. "Hello deary… all alone? Want some company? You look like you could use some!" She smiled, and John could see by the dimly lit street she was missing several teeth while the others that remained in her mouth were gray and dingy.

  "I'm looking for the Green Flash Tavern."

  The smile disappeared from her face. "Why? she asked.

  "I've friends staying there and I want to join them."

  "Oh… Dottie not good enough for the likes of you?" she said insolently.

  John smiled, "No… not at all… Dottie." He spoke her name slowly. "I'm looking for a man there."

  "I've been look'n for a man too deary!" A smirk spread across her painted face. "What's his name, perhaps I knows of him."

  John recalled Mr. Cumberbatch was well known in Port Royal. "Alex Cumberbatch Ma'm."

  She hooted, "Red-bearded Cumberbatch? I knows him all right! You're too young to be go'n about with 'im. Get you into trouble he will."

  John was growing impatient with the woman. "Please, do you know where the Green Flash Tavern is, I would be grateful if you would tell me." He impulsively laid his hand on her arm. As he did, he took a coin out of his pocket so she could see it.

  She deliberated for a moment looking up and down at John. "You're too young and pretty 'an that's no mistake." She held out her rough, thick hand and John placed the coin in it. Satisfied with the offering she said, "Just down the street deary on the left. You tell old Alex that Dottie done right by you and expects someth'n for it."

  John said, "I'll be sure and convey your message M'am… ah… Dottie. Much obliged to you." He hurried down the street, leaving the painted lady behind.

  He spotted the tavern just as Dottie had said. There were several people standing, lying or sitting outside of the establishment. He hurried past them, not wanting to get into another conversation. Inside, were more people of various types, male and female. The establishment smelled of rotting wood, rancid rum and human sweat. The room was filled with laughter and singing, a cloud of smoke hung in the air from all the clay pipes being smoked.

  John carefully walked through trying not to attract attention. He saw a table at the back of the room bathed in shadows where to two men sat. With his red hair and beard there was no mistaking Cumberbatch. He and the man opposite him were in deep conversation. John approached the table slowly, then stopped hoping Cumberbatch would see him and either wave him off or invite him over.

  The man who was talking with Mr. Cumberbatch saw him first. "Hey… you laddy… get out of here!"

  Cumberbatch looked up and saw John standing there. "Here now Fulke, this here be my friend." Cumberbatch's eyes were glazed from too much rum and appeared to have trouble focusing. He motioned John to come over, "Mr. Henry, meet me old friend, Fulke Olingworth!"

  John walked over and replied, "Your servant, Sir."

  Olingworth appeared as though he too was having difficulty focusing, "Well… I'm not your servant, but if you've a mind to… join us." Olingworth used his good foot to slide an empty wooden chair next to the table so John could sit.

  The hour was growing late and he needed to speak to Cumberbatch now. "Mr. Cumberbatch, I need to speak with you, sir."

  Mr. Cumberbatch leaned forward, "Ah… Mr. Henry… when did you get here?"

  Olingworth said, "I'm afraid Alex here is in 'is cups, so to speak!"

  Cumberbatch grinned as he said, "No I'm not… just hard to see… that's all… it's great!"

  "If you please Mr. Cumberbatch, I must speak to you, it's very urgent!" To Olingworth he said, "No offense, Mr. Olingworth."

  Olingworth slapped the table, "None taken, Young Sir. I'll take me leave." He stood up and would have fallen if John had not grabbed his arm. "Thank'e Lad." Off he went yelling at no one in particular.

  John moved opposite Cumberbatch and leaned across the table. "Mr. Cumberbatch, we have to leave now."

  "Why? It's nice and cozy-like in here."

  "I found the other children including Jack's sister. I also overheard Sir Duncan and someone named Doddle planning to murder me, so I ran away from the plantation, but we have to go back and free Ava!"

  Mr. Cumberbatch leaned back in his chair. He scratched his head. "Who be Ava and just how do we do that? There's not but the two of us."

  "Where is Jack?" asked John.

  "Upstairs. Went a few hours ago, or so he said. Hope he didn't go cavorting about like a common sailor if you gets me drift!" Cumberbatch smiled.

  Frustrated, John stood. "I get your drift…now get mine. We are leaving, so where is your room?" No response from the big man. John grabbed his sleeve, "Where is your room? Come on Mr. Cumberbatch, we HAVE to go!" he said loudly.

  Glassy eyed, Cumberbatch responded, "Up them stairs yonder, second door to larboard… or was it starboard. I guess it depends on which way the ship is pointed. "

  Disgusted John relented, "Ok, you stay here and try and sober up. I need you tonight!" John took the tankard from off the table and poured the rest of the drink on the floor.

  "Oh… what ya do that for?" he cried.

  John held up one finger. "Don't move and don't have any more to drink, that's an order Mr. Cumberbatch!"

  As if he were back on the deck of a ship, Mr. Cumberbatch sat up straight and replied, "Aye, aye sir!"

  John ran up the stairs and opened the doors to two rooms before he found Buster Jack. He was sprawled across the bed, face down. John hoped he was sober. He stepped over to the bed and shook him. It took a few tries but finally Buster Jack opened his eyes. "John… what you do'n here?"

  "Come on. Grab your things, I found your sister and we're getting her out tonight."

  Upon hearing his sister's name, he rubbed
the sleep from his eyes. "Is she all right…did you talk to her?"

  John went dashing around the room, collecting the canvas bag with is equipment in it. He grabbed his old boots, took off his brand new buckled shoes and hastily put the old boots on in their place. "Yes, I talked to her. She's a strong girl."

  "Strong, eh? I'll say. Could whip my backside until a few years ago." Buster Jack was thinking clearer now. "How'r we gonna do it?"

  John pushed Buster Jack toward the door, "I don't know yet. Right now, Mr. Cumberbatch is downstairs, drunk." he said with finality.

  The two boys bounded down the stairs to the tavern room. Mr. Cumberbatch was still sitting where John had left him. They went over to him and pulled him to his feet. He didn't like being grabbed, "Now… Now, what's all this?"

  John pleaded with the big man. "Come on, Mr. Cumberbatch, no time to lose, we must hurry."

  It took both boys pushing and shoving the wobbly sailor through the crowd of people. Finally they reached the door. Once in the street, they continued to move him along, but it was taking too much time and they only had until sunrise to free Ava. They passed a well with a bucket of water sitting on the stone wall. John grabbed the bucket and threw the water in Cumberbatchs' face. He growled as if he had been startled and started swinging his fists. The dose of water stirred him back to his senses. He looked around as he asked, "Where we be?" He rubbed the water from his eyes and as if seeing John and Buster Jack for the first time he asked, "Mr. Henry, when did you get back?"

  John smiled, "No time to explain. We have to hurry to the plantation and get Jack's sister."

  "What did ya say? Go to the plantation… get who's sister?" Cumberbatch swayed and almost fell down but caught himself.

  "My sister, Ava! We need your help, come along now." Jack screamed.

  Cumberbatch surrendered and allowed the boys to guide him further down the street toward the edge of town. As they rounded a corner, they saw a man in a one-horse buggy, pull up to a building, jump out and go inside without tying up the horse. Jack suggested they help themselves to some transportation. So, looking around to make sure no one saw them, they pushed Cumberbatch forward and he fell into the buggy and immediately collapsed on the seat. John and Buster Jack jumped into the driver's seat and John lashed the horse to life. Having only the light of the moon to navigate with, John urged the horse on as fast as they dared.

  Once out of town, they took the road over the narrow neck of land that led to the mainland. Remembering the way from the day before John took the fork in the road that led to the plantation. At this speed, it only took a few minutes to cover the distance to the big house. John pulled the carriage off to the side of the road and stopped. John whispered, "We'll have to go on foot from here. The field where they are being held is about a quarter mile at the base of that mountain." He pointed in the general direction. "Can you see it?"

  Jack squinted to see the outline of the mountain. "I think so. What do we do with him?" pointing back to where Cumberbatch lay.

  With disgust, John said. "We'll have to leave him here. He's no use to us now."

  From the back they heard the red headed Scot say, "Who yah gonna leave behind. I had a wee little nap and lot's of fresh air. I'm fit as a wee young lad! Yah might have to help me get started though." He grinned, his teeth appeared almost white in the yellow moonlight.

  They abandoned the carriage and quietly set out on foot. Cumberbatch was still a little wobbly but managed to keep up. They halted several times so John could get his bearings. At length, they came to the dirt road that led to the stockade where the slave children were being held. The road was lined with trees on both sides and it was hard to see anything in the distance but onward they went

  After a few minutes John held up his hand and they stopped. "Did you hear something? He asked. "I thought I heard the sound of a wagon heading this way." John motioned for them to get off the road and they scampered off into the trees to hide. Sure enough, a wagon appeared around the bend moving at rather quick pace. As it drew near, they could hear the voice of a girl crying out, "Let me go you! You can't do this…" Then they heard a man's voice say, "Shut your mouth and be still! Mr. Thaddeus has got a nice surprise for you."

  John remembered that name; he was the head overseer of the plantation. As the wagon approached they could see three people in the wagon; two men and a girl. One man was in the front driving the two horses; the other man was in the back holding the girl. She cried out again and her sobs could be heard begging them to take her back. "That's my sister!" Jack whispered to John as he stood up as if he were going to run out onto the road.

  John grabbed him and pulled him back down. "Not yet, Jack, be still!"

  The wagon passed their hiding place and Jack said slowly, "That's her for sure." He jumped out onto the road and said over his shoulder, "Come on, we gotta get her!" He took off at a dead run.

  John and Cumberbatch scrambled after him. The wagon disappeared around a curve in the road leaving a trail of dust. They could still hear Ava's pleadings. Suddenly her cries stopped as if a door was slammed shut choking off her voice.

  On they ran with Cumberbatch falling behind. The effect of his drinking was certainly taking its toll on him and he was sucking in great gulps of air. As they came to the curve, John and Buster Jack nearly tripped over a body lying face down in the dirt. John stopped and bent down to see that it was the man who was in the back of the wagon with Ava. Somehow she must have knocked or pushed him out of the wagon.

  Buster Jack said between breathes, "Looks like she's done for this bugger, come on!" He took off at full speed. When they cleared the curve, they could see the wagon had stopped in the middle of the road. In the dim light, they could not see anyone else. They ran up to the wagon expecting a challenge from the driver, but none came.

  When they reached the wagon, they saw the driver slumped over on his side. He too was unconscious. "She done for him too! Buster Jack whispered, "but where is she?"

  "Dunno." John whispered back. "Must've gone into the trees."

  Half yelling and have whispering, Buster Jack called out, "Ava! It's me, Jack. Where are you?" No answer. He called again, but this time they heard the snapping of twigs somewhere in the trees. "Ava, that you?"

  Ava slowly stepped out of the shadows of the trees. "Jack, is it really you?"

  Brother and sister ran to each other and embraced. She lost control, her knees buckled and would have fallen to the ground, but Buster Jack held on to her. "It's all right now." He said trying to drive the terror from her mind. "I got ya… Jack is here… ain't nobody gonna harm ya."

  They heard the padding of feet running up the road. Ava shrieked, "They're coming!"

  John saw Cumberbatch lumbering up the road, "No… it's Mr. Cumberbatch, he's with us."

  Cumberbatch trotted up to wagon and croaked, "The mate back there won't be wake'n up till the sun rises." The man on the bench seat began to stir, but Cumberbatch's great fist flashed out in an instant and struck the man in the face and he fell back. "This one too!" He turned and smiled, still glassy-eyed. "Mm, so this is the little lady what did for them two rascals! Admire your temperament miss."

  Still not sure what was going on she asked, "Who's this?"

  John replied, "Mr. Cumberbatch. He's with us."

  Ava recognize John, "We spoke today."

  John smiled. "You remembered." he said shyly.

  Buster Jack asked Ava, "How'd you get away?"

  Ava explained how she managed to break one of the boards loose on the side of the wagon and hit the first one in his face, then hit the driver on the back of the head. "They didn't know what hit 'em, that's for sure!" she said with pride.

  Ava asked her brother, "You were on the second ship?"

  Cumberbatch interrupted, "Hate to spoil this little reunion, but we should get outta here double-quick!"

  Buster Jack took his sister's hand, "Come on, we have a wagon." She did not move. "What's the matter?

ut hesitation, she explained. "I can't leave the others."

  "Beg pardon Miss," Cumberbatch interrupted. "but we don't have the means to do that."

  John quickly added, "And, when you don't show up and those guards are found, they will whip you and perhaps kill you."

  Buster Jack joined in, "John's right Ava. Just the three of us against all the guards."

  Ava regained her composure. "Four, you mean." Before anyone could protest, she continued. "There's only two guards at the stockade now. Those other two were taking me to the overseer's house."

  "I heard one of your captors mention Thaddeus." John remarked.

  "Yes, Mister Bloody Thaddeus!" She spat out his name. "He's been watching me like a spider watching a bug caught in a web. I'd rather die than be taken to that creature!"

  "But what will we do with them if we get them out? We can't stay in Port Royal, they'll find us for sure!" Buster Jack explained.

  Mr. Cumberbatch joined in, "We only have a small boat to get back to our island. We couldn't put more than ten in it."

  An idea sprang into John's head. "Wait…" He paused, remembering. "Peck told me there's a ship in Port Royal leaving this afternoon. It's the one he was going to put me on to take me back to England." They gathered around him and watched John's imagination working as he spoke. "If… we could… somehow… get all the children to the dock, we could commandeer the ship and sail to our island where we would be safe for a time… or at least until we figure out our next move."

  Mr. Cumberbatch was the first to reply. "Are ye daft boyo! First we have to rescue forty or so children. March them through Port Royal in the middle of the night. Then we commandeers a ship and just sail away?" He shook his big head. "Ya must be mad laddy! Ya can't do it! I seen the ship. She's a ten gun Brig, just a might too big fer just you and I to handle!"

  Defending his idea, John added, "All we'll need is the topsails to slip quietly out of Port Royal. Once we're free of the harbor, we can set more sail. I can show the older boys what to do. It's our only hope. Now all we have to do is free those others."


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