Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon Page 19

by Gregory Ellis

  "Then up yah go… full canvas!"

  Like mice, the crew scattered to their stations. Within minutes, all the sails were set and the Pendragon was gathering speed. Cumberbatch took the helm and pointed the ship straight toward the History.

  The crew of the History was surprised by the Pendragon's sudden show of speed. Sloops were made to dash in and fire their few cannon and run away to charge again when the moment presents itself, like a wolf attacking a slow prey, but the Pendragon, with all sail set, was gathering speed at an alarming rate.

  The captain of the History, Martin Sedly, ordered the ship to turn to larboard in order to fire at the Pendragon's bow and hoped for a crippling shot to one of the masts. As soon as the History made its turn, the Pendragon turned to larboard as well. It would be broadside to broadside now and Sedly knew his smaller ship would not fair well against the larger brig but both ships were going too fast to change now or they would collide.

  Captain Turnbuckle yelled, "Load the starboard battery… double-shotted with grape!" The cannon on the right side of the ship were quickly loaded with two cannonballs instead of the one and a heaping portion of musket shot. It was a risky to fire such a load, but if loaded and aimed correctly, it would be a devastating blow to any ship, especially a smaller one like a sloop.

  When John was satisfied the sails were set properly, he watched in fascination as the youngest of the girls ran back and forth to the guns carry the powder charges from the powder magazine. He recognized Samantha, Morgan, Sydney and Tristy performing their duties as if they had been doing it for years.

  As the ship's gunner, Ava supervised the loading of the cannon and when each was ready, she turned to the quarter deck and raised her hand to indicate the cannon were ready. At each gun was a gun captain, they commanded the gun crew. Each gun had a rack of cannonballs, a sponge and a bucket of water to sponge out the hot barrel after each shot and slow match; a slow burning rope used to ignite the cannon. When the cannon was loaded and ready to fire, the gun captains turned and faced the gunner watching for the signal to fire.

  Captain Turnbuckle saw her and gave her a slight nod. "Larboard battery… load but don't run out!" He motioned for John to join him and Cumberbatch by the helm. "As soon as we fire the first broadside, I intend to cut around her stern and fire another full broadside into her stern, so be ready." To John he said, "Pass the word to the gunner so she'll know what we be about, eh."

  John ran to Ava, "The captain says after the first broadside, he is going to cut across the stern. He needs the cannon loaded for a second broadside. Understand?"

  "Yes." she said, "We'll have to be fast… faster than we've ever done it before!

  John smiled, "I know, just do the best you can."

  He continued to his station but not before she said, "Good luck John!"

  He turned as he said, "You too." He stumbled over a ringbolt and almost fell.

  The two ships would pass within seventy-five yards of each other. The children could hear the crew of the History shouting and cursing at them. Turnbuckle raised his sword and shouted, "Standby to fire! Ava raised her sword as well and each gun captain looked to her for the signal.

  Turnbuckle watched and gauged the moment. As he dropped his sword, Ava did the same.

  The Pendragon's cannon roared out and filled the air with acrid smoke. Both ships must have fired at the same time. Here and there, splinters flew through the air as the enemy cannonballs found their targets. Several of the children were flung through the air and landed hard on the deck, but true to Scurvy Jones' word, they instantly sprang back to their feet and resumed their place at the guns. Those that had splinters sticking out of them, pulled them from the bodies and went back into action. One cannon was upended but the crew fought to get it back into action. Ava screamed the command to reload and counted out the steps to stop the vent, sponge out and to reload. Each gun crew behaved as if they had been through this a hundred times.

  John heard Turnbuckle command, "Hard a starboard!" John yelled for the crew to re-trim the sails and to bring the braces around to catch the wind on the new course. As the wind pushed the smoke away from the two ships, they saw the effect of their double-shot barrage.

  The History's main mast was slowly falling over the side. There were large gaping holes in the side of the ship and they could see several crew members lying on the deck of their ship. Of the captain and helmsman, there was no sign. As the Pendragon completed its turn to fire at the History's stern, they could tell there was no fight left in the enemy crew.

  Only three of the five cannon under Ava's charge were ready to fire so she turned to the quarter deck and held up her sword, but Turnbuckle waved her off and yelled, "They be done for! No sense in kill'n 'em all!"

  There was a profound silence on board the Pendragon. Even though St. Elmo's Fire gave them ten years experience as a crew, none of them had ever witnessed such devastation before and none had ever killed anyone. The Crossbone Children could only stand on the deck of their ship and witness the results of what they had done to the enemy ship. They could see some of the dead and hear the screams of the dying.

  Several of the children began to cry and their sobs could be heard from bow to stern. Captain Turnbuckle was about to lead a cheer for their victory, but sheathed his sword and turned to Cumberbatch, "Why they be cry'n? They be a better crew than I ever commanded!"

  Cumberbatch slowly replied, "Remember Capt'n, they still be children and not used to this. 'Tis a shame though. They be forced to grow up sooner than they should." He shook his head, "Not great! That be fer sure!"

  Captain Turnbuckle shook himself not believing what he was seeing or hearing, "Secure the guns! Mr. Henry, damage report if you please!"

  Some of the children snapped out of it, but others still sobbed. Tristy, the youngest girl sat on the deck with her face buried in her hands. Ava dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around the little girl trying to sooth her.

  Turnbuckle walked briskly to the center of the ship. "H'rr now.. what's all this blubber'n about? You met the enemy fair and square and were victorious. Remember, you were the ones that asked me to teach you to be sailors and pirates." He pointed at the helpless, drifting ship. "This be the true nature of a pirate's life. Death to the enemy or death to yourselves. You be lucky in that St. Elmo keeps you from be'n harmed or else many of yah be lying dead on the deck ready to be thrown overboard for fish food." Scurvy Jones, who had stayed below during both encounters walked to the center of the ship. He did not say a thing, but looked at the children and smiled. His clear blue eyes told of the pain the children felt.

  The children gathered around the Captain as he said in softer voice, "I know tis a hard thing to see a man die, but tis our lot now. So dry your tears, my babies, and let's be about finding Sir Duncan's treasure… after all, that's why we be here in the first place."

  Chapter 20

  Treasure To Be Taken

  With a little reluctant help from the captured captain of the Tobago, Captain Elias led Edward Turnbuckle, Buster Jack, John Henry and five of the oldest boys to the location of Sir Duncan's treasure. At first Elias was dead set against giving the location, but after some threats from Captain Turnbuckle himself, Elias was a bit more helpful. Turnbuckle also promised to leave him on the island instead of throwing him into the sea.

  The treasure was about one hundred yards away from the beach in a small cave located on the side of a deep gully covered in thick vines and hidden so well that no one would ever find it unless someone who knew where it was showed them. The cave was more like a tunnel. Thirty feet long and so narrow only one person at a time could go in, by crawling on their belly. Buster Jack volunteered to go into the tunnel and verify the treasure was in there.

  Buster Jack disappeared in the narrow opening and was gone for a few minutes when they heard a muffled voice say there were four large locked chests. They decided to give Buster Jack a long rope which was then tied it to the chests and pulled out one by o

  When the first one came out into the sunlight, Captain Turnbuckle hacked the lock off the chest with the butt of his pistol and opened it. To everyone's delight, the chest was full of newly minted coins, thousands of them. When each of the other three chests was opened, they found that some had gold and the others were mix of jewelry, silver and precious stones. Captain Turnbuckle laughed, "Why there be a king's ransom in here and to think I helped gather all this!" He ran his fingers through the treasure. "I opened me mouth once too often and wanted a bigger share of the take'n but Peck was not having any of it. He turned me in to be hanged by the governor. Now, we have it all this, plus the gold we took when we commandeered his ship in Port Royal."

  The chests were dragged down to the beach loaded into the jolly boat and when all was ready they were about to leave Elias standing on the beach. Elias blurted out, "Captain Turnbuckle, please don't leave me here! When Peck finds out I showed you where the treasure was hidden… he'll kill me… please for pity's sake?"

  Turnbuckle looked at John and asked, "Be you want'n one of Peck's captains aboard the ship?"

  Without any hesitation John replied, "Perhaps, if he can tell me were Captain Doddle is."

  Elias nervously licked his lips. "I don't know for certain. Sir Duncan sends him on errands throughout the Caribbean."

  "Then perhaps you might know what island he marooned Lord Henry on some months back?" John asked.

  Elias' eyes lit up, "So… you be Lord Henry's son… the one that escaped from Sir Duncan's house? I know he is trying to find you and all them other children but he don't know you turned pirate."

  John smiled and looked Elias in the eyes. "If you know the island, we'll take you with us, or if you know where Doddle is, you may come. If not, you'll stay here and when the next ship from Sir Duncan arrives, you'll be killed.

  Desperate, Elias begged, "I…I knows the general area where Doddle is usually sent… I can help you find him. I know the routes the ships follow from Jamaica… please don't leave me here. I had nothing to do with your father being marooned."

  "Very well, you may come, but if it is a lie, you'll be thrown overboard, understand?" John replied. He had never spoken to an adult so sternly, but the days of being demure and respectful to some adults were gone forever. Ex-Captain Elias was tied up and locked in the cargo hold.

  The crew was now giddy with success. The pains and shock of the short battle were nearly forgotten. After all, Pendragon's crew had taken Sir Duncan's treasure, defeated two of his ships in battle and was now headed back to Crossbone Island to hide it with the first chest of gold.

  That night, John was on watch when Captain Turnbuckle appeared on deck to see how everything was going. John reported to him the course and the conditions of the ship. Turnbuckle seemed satisfied and was about to return to the stern cabin but John wanted to ask him a question. "Captain? So Peck paid you to be a pirate and steal for him."

  "What yah get'n at Young Master 'Enry?"


  "Why what? Why steal for 'im?"

  "Yes, he is already a rich man, why did he want you to plunder ships when all the governments in the Caribbean have outlawed privateers and pirates?" John asked.

  Turnbuckle looked up at the stars and scratched his chin as if trying to make up his mind. "Well now… I'll tell yah. Peck has it in mind to take over the entire Caribbean, ha…ha. The gold and silver tak'n from the Spanish treasure ships and all the booty what I took from them other ships was to be used to recruit a private army and take over all these islands and set himself up as king. Yah see if he be the only one that has sugar and molasses and other trade goods, England, Spain, the Dutch and the Frenchies would have to strike an accord with Sir Duncan, savvy?"

  "That's why he needed my father out of the way and that's why he needed me to sign over all my family's business dealings. He didn't want any business partners." But John knew there was more reason behind what Peck was about. He had seen and heard Peck talking with that mysterious woman in black. She was behind whatever Peck was doing. Once again, he decided not to tell Captain Turnbuckle or anyone else what he knew. Not yet anyway.

  "Aye, that be the truth. Your father found out what he be up to and when he tried to stop him, Peck had him marooned. When I says to him about gett'n a larger share of the booty, he sets a trap for me and my crew. We was captured with a pile of booty and charged with piracy and sentenced to be hanged. But I out foxed 'em that's for sure! Now here we be." He looked around the ship and then back up to the sky, "A fine crew, even if they be sprogs; and a ship full of Peck's treasure…ha… ha, more's the pity!"


  "Arrr, untrained recruits on a ship, but these babies be no longer untrained says I, after what we done for them two ships, they be talk'n all over the Caribbean…fearsome we be now!"

  "I wasn't looking to be fearsome; I just wanted to find my father." John felt overwhelmed by the actions of the previous day… overwhelmed by his actions since he left his mother in England. When he left England, he was free. Now, there was a warrant for his arrest and a hangman's noose waiting for him.

  "Tis a pirates life for ya now, Young Master 'Enry!

  Forcing a smile, John replied, "For now, I guess."

  The rest of the voyage went without incident and the Pendragon arrived at Crossbone Island and as they neared the approach to their side of the island, John stood in the bow of the ship and commanded the rocks to part. The rocks became visible as well as all the other parts of the island. All was as before. The whole crew stood on the deck and was anxious to get on dry land once more.

  With the ship tied up at the dock, the treasure was unloaded and everyone went ashore except some of the gold coins were given to each member of the crew, sort of an incentive. The first thing they did after carrying the treasure to the secret cave was to jump into the lagoon of fresh water. It was if they were trying to cleanse themselves of the deeds they did at sea. Captain Elias was to remain on board the ship.


  Sir Duncan stood watching his two ships; the History and Tobago, tied up at the pier. He could plainly see that History had been mauled; broken spars, whole section of the side had been blasted away and the main mast was missing… just a four foot stump stuck out of the deck to mark where it had once stood.

  The first mates of each reported to Peck that Captains Elias and Sedly were missing; Elias had been taken by Turnbuckle aboard a ship crewed by children and Captain Sedly had been killed in a single broadside. The Tobago was without cannon and weapons, the History was no longer sea worthy without a major refit. When it was reported the children's ship was now called the Pendragon and flew pirate colors, Peck was visibly shaking from rage.

  "Did you see them go to the island and get the treasure? He asked them.

  Pratt, the first mate on the Tobago replied, "Aye, sir. They took Capt'n Elias. He must've led them straight to it. We was busy repairing the rudder lines and securing the sails… all we could do was watch 'em."

  Seething, Peck asked Upton, the first mate on the History what happened to the ship.

  "We seen that ship lying too next to Tobago and the Capt'n sailed to assist. The Pendragon, as it's called now, set all the canvas they must'a had Sir. She come on fast and strong an' a'fore we knows it, they be up to us and hit us with a full broadside. We fires a broadside as well, but it did no damage to the ship. The Cap'n was killed right off and many a Jack died on board your ship, Sir. When Tobago got underway, the Pendragon had sailed away and we had to be towed for most of the way until we could get some canvas on the yards." Upton shook his head, "They was only children, Sir. We could see 'em through the glass… all the topmen were young boys and their gun crew was young boys AND girls."

  Pratt added, "… and Edward Turnbuckle was at the helm sir."

  Peck closed his eyes, trying to contain his anger. "I might have known! He's responsible for steeling the Sugar Cane and somehow managed to get those children to sail it." He took a few steps away a
nd turned back, "Pratt, I'm promoting you to Captain of the Tobago. After you've resupplied your ship, proceed to sea and find Captain Doddle, he's in New Providence doing some recruiting for me. Find him and tell him to return to Port Royal."

  He turned and walked away, but stopped and said over his shoulder, "If you encounter the Pendragon…" just saying the name caused him pain, "…do not engage! I want Doddle here within a week so tear the sticks out of her if you have to!"


  After a few days on the island, the Pendragon set sail again in search of Captain Doddle. Captain Elias of the Tobago had been kept on board the ship for those two days and not allowed to go ashore. The crew appeared normal after what they had done. They talked amongst themselves and came to the conclusion that those who died were working for the man who made them slaves and that it was pay back for those who had died working in the fields of Sir Duncan Peck. They were free now to do as they pleased.

  The first day at sea, Captain Turnbuckle stood on the quarter deck watching the hands go about their duties. John approached him about using Elias to find Doddle

  "We can't trust that salty git! He don't know where Doddle is - just playing for time."

  Concerned, John asked, "So where are we going?"

  With a gleam in his eye, Captain Turnbuckle proudly announced, "We be go'n to that oldest of pirate destinations… Tortuga!

  Startled by the answer, John said, "Tortuga?"

  "Aye, the Brotherhood of the Coast!"


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