Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon

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Crossbone Children and the Orphans of Avalon Page 20

by Gregory Ellis

  Puzzled by Turnbuckle's announcement, he said, "I've heard of them before, but I thought they were disbanded years ago."

  "Aye, so they would 'ave you believe. But there still be them what knows these waters and they have many ears, savvy? Tis a good place to begin our search… and we need to spend some of Sir Duncan's money, eh? Otherwise, what be the sense in take'n treasure if can't be spent?" Captain Turnbuckle cast a curious eye on John.

  John knew Captain Turnbuckle was planning something. He was a cunning man and always thought thing out before he spoke. "You've got a plan, don't you Captain."

  Turnbuckle winked. "Aye, you be knowing more than most Master 'Enry. You being a king's officer and all, there be no fool'n yah. Yah see - them shiny gold pieces will attract Sir Duncan like flies to the golden honey. We'll let it be known among them at Tortuga what we be about and where we be look'n. Then… word gets out see, then Sir Duncan finds us."

  "And when he does, we'll have him." John nodded in understanding.

  "Arrr, that be the truth! We'll leave that bilge rat Elias on Tortuga when we leaves; just as added assurance Peck will be privy to our plans."

  Agreeing to Turnbuckle's plan John smiled, "To Tortuga then!"

  Captain Turnbuckle laughed, "Aye… to Tortuga!"

  Chapter 21


  The island of Tortuga could be seen in the morning mist as they rounded the island of Hispaniola. It was a mountainous island with a good safe anchorage for ships and home to the first Buccaneers in the Caribbean. Later it became a base where every pirate of any reputation visited to spend the money he took from other ships, renew acquaintances and recruit like-minded souls for the business of pirating.

  The local government turned a blind eye to such goings on because of the money spent there. Merchants and sailors alike sailed their ships from all over the Caribbean and anchored in Tortuga for a few days of drink and merry-making. When their money was all spent, it was back to sea and the pirate's life, only to return months later… if they were still alive.

  They found a spot among half a dozen other ships of various sizes and shapes.

  "Let go the anchor!" came the command. The anchor party released the heavy anchor and huge splash of water sprang up as the cable paid out until the anchor found the bottom. The Pendragon swung in the breeze with the anchor securing it in its place.

  All about them, small rowboats of various sizes made their way from the shore to the ships and back again. Taking or bringing sailors and or supplies, mostly water and casks of meat to the ships and then back to shore for more. The island of Tortuga had plenty of fresh water and merchants ready to sell or trade to the ships.

  Pendragon's young crew lined the rail of the ship and stared at the town. Excitement ran through them. They had not seen another port or town since they left Port Royal.

  Mr. Cumberbatch called the crew to assemble and told them the captain wished to address them. When all were standing silently, Captain Turnbuckle spoke, "This be Tortuga, home of every scurvy salt whatever sailed the sea. Tis a dangerous place for men, let alone you, my Little Babies! But, we be pirates now, and pirates have the right to spend what they takes from others, right?"

  "Aye!" they shouted with one voice.

  "And so we be here ready and will'n to spend Sir Duncan's gold on whatever you have a mind to. Beware though, them pirates don't know who or what you be. I doubts the word's spread about our fight'n abilities. Remember well, this too. On land you be just like them… mortal. So, keep a weather eye out for trouble. Mr. Cumberbatch here has divided yah up into groups to go ashore. Never leave your group and always travel together. Leave your weapons onboard. That just invites trouble. Since we cannot all go at the same time, one watch will be on deck at all times to keep our ship safe from them what thinks you can't defend her…Aye?"

  Again they cheered.

  While Captain Turnbuckle was speaking, Buster Jack looked all around the deck of the ship searching for Scurvy Jones. There was no sign of him. He was on board when they left Crossbone Island, but since they dropped anchor in Tortuga, no one had seen him and he was not among the assembled crew. In fact, during the two encounters with Peck's ships, Jones was not seen nor heard. He usually kept to himself except when there was some sort of impending action or problem. Just before sighting Tortuga, Buster Jack had spoken to John about Scurvy Jones.

  "What do you know about Scurvy Jones?" Buster Jack had questioned John.

  "Only what you know."

  "Ever notice how he slips in and out of places without being seen? I mean it's like he be a ghost or something."

  John shrugged his shoulders, "I think he learned to do that when he was all alone on the island. To survive, he had to get about without anyone noticing him."

  "Yeah, but he always seems to pop up with news or a sighting no one else knows about and then disappears again. And that bloody canvas bag he's always toting around with him. What's in it, I wonder? Not natural if you ask me!"

  "I've wondered about that bag too. The morning we sailed from Portsmouth, I saw an old sailor on the dock with the same type of canvas bag. He had one leg, but his eyes seemed somehow familiar to me too."

  Buster Jack repeated, "Not natural, I tell you."

  As the children worked the boats free of the boat tier and swayed them out to be lowered, they could see the other ship's crews watching intently as children performed the tasks of grown men. Eventually all but one watch were rowed ashore to begin their newest adventure in Tortuga.

  True to Turnbuckle's warnings, Tortuga was not pleasant place, at least not for children. The town was run down and dirty. Sailors were everywhere, laying in the street, sleeping in the dirt or fighting each other. They seemed to be having a good time, but when they saw the groups of children, the stopped whatever they were doing and just stared.

  Ava took the girls to a clothier, where they bought boys clothes and threw their dresses away. When Ava appeared on the street ahead of the younger girls, she was wearing black breeches, leather boots with silver bootstraps, white shirt, brown waist coat and wore a black and brown coat. She even bought a tricorn hat with a large red feather attached to it. When the other girls emerged, they were dressed similar except different feathers in their hats.

  When the boys in their group saw how fine the girls looked, they found shops for themselves. Adjustments had to be made to the clothes, being how most would not fit in men's clothing. The proprietors of the shops were happy to make the adjustments because they were paid in gold!

  When all the clothes were purchased, they ran to a weapons shop and bought baldrics, or leather belts that were used to sheath swords, belts to keep their pants on and other assorted pirate paraphernalia. Nowhere, was there a finer looking bunch of pirates in the Caribbean.

  John bought himself a new outfit as well, including a rather large round hat, pinned up on one side with a white ostrich plume adorning the top. He also bought new boots, pants, shirts and a coat and looked every bit the young dashing pirate.

  When this group went back to the Pendragon, the next group followed suite. By the time all the crew purchased new clothing, the shops were empty of merchandize. They wished other pirates would spend their money as readily as these unknown children did.

  But with the spending, came lots of questions. Who were these young ones and where did they get all their money? Why were they buying clothes that made them look like pirates? Tongues started to wag, which was just what Captain Turnbuckle wanted to happen.

  In the afternoon, John Henry, Buster Jack, Fynn and Ava were walking through the streets and came across a stand of palm trees. They decided to sit under the shade for a while. They could see the anchorage and the Pendragon swinging to her anchor cable. She was a beautiful ship to their eyes, dark wood, yellow and black markings white sails all neatly furled along the yard arms. It was their home now.

  Fynn wanted to go down to the beach and play in the water, so taking all their new clothes off e
xcept their pants, Buster Jack and Fynn ran down to the beach. Ava and John stayed by the tree and watched in amusement.

  "Strange." Ava said aloud.

  "What's strange?

  She untied her hair and let it play in the breeze. "Life… don't you think?"

  John leaned back against the tree trunk. "I suppose so."

  Ava giggled, "Oh really… you suppose so. Just a few months ago, we were in England. Now we are sitting underneath a palm tree in Tortuga and we're pirates! We've already been in a sea fight and won! Don't you find that somewhat amazing?"

  He smiled and bobbed his head up and down. "Well, if you put it like that, I suppose it is strange. A few months before that, I was a midshipman aboard my ship and loving what I was doing. Now… I'm a pirate with no parents and no home except the Pendragon."

  She sat down next to him, "Could be worse you know, you could be a slave like we were."

  John shook his head, "Nobody deserves to be a slave. During the time I was in the Navy, I saw a few slave ships coming from Africa. There wasn't anything we could do for those poor devils. Taken from their homes just like you and Jack were, crammed into a ship and after many weeks at sea they arrive in another land and sold into a life of slavery. So many of them died before arriving at their destination, their bodies were just tossed over the side like rotten food. When Jack and I heard about your ship taking you and the others to Peck to be his slaves, we just couldn't stand by and let it happen."

  Tenderly, she touched the back of John's hand, "I am so grateful you didn't. There was no hope, not even a promise of a new day. When Jack and I were living on the streets of London, at least we controlled our future to a certain extent. But when we came to Jamaica, we had no control. That was the worst thing. No control and no hope. That is, until you came that day… I… I… just…" She could not finish. John glanced over at her and saw tears welling up in her bright blue eyes.

  He had never seen a girl cry and did not know what to do. It scared him mostly and was not sure what to say. She buried her head in her hands so he could not see the tracks of tears rolling down her face. He put his hand on her shoulder. "Please don't cry… I'm not… it's just that I'm not… oh, you know… not good with this."

  She sniffled and threw her head back, straightening her hair and then dried her eyes. "Good with what?" she whispered.

  Jack wished he could just get up and walk away. "Good with… this!"

  She persisted. "What?"

  "Us! Whenever we're alone and we talk… I get so confused I don't know what to say."

  Before he knew it, she leaned over and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. He blushed as she stood up. "Good!" She smiled as she walked down the beach toward her brother and little Fynn. All John could do was watch as she went.

  That night when all the other members of the Pendragon's crew were safely onboard, Captain Turnbuckle, Mr. Cumberbatch, Buster Jack and John Henry came ashore and went to a pub. Captain Turnbuckle and Mr. Cumberbatch drank rum, while the other two had ginger beer. Since it came in the same mugs as the rum, nobody knew any difference. After a while, they began talking louder and more boisterous about their exploits and how they were looking for Cuthbert Doddle and Sir Duncan Peck. It was not long before a couple of rough looking characters invited themselves to their table and began asking questions. Finally, they got around to asking about the other children and where they got so much gold.

  Turnbuckle told them they boarded one of Peck's ships, and took it… like all good pirates would do, he told them. He also let slip they were headed for the island of Nevis, near Antigua within a few weeks.

  The night wore on, but Cumberbatch and Turnbuckle stayed at the pub and drank. John Henry and Buster Jack left and made their way to the beach. They watched for any movement toward the Pendragon. From their position, they could see the Pendragon riding at her anchor, lights ablaze as a warning to stay away. They kept an eye out for possible attacks, but so far nothing was happening. Within an hour, Turnbuckle and Cumberbatch came walking down the beach and the four of them rowed back to the ship for the night.

  Tired from the day's excitement and relative peace, John quickly fell asleep in his hammock as the ship gently swayed to the rhythm of the waves. The ship was quiet except the movement of the on-watch crew on the upper deck. His sleep appeared to be interrupted only moments after closing his eyes. He quickly sat up when he thought he heard his name being called. It was familiar voice… the voice of his father. He shook his head trying to remove the cobwebs from his mind thinking he was just dreaming. "John." He heard it again. This time there was no mistaking it.

  "Who's there?" he whispered, not wanting to wake the others.

  No reply. John looked over at Buster Jack. He was sound asleep in his hammock as well. He squinted to see better in the dark, but could not detect anyone there.

  "John." He heard his name for the third time.

  He quietly but quickly climbed out of the hammock and stood on the wooden deck in his bare feet. Then he saw a slight movement in the corner. He took one step closer and said, "Who is calling me?" Silence.

  He took another step. Then the shadowy figure moved out of the shadow. It was a man in a hooded cloak. Like the one he saw that night on Crossbone Island. "Who are you?" he whispered

  In a pleasant, but firm voice he heard, "Just your imagination."

  "But you are here. Am I dreaming?" he asked.

  The figure moved closer, "Partially. You are half dreaming and half awake, but this will be remembered as a dream." The figure moved toward the ladder that led up onto the deck, turned and said, "Come… walk with me a bit."

  Without waiting for John to say anything, the figure swiftly climbed the latter and disappeared through the hatch. Without question, John followed.

  Once outside, the moon splashed its yellow light across the deck and John could see those who were on watch but they appeared to be unmoving statues… frozen where they stood or sat.

  The man took a few steps toward the bow of the ship, stopped and waited with his back to John.

  John quietly asked, "Haven't I seen you before… at night, back on the island?"

  "Yes." The stranger whispered.

  "Who are you?" John asked.

  "That is not important right now. What is important is that you listen to me and trust me."

  John stepped closer, to see the figure's hidden face but he turned away, but not before John saw his long gray beard flowing down his chest. "Beg pardon, Sir, but since I have come here, I've learned not to trust anyone except my friends, including Mr. Cumberbatch and Captain Turnbuckle."

  "And what about Scurvy Jones?" the figure asked slyly.

  John considered the question before answering. "Scurvy is an old man and has been on that island a long time. Sometimes I think he's not right in the head."

  The man let out a quiet laugh. "Not right in the head is he? He is more cunning that you can imagine. He has kept you alive on more than one occasion. I'd say you owe him your life."

  Before John could ask, the man began again. "The island… Crossbone Island I believe you call it…it has peculiar powers, does it not?"

  "Yes! But I don't know how or where its power comes from."

  The stranger continued as he walked further toward the bow of the ship. "You were on the island once before… remember?"

  Confused John slowly said, "I don't think so."

  "Sure you were. Your ship stopped there to get water before returning the England. You and your men were attacked, remember?"

  John raised his voice, "How do you know about that?"

  "You were captured but someone untied your bonds and led you away from the native village and while running through the jungle, you fell into some water. When you surfaced, you met a woman…the Lady of the Lake, yes?"

  John fell into a trance-like state and could see it in his mind as if it were happening again. He could see the ferocious dogs running, about to attack him. Then she suddenly appeared to keep
him safe. John quietly said, "Yes. She was very beautiful."

  "As well I know. Her real name is Vivien."

  John smiled as he mumbled, "Yes, she told me." John suddenly came out of the trance, "Wait, what does she have to do with Scurvy Jones?"

  The man chose his words carefully. "You will find out… eventually. Right now, you must trust him and do whatever he says."

  John stepped closer to the figure, but he turned away again. "Who are you and how do you know all this?"

  "As I said before, who I am is not important. But this much I can tell you. Your father is not dead. He lives!"

  Almost shouting at the stranger, John said, "What do you know about my father?"

  Instantly, John was lying in his hammock. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes of the sleep. He sat up and quickly looked around the cabin trying to see the stranger. His eyes strained to see in the darkness. He tried to put his thoughts in order. It was a dream and yet everything was so real. Sleep eluded him and it was almost dawn anyway. He climbed out of his hammock and crept up on deck expecting to see what he dreamed about, but that too escaped him.

  Another ship which was anchored nearest to the Pendragon was gone… sailed with the morning light and during the morning muster of the Pendragon's crew it was discovered that Hugh Skipwith and Ralph Bardolf were missing too. They questioned the third member of their little group, Jeremy Gorst. He admitted that Hugh and Ralph had defected and sailed with the missing ship.

  They reported to Mr. Cumberbatch that Hugh and Ralph were gone. Mr. Cumberbatch nodded trying to shake the cobwebs from his head as he said, "Well, that's just great, gone! I'll wager that ship laid a course straight back to Port Royal and Sir Duncan, the wee little freaks!"

  The Pendragon was resupplied with food and water. That afternoon they weighed anchor and left Tortuga behind them but not before throwing Elias Tobias overboard and watching him swim to shore. Once out to sea Captain Turnbuckle ordered, "Helm, steer nor' by nor' west!" They were going to New Providence, another favorite pirate island much like Tortuga. Turnbuckle said they were going to do the same thing there as they did in Tortuga and that word would eventually find Peck and he would come to Nevis to get his gold back.


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