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King's Price

Page 15

by Jackie Ashenden

  Vita took it and instantly every instinct I had went on high alert.

  I didn’t like her touching him. I didn’t like him touching her.

  You’re a fucking lost cause.

  I crushed the thought. Since telling Vita not to shake my brother’s hand would look strange, I didn’t say a word but I kept a close eye on Ajax, resisting the urge to knock his hand away.

  ‘Hello,’ Vita said gravely. ‘Nice to meet you too.’

  Ajax nodded, holding on to her hand for a second too long, making me nearly growl my displeasure. His gaze flicked to mine and I swear I caught amusement there.

  He was messing with me, the bastard.

  I bared my teeth at him, in no mood for games.

  Xander, meanwhile, shook Vita’s hand while his dark gaze ran over her, coldly measuring and assessing. He didn’t say a word, not even a hello.

  ‘Your manners are beautiful as always, Xander.’ My tone was acid as he dropped Vita’s hand like it had burned him. I reached for it instead, threading my fingers through hers, and when I felt hers tighten around mine I felt warmth spread out in my chest.

  I ignored the sensation as I turned to Hamilton. He was struggling to hide his disapproval—now I knew where Vita had got her bad acting skills from.

  ‘You know my brothers, don’t you?’ I said pleasantly. ‘Though, of course, they need no introduction.’ I smiled. ‘Now, you’re going to introduce us around, aren’t you? Let everyone know how happy you are that I’m going to be part of your family. So happy and excited that you’re to share the plans King Enterprises has for a new luxury apartment complex, hmm?’

  Hamilton hated that; I could see it in his eyes. And he hated me too, which was not surprising. Not when I held all the cards.

  Too bad. Perhaps if he’d been a better father to Vita and less of an arrogant bastard, I might have felt more lenient towards him. But he wasn’t, so I didn’t.

  ‘Yes, of course,’ Hamilton said through gritted teeth. ‘Please excuse us, Vita. I’ll show the Kings around.’

  We made the rounds of the room, Hamilton introducing us to his high society cronies, but I found myself unable to pay attention. I kept looking in Vita’s direction, checking to make sure she was okay. I knew she hadn’t been looking forward to this, not with all the people, and I wanted to check that no one was hassling her or giving her grief. But she was smiling, obviously enjoying the conversation she was having with some prick in an overly fancy tux.

  I didn’t like it.

  I should have been focusing on Hamilton and the people he was introducing us to, on the conversations that were happening all around me. I should have been taking part, using my charm to get those potential investors on our side. But for some reason that didn’t seem very important right now.

  What was important was that some bastard was standing next to Vita and obviously flirting with her.

  My Vita.

  So much for her being only a chemical reaction.

  There was a pressure in my chest, a tightness I couldn’t ignore. I’d never been jealous before and there was no reason for me to be so now. Maybe it was simply because we didn’t have much longer together before the wedding and I wanted to spend that time with her.

  Or maybe no one touches what’s yours?

  But she wasn’t mine and I didn’t want her to be.

  Across the room, another man had joined the first standing next to Vita and she smiled at him too. Then, as I watched, that smile faded and her face went white, and it felt like a bomb had exploded in my chest.

  ‘Excuse me,’ I murmured to Ajax as Hamilton presented us to yet another rich bastard who looked at us as if we were dirt. ‘I have something I need to attend to.’

  Ajax frowned. ‘What? You need to—’

  But I’d already turned away, threading my way quickly through the crowd to where Vita stood. A bright stain of colour stood out on her white cheeks and there was a fixed smile on her face. She was trying to pretend she was okay, but she wasn’t.

  That fucking bastard had said something to hurt her, I was certain.

  You’re not supposed to care.

  No, I wasn’t. Not caring was how I got through my entire fucking life. And yet I couldn’t seem to not care about Vita.

  I headed straight towards her and she noticed me approaching. Her eyes widened, the tiny stars in them flaring with what looked like relief. And that hit me like a punch to the gut, made the pressure in my chest increase as if someone had dumped a large and heavy stone directly on it.

  She needed me.

  It made something deep inside me crack.

  I slid an arm around her waist as I got to her, pulling her in tight against me before rounding on the two pricks standing near her.

  I smiled at them with teeth and fury, giving them a glimpse of the lieutenant. And, much to my satisfaction, both of them went as white as Vita had.

  ‘It appears my fiancée is in some distress.’ My voice was barely above a snarl. ‘What did you say to her?’

  Instantly, they began making excuses, falling over themselves to assure me they hadn’t said a word, and besides, they’d only been joking.

  ‘If either of you have hurt her,’ I interrupted pleasantly, ‘I will kill you. Understand?’

  And I meant it. I meant every goddamn word.

  ‘Leon,’ Vita murmured.

  I turned sharply, taking my arm from around her so I could cup her face between my palms. ‘They hurt you. What did they say?’ Fury ran hot in my veins, and along with it, the need for violent punishment. ‘I meant it. I’ll fucking kill them if they—’

  ‘No,’ she said quietly but firmly. ‘It was nothing.’

  ‘It wasn’t nothing. I saw you go white.’

  And she still was. But her gaze was very calm, very direct. ‘He only made some comment about the video and I wasn’t expecting it.’

  I snarled, ready to let her go and turn on the assholes who’d hurt her, everything in me wanting to deal them back in kind. But her hands came over mine where they rested on her jaw, holding them there. ‘Don’t. You don’t need to do anything. You came to support me and that’s enough.’

  ‘But you—’

  ‘I thanked him for his comment and told him that if he liked the earlier video, he should see the one I made with you.’

  My heart was beating fast, adrenaline pumping hard in my veins, and I wanted to do violence. Yet there was apparently room in me for admiration. Shit, this woman...

  ‘Are you saying you didn’t need me to defend your honour?’ I tried to make it sound like a joke, except it didn’t come out like one.

  She smiled, a faint curl of her lovely mouth, as if she’d heard the desperate note in my voice. ‘No, but I’m glad you came back anyway.’

  Of course she didn’t need me. She was strong—much stronger than she gave herself credit for.

  The pressure on my chest felt suffocating all of a sudden, desire and an inexplicable desperation filling me. I wanted to be somewhere private, somewhere I could show her that she did need me. Somewhere I could make her as desperate as I was now.

  I was supposed to be keeping distance between us, yet right now that felt impossible.

  I leaned down so we were nose to nose. ‘Come with me.’

  She gave me a surprised look. ‘Why? Where are we going?’

  I gave her the only response I was able, bending to kiss her hungrily right there in the middle of the crowded party. In front of everyone.

  She didn’t protest. Didn’t resist. Her mouth opened beneath mine immediately, the sweet taste of her filling me.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  It’s never going to be enough.

  The whisper in my head was insidious and I ignored it. Releasing her, I stepped back then took her hand. ‘Come on. Let’s go.’
r />   As I strode towards the exit with Vita I could see my brothers on the far side of the room, shaking hands and making nice. Or at least as nice as they’d ever get. They needed me to smooth the way since neither of them were exactly good with people. Ajax was too impatient and Xander was too cold.

  I should be with them but Vita’s hand was in mine and I couldn’t let her go. I just...needed some time with her, to get rid of this desperation, and then maybe I’d come back and do what I was supposed to do.

  Ajax was staring at me, frowning. But I didn’t stop.

  Later. I’d make this up to them later.

  Outside, I texted the limo driver and within five minutes he had the limo waiting at the kerb.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Vita asked as I hustled her inside it. ‘I’m not hurt, really.’

  Fuck. What had I given away? And more importantly, how had she noticed? Not that I wasn’t okay. Of course I was.

  I put my hand behind her neck and pulled her forward, taking her mouth again, stopping any conversation.

  Her taste filled me once again and I thought it would calm me, but it didn’t. It only made me more desperate.

  This was crazy. Fucking crazy. What was wrong with me?

  I’d tried to protect her, but she hadn’t needed it, and that should make me glad, not make me feel like I was trying to hold on to something that kept slipping through my fingers.

  I’d walked out on my brothers during an important function. And all because a woman was suddenly more important to me than the promise I’d made to Ajax. More important than the King name.

  It was insane. I should tell her it was a mistake, get out of the car and go back to what I was supposed to be doing.

  Yet I didn’t.

  I spread my fingers over the back of her neck, tightening my hold, pushing my tongue into her hot, sweet mouth. Kissing her hard and deep. Letting her know who she needed, no matter how much she told me she didn’t.


  ‘Leon,’ she murmured against my lips, her hands coming to my chest and pushing. ‘Not here.’

  But I was rapidly passing the point of no return.

  My cock ached. Everything ached. I needed to be inside her now.

  Pulling away, I leaned forward to mutter some instructions to the driver, then I stabbed the button that raised the partition between us and the front seats.

  I shouldn’t give in to this feeling. I should try and master it, not let it master me. Not let it feel like it was breaking something inside me.

  Or maybe I should find some other woman to help me deal with it, one who didn’t get under my skin or leave me feeling like I couldn’t breathe.

  But even the thought of another woman left me cold.

  It was Vita I wanted.

  It was Vita I had to have any way I could.

  My brain tried to insist that this was a dumb idea, but I was past caring what my stupid fucking brain thought.

  You care and you know what happens when you care.

  Caring was a weakness and when you became weak you became a target. Easy to manipulate. Easy to betray.

  Hadn’t I learned that? Hadn’t Thompson used my hope that my dad would come for me against me? He’d tortured me with the fact that Dad wouldn’t pay the ransom simply for his own amusement. Making me feel insignificant, expendable. And all because I’d cared that Dad wouldn’t come.

  Because I’d thought he loved me.

  Christ, I needed to stop this. Get back to the function. Do the things I’d promised my brothers I’d do.

  Instead, I put my arm around Vita and pulled her in close again, burying my fingers in her hair and pulling her head back. Bending to kiss her exposed throat, bite her. Taste her skin. Mark her. Get her flavour and her scent all over me and mine all over her.

  She shuddered, gasping as I bit her, then I tensed as she raised her hands. But she didn’t push me away again. One hand crept around the back of my neck, her thumb stroking my skin, while the other threaded into my hair, holding on as tight to me as I was to her.

  I bit her again, not gently, relishing her tremble and shiver. Then I pulled the golden gown from her shoulder.

  She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath so there was nothing to stop me from taking one small round breast in my palm. Her skin was hot and silky, her nipple hard.

  ‘Leon,’ she murmured, shuddering again as I circled the tip of her breast with my thumb. ‘The driver...’

  ‘The partition is up. We’ll be stopping soon.’

  Then I covered her mouth again before she could reply, licking my way inside, wanting her sweetness and heat. Kissing her deeply, completely. As if she was mine.

  Because she was.

  All of her was mine.

  I didn’t question the rightness of the thought, merely angling her head back to give me greater access to her mouth while I stroked and teased her hardened nipple. She panted, arching up into my hand, her hold on the back of my neck tightening.

  The car had stopped moving, which meant the driver had done what I’d instructed and parked in the underground car park of my apartment building. The door slammed, indicating he’d got out.


  I’d planned to whisk her upstairs and have her in my bed, but there wasn’t time. I couldn’t wait.

  I sat back against the seat, pulling her into my lap so she was astride me, facing me. Then I tugged her skirts up around her waist, freeing her legs, urging her forward so her knees were spread wide and that hot little pussy of hers was positioned over my hard dick.

  I looked into her eyes as I reached down and tugged aside the fabric of her underwear, and I kept on looking as I stroked through her silky folds, all hot and slick against my fingers.

  Desire was in her eyes, but a crease had also appeared between her reddish brows. I knew that crease. I’d seen it whenever something puzzled her.

  Too bad. If she wanted to know what was happening to me, I had no answer to give her. Because I didn’t know myself.

  I only knew that if I didn’t get inside her right now I was going to explode.

  ‘Leon.’ Her voice caught as I slid a finger inside her. ‘W-what’s...wrong? Something is.’

  ‘The only thing that’s wrong is that I’m not in your pussy yet.’ I slipped another finger into her damp heat and her head fell back, a groan escaping her. ‘Are you ready, vixen?’ I spread my fingers out, feeling her wetness and the tight clasp of her sex. ‘Are you ready to take me?’

  Her hands came to my shoulders, holding on tight. ‘Yes.’

  I didn’t wait. I clawed at my trousers and got them undone. Then I took my cock out, gripping her hips and positioning myself.

  I thrust up into her, hot and slick, feeling her grip on my shoulders tighten. Listening to her sharp gasp of pleasure. Watching her eyes, dark as midnight, get even darker.

  I thought being inside her would help, would ease the ache in my chest and the desperation that had sunk its claws into me.

  But it didn’t. If anything it got worse.

  She was so close to me, and I was inside her, the wet heat of her pussy wrapped like a glove around my dick.

  Yet it felt like there was still a distance between us. A distance I should have been keeping and yet now couldn’t stand. A distance I wanted to close.

  I pulled at the gown, tugging the material down until she was bare to the waist, the gold fabric bunched around her hips. But I didn’t care. I slid my arms around her, caressing her spine, urging her to lean back. She did so, her breasts firm and ripe near my mouth.

  Bending, I flicked one stiff little nipple with my tongue, feeling her tremble, hearing her moan. Then I shifted, gripping her tight as I thrust up into her. I kept on teasing her nipple, sucking on it, biting it as I moved inside her, deep, slow strokes designed to drive us both mad.

cept I was the one going mad.

  I was deep inside her, the pleasure of it intense. I couldn’t get closer than this, yet why did it feel like I needed more?

  Sliding my hands up her back, I buried them in her hair and held on tight as I moved, looking into her dark eyes as if the answer to that question was there for me to read.

  Yet all I could see was desire and a rising concern that I knew would kill the mood if I let it. So I didn’t let it.

  I moved, taking her down onto the seat and pushing her onto her back. Then I began to drive myself into her, deep, hard, fast. As if I could fuck the hunger and desperation right out of my system, drown us both in pleasure.

  She wrapped her legs around my waist, her fingers digging into my shoulders as she lifted her hips to match my movements. The air was full of the sound of our gasps and the thick, musky scents of sex and sweat. The windows were fogging, the car rocking as I fucked her harder, deeper, slamming her into the seat beneath me.

  Pleasure was blinding me. She was too hot, too tight, too much of everything. Yet even this, even with her wrapped around me, half naked, her breasts bouncing and shivering every time I thrust into her, it wasn’t enough.

  Her eyes were black as they looked into mine, yet full of those bright stars. And I wanted to fall into that velvet darkness. It would be so soft, warm, welcoming.

  ‘Vita.’ Her name was magic on my tongue and I slid one hand between us, finding her clit and pressing down.

  I felt the moment she came, her pussy clenching tight around me, saw it flash like a comet in her eyes. She cried out, the sound echoing around the car, and it was only then I let myself go.

  Getting in as deep as I could, I braced myself over her, watching her as I moved.

  She was staring up at me as if she’d never seen me before in her life and I had no idea what she saw. But when she reached up and touched my cheek I felt something inside me crack right through.

  ‘Lion,’ she murmured, her voice a husky whisper. ‘My lion.’

  I had no idea what she meant, but then it didn’t matter because the pleasure that licked up my spine was starting to take me apart piece by aching piece, stealing my awareness of everything but her beneath me and the silky wet velvet of her pussy holding me tight.


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