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Designed for Submission (Devine Designs)

Page 2

by Maggie Ryan

  ''A lot of good that would do,'' she said, as she continued to gather the materials on the conference table. ''I don't believe you are the sort that finds confession good for your soul.''

  ''Maybe not good for my soul,'' Nancy agreed, straightening and waiting until Elizabeth stood as well, folders in her arms, her satchel over her shoulder. Nancy linked her arm into her friend's and continued. ''But definitely good for my ass.'' Elizabeth knew she should have been shocked, but simply shook her head and giggled. The two left the conference room, neither aware of the man who still occupied the chair against the wall, his lips curved into a smile.

  Later that evening, the two women were seated on lounges on the back patio of the home they had recently finished renovating. Jason listened as they told him about the presentation. He was grilling the steaks as the potatoes finished baking in the updated kitchen. He knew he should protest when Elizabeth told him what Nancy had said about Greg and his underwear.

  ''Babe,'' he said, as he turned from the grill and put his hands on his hips. ''You have got to get over this obsession with visualizing other men. In just a few weeks, you will have only one man and, young lady, if you know what's good for you, I will be the only man you ever fantasize seeing in his underwear again.'' Nancy stood and slowly sauntered over to him. She reached out and put her arms around his neck.

  ''Oh, my,'' she said, huskily, ''what female could ever think about looking at any other man when they have a big, strong, handsome and incredibly sexy Dom in their own backyard?'' Jason looked down at her, a smile on his lips but a look in his eyes that said he wasn't quite buying this act.

  Nancy let one arm slip from his neck, and trailed her fingers down his chest. ''Who needs underwear, when my man wears such a sexy apron?'' Nancy asked, and then burst out laughing, looking at the depiction of a hugely muscular bodybuilder's chest and abs that decorated the apron's entire front. Her laughter quickly turned into a squeal as Jason easily turned her around and slapped the spatula he was holding against the seat of her jeans.

  ''Owwww!'' she shrieked, as he popped her again. Elizabeth smiled as the two played, Nancy laughing and squealing with every pop against her butt. ''Liz … help me!'' Nancy said, and then yelped again.

  Elizabeth shook her head. ''No way, girlfriend,'' she said, as she took a sip of her wine. ''I know better than to ever get between a Dom and his Sub.'' Jason turned his fiancé again, this time drawing her into his arms and kissing her. Nancy stopped giggling and went up on her toes, once more wrapping her arms around his neck. Elizabeth smiled. It was wonderful to see two people, whom she loved more than anything, love each other so completely. Together, they had all come a long way and she couldn't imagine life without these two people.

  Chapter 2

  Two weeks later, Elizabeth was barely able to keep from screaming when she reached down to end the call. She looked at Nancy, and then both women were up from their chairs, arms wrapped around each other, as they did their happy-dance around the office.

  ''Oh my God,'' Nancy said when they were finally standing still. ''I can't believe it … I mean, he did say we got the job, right?''

  Elizabeth giggled and hugged her friend tightly. ''Yes, partner, we did it. We definitely got the job. I am so excited!''

  They glanced around their small office space, the walls covered with drawings, the shelving containing boxes of samples, their two desks facing each other. They had taken a chance in not seeking employment with any large firm, both wanting the complete freedom to work as they desired. They had worked hard, dealt with clients that were abrasive and demanding, as well as others that were cooperative and gracious. They had started with nothing, but each never hesitated to encourage the other when she began to doubt. They had been steadily building up their reputation. While they could have afforded moving to a bigger office, sharing an old converted home with other small businesses was both challenging and fun. The lower Westheimer location assured they had access to a variety of small eateries, independently owned bakeries offering sinful desserts to enjoy with a wide selection of coffees, quaint boutiques and an atmosphere where artistic vibes just seemed to flow through the air.

  ''I've got to call Jason,'' Nancy said excitedly, as she grabbed her purse. ''I'm going for celebration cupcakes and coffee. Back in a bit,'' she said, as she breezed out the door. Elizabeth had to smile. Nancy was always on the move, always seeming to have the energy of a whirlwind and always enjoying the world. When alone, Elizabeth replayed the phone call from moments ago. They had been anxiously awaiting it all day, having been informed that the final decision had been made, and the winning firms would be informed today.

  ''Congratulations, ladies,'' Garrett had said immediately, after they had answered the phone and put it on speaker. Neither woman reacted for a moment, though when they turned to look at each other, they both broke out into huge smiles.

  ''Really?'' Nancy asked, ''we got the job?'' Garrett grinned into the phone.

  ''Yes, really. Your presentation was flawless and the Dietrichs were extremely impressed.'' He paused for a moment. ''I'd like to share that they were not only impressed with your design, they both have been highly impressed by you as individuals. Of all the teams, you made them feel like an integral part of the process. I feel I can share this now, since the decision is final. Benjamin and Helen are very close friends of mine. I didn't reveal it before, because I didn't want my relationship to have any influence whatsoever on any work presented. I can also reveal that my hopes were on your firm as well. As a man who has been in this field for quite some time, I find you both to be professional, intelligent, and demonstrate a desire to truly understand your client in order to fulfill their need. This is a wonderful opportunity for you both. Be prepared to get a lot less sleep, because, ladies, I see great things in your future. Great job.''

  Elizabeth felt as if she had won the lottery. She was slightly embarrassed at the high praise but also very gratified to hear his words. ''Thank you so much,'' she said. ''This is incredible. We are so excited to work with the Dietrichs; they are a fantastic couple.'' Nancy added her thanks—sincerity and pleasure was evident in her voice.

  ''They are,'' Garrett said. ''I will continue to facilitate cooperation between the final teams. I expect everyone to work well together and have this project done in a timely manner. The first team meeting will be here on Monday at 2:00.'' He smiled into the phone as he sat behind his desk. ''Until then, go celebrate and have a great weekend. You'll be far too busy later.'' When the phone call was disconnected, Garrett picked up another file and dialed. This call would be far less pleasurable. By the time he replaced the receiver, his jaw actually ached from where he had kept it clenched in order not to lose control. He picked up the folder on the top of his desk and drew a thick red line through the tab. As the words 'Spectacular Spaces' was obliterated by the red ink, Garrett knew he would never again consider the firm owned by Greg Spenser. Learning what had been said in the presentation meeting had immediately sealed the man's fate. Tossing the folder aside, Garrett hoped that Todd and Julie had enough sense to flee the sinking ship that was Spectacular Spaces.

  Unaware of the anger spewing from Greg's office, Elizabeth continued to enjoy the great news she had just received. She knew this was more than another project for her. This would bring her just that much closer to realizing her own dream. She had lived very miserly, saving every penny she could, in order to one day be able to build the project she had been working on since graduate school. As Nancy returned with hot coffee and sinful cupcakes, Elizabeth had tears in her eyes.

  ''Those better be from happiness, partner,'' Nancy said, as she placed a huge cupcake in front of Elizabeth. ''There is nothing to be sad about. We earned this.''

  Elizabeth wiped away her tears and smiled. ''I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed,'' she admitted. ''It means so much to me.''

  Nancy knew her friend was speaking of more than the project. She bent and gave Elizabeth a hug. ''I know, honey, your dream is getti
ng close to reality,'' Nancy said, and then giggled and picked up her own cupcake and held it out towards Elizabeth.

  ''A toast,'' she said, and waited until Elizabeth picked up her own cupcake, ''to the brilliantly talented women of Divine Designs."

  Nancy said, ''We definitely know how to kick butt!''

  Elizabeth laughed as they touched their cupcakes together. ''Yes, we definitely do,'' Elizabeth agreed, her melancholy mood disappearing as they bit into the treats.

  ''Jason is taking us out to celebrate,'' Nancy said, after the first few bites were consumed. ''We are going to dinner and then, girlfriend, we are going to the club.'' Elizabeth blushed but felt a stirring deep inside. She always felt a little guilty and a little naughty when walking into a club whose members openly participated in BDSM play. Though she had not tried any of the bondage elements, she had often witnessed scenes at the clubs. She knew that Nancy and Jason were much more versatile in their play. The couple had instantly meshed, as if each had simply been waiting for the other. The trust required for such play had long been established. When Elizabeth played, it was much less elaborate. She chose only the men she had grown to trust—and even care for. While she truly enjoyed the encounters, which always consisted of some element of having her ass spanked, she had never found any one Dom that seemed to be able to claim all of her. The men she did play with understood that the small beauty was holding back, never letting go completely despite her sincere desire to want to please her Dom. The man always came away from the scene sexually satisfied, but not one had any illusions that they had truly been able to touch that special chord deep inside Elizabeth. Nancy had Jason, and Elizabeth knew their relationship of D/S extended into every aspect of their lives. When Elizabeth went with them to one of the clubs, she either agreed to be a Submissive for an evening with one of the few Doms she trusted, or sat at the bar with a drink, while simply observing the action.

  ''Wouldn't you two rather go alone?'' Elizabeth asked.

  Nancy's reaction was immediate. ''Absolutely not!'' she stated, firmly. ''You haven't come with us in ages. Life is not only work or even dreaming, Elizabeth Jayne Adams! Life is for living. We are going to make ourselves gorgeous, let Jason treat us to a fantastic dinner, and then, partner, we are going to play.'' She paused for a moment. ''And, Liz, by 'we' I mean both of us. You need to have some fun.'' Elizabeth knew Nancy was right. Even if her friend's insistence hadn't been so strong, the feeling of need was building. She nodded her head, her blush only making her more attractive.

  ''Yes, Ma'am,'' she said, with a small smile. ''I will do as you command.'' Nancy laughed and began to close up the office. Elizabeth looked at her watch and opened her mouth to point out it was early.

  ''Nope, not a word,'' Nancy teased, as she reached across Elizabeth's desk and flipped off her computer. ''You just said you would do as I command—which means, my sweet little Subbie, that until you are in the presence of a Dom tonight, you may just consider me your Mistress.'' Elizabeth flushed hotter, her mind immediately going to the club, just as Nancy intended.

  ''Up,'' Nancy said, pulling on her friend's arm. ''It is time to play!''

  That evening when Jason came to the door, his two favorite women met him. He kissed Elizabeth's cheek and then his fiancé far more passionately. Elizabeth turned away, a smile on her face, as she picked up the coat she was planning to wear over her clothing. Though they were going to the club after dinner, she had no intention of raising eyebrows at whatever restaurant Jason had chosen.

  When Jason finally released Nancy, he turned to Elizabeth. ''Nope,'' he said, plucking the coat from her hands. ''Not only is it not that chilly, Liz, you look far too gorgeous to cover yourself.'' She enjoyed the compliment but still felt uneasy.

  ''How about one of those pretty shawls, instead?'' he offered. Elizabeth nodded, and after replacing the coat in the small hall closet, she chose a soft black shawl, one of many that she had knitted. Jason draped it around her shoulders, offered them each an arm and led them to celebrate their victory.

  The restaurant was on the fringe of the downtown area. While it hadn't been too long ago that everyone seemed to flocking to the suburbs, the last several years had seen the younger generation returning. Older homes were either demolished and replaced with new structures or left in place after being completely remodeled. Elizabeth loved the fact that the amount of abandoned buildings was diminishing as they were gutted and then remodeled into large, airy lofts. She felt Houston had finally taken a page from other large cities. The nightlife available in the downtown area was no longer confined to the theater. Restaurants, two sports stadiums, a huge convention center and all types of clubs guaranteed that, once past six, downtown was no longer empty. It was teeming with a diverse range of people enjoying a wide variety of pleasure.

  Jason found a parking spot directly across from the restaurant. He escorted the women across the street into a newer restaurant they had never tried before but had been put on their list as a definite must-try. It had received high marks both by the regular food reviewers, as well as from various acquaintances who considered themselves foodies. The Executive Chef was also a friend of Jason's, and he had agreed to make this evening special for the women.

  Jason opened the door, and the sound of people having a good time wafted over them. The place was crowded, and the air seemed to crackle with excitement. Nancy smiled, squeezing Elizabeth's hand.

  ''This is wonderful,'' Nancy said, reaching up to kiss Jason's cheek. ''I can't wait to eat.'' Jason chuckled; Nancy was almost famous for her appetite. He knew, also, that her appetite extended to more than food and was honored she shared such a voracious appetite for all life had to offer with him.

  The hostess turned to escort them to the table Jason had reserved. As Elizabeth turned to follow, she almost ran into a man who had stepped out of the restaurant, proper. On his arm was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. She was only a few inches shorter than he, her blonde hair lying around her shoulders in a very complimentary cut. She wore a tightly fitted corset-styled top, which immediately let you know she hadn't been cheated in the breast department. Her skirt flared out in several tiers of lace, which seemed to accentuate her small waist. Elizabeth's eye traveled down to see legs that seemed as long as Elizabeth was tall. The woman was wearing silver stiletto heels that had to be at least six inches tall. Elizabeth shivered knowing just how difficult it was just trying to walk in such high heels. When her eyes lifted, it was to see the man looking down at her, his eyes meeting hers. She flushed immediately, her eyes lowering, feeling highly embarrassed to be caught in her obvious perusal of his date.

  ''Um, excuse me,'' Elizabeth said, as she took a step back and stumbled into another couple entering the restaurant. The man reached out to grab her arm, and Elizabeth felt as if an electric shock had gone through her.

  ''Oh, God, I'm so sorry,'' she said, and immediately wished she were anywhere but here. He smiled down at her, and she felt immensely sorry when he removed his hand, once he was sure she had her feet back under her.

  ''No need to apologize, Miss Adams,'' he said, in such a compelling timbre that it occurred to her she could easily listen to him read a phone book without ever tiring. That thought brought another rush of heat to her face. To make it worse, she saw the blonde attempting to keep a smile off her face.

  The man returned his hand to place it on the small of the woman's back before speaking again. ''I understand congratulations are in order. Garrett is extremely pleased to have you on the team. I hope you are celebrating?'' he asked, as if he was truly interested in her evening plans. She nodded mutely. She had no recollection of ever having met him before and knew she had never seen the woman.

  He smiled, and applying slight pressure with his hand to the woman's back, guided her to the door. Elizabeth remained frozen, her own skin tingling as if desperate to feel such a simple but somehow erotic touch. As if sensing her, he turned back, smiled and tipped his head towards her. ''Have a lov
ely evening,'' he said, his tone soft—and yet so very commanding.

  ''Um, yes…uh…thank you, Sir,'' she said. His eyes seemed to slide over her from head to toe, his smile barely there, as he gave one nod before opening the door to lead his date out into the evening.

  ''Liz, is something wrong?'' Jason asked, having returned when he realized she had not followed them to the table. She seemed frozen and was staring out the front window. He reached out and laid a hand on her arm. ''Liz?''

  She gave a startled cry and a small jerk as his touch brought her out of her thoughts. She almost seemed dazed when she turned to him. ''What?'' she asked, and then immediately shivered. ''Oh, no, I'm fine, Jason … I'm just a little cold. I forgot my shawl.'' He smiled, grateful she wasn't feeling ill.

  ''I'll go get it,'' he said, but she shook her head, one hand on his arm.

  ''No, I'll get it. The air will do me good,'' she said. Before he could stop her, she pushed through the door. He had no idea why she should need air but watched her for a moment, pulling his key fob from his pocket and pushing the button that would unlock the car door. Something had spooked her but not in a frightening way. He sensed that she just needed a moment alone to pull herself together. He spoke to one of the valets, asking that he keep an eye on Elizabeth until she returned to the restaurant. The man gladly agreed, having already watched the beautiful woman walk to the corner. Jason returned to the table, knowing that if she didn't join them soon, he would take her aside and demand she explain what was causing her to act like some fluttery teenager.

  Elizabeth took several deep breaths, as she waited for the light to change so she could safely cross the street. She had no idea what had just happened. She felt like a fool, like some tongue-tied schoolgirl who had never spoken to a man before. She wrapped her arms around herself and then groaned. God, she had forgotten what she was wearing. The man had probably been comparing her to his model girlfriend, and she was quite sure she knew what end she had come out on. She crossed the street and opened the back door to the car. Grabbing her shawl, she wrapped it around her, immediately feeling a sense of comfort. She crossed the street again and returned to the restaurant but continued walking just past the door. She looked back to the street, wanting to make sure the interior lights went out in the car to signal that she had locked it.


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