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Page 14

by Heltsley, Andrea

  “Thank you so much John!” she said in a bright disposition. “I know we really appreciate it. My bestie just broke up with her man and he is a total prick. We don’t want to take any chances.”

  With that I let out an internal sigh of relief that she was indeed not the only resident. “It is no problem.”

  I shook her hand and bid her goodnight before exiting the apartment.

  Once I was clear from the apartment and had turned down a side street I was then able to take a slow collective breath. The feel of fall hung in the air and smells of apple cider and smoke from fires burning in fireplaces. I tried not to let my mind wander as I focused on being ordinary and melted into the background.

  At last I reached my hotel and used my key card to slide in a side entrance; I retreated up the stairwell towards my room. Flinging my gear across the green patterned carpet, I shut the door with a swift click.

  It was only now that I was truly able to calm my frayed nerves. The fast pitter patter of my heart had begun to slow to a steady rhythm and I sighed. The rush of doing a job was always beyond anything conceivable, reminding me of why I loved my work.

  Remembering that this was not over, I regained my focus and prepared for the ritual. Stripping and cleansing in the hot shower was first and foremost. Any speck of dirt or residue could tamper with my circle.

  I allowed myself to air dry and ran my hands through my short hair to disperse the water. Sliding my faded jeans on, I reveled in the feel of comfortable material against my bare skin. I felt strong and pure.

  Any candidate could perform this level of magic but required immense concentration to be successful. I pulled my ritual knife from my bag and reopened my freshly clotting wound, wincing at the sharp stab of pain coursing through my nerves.

  Then I painted the protection sigil over the bathroom door to prevent trespassing during my ritual. While the wound was still open, I released a few drops into a chalice and set it aside. I wasted no time then to stop the bleeding and bandaged the cut once again.

  Now that I was safe in my room, I could focus on the ritual without distraction. The circle took considerably more time to prepare. Performing the ritual clockwise starting with the entry and exit is north.

  Drawing the circle approximately ten feet in diameter with chalk and ending again at the north, where I placed earth. Lighting the tall red candle, I dripped it over the north, careful not to snuff the flame.

  To the east, I lit the incense with my flame before placing the red pillar alight to the south. At last, I filled the chalice with my potion and placed it to the west. I was careful to invoke each element as I proceeded.

  I drew my sigil to open the portal and concentrated on my intent. After several minutes of deep concentration, I finally reached the point of meditation and grasped my inner self. It was now time to perform the chant.

  I held my breath for a few intense seconds hoping that the spell worked. Then my mind began to tingle as if an invisible cord was tugging at its core. I closed my eyes and exhaled, after letting my surroundings fade away like shadows.

  The tingling subsided and I was aware of someone else. I rested my eyes on her and something inside me clicked into place. I was surprised at the way my soul acknowledged her. For several seconds, I just stood there so close but saying or doing nothing.


  Suddenly, the vision snapped off, like a severed cord. I was swiftly returned to the present and opened my eyes to see both Autumn and Boone peering at me with concern.

  The vision was intense and feeling that close to Jared again filled me with need for him. I just shook it off, promising to digest it later and returned to our current situation.

  “We are close; I can feel his resonance I guess you can call it. There is a trace of him here, or nearby. If he isn’t here, then he was recently,” I said.

  “Sam is also somewhere close; your powers are getting stronger. The worst isn’t over yet. The closer we get, the more bogged down you are going to get. Your powers are too new and wild. You can’t control them yet,” Autumn said with concern still written all over her face.

  I just didn’t know how to respond to that. Everything inside me was urging me to move forward, like a magnet moving towards its other end. I couldn’t stop now even if I wanted to, which I definitely didn’t.

  Then Boone put his hand gently on my shoulder. I instantly felt the soothing aura he was trying to bleed into my frenzied one. I took a deep breath and tried not to fight it. When I looked into his eyes though, they were anything but calm, but a troubled stormy blue.

  Remembering the dream, a thought occured to me and I turned to Autumn in curiosity. “How come Jared didn’t know you? When he came to wake my powers, how come he didn’t know you?”

  I was wearing a charm that keeps my exact appearance fuzzy. People see me, but I am fuzzy and anything but memorable.” She took a slow breath and continued.

  “It was part of my cover. I have been deep undercover for almost twelve years, so I didn’t even recognize him or realize this was coming. I’m so sorry Nells,” she said with genuine regret in her voice.

  Now it was my turn to look to Boone. “If you are his partner, how come you weren’t with him to watch his back? What happened on the last mission to cause a separation?”

  I definitely caught him off guard because his cheeks warmed and he looked embarrassed. “We got into a bit of hot water. We didn’t follow protocol and almost blew our cover. Mr. Greene was pissed. He separated us to teach us a lesson. This wasn’t supposed to get so complicated. It should have been standard protocol, except the leak turned the tables. I’m sorry Noel.”

  I was just standard protocol, which made me feel real special. That was just every girls dream when it came to the two hottest guys I ever laid eyes on. I was about to begrudgingly accept his apology when a voice interrupted us.

  “So, you are now a rogue sect of a rogue sect of a secret group of powerful people, how ironic, and so not ok.”

  Chapter 14: Skeptics

  I whirled around only to come face to face with Madison. She was dressed in a modern cranberry sweater tunic atop black tights and thigh high boots. Her blond hair was loose and shiny around her face, her matching cranberry lips so plump and sexy. Her eyes were dark and stormy, nearly a pure black. I shrunk back under her scrutiny and Boone stepped in.

  “Madison, it’s good to see you. This is not exactly how it looks. I give you permission to see for yourself if you like. I won’t hold anything back, I promise.”

  She raised an eyebrow, curious but predatory. “What’s the catch? I don’t want you to put your slimy powers anywhere near my aura. This could all be a trap.”

  In a mere instant she had moved across the room and had me in a hostage stance. I still hadn’t registered how she managed to do that so quickly, before she spoke again.

  “Her however, she is still very delicate. I can see the pure gold of her untainted aura. She is either unaware of the situation or just that damn pure. Either way, I think I will take you up on that offer, only with her.”

  I was not sure what that meant but it was apparently not good. Autumn had gone pale and Boone grew furious and stormed up to her, just inches away from us.

  “I don’t think so Madison. She is innocent. We are not doing anything wrong here. There is a mole and information was leaked. We are simply trying to get Sam and Jared back. Don’t you dare lay a single finger on Noel. If you do, I swear, I will stake you where you stand.”

  Madison merely tsk tsked and gave Boone a look of pity. “Now Boone, is that anyway to prove your innocence? You have my word the girl will not be permanently harmed. This is non-negotiable Boone. I don’t trust you and I need information. Deal with it. Just because you have developed some sort of sick adoration for Jared’s lover doesn’t make her yours. Watch yourself.”

  Madison turned to the door and tilted her head in a gesture to come and join. Instantly, two familiar figures were restraining Autumn and Boone. It was C
lark and Graham. They look conflicted but did as asked.

  Madison had me in a choke hold and her skin was so cool. A shiver ran through me as I realized what Madison was and what was about to happen. Trying to be the bigger person, I nodded to them in assurance.

  “It’s ok. I know I have to do this. Ironic as my earlier comment is in this situation, I am sure I will be ok.” That was all I was able to say before I felt the pierce of her fangs into the tender flesh of my neck and the room faded to an inky darkness.

  My vision returned in slow blinks at first. When I was finally able to open my eyes all I saw were three linear spheres of light, silver and sparkling above me. They were so beautiful I just wanted to gaze into them all day. Then, I noticed how damn thirsty I was. I just needed a drink. Turning my head, I saw a line of premium liquor bottles, Jack, Sky vodka, amaretto, Dom Perrier, and tequila.

  Confused, I turned to the left and saw a line of tall espresso finished wooden bar chairs all lined up. Panicking, I sat up swiftly but regretted it when I was pegged in the head by one of the glowing spheres of light I was just admiring. All I could do was wince and hold my hand over the growing knot.

  Returning my vision to the scene, I realized that I was actually lying on a bar. At least it was an upscale one this time. I had to stop drinking tequila. It messed with me every time. I felt like I could star in my own reality show if this kind of thing kept happening to me. Some friends I had, just leaving me here.

  I very carefully slid down off the bar and landed on my bare feet. My toes were polished in a glossy candy apple red and I only have a second to realize this is not me, but Madison, before we were moving again.

  I straightened my tight red salsa dress and lifted a bottle of vodka from the bar. I was so thirsty. I washed it down, yet I was still so damn thirsty. I gave up and start heading for the door. Just as I grasped the handle to open it, a voice from behind stopped me.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  I whirled around to see a wickedly handsome man in a tailored suit standing there with an amused look on his face. His smile didn’t quite reach his green eyes and his teeth were white and perfect. His black hair was slicked back and very sexy. He almost looked too good to be real.

  “Why not, I was just leaving.” I said, standing a little straighter.

  “I think you will find that a little detrimental to your health, sugar.”

  My brow furrowed and I spit back a response. “Are you threatening me?”

  He just laughed as if I was the most amusing thing he had seen. “No, but your skin is a little sensitive today. I wouldn’t want to see you fry on your first day as a vampire. Come on back over here and sit down. I will tell you everything.”

  “What? I am a vampire? Are you shitting me? I have a stupid hangover and my head hurts like a hell. Are you a stalker?” I asked in a panicked slur.

  Then he bit into his wrist, letting blood well there before it dripped into a steady stream on the floor. I was shocked at my fascination by it. It smelled like copper and metal and suddenly all I wanted was to taste it.

  That was when I felt the sharp points of fangs in my mouth and knew he was being truthful. I wasted no time making my way to him before tasting the blood welling on his wrist.

  His blood tasted like sheer bliss. It brought lust to the forefront of my mind and I began to think naughty things involving him and his blood. I was enraptured as I drank greedily, trying to satiate my need.

  It actually felt like physical pain when he stopped me and I was still so very thirsty. I licked my lips for any remaining drops and frowned like a pouty child. After a few seconds, the bloodlust resided and I realized that I was a freaking vampire!

  I looked at the mess in horror and start to back away from him. I only managed to make it a step before I slipped on the slick red floor and landed in blood. I was embarrassed and tried to scoot off the floor and back to my seat.

  “It’s ok, Madison. My name is Helix and I am the one who made you. I am your sire,” he said as he used his other hand to tuck my hair behind my ear and lingered there just a minute longer than necessary.

  I was confused and shaking slightly. “Why? Why me?” was all I could manage right then.

  “Why not, you are gorgeous and sexy for starters. You have the gift of beauty. Imagine a life of immortality with your looks forever. You can have anything you want. And now you have me.”

  He tried for a smile but all I could muster was a choked sob before tears of blood welled in my eyes. He snapped his fingers and a man and woman appeared by his side.

  “This is Leila and Boone. They are my servants. Anything you want or need and they will get it for you, just don’t eat the help, we have separate blood servants for that.”

  Leila and Boone handed over a soft cloth for me to dry my bloodied eyes and mouth onto. I used it and set it on the table in front of me. Then I thanked them profusely.

  A buzz of shock went through me as I realized that Boone was actually a vampire servant. Madison, on the other hand, has not sparked any such recognition. Then as with all the other visions, this one turned pixilated and red dust swirled all around me and just exploded before everything went dark again.

  When my vision finally returned, I was in Boone’s arms and he was stroking my face. There was so much compassion there, that I momentarily wanted to sink back into his embrace forever.

  Unfortunately though, my head took over and the spell was broken. All I could see was him, a vampire servant. I couldn’t believe what I actually saw. I peered around him to find Madison standing there, a look of sympathy and apology written across her face.

  “I’m sorry Noel. It had to be done though. I didn’t know if I could trust you. Things are all a little strained right now. After your escape we began to think you were the traitors. The radio silence was our tipoff. It seems we were right in a way,” Madison said with a pointed look at Autumn.

  I had to speak up in defense of Autumn. “It wasn’t her fault though! There are a lot of parties at play here, more than just what lies on the surface. Immortals and humans are hunting me down like I am some kind of rabid animal. It’s disgusting really.”

  “Yes, I know. I saw it all when I sampled your blood. I now have a telekinetic link to you. One of the perks to being a vampire is mindreading those I have bonded with by blood. I am immortal but I play for the good team luckily.”

  Clark and Graham stood silently in the corner, taking in our exchange.

  “I saw you, when you bit me, I mean. I saw you when you turned into a vampire, at that bar with Helix.”

  It was Madison’s turn to look ashen against the bold color of her lips. She cast a look to Boone but I didn’t see his response.

  “Yeah, I saw him too. What is the story there? ” I asked her.

  “Your powers are growing stronger. You should not have been able to see into my head like that. Usually it is only a one way link,” she replied, avoiding the original question.

  “There is clearly a lot about this world that I still don’t know,” I then quickly admitted.

  “Unfortunately, we don’t have time to chat about old times. We have a real threat and it looks like you might need our help after all. Wren is definitely a bitch with a will of steel,” Madison paused before continuing.

  “The fey on the other hand are twisted and corrupt. If you think I am a monster, the fey are ten times as bad. They torture within their courts just for entertainment. Wren teaming with one of them definitely poses a real threat,” she said grimly.

  “The only good news is that they can’t come and go without Samhain. That is when the borders between our realms are the weakest,” Autumn offered.

  Madison shook her head. “No it is not good actually. If he is planning to overthrow, it will be in a matter of just a day or two, this Samhain. We have to keep her safe for at least a few days until after that. Wren will likely drop her deal if he can’t help her before then.”

  This time I interjec
ted with the question that had been plaguing me since all the memories came flooding back. “What about Sam and Jared? They have them both already. We have to save them.”

  “We don’t have to do anything. You are now priority number one and we have to protect you at all costs,” Madison said.

  Clark and Graham had visibly relaxed a little and Autumn wasted no time checking on Clarks bruises. “I am so sorry, Clark! I had to though. I didn’t know who was leaking the Intel and I had to protect Noel.”

  “I know, just don’t make it a habit. Damn it, it hurt,” he cursed.

  Boone interrupted the scene with his own agenda. “I am going after my partner and Sam no matter what. I can’t leave them in fey hands. Especially if they cross them over, then they are lost to us forever.”

  “I agree, we can’t leave them,” Autumn said, turning to Madison.


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