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Rogues Apocalypse (Book 2): Rogues Rising

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by Norman, Mack


  Rogues Apocalypse:

  Rogues Rising

  Post-EMP America


  Mack Norman


  Copyright © 2017 Mack Norman. All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. All events, names characters, and places are the product of the author’s imagination or are used as a fictitious event. That means that I thought up this whole book from my imagination and nothing in it is true.

  All rights reserved. None of this publication may be copied or reproduced without prior written permission from the publisher.

  Published by Newalk LLC.

  Owensboro, Kentucky



  Like many people, I always wanted to write a novel, and it was high on my bucket list. I started several times and failed because I weren’t no good at all that damned English stuff. I was very good at telling stories and could keep my friends spellbound as I wove a yarn about this or that while we were driving to and from our golf outings or out camping. I just couldn’t put the words on the darn page.

  That changed quickly several months back when I was sitting in at the bar at a golf club in northern Alabama and overheard a man talking about the books he had published on Amazon. The barmaid asked if it was difficult to get a novel published and the man said, “Publishing a book is easy, anyone can do it. The trick is to tell a story that people want to read if you want to sell books.”

  I talked with AJ Newman, and now I have written two excellent stories!

  PS I hate hyphenated word so you won’t see many of them.

  Rogues Apocalypse: Rogues Rising

  Rogues Rising continues Max’s story about how this unlikely group of people survives by using Max’s post-apocalyptic novels as a guideline for survival as they continue to build their community. Will Amy fall in love with Max or continue to use him to make Tony jealous. Will the community be able to survive the hostile outside world where chaos reigns? Will the citizens of the new community accept Tony and his iron rule as the new businesses are implemented? Read Rogues Rising to see what happens with these issues and more.

  I think you will agree that I told a good story after you read this book and I hope you like my Rogues Apocalypse Series and leave many excellent reviews on Amazon.

  Thanks for purchasing my novels and I hope you feel like your money was well spent when you finish.

  Mack Norman

  This book is dedicated to my girlfriend and proofreader, Jill, who has been a great help keeping me on track and making me cut down on the cussing and sex in the books.

  Thanks to my friends, AJ Newman and Cliff Deane who have helped me publish my novel and help with Beta Reading. Thanks to Wes Newman who has also become a Beta Reader for this novel.

  Mack Norman


  NOTE: To help thank my mentors for all of their hard work helping me write and publish my novels I am plugging some of their novels below.

  AJ Newman, my mentor, has 18 novels published on Amazon and specializes in Post-Apocalyptic stories. A few are:

  The Adventures of John Harris Series

  Alien Apocalypse Series

  Family Apocalypse Series

  The Alone in the Apocalypse Series

  The Day America Died Series

  Virus: Strain of Islam. (With C. Deane)

  These books are available on Amazon:

  To contact the Author, please leave comments @

  My good friend Cliff Deane has five great Post-Apocalyptic novels on Amazon. If you like Post-Apocalyptic stories, you’ll love these books.

  The Vigilante Series Virus: Strain of Islam……. (with AJ Newman)

  These books are available on Amazon:

  Please visit Cliff’s Facebook page:


  Books by Mack Norman

  Rogues Apocalypse Series:

  Rogues Origin

  Rogues Rising

  Rogues Journey*

  (To be published spring 2018)

  Available on Amazon @



  Current News – from the headlines!

  March 2017 - What if North Korea detonates a nuclear weapon over the Pacific?

  If North Korea launches a nuclear warhead-armed ballistic missile over the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. should attempt to shoot it down and then push for a naval blockade of North Korea.

  The concern here is real.

  In recent weeks, North Korean officials have hinted that they may launch just such a test. As one Pentagon official told reporters, Tuesday, "I would fully expect if [Kim's] telling us he’ll do it, he’s going to."

  The threat is exacerbated by two other factors. First, the recent tunnel collapse at a North Korean nuclear test facility may motivate Kim Jong Un to believe an atmospheric nuclear test is necessary to save face. Second, as President Trump prepares to visit South Korea next week, Kim may want to send a uniquely aggressive message.

  Regardless, if Kim acts, the U.S. cannot sit idle.

  Washington Examiner

  April 15, 2017 - North Korea Postpones Nuclear Showdown With US

  SEOUL — North Korea did not go through with a possible nuclear test Saturday, after the United States demonstrated a credible threat of military force in the region and China increased economic restrictions against its economically dependent ally, but Pyongyang did later conduct a missile test that failed.

  The missile was launched early Sunday from the Sinpo area on the North's east coast, where the country has a submarine base. The U.S. Pacific Command said the missile blew up almost immediately and that its type was still being assessed.

  Earlier, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un presided over a military parade to celebrate the April 15 birthday of his country's founding leader the late Kim Il Sung, the country’s most important holiday known as the Day of the Sun.

  “Kim Jong Un had planned a fight with the U.S., but decided to give up the plan,” said North Korea defector and analyst Ahn Chan-il with the World Institute for North Korean Studies.

  VOA News Letter

  11/02/17 - A TUNNEL collapse at North Korea’s key nuclear testing site has sparked renewed fears of a major radiation leak and environmental disaster.

  It is understood about 100 workers at the Punggye-ri nuclear site were killed in the collapse which took place around September 10 and followed Pyongyang’s sixth atomic test earlier that month, Japanese broadcaster TV Asahi reported.

  A second collapse during a rescue operation meant it was possible the death toll could have exceeded 200, according to the broadcaster.

  Future News – from the headlines!

  12/ 01/ 2037 – North Korea warns that it will detonate a nuclear device in the Pacific Ocean 800 miles west of the coast of Japan on January 1, 2038.

  North Korea placed the United Nations members on notice to avoid the test area 800 miles west of Japan and 700 miles south of the Kamchatka peninsula. Russian and USA UN Ambassadors have condemned the action and threated grave consequences if the Nuclear EMP resulting from the nuclear blast damages any Russian or USA owned territories. All commercial shipping and air travel have been told to stay 1,000 miles from the blast zone.

  Newalk News Group

  01/01/2038 – The USA reports North Korea detonated a low yield thermonucl
ear device approximately 100 miles above the ocean this morning. Early reports say the test accomplished the North Korean goals of killing electronics on test ships and causing several unpiloted drones to fall from the sky.

  The Washington Conservative Free Press

  01/07/38 – The President of the USA will tell his country tonight in a fireside chat that North Korea’s EMP blast caused four American and three Canadian aircraft to crash and disabled over thirty fishing boats and three heavy freighters. He will tell the country that he will put NK on notice that another EMP blast will result in a nuclear attack ON North Korea.

  Voice of Freedom Press

  02/27/2038 – North Korea detonated a nuclear EMP device 500 miles south of South Korea and contact has been lost with most of the country including three of the USA military bases. The US President is expected to ask Congress to declare war on North Korea today.

  Voice of Freedom Press

  3/13/2038 - North Korea has bombed and invaded South Korea, and Iran has nuclear bombed several key US military bases in the Middle East. The news is coming in as we print and there is mass confusion; however, the one undeniable fact is that nuclear war is a few minutes away.



  There will be blood

  March 17, 2028

  Amy woke up under a dark clear sky with millions of stars above, she had fallen asleep on top of Max, and even though his body was warm, she was now freezing under the light blanket. Earlier their lovemaking had kept her warm, but now her back and butt were ice cold, and that damn noise had roused her up. She scrambled to put her clothes on when it dawned on her that the sound was gunfire and it was coming from their new home.

  “Max wake up!”

  “I’m awake. I’m awake, and I might add that you were wonderful last night,” moaned Max from his half asleep stupor.

  “Max, get your ass up! The warehouses are under attack,” cried Amy as she pinched him on the side.

  Max jumped up, slid his underwear on, “Why can’t these assholes attack at a more convenient time? I was warm and had a beautiful babe on top of me. What more could a guy want.”

  “Well my ass was freezing Mr. I was warm. Next time I want a warm bed,” Amy replied as she handed him his pants and added, “Our friends are dying so could you dress faster?”

  “Hey you are the one who stopped on a side road and jumped my bones in the bed of a pickup truck,” Max put his shoes on and jumped to his feet.

  As Max finished dressing, the words “Next time” ran through his mind. He hoped that Tony wasn’t lying about not being interested in Amy because she could easily fill the bill for a friend with benefits. She still scared him, but last night was great and would soon make him forget what's her name in Wyoming.

  Amy was in the driver’s seat when Max jumped in the cab and took off before he closed the door. She sped back to the main road, made the turn on two wheels, and dodged stalled cars and trucks at full speed until they were almost at the front gate when Max saw men in a ditch behind the Auto Parts warehouse that was shooting at the guards. They could hear the shots and then the sound of the bullets ricocheting off the warehouse walls.

  “Hey Amy, that bastard is passing out dynamite. Turn toward them so I can shoot the pricks.”

  The truck lurched to the right and covered the distance quickly to their targets. Max leaned out of the window with his AR and shot at the men hitting several and scattering the others. One man had lit the fuse on a stick of the explosive and then fell into the ditch when Max’s bullet severed his spine. A few seconds later, there was an explosion originating from his location and dirt, and body parts rained down on Amy and Max.

  Amy stopped the truck by the box of dynamite and Max picked up the box and threw it into the bed of the truck while Amy kept the men pinned down in a culvert across the road. Amy saw a bloody hand on the hood of the truck and knocked it off with the barrel of her AR.

  One of the men rose up from the culvert with a lit fuse on a stick of the explosive and was about to throw it at them when Amy shot him in the stomach. He fell back in the culvert clutching the deadly stick at the feet of his cohorts. There was an explosion a few seconds later, and body parts and dirt again rained down on Amy and Max.

  “Max let’s go through the hole they cut in the fence and come up behind the main group. We can kill a bunch of them before they know where the shots are coming from.”

  “Grab their AR magazines. We might need them. Now tell me what to do girl. You are the combat vet, and I’m just a scared shitless writer who will need new underwear when this is done,” Max said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Got the mags. Thanks for reminding me. That was a rookie mistake. Remember you told me to keep you from getting killed and now I have an incentive not to let you get killed.”

  Max looked at her with a puzzled look on his face, “Max, I want more of last night. Boy, you can be a real dumbass at times.”

  They were moving through the tear in the fence when Max taped her on the shoulder, “Thanks, that was very nice last night.”

  “Best you ever had. Now shut up and follow me,” Amy grinned as she ran into the fray ahead not knowing what to expect.

  Max followed closely behind this fierce warrior and wondered how he had gotten into this mess. He was still the calm, quiet, and peace loving man that wrote stories for a living. Shooting and being shot at were never in his imagination of what his future would ever become. Of course, he thought, it could be worse. He could have moved to Valparaiso, Indiana with Angie and had to listen to her snooty friends put him down all day. At least life with Tony and Amy was anything but boring.”


  Tony woke up in the middle of the night and was pissed that the little snot nosed brat and her Teddy Bear were back in his room. She lay in the corner on a pile of clothes with his coat covering her. He tried to get mad and have one of his men take her over to one of the women. Instead, he placed the tot on the edge of his mattress and tucked her under his sleeping bag. He got a drink of water and was on the way back to bed when he felt the hair stiffen on the back of his neck, turned, and saw the little girl trying to get his attention. She pointed at a shadow as it crossed the doorway.

  Tony waved at the girl and placed his finger to his lips as he reached for his pistol. He stayed against the wall as he moved to his doorway and prepared himself mentally for the worse. He saw a man’s head and then a hand with a gun poke around the door and took action. He shot the attacker in the head and ducked down ready for return fire.

  The man had been thrown back into the central office area, and Tony heard gasps, “They killed Jack. Kill them all!”

  Tony grabbed two more magazines from the desktop and peeked around the doorway ready to shoot. He quickly sighted on his first target, a young girl, and pulled the trigger twice before moving his sights to the remaining two men. A wild shot whizzed past his left side as he squeezed the trigger three times killing the two remaining men.

  He walked over to the teenaged girl who was writhing in pain and asked, “Why attack us?”

  “You have food. We wanted it.”

  A perplexed Tony looked into her eyes, “We would have shared.”

  “We wanted all of your food, asshole.”

  He pointed the pistol between her eyes and fired.

  Tony heard shooting across the hallway, and suddenly Oscar, Bob, and Sam burst out into the hall.

  “Boss are you okay?”

  “Yes but get someone to look after my friend,” Tony pointed to his room, and Oscar saw the little girl peeking at them from the dark room.

  “What happened? Who is attacking?”

  “Boss we don’t know yet, but they killed three of Harry’s guards and shot him in the arm. The attack appears to be concentrated on this building, and the others are sending help,” Oscar huffed as he tried to catch his breath, then added, “Boss stay here with Sam and Bob, and I will lead the counteroffensive.”
br />   “Hell no! Let’s go get the fuckers who killed my people. Sam, stay here with the girl and protect her.”

  They moved down the west hallway and headed to the sound of gunfire coming from inside the warehouse.


  Amy stopped abruptly, and Max fell over the top of her to the warehouse floor. Amy’s hand quickly covered his mouth, and she whispered, “Shush, they are behind that rack. Boy, you are clumsy. Watch for my hand signals, and you won’t run over my ass next time.”

  Amy whispered as she searched the room for danger, “My dad would tell you that you are clumsy as a hog on roller skates. I only see the three behind that rack but watch my back as I sneak up on them. I’ll get two, but you have to get the other or I’m dead. On the count of three, I’ll go through that empty slot and come out shooting behind them. You run to that pallet and shoot anybody that runs out.”


  “One, two, and …” Amy took off to the rack and disappeared before Max could get his wobbly legs to move.

  Max leaped forward running the twenty feet to the end of the rack as several gunshots rang out, couldn’t stop, and crashed into a large man knocking the man to the floor sending the man’s weapon skidding across the floor. Max fell on the man knocking the wind out of the man, and then Max jumped up and looked to see if Amy needed help.


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