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Rogues Apocalypse (Book 2): Rogues Rising

Page 4

by Norman, Mack



  It takes a village

  March 18, 2028

  Max thought the apocalypse began as expected. Looting, murder, and panic were widespread. The Nashville skyline was littered with plumes of black smoke, and in some cases, flames could be seen flaring out of the skyscrapers. The store shelves were now bare, and people were attacked and robbed by people who had less than them. Gangs were growing in size and boldness. The police in most cases had fled work to be home with their families. Justice was only found at the end of the barrel of a gun.

  Drug addicts and pushers had attacked doctor’s offices, pharmacies, and were now looting people’s homes to find drugs. Liquor stores were trashed, and no beer or liquor was to be seen. Addicts and alcoholics were jonesing for their next pill or drink. This problem would grow worse every day until they snapped and began killing people just to look through their victim’s homes for relief.

  Medicine wasn’t a big problem, yet. That would hit the fan in two to four weeks, and the situation would be ugly as unmedicated depressed people ended their lives and crazies killed people just to kill them. Most of the good people had either run like hell from the cities or were bugging in deep in their basements. They would survive longer than the others, but the unprepared would die off over the next three months. Only the hardiest people would survive by outwitting, out fighting and outrunning the awful scum unleashed by the nuclear EMP blasts.

  Liz joined the team for breakfast, and Tony told the team to keep the topics to items that could be heard by anyone in the community. They dined on steaks, bacon, salad, and fresh orange juice to use up more of the perishable supplies. Liz and Tony had their hands on each other during the meal and Amy tried hard not to show her feelings, but her red face and tight lipped smile gave her away.

  Max got Amy’s mind off Liz by getting the day’s discussion started, “Today we need to pass out some meat and screen about a hundred people to see if they are a fit for the community. Liz, you are a lawyer, do you think you could use those skills to help us vet the newcomers? Oscar could give you his thoughts on what to look for, and Tony could tell you his rules for the newbies.”

  “I would love to help do anything after working in the kitchen. Eating is a good thing, but cooking is not my thing,” Liz smiled and rubbed Tony’s back.

  “Great, I asked Sam to set up a greeting area by the gates to meet people wanting to join our community and a small trading store to get the bartering started. In a couple of days, Amy, Maggie, and I will travel into the county to see if we can talk to a few of the farmers and get them on our side. We will take a squad of my cops and a couple of Oscar’s men for protection if okay with Oscar,” Max turned toward Oscar.

  “Of course my hero, I’ll have Roger select two of my best.”

  Tony was deep in thought when Liz mentioned, “We have added several doctors and nurses in the past couple of days so why not start a clinic to take care of the people in our community for free and the outsiders around the community for a small fee or trade?”

  “That’s a capital idea. I really like it, and it will make the people think we care for them."

  “Tony, don’t we care for them?” Liz had a perplexed look on her face.

  “Yes, darling, we do; however, not getting the recognition for caring is like pissing yourself in black pants. No one notices. We need to make sure they know we care for them and not become another taken for granted government service,” responded Tony.

  The meeting broke up, and Max led an upset Amy back to their room and seduced her. He took her clothes off while kissing her all over and he made love to her after making her want him so much that she begged for relief.

  An hour later Amy sat up in bed and said, “Max, I could get used to having you around, but I have to ask, why the morning delight?”

  “Amy, I know that you and I don’t love each other, but I could see the pain in your eyes when Liz was pawing on Tony. I wanted you to restart your morning and for you to have a great day,” Max kissed her on the nape of her neck as he ran his hand across her flat toned stomach.

  “Max, stop. We have to go help set up the …oh screw it. Make love to me again.”

  “Max, we need to get our asses dressed, and head over to where the clinic is going to be located or people will be talking about us.”

  “I thought you planned to use me to make Tony jealous,” Max kissed her on the back of her neck as he held her.

  “Damn stop that or I can’t concentrate. That is my plan, but Max I’m afraid that he doesn’t notice and won’t ever fall in love with me.”

  “Babe, I know it will break your heart, but I wouldn’t count on Tony ever falling in love with you if he hasn’t for 30 years. Doll, I think he thinks of you as his sister, and I don’t think he will change his mind on that,” Max said with hesitation and fear in his eyes.

  Amy instantly became furious and punched Max in the stomach much harder than she meant to, and Max doubled over in pain as he rolled off the bed to get away from this raging mad woman.

  “Don’t ever say that again, “I know my Tony loves me and just has to realize those skanks just want him for his power and money,” Amy cried out.

  Max was still doubled over as he groaned, “Babe, you punch like a prizefighter but make love like an angel. I’ll be glad to help you make him jealous but don’t shoot the messenger.”

  Amy realized the error of her ways, slid across the bed and held Max as she kissed him, “Max, I’m so sorry. You are a decent man, and I was wrong to take my rage out on you. What can I do to make it up to you?”

  “Hon, usually I’d have a quick response to that, but I’m working hard not to puke at the moment. Let’s get dressed and put big smiles on our faces and go meet with the others. Act as if you are in love with me and touch me every now and then when people are watching. Laugh and giggle when I make a joke. Believe me Tony, and everyone else will notice the change in you.”

  “Yes, they will think I’ve just been f…”

  “Whoa, ladies say … had love made to them. Don’t hit me but you need to stop cussing so much and act more like a lady and not one of the boys for Tony to fall in love with you.

  “Max if I could only get Tony in bed so I can make love to him he will change his mind about me.”

  “Babe, nope. Not with Tony. Sex is not what will get him to love you. He will be screwing half of the women in this community and think he is faithful to his wife and love her dearly. Being a lady and showing him you aren’t always his trained assassin is your only chance. You can still be tough when necessary but not all of the time.”

  She kissed him again after they were dressed and said, “Max, I appreciate what you are doing for me,” blushed, and added, “And to me, that was great.”

  Max thought but didn’t say, “Until the punch line.”


  Tony watched as Greg discussed the new clinic with the group of doctors and nurses. He had asked Liz to join in the group and assist where necessary because he didn’t know where she fit into the team yet and didn’t want complaints that she wasn’t shouldering her share of the load. Meanwhile, Amy was subtle when she rubbed her body against Max or touched his leg but made sure Tony and the others notice.

  Since Oscar didn’t want hordes of outsiders flocking through the buildings, they set up four large campers from a close by camping store as mini urgent care offices. The campers were outside of the main fence but were enclosed in barbwire fencing topped with razor ribbon fence.

  Tony assigned Sam to handle security and to work with Harry to take security over after the operation was up and running. He then appointed Max to make a brief trip out into the area around the community and put up fliers that said, “Medical care at the corner of Veterans Bvd. and Robert E. Lee streets from 9:00 to noon on Tuesdays through Friday. This starts this Thursday! Do not come armed to the medical center or you will not be treated.”

  Before they left Tony c
aught Max to say, “Damn, that girl won’t quit will she? Of course, Liz and the others saw her fawning all over you. Liz thinks you took Amy to bed after the first meeting. I hope you did. The girl has to stop crushing on me.”

  “She is dedicated to getting you to love her, and that will take time. The quicker you settle down with one woman in your home the quicker she’ll drop the pursuit, but she’ll never stop wanting you to love her,” Max answered with a tinge of jealousy.

  “I can see that you care for her and I want you to know that you have my blessing to pursue her. She is a great girl, and I would love to be her big brother and give her away to you when you two get married,” said a worried Tony.

  Max chuckled, “I just have to learn how to duck when she gets mad. Yes, I care for her, but I don’t want to use her when I know she loves you.”

  “Hey, other ladies would jump in your bed,” laughed Tony.

  “When was the last time someone told you that you are full of shit and have a mean streak.”

  Tony cleared his throat and said, “Ask Oscar. He buried the guy’s remains in several graves. I need this as a favor. Please stick with Amy. I don’t usually ask for favors.”

  “You got it, but I will try to never hurt her.”

  Tony replied, “Be careful she doesn’t hurt you, buddy. Hey, see Oscar. He has some walkie-talkies that work. They were in an overseas shipping container parked at the electronics warehouse. Apparently, steel blocks the EMP radiation.”

  Amy caught Max and handed him body armor, “Max, put this on under your coat. Oscar found several dozen of these newer ones that give more protection at the police station. A few were singed by the fire, but all will stop a bullet. I can’t have you getting killed until I get Tony.”

  “I guess I don’t care why you protect me as long as I am protected. Amy I uh…”

  “Max, I won’t be sleeping with you anymore. Oh, we will make them think we are sleeping together and I still want to play grab ass to make everyone think I love you, but I feel dirty and unfaithful sleeping with you when I love Tony. Please bear with me for a few months, and you can then go do your own thing.”

  Max found himself being pissed and a bit jealous at the same time as he responded, “That’s good with me. Now let’s go.”

  Max took Amy, Sam, and three of his new deputies with him to post the fliers. A few people came out to ask questions, but many only peered through their windows at these strangers. They didn’t see anyone outside their homes in the subdivisions on the southwest side of Gallatin as they drove along in the old pickup with their guns ready.

  “Max, slow up! There are two guys with guns up ahead.”

  Max stopped and saw two men with belt holsters and shoulder holsters dressed in black that would fit into any post-apocalyptic movie. They both had bandanas on their heads and several gold necklaces. Max sent Sam and two of the deputies up to the men to see what they were doing in the middle of the street blocking their progress.

  Sam walked up to the men and talked with them for a few minutes, and then came back to the truck to say, “Those are the Crips out of Nashville. They claim the southwest side of Gallatin and charge a fee to go through their area. They want our guns and the truck now and then will let us leave or walk through their territory.

  Max keyed the mic,” Oscar. Oscar.”

  “Yeah, buddy. What can I do fer ya?”

  “We’re at the corner of South Blaise, and Derby streets about a mile south of you and some Crips want to take our truck and guns. Can you send a large team down here to convince them that is a bad idea?”

  “We’ll be there in 15 minutes. Hold them off with your big smile.”

  “Sam, stay here while I go up and talk with them. Amy if they twitch their little finger, kill the bastards,” Max tried to calm himself down as he uttered the words and then checked both of his pistols to make sure there was a bullet in their chambers.

  Max left his AR in the truck but had a Glock 17 in his holster, and another tucked into his waistband. He walked up to the men and said, “Hello men. I’m Max Heard, and we live in a community nearby and would like to offer our medical services to the locals in this area for a small fee.”

  “Well, ain’t he cute? Look, chump, we take what we want and ain’t gonna pay shit for nutting. Wait ‘til Jarod hears this shit,” said one of the men.

  “Could I meet with Jarod or whoever is the boss of this outfit,” asked Max.

  “You, my man are funny. Jarod won’t talk to your ass.

  “Tell Jarod that my boss controls the pharmaceutical warehouse and that they might have something in common to discuss,” Max said to stall.

  “Hey, Lucky, go back to da boss and pass that on.”

  Max watched as the thug walked away and said, “I’ll wait in my truck for Jarod to show up.”

  “No, you need to stay here with me so I can keep an eye on you.”

  Max replied in a hushed tone, “No, I think not. See that beautiful woman with the rifle aimed at your nuts. Well, if anything happens to me you will die without your balls. Have a nice day.”

  Max walked back to the truck almost expecting to feel a stabbing pain in his back at any minute. He calmly walked to the other side of the truck to stand beside Amy who had her rifle steadied on the top of the truck bed. Amy kept her sights on the thug and said, “You need to be careful walking up to assholes like that. They might kill you and ruin my day.”

  She brushed her free hand across his butt so the others could see, and Max slapped her on the ass and said, “Keep it in your pants. We have time for that later girl.”

  They got the desired reaction as the others whispered about what they had seen.

  The radio hissed, and Max heard, “Max, we are in place. You have two minutes before the gang gets to your location. Set up a meeting for tomorrow so we can follow the punks back to their nest and wipe the vermin out. Don’t argue and give them any terms they want as long as you and your team walk away.”

  “I got that buddy. I see the big Kahuna walking up. See you later,” replied Max.

  The Boss was a tall dirty looking biker dude who thought he was cool and very confident as he said, “So your boss wants to trade some drugs? What does he need? Girls, guns or booze?”

  “My leader just wants to help people so he will negotiate a trade of some quality drugs for any women and men that you have held as hostages,” Max replied.

  Suddenly a van with homemade armor drove up, the side doors opened, the gang leader and two of his followers threw Max into the vehicle, and they sped off. One of the men forced Max to move his hands behind his back and placed handcuffs on his wrists. They took his two Glocks and put a black bag over his head.

  “What does your leader really want? I know you are the group that wiped out the MS13 gang a few days ago.”

  “They attacked us. We responded with overwhelming firepower and killed every one of them. Release me now, and you might live to see another day,” answered Max as he cringed when the gang leader slapped him across the face.

  “Dipshit, I have over a hundred soldiers in my family, and they want to kill all white people now that there is no law,” scoffed Jarod.

  “Do you really believe that crap? Our soldiers are all ex-Green Berets, Special Forces, and Marines who will slit your throats and piss down your fucking neck as you bleed out.

  Max was scared shitless as the van dodged abandoned vehicles but was sure his little rant was taken seriously because Jarod ran his hands across his neck immediately upon hearing the words.

  “Jarod, you saw the Navy Seals on TV sneaking into the terrorist's homes, silently killing the guards, and then killing the terrorist leaders. Or the video of the drones following the leader and sending a missile up his ass. Turn me loose as a show of good faith and save yourself.”

  That was the last Max heard because Jarod hit him on the head with the butt of his own Glock.


  Amy had her crosshair on Jarod when the v
an came to a stop but couldn’t shoot since Max was so close to him. She watched helplessly as Max was thrown into the van and disappeared out of sight.

  “What the fuck just happened,” Oscar screamed into the walkie-talkie.

  Amy gasped, “Those thugs kidnapped Max, and I couldn’t get a shot off. Are your men following them? We can’t lose Max to a bunch of gang bangers.”

  Oscar replied, “Don’t worry. We have a tail on them and have men following the rest of the gang. We’ll get your boy toy back. He might not be in one piece, but we’ll get him back. Amy, head out in the direction they went while I take care of the stragglers from the gang that was left to keep us from following them.”

  Amy's heart was pounding as she looked at the cars the gang members had hidden behind and saw Oscar’s men stalking them. As Amy drove the truck past the men, she saw Oscar interrogating the last living thug. She made the left turn onto Nashville Pike and drove as fast as she could.

  “Amy, they made a turn off Nashville Pike onto Harris lane and are heading into a warehouse parking lot. Well, shit, they have taken over the Bigmart grocery warehouse. Hold up after you make the turn so we can get our men in place.”

  “I can take them down with my team.”

  “No! They have twenty or more men posted on that side of the warehouse waiting for you. The bastards planned this so we would charge into a trap. This gang has someone with tactical knowledge. Stop and wait for instruction,” ordered Oscar.

  “We’ve been ordered to hold up and wait for the troops to arrive. Sam, take two and get on top of that medical building across the street and I’ll take the others on top of the apartment building on this side. Don’t shoot unless Oscar or I give the order,” Amy huffed as she headed to the apartment building.


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