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Rogues Apocalypse (Book 2): Rogues Rising

Page 7

by Norman, Mack

  Max moved back to stalking the guard and kept a better watch behind him as he crept along the edge of the trees. He noticed there was too much light on the backside of the cabin because one of the rooms had a light on. He looked across the yard from behind a tree, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw Amy in the room. She was naked, and he was enraged thinking about what these perverts had done to her. She was beautiful by the soft glow of the lantern in the room, and she had a determined look on her face as she moved about the room. His eyes were fixed on this beauty when he heard a sound from the guard’s direction. He had to quickly kill the guard and get her out of the house to safety.

  He worked his way closer to the guard moving from tree to tree when the guard walked around the house for a second or two. Then he saw Amy raise the window and knew the guard would see her and kill her. He thought about warning her but was afraid the guard would hear any sound and come running. Max didn’t reach the guard in time, and he saw the guard grab her with a knife in one hand.

  Amy tried to force the knife back into the man’s side, but he was much larger and stronger. She felt him force her to drop the knife and felt a knife being thrust against her side.

  “Bitch, drop your drawers, and I’m going to get a sample before June guts you for killing her favorite boy.”

  Amy tried to resist, but the knife dug in deeper, and the pain was excruciating. She had given up on living when the man fell on top of her back; she felt his blood running down her legs and then felt his body fall to the ground behind her.

  She turned to see a man pick her up in his arms and then heard, “Babe, it’s time to go home.”

  Amy cried as she said, “Where is Tony? I knew he would come for me.”

  Max replied as he ran away from the cabin with Amy in his arms, “I’m the only one here. Be quiet and let’s get out of here before they wake up.”

  Max was breathing hard after carrying Amy halfway up the gravel road when Amy said, “Max stop for a minute and set me down.”

  He set her down, and she asked, “Where is Tony. Didn’t he come for me?”

  “Babe, I don’t know. I saw the last truck leaving and jumped in it so I could find you. I dropped cans of food along the way so Oscar could find us if Tony even sent him to find us that is. I just know that I couldn’t live knowing that you were in the hands of those savages.”

  Max hugged her and felt blood on his hand from the wound on her side.

  “Amy lift your shirt and let me check the wound,” Max said then used his flashlight to see the ugly gash.

  He ripped the bottom of his t-shirt, wadded a piece up to keep the pressure on the wound, and then tied the wad in place with the rest of his shirt.

  Amy pleaded, “Hurry up my ass is freezing.”

  “Girl, next time steal some underwear along with the shirts.”

  “Max, I wasn’t going to put the underwear on my body from the man who didn’t rape me because he was drunker than Cooter Brown. I’d rather have my butt in the wind than do that. I slit his throat and neutered the bastard. I wish I’d caught his mother and slit her throat also for helping make these women sex slaves.”

  Max got a grin on his face and said, “Did she have her hair in a bun and wear a long floor length blue dress?”

  “Yes, what about her?”

  “I slam dunked her and broke her sorry neck,” Max gleefully laughed.

  Amy grabbed Max and kissed him on the lips for a long time, and said, “We’d better move on while I can still resist your charms.”

  “So all I have to do is kill people you don’t like to get you in my bed?” Max looked puzzled.

  “Maybe. It’s worth a try. I’ll give you a list.”

  Amy was very confused as she hugged the man who had risked his life to find her while wishing he were another. She laughed at his joke and then cried for a minute until she looked down the moonlit gravel road and saw their tracks.

  “Max we have to get on to the hard top quickly, or they will find us. Look at the tracks.”

  Max took her hand, and they sprinted the next mile as fast as Amy could in the oversized boots. When they got to the end of the gravel lane, Max turned away from home, and they walked for half an hour before he led them into the woods He found a place deep into the woods where a tree had fallen, and he made Amy get some much deserved sleep.

  Amy fought sleep and asked, “Did you go to bed with Jackie?”

  “No, you got your sorry butt kidnaped, and I had to do my Prince Charming routine and save you.”

  “Do you love her?”

  “I’ve only known her for a few minutes. It’s way too early for that,” Max laughed.

  “Do you want to take her to bed? Are you going to take her to bed?

  “That’s a bunch of strange assed questions coming from the woman who won’t sleep with me; however, she wants a man who didn’t care enough about her to come and get her away from these assholes,” Max said.

  He tried to stay calm as he raged inside but could never stay mad at this woman for long.

  Amy thought for a second and felt his pain, “I’m sorry.

  Max slapped her on the butt and said, “Besides I was in deep thought about you in that tiny black dress and with no undies on to think much about Jackie.”

  She snuggled close to him and fell asleep. An hour later Max was about to nod off when he heard the faint sound of dogs howling in the knight.

  “Oh, shit! Amy, wake up! They have dogs and are searching for us. We have to run.

  “Hunh, ugh. I’m sleepy.”

  Max picked her up and started walking before she was fully awake but the rough brush whipped her bare leg, and she woke up mad as a wet hen.

  “Max, slow down, I’m sleepy,” Amy cried.

  “Doll, they are only about half a mile behind us and have a pack of bloodhounds on our trail. Now get your ass in gear and follow me.

  Amy nodded her head, and they took off running as fast as they could through the woods with the dogs gaining ground. Max had no idea where they were so he was surprised when they came to a riverbank, and the other side was far away from them. He urged Amy to run downstream with him, and they found a dock with a canoe and a flat bottom Jon Boat tied up. Max took the oars from the canoe, and they rowed the Jon Boat across the river towing the canoe. He tied the canoe to a tree limb on the other side hoping the men following would think they crossed the river and made their way north on foot.

  Amy lay down on the bottom of the boat and Max placed his jacket on top of her to help keep her warm. Max rowed until his arms wore out and he joined Amy in the bottom of the boat and slept. Both were asleep when they drifted under the Highway 65 Bridge that had taken them to the thug's cabin earlier and didn't wake up until hours later when the boat caught on a snag in the river and rocked violently.

  Max woke up with Amy cuddled in his arms and said, “Where the hell are we?”

  “I don’t know, but the ridges in the bottom of the boat are killing me. Can we find a soft bed and get some sleep,” Amy said.

  Max observed the bank, “I’ll look for an abandoned fishing camp along the bank, and perhaps we can hide out until we figure out what to do. Hell, I’m getting hungry.”

  “Baby, I’m hungry too. And I need a drink.”

  Max looked at his jacket, which was covering Amy and started going through the pockets when Amy said, “Max are you trying to cop a feel?”

  “No,” he replied as he grabbed two of the Cliff Bars from his coat pocket, gave Amy one, and then pulled a crushed but intact bottle of orange energy drink out of his inside pocket and gave it to her.

  “I was just getting breakfast out of my coat pocket, which was wrapped around your half naked body,” Max chuckled.

  “Shit, these aren’t very tasty are they,” she mentioned as she took a swig of the drink to wash the bite down her throat.

  “The good news is I’ve got several more, and they will feed us for a couple of days until I can find some food. The main
thing is to stay hidden from those animals,” he advised.

  Max rowed on downstream until he saw a row of older trailers on the south bank and steered to them. The dock on the river had one half sunken boat, and there was no one in sight, so Max gave one of his Glocks to Amy and headed up the path to the trailers. Max kept looking side to side with Amy one arm’s length behind when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Amy put her fingers to her lips and pointed at a puppy walking across the common ground between the trailers.

  They hid behind an outbuilding for several minutes before Max decided the coast was clear and they knocked on the first trailer before entering. There was no one there, but the inside was tidy and clean. The cupboard had a few can goods and some boxes of instant oatmeal. They went trailer to trailer and found all of the trailers in the same condition. All had been winterized and the power shut off.

  Max chose the newest one with the most food and bottled water and had Amy find the pots and pans while he turned the gas valves on the tanks in front of the trailer. Then he turned the heat and stove on. He turned all three of the kitchen stove’s burners on to help the furnace warm the trailer up quickly. The warm air flowed from the vents, and both were glad to be warm again.

  Max spoke up and said, “Amy take off your shirts.”

  “Max, I owe you a lot, but not now, I’m starving.”

  “No silly. I want to patch up your side with that first Aid Kit hanging on the bathroom door. Of course, a little I’m grateful for Max saving me from the bad men sex would also be a good thing.”

  Amy ignored the suggestion and revealed her side for him to doctor. The wound wasn’t as deep as Max feared, so he applied antibiotic salve to the injury and then placed a sterile bandage on top. He taped it tightly to her side and then she rummaged through the closets, found a pair of pants to wear, and got dressed.

  Amy found cans of ravioli, pork and beans, and a can of Spam for their meal. She fried the Spam, warmed the other two, and served them on metal plates she found in the cupboard. While she prepared the meal, Max found a tin full of coffee, boiled some in water, and then poured the concoction through some paper towels to get his caffeine fix for the day.

  They ate while Amy filled Max in on her trials and tribulations since being kidnapped and then Max did the same.

  “So you were standing in front of all of those men in your birthday suit,” Max inquired.

  Tears came to her eyes and Max scooted closer to her so he could hold her tight as he said, “I’m so sorry you had to suffer such degradation from those perverts. I’m glad I got there in time to help you escape.”

  “I’ll never be able to make it up to you Max,” Amy said as she kissed him on the cheek.

  “Babe we need to gather some supplies and get back on the road,” Max replied when he thought about those nasty men following them.

  “Surely those men won’t follow us. We must have traveled a hundred miles downriver, and besides, I’m sleepy and need to get some rest before heading home. We are safe now,” she replied.

  “Sorry to bust your bubble, but we haven’t reached the Wheeler Dam, so we are somewhere about 20 – 50 miles from where we started is my guess.”

  Amy went to the kitchen, went through the drawers, and said, “This place has a Hillsboro, Alabama address if that means anything to you.

  “Yes, it does. We used to golf at the Robert Trent Jones golf courses east of here and will take the boat to the Wheeler Dam and head north to find a car and get on home,” Max said, with confidence in his voice.

  THE END of Book II

  Thanks for reading my story and let me know what you think of my characters and please post a review if you like my book @

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  My books are available on Amazon @


  Books by Mack Norman

  Rogues Apocalypse Series:

  Rogues Origin

  Rogues Rising

  Rogues Empire*

  (To be published spring 2018)

  Available on Amazon @


  Mack Norman

  I was born in Eight Mile, Alabama not too far from The University of South Alabama. I played football and baseball in high school but was never great at sports. I joined the Army after high school and became a mechanic and worked at several base motor pools around the country. I eventually became a Seargent over maintenance of light vehicles. I now live in northern Alabama and own a small auto repair shop close to Muscle Shoals. My interests are fishing, hunting, and hiking with my girlfriend, Jill, and of course writing excellent science fiction novels.




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