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The Awakening (The Bryn And Sinjin Series Book 6)

Page 25

by HP Mallory

  “Do not doubt me, my pet,” I whispered.

  “I’m trying not to,” she confessed.

  “I want you now as much as I wanted you then,” I said as I closed the gap between us and pulled her to my chest. “Actually, that is a mistruth,” I corrected, and I pushed her away from me so I could look her in the eyes. “I want you more.”

  She smiled up at me and placed her hands on the sides of my face. “I can’t stop thinking about… something.”

  “And what would that be?”

  She dropped her gaze to the forest floor for a few seconds before she looked up at me again. “I want you to drink from me, Sinjin.”

  I was surprised, but equally thrilled. I felt my canines begin to lengthen immediately, and her eyes were riveted by them. She swallowed hard and then bent her neck, granting me access.

  “I want to glamour the pain away,” I told her as I gently turned her head in order to make her face me. She nodded slightly and stared up into my eyes. “You will have to allow me, my pet, for I cannot glamour you without you dropping your magical walls.”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. When she opened them again, she smiled. “I’m ready.”

  I stared into her blue eyes and willed my own vampiric magic to suffuse her, to pull away any pain she might feel at my bite. When I felt she was sufficiently glamoured, I bent her neck and lowered my face to hers. “If it hurts, tell me,” I whispered.

  She simply nodded as I kissed her neck. Then I opened my mouth and sunk my teeth into her flesh. She jumped slightly as her breathing deepened and a moan escaped her mouth. Her blood poured onto my tongue and I lapped at it feverishly. The taste of her blood was like no other’s. And I had sorely missed it.

  I continued to suck on her, to draw her into me, when I realized the taste of her was slightly different—a bit sweeter than I remembered. I continued to pull her into my mouth as I tried to understand just what had changed. I closed my eyes and allowed her blood to empty into my mouth fully, allowed my taste buds to attune themselves. And then it hit me.

  I pulled away from her in shock.

  She glanced up at me, surprised. “Why did you stop?” she asked, my glamour still dancing within her eyes. “You weren’t hurting me, Sinjin.”

  I contemplated her and wondered how it could be. Was I incorrect? But, no, I knew better. A vampire’s sense of perception is unparalleled.

  “Sinjin?” she asked, the glamour falling away from her gaze.

  “You are… with child,” I whispered.

  Whhhhat? Seriously HP? You ended it there?

  WTF right?

  I know…I know…I know—this is like the mother of all cliffhangers!

  And I’m a “twit” as Sinjin would say for leaving you all hanging!

  But, listen! I promise to have the next Bryn and Sinjin book out soon!

  As in November, 2019 soon!

  If you haven’t yet signed up to get new release info, make sure you sign up now! As soon as the next Bryn and Sinjin book is released, I’ll drop everything and email you!

  In the meantime, you can send me hate mail. Hopefully with a little bit of love mail too.

  And I also have this peace offering for you: if you’d like to forget all about the trauma inflicted by the cliffhanger in this book, how does…

  3 super hot men sound?

  No, I’m not trying to get you into trouble with your hubby. Swear.

  Instead, I want to introduce you to my newest series!

  It’s hot (like sizzling hot) and it’s not for the timid but I think you’ll really enjoy it. And like I said, it’s got 3 hotties! Check it out below:

  And, again, I’m sorry and I really really hope you still like me.

  Love, HP

  Introducing Angel, book one in my brand new series,

  The Sacred Oath Series!

  “This may be my new favorite series from H.P. Mallory.” –Terry Tresler, ★★★★★

  “This book is unlike any other she has ever written... much more hardcore and in your face!!” –Cooking Mama ★★★★★

  “Standing ovation and 5 stars for another fantastic book!” –JM4 ★★★★★

  “This book was seriously great!”—Melinda ★★★★★

  About Angel, Book 1 in the Sacred Oath Series:

  I don’t know who I am or where I came from.

  The only thing I do know is that I’m running from something.

  And there’s a voice inside my head that guides my every move…

  When I’m taken prisoner to be thrust into a lifetime of prostitution, I learn I’m an angel. Yes, I bear the markings on my back: markings that reveal my wings have been removed. But when my only ally, a foul-mouthed sprite, insists my wings are intact, I realize the danger I’m facing.

  I need protection. And that protection can only come from three magically powerful men who were destined to protect the balance between shadow and light:

  Dragan, a gargoyle and the King of Shadow;

  Cambion, an elf and the King of Nature;

  and Baron, a vampire and the King of Death.

  At one time there were four but Variant, the King of Light, grew greedy and usurped control for himself. He banished Cambion to the fae realm and Dragan to the shadow realm.

  And he murdered Baron.

  And now Variant is after me.


  Read on for a sneak peek of Angel, Book 1 in the Sacred Oath Series!



  The King of Shadow

  I take a step away from the beautiful woman, intent on leaving both her and the annoying sprite, but something pulls me back, as if invisible arms are pushing me to her. The shadows within me are pulling, struggling to maintain their grasp on the unconscious girl. I can feel them wrapping their tendrils of dark mist around her, holding onto her tightly.

  “Bloody fuck,” I grumble under my breath as I realize I can’t leave her here, though I also can’t say why. A woman has never had this effect on me.

  I wrap her in the bed linens. As soon as I touch her, though, something happens. I feel power pulsing through her tiny body. It envelops my hand and weaves up my arm, into my chest and causes my breath to freeze. It feels like a legion of ants dancing over every inch of my skin, but the energy is beneath my skin, not on top of it, thrumming and crackling electricity.

  I pause momentarily, surprised. There’s strength in her. Power. By touching her, I feel my own magic begin to boil up as if it answers her silent call. But this time, the shadows aren’t trying to force me to take her—they’re responding to her, stimulated by her, drawn to her.

  I can’t explain it, but I feel captured by her, by the magic that undoubtedly flows within her.

  “Didn’t I tell you she was beautiful?” the sprite asks. His voice snaps me out of whatever trance I’ve fallen into.

  “No, you didn’t,” I respond, throwing her over my shoulder. Using the Arcane Magic that’s part of me, I imagine everything surrounding me in black. Then, I whisper the words to allow myself to become invisible in the eyes of those who would perceive me.

  Blind from sight.

  I imagine myself fading into the darkness around me, becoming one with the shadows, one with Shadow Magic that infiltrates me—that is me.



  The King of Nature

  Angels are beings of light, but they aren’t immune to corruption. And I know their proclivity toward decadence and greed better than most.

  Then, I remember the visions the angel had...

  First, the sex. A not-altogether-unpleasant visual. It was more than a vision, though. Like a dream, the sensation—phantom, but present—has arrested me and now I can’t stop replaying it.

  I don’t trust her. And I don’t trust the vision, either. In fact, the more I think about it, the more convinced I become that she’s after something. Women, I’ve found, are manipulative, and the smart ones understand they pos
sess what every man wants between their legs. This one is no different. I’m more than convinced she’s using her extreme beauty to seduce us. And, so far, it appears to be working.

  Well, at least on Dragan.

  Yet, I, too, find myself craving her. But I’m not satisfied that this desire originates from inside me. Instead, I wonder if I’ve been enchanted. Dragan definitely appears to have been completely bewitched, because he can’t take his bloody eyes off her for more than a few seconds. The barbarian is too stupid for his own good.

  I can’t deny there was attraction between the angel and me from the onset. I know that much is true. But the ferocity of my need and my inability to curb it fills me with concern. I’m not a man who obsesses over a woman; I’ve never been that type. I’m too rational, too logical of mind. And yet I can’t stop thinking about this woman—a woman I don’t even know.

  She’s placed falsehoods in my mind, I’m sure of it. And these lies are confusing because they feel like the truth.

  Her beauty is undeniable, but it’s her power that concerns me.

  I’ve seen first-hand the hold she already has on Dragan and I won’t allow myself to become her second casualty. Where he sees an injured doe in the woods, I see an intelligent predator in the midst of setting a very convincing trap…



  The King of Death

  Dragan’s eyes are on me instantly. He doesn’t trust me; that much is obvious. But he really doesn’t trust me with the girl. Little does he know I’m uninterested. Yes, I find her as beautiful as everyone else does. But physical pleasures are of little interest to me. The only emotion that drives me is revenge.

  I walk far enough that I can still see the light from their fire, but no longer hear their voices. The silence around me is comforting, and I feel myself begin to relax somewhat.

  The constant squabbles and dissension between them is distracting and irritating. I’ve been on my own for so long, I find company both disagreeable and tiring. Their constant chatter fills my head and I can’t concentrate on anything. But that’s not the only reason I seek my solitude.

  I don’t like the way I feel around that angel. I don’t know if it’s her light that appeals to the darkness within me, but being around her does something to me. It’s almost as if I can feed from her energy. As a vampire, I require sustenance from other beings, something which usually comes in the form of their blood. But with her, it’s different.

  I note with interest that I haven’t fed since I met her. And, what’s more, I don’t feel the pangs of hunger. I feel satiated, content, even without nourishment. I don’t understand how this can be.

  Perhaps I’m feeding from her life energy? I consider. It doesn’t seem far-fetched. If I am, in fact, feeding from her lightness, I know it’s from her alone. Being around Cambion does nothing other than vex me. Furthermore, I’ve been in the company of creatures of light before and I’ve never felt anything like this.

  When I’m in proximity to Eilish, I feel energized, full of life, even. My spirits are improved and this constant darkness that suffuses me seems less… dark, somehow.

  It’s dangerous, I think. It’s the type of feeling one could become addicted to.

  Not me, I argue with myself. I’ve experienced too much darkness ever to succumb to the light. I’ve known misery and pain such that none other has. It’s been the entirety of my existence. And I’m nothing other than a death dealer. There’s no place in me for lightness.

  Angel, Book 1 of the Sacred Oath Series… Available Now!


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  Fantasy Romance Series:

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  The Sacred Oath Series

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  The Jolie Wilkins Series:

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  The Sinjin Sinclair Series

  The Peyton Clark Series

  Virtual Reality Romance Series:

  The NuLife Series

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  Contemporary Romances

  About the Author:

  H. P. Mallory is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author who started as a self-published author.

  She lives in Southern California with her son and two cranky cats, where she’s at work on her next book.

  Find HP Online!







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