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Cave of Terror

Page 9

by Amber Dawn Bell

  Larry paused, staring at me for a moment. “Okay, but you better come in tomorrow prepared to work. I didn't like what I saw today. This coming season isn't going to be like last year. You're going to have to actually work."

  I sighed. “I will."

  After I slipped on my pajama pants over my leo and pulled on my hoodie, I slid my arms back through the sleeves and slipped the shoulders of my leo off. I rolled it down to my hips and put my arms back through the hoodie—a Flashdance kind of move. Leos are so uncomfortable. I helped Mandy up, and we gathered our stuff to leave.

  "I don't get it. These are brand new cables and the bars were in fine shape yesterday,” Larry said as he studied the mess of bars and cables scattered on the floor.

  That's because it wasn't an accident.

  As we headed out of the gym, creepy laughter followed, reminding me of the hidden danger and how it could've severely injured Mandy, or even ended her life. The accident had been meant for me, not her.

  I posed a danger to everyone around me.

  The stakes had just gotten higher. I had to do something. What, I didn't know. Wasn't I supposed to be some kind of hunter of ... evil? The entity following me would most definitely fit into the evil category. I didn't need any special abilities to figure that one out, although no one else noticed but me.

  Why didn't I know what to do? Maybe the ancients figured wrong, and I wasn't really a Vanator. I mean, I couldn't even protect my best friend.

  No longer would I be able to pretend that everything hadn't changed. No burying my head in the sand, hoping my new life wouldn't collide with my old. My destiny had been sealed a long time ago, whether I liked it or not.

  My two biggest concerns used to be making good grades, so I could get into a good college and working hard in the gym, so I could make it to Nationals and maybe get a scholarship. Now, I had to deal with life and death issues. Kind of puts things in perspective. A perspective I shouldn't have to deal with until I was much older. So much for enjoying my youth. Life for me would never be the same—a reality I had to accept.

  "Give me your keys.” I extended my hand toward Mandy.

  "I'm fine. I can drive."

  "No, I'll drive. You got a pretty good bump on your head.” I curled my fingers toward myself, motioning for her to hand me the keys.

  She rolled her eyes and dropped them into my palm. “You're such a pain."

  "I know and that's why you love me."

  After helping Mandy into the car along with all her crap, I walked around to the driver's side. Bam! A suffocating presence surrounded me. Before I could react, I was knocked to the ground, my face shoved to the asphalt.

  "I told you I could have you whenever I wanted. Too bad your little friend got in the way,” the male voice snarled.

  He hooked his thumb under the leo, jerking down my pants and baring the upper part of my butt. Adrenaline burst through my veins as I frantically fought back. The unknown intentions of my attacker sent me into a full out panic.

  On my lower back near my right hip, two sharp objects plunged into my flesh, radiating pain through the area. Then, something warm and wet slid across my skin.

  All at once, the entity evaporated, leaving me shaking and completely freaked out.

  "Cheyenne, what are you doing?” Mandy's muffled voice reached me from inside the car, throwing me back into reality.

  I pulled myself up off the ground and adjusted my clothes. With a shaking hand, I opened the car door.

  "I dropped the keys under the car and couldn't find them,” I said, trying to hide the quiver in my voice.

  "And you think you should be the one driving? You can't even hold onto the keys."

  Or protect a friend. Or know how to be the ‘hunter’ I was supposed to be. “Yeah, right,” I mumbled.

  As I slid behind the wheel, I cringed. The area above my right butt cheek still stung.

  "What was that face for? The bars didn't land on you.” She raised her hand and flipped it over palm up in a questioning manner. “Let me guess ... it's sympathy pain."

  "Ha ha. I'm a little sore from straddling the beam, thank you."

  I turned on the radio, hoping the conversation would end for a while. After everything that had happened, I needed time to think.

  One major thing had me more than just a little bothered, besides the obvious. Ryan kept appearing at the same places where all the strange events had happened. Was it a coincidence? Or did he have more to do with things than I wanted to believe?

  Whenever near him, I felt some sort of powerful and unexplainable bond—not danger. Not like the horrid feelings I sensed when I had been attacked. If this thing really had the power it claimed, could it turn emotions on and off, confusing my ability to perceive what's evil and what's not?

  And if he didn't have anything to do with the evil surrounding me, what exactly connected him with Val? Obviously, he knew her and her cronies. I've always heard and believed that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. But I really wanted to believe Ryan was for real and really that good.

  "How's your head?” I asked.

  "Hurts like hell. And the knot really throbs."

  "Yeah, I bet it does."

  My head throbbed, too, but for another reason.

  Once we got to Mandy's house, I left right away. I couldn't wait to get home and leave the awful day behind me. A nice long bubble bath sounded perfect.

  I pulled into the crowded driveway. Crap. My Calgon moment would have to wait.

  * * * *

  Silence deadened the house, putting me on edge. Where was everyone? I dropped my backpack and gym bag next to the stairs. Muffled voices came from the direction of Dad's office. I crept toward the closed door and pressed my ear to it. The door jerked open and I staggered into the room.

  "You're home early,” Dad said, a frown creasing his brow.

  Two of the clice ancients, Amarande and a woman I had never seen before, stood on the other side of the room studying me.

  "Mandy had an accident, so I drove her home."

  Mom stepped around Dad. “Is she okay?"

  "Yeah, she'll be fine. The bars collapsed on her.” I widened my eyes and silently signaled Mom and Dad to let them know there was more to the story without making the ancients suspicious. “She got a bump on the head and she'll have some bruises, but she's fine."

  Mom scrunched her face, but didn't say anything. Dad totally missed my signal all together.

  Not knowing who to trust, I decided to feel out my surroundings to make sure whatever had been stalking me no longer tagged along. Even my house was apparently not off limits. Home should be a safe haven, a place of comfort and belonging—not a place where danger infiltrates at will. But after the last meeting with the clice, I knew that wasn't the case. Like the entity bragged, it could reach me any place and at any time.

  I shuddered and drew in a deep breath. The memory of the slimy being licking my flesh played through my mind. I wanted to wash its touch from my body, scrub myself until I bled, not stand here wondering what the ancients had in store for me. No good would come out of this rendezvous.

  Amarande and the woman approached. I formally greeted him and showed the same respect toward the unknown guest. They bowed in return. Why couldn't we just shake hands or something? I felt ridiculous bowing like royalty.

  "Good evening, Cheyenne. I trust all is well with you?” Amarande cocked his head to the side, waiting for an answer. I nodded. “Good.” He turned his hand over and presented the woman. “This is Nicoleta. She's here to help you—mentor you to be exact."

  "Mentor me?” I asked.

  "Yes, Nicoleta mentored our last Vanator. She'll be a great help to you. Listen and learn. She knows her business. It could mean the difference between a short or long life for you,” Amarande said with no emotion in his voice whatsoever.

  How could he say such a thing—like it was just another bit of information to impart? It was my life he was talking about.

/>   I choked on my own spit and went into a hacking fit. Dad slapped me on the back—not that it had ever helped in the past and it sure didn't help now either. I moved away and raised my hand, unsure if I could take another pounding. Sometimes Dad didn't know his own strength.

  Nicoleta turned to Amarande and gave him a scalding look. “A little delicacy please."

  Momentary confusion fluttered across his face. After glancing at me, he opened his mouth to speak, then snapped it shut. Good. At this point, I didn't need any more of his sensitive speeches.

  "Cheyenne, come sit, dear.” Nicoleta took me by the arm and led me to the loveseat against the opposite wall from where the others stood. “You must forgive Amarande. He speaks straightforward without thought of how one may perceive his words."

  The soft lilt of her voice calmed my rising panic.

  She patted my knee and turned toward the others. “If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with Cheyenne alone.” Her authoritative tone left them little choice but to leave.

  Once the door clicked shut, she turned her attention back to me. Her long blonde hair fell forward, draping her shoulders with golden locks—a stark contrast against her black fuzzy sweater. She was beautiful and oozed class. I felt unbelievably frumpy next to her in my pajama bottoms, sweatshirt, and flip-flops. I wondered about her age in human years. She looked like she couldn't be any older than forty, but the depths of her purplish-blue eyes told of a life full of experiences. The rasp of her jeans as they slid against each other while crossing her legs jarred me from my thoughts. I blinked, hoping she hadn't said anything that required an answer.

  She smiled. “I know you're frightened. It's to be expected. You are very young to acquire such abilities.” She paused as if studying my reactions. “May I see your mark?"

  "Mark? Oh ... that mark.” Why did everyone put so much importance on my mark? It's there. And I'm apparently tattooed for life. What else was there to be curious about?

  "I don't mean to embarrass you, but I need to see the clarity of the design. It will indicate to me the level of your powers—how close you are to reaching full status as a Vanator."

  A rush of air left my lungs. “You can tell by my mark?"

  "Yes, it will continue to form, becoming more detailed and clear."

  Freaky. Thank God the tattoo appeared more toward the right side of the back of my hip, not above my butt crack. A tramp stamp I didn't need. I'd never be able to wear a bikini again. How embarrassing. Come to think of it, I probably wouldn't wear one again anyway. Not if I ended up sensitive to the sun like my parents.

  Nicoleta gave me an expectant look and drummed her fingers on her thigh. Oops. I had forgotten she had asked to see the mark.

  I slowly turned, lifted up my shirt, and tugged my pajama bottoms and leo down on the right side.

  She gasped and touched my skin. I flinched from the iciness of her touch and from the slight tenderness in the area where she pressed. I turned my head around, twisting to see what had her so shocked. Her mouth hung open as she continued to probe the area. I flinched again when she touched another sore spot.

  "Cheyenne, how did you get these punctures?"

  I met her stern glare and paused. Not knowing what else to do, I told her about everything that had happened in the gym and parking lot, except the part about Ryan showing up right before all the craziness. Why I left that out I didn't know.

  "What did he say exactly?"

  "He said that he could have me whenever he wanted ... and then he jerked down my pants and something sharp went into my skin.” I shuddered.

  "You've been branded. It's his way of saying you are his."

  "What? Like he owns me or something?” Okay, way too gay for me to deal with. You can't own another person.

  "In his mind, yes.” She scraped her teeth across her lower lip and leaned forward. A silver necklace with a black and clear tear-shaped pendant that had been hidden within her cleavage fell forward, allowing me a brief glimpse. She quickly tucked it back within the hidden confines of her sweater. “You are his property to do as he wishes."

  "Who or what is he anyway? And why does he think it's okay to go around biting people he doesn't even know?"

  "I'm ... we're not exactly sure. But, based on the information you've given us, we have a good idea."

  By the strange look on her face, I gathered the news wasn't good. I straightened and prepared myself for the worst.

  "We believe some of the clice Liliac are in the area."

  "The clice what?"

  "Liliac. They broke from our clice many centuries ago. They've maintained the old ways, turning to the darkness. They haven't evolved or adapted as we have.” She lowered her voice and her eyes glazed over as if in a trance. Disgust flickered across her face, contorting her features. “Evil rots their souls.” She blinked like she had just woken up from a daydream, transforming back into her calm and controlled self. “They shift into bats or other flying creatures. Usually isolated and hidden from view, they live in caves or similar places and feed on cattle and local humans unless something draws them out of their natural habitat."

  "Something like what?"

  "Something like you."

  "Wait, Mom and Dad didn't say anything about vampires being able to shift into bats. And why would I be any kind of a draw to them?"

  She smiled and slowly shook her head. “No, our clice, Pantere, doesn't shift into bats. It's so cliché, but the Liliacs find it amusing to perpetuate the vampire myths. We used to be able to shift into panthers. There are only a few of us that still can. The clice Liliac has kept itself secluded from others to preserve their ancient ways, much like the Amish have done. They haven't evolved to the extent we have. Their ways are primitive. The problem is that their clice is slowly dying out."

  "Okay, but what does that have to do with me?"

  "You are both their savior and their exterminator."

  "I don't undertand—"

  Nicoleta reached out and touched my knee, stopping me mid-sentence. “No, of course you don't. That's why I'm here. If this entity that's been stalking you is from the clice Liliac, you are in grave danger.” She squeezed my knee, for comfort or emphasis’ sake I wasn't sure. “I don't tell you this to scare you, but to help you understand, so you'll be better prepared to protect yourself."

  Yeah, so far I had done a bang up job of protecting myself, not to mention Mandy. I'm sure being aware, like I didn't already know about the danger, would make a huge difference.

  I wanted to cry out in anger, frustration, and gut wrenching fear. I wanted my old life back. I wanted to be oblivious to what happened around me. Where the only concern I had dealt with making good grades and making it to Nationals, so I could get into a good college and continue my gymnastics. That's what I should be concentrating on. Not on some sicko bat-morphing dork who thinks he owns me. I clenched my fists into a tight ball until my thin, sharp nails bit into my palm—the pain a welcomed distraction.

  "You have the ability to sustain their clice or force its extinction. You see, you carry a gene they desperately need in order to continue to survive. Once every five hundred years or so, a Vanator is born, possessing this specific gene. That, my dear, is you.” She smiled as if the newly revealed information should thrill me.

  My pulse soared and my belly contracted into a knot. “So what are you saying? That they want to breed me like a dog?"

  She chuckled. “No, Cheyenne. It's your blood they're after. Once you've reached your full power, you'll be perfect for the plucking. Your blood is a rare jewel. But..."

  "But what?” I asked.

  "Once you do reach full power, you'll also be a great danger to them. You're like the puffer fish—a rare delicacy, yet very deadly if handled wrong."

  She compared me to a fish? Could it get any worse? Never mind.

  "What can I do to them that would be so deadly? Did you not hear me say I've been attacked multiple times and couldn't do a thing about it? I couldn't even protect my
best friend."

  "You haven't reached your full potential. Big difference. Why do you think they haven't taken you yet? And make no mistake, they will try to take you before you have a chance to strike at them.” She pressed her lips together, giving the impression of a stern warning. “In the meantime, they'll try to lure you to them, try to make you one of them—by your own free will. That's the key. If they can accomplish that, they'll be able to control you and use you to their benefit."

  I sat up straighter. “But how? What do you mean?"

  "In order for them to harness your full power, you must go to them willingly. They'll try to entice you to join them. If that doesn't work, then they will take you by force."

  Well, they had nothing I wanted, so they didn't stand a chance of me going to them on my own. No way. Nothing they could say or do would convince me. “Why would they want me in the first place—my so called power?"

  "They're evil, Cheyenne. But I guess I don't have to tell you that. I believe you're more than capable of sensing that yourself. That's what makes you so dangerous to them. They've survived by staying in seclusion, staying under our radar. We've spent centuries trying to destroy their clice. Our last Vanator almost succeeded until she...” Her voice trailed off as she dipped her chin to her chest.

  I refused to ask what had happened to her. I'd find out sooner or later—preferably later, but not likely. No doubt it was something straight out of a horror movie. And I'd soon be its star whether I signed a contract or not.

  Nicoleta raised her head and stared at me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “She was like a daughter to me. I still feel her loss.” She grasped her sweater above her heart.

  "I'm sorry.” What else was I supposed to say? I never know what to say in uncomfortable situations. Death has never been an easy subject for me. But something told me I'd be dealing with it a lot more.

  The sadness etched in her face disappeared and was replaced by her previously friendly yet professional demeanor. “That story is for another time.” She stood and paced around the room. “The point is that you are very valuable to the Liliacs. They will stop at nothing to possess you. You cannot allow that to happen. For now, you are safe."


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