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Cave of Terror

Page 12

by Amber Dawn Bell

  Time quickly ticked away, so I had no choice but to leave. I made a run through the kitchen and grabbed a Slim-Fast bar to help quiet my rumbling stomach.

  "Bye, Rox! See you later. Be a good girl,” I yelled before slamming the door behind me.

  I made it to algebra just in time. Ms. Sampson passed our graded tests back. I ended up with an eighty-four. Not bad. I'd be able to bring that score up.

  Except for my bottomless pit of a stomach, my first class went without incident. My day headed in the right direction. I thought about knocking on wood or something. I really didn't want to jinx myself, especially with Val slinking about like a snake coiled and ready to strike.

  By the time I reached the biology room, Mandy already had our lab table saved. “Hey! I beat ya."

  I plopped my crap down. “Are you excited about the lab today or what?"

  "Oh, yeah, today is the bloooood typing lab.” She dragged the word ‘blood’ out for my benefit.

  "Yeah. A thrill a minute."

  No doubt the lab would prove to be quite interesting.

  Ryan walked in and our glances automatically locked. I held my breath, waiting to see what he would do. As he approached our table, he never broke eye contact with me. My pulse skittered and my face heated from the blatant attention.

  "Hello, Sparkie, Mandy. Mind if I work with y'all?” He looked at Mandy, then back at me, waiting for permission to set his stuff down and join us.

  "Sure, no problem,” Mandy answered.

  My tongue froze in my mouth, rendering me momentarily speechless, which seemed to happen often around him. I motioned to the empty space instead.

  And of course, once Val got to class, she made sure she placed herself as close to Ryan as possible, so her little cheer section took the table next to ours. Yep, one happy little finger-gouging grouping.

  Ryan's constant nearness confused all my senses. My body hummed when he got within ten feet of me. His presence affected me to the point I felt electrified, but when he accidentally on purpose brushed up against me, I thought I'd die from the heated sensation of the contact. Waves of energy flowed through my veins, zapping every nerve in my body—pure torture in a pleasant kind of way. I melted into a blissful puddle of goo. Something I swore would never happen to me. It was quite disgusting to tell the truth.

  Oh, God, and the way his blue eyes caught with mine in silent communication every time I looked up made the butterflies in my stomach flutter like they were hyped up on caffeine.

  We each received a spring loaded lancet to prick the tip of our finger and a card with four circles where the blood drops would go.

  I grabbed the sharply pointed lancet. “How does this thing-a-ma-jig work?"

  "Uh, you put it over your finger and press the button on the side, then the jabbing part springs down and pricks your finger,” Mandy said, a smile spreading across her face.

  She enjoyed teasing me about my needle phobia a little too much. I stuck out my tongue and snatched the alcohol pad from the lab table, ripping it open with one motion. No way would I let her get the best of me. How hard could it be? Or should I say, how much could it hurt? I poised the lancet above the tip of my finger, but I couldn't do it. Knowing when the sharp point would plunge into my flesh kind of psyched me out.

  Mandy laughed. I looked up and both she and Ryan stared at me, apparently waiting for me to go first.

  "What?” I asked.

  "Oh, nothing.” Mandy laughed again.

  Ryan reached out and took the lancet from me. “Here, let me do it. The anticipation is much worse than the actual prick."

  He took my finger in his hand and gently wiped the alcohol pad across my finger. Let's just say snap crackle pop happened on a new level. My heart jolted, shooting sparks through my veins. I totally forgot the point of why he held my finger until a sharp pain bit into the tip.

  "Ouch, thank you.” I tried to pull my finger back, but he wouldn't let go.

  "Allow me.” He massaged the blood to the tip until a drop formed, then let it plop onto the first circle of the card. He repeated the same thing for the other three circles, all the while seeming to inhale deeply with each drop that fell—almost as if he was enjoying the scent of chocolate chip cookies baking. I found the gesture a bit strange. He dabbed the remaining blood with the alcohol pad and brought my finger to his warm lips, pressing a kiss to the tiny wound. “There. You're done. That wasn't so bad was it?"

  I still reeled from his magical touch and barely comprehended what he said. “No ... I guess not."

  Mandy had this cheesy grin plastered across her face when I looked up and met her glance.

  Val sauntered over to our table and extended her hand with a lancet in it toward Ryan. “Ryan, I just can't seem to poke my finger. Can you do it for me, pleeeeaaase?” She licked her lips, making sure Ryan knew she wanted more than help.

  I rolled my eyes so hard I saw stars. What a pretentious little witch. Mandy must have shared my attitude because she propped her hands on her hip and gave Val a dirty look.

  Mrs. Krammer came to the rescue. “Class, I think we can all do our own finger pricking. It's not that hard. I would prefer you didn't help each other. We are dealing with blood. Please take the precautions listed on the lab sheet.” She turned toward Val. “Return to your table."

  Val huffed, gave me a scalding look, and swished back to her table, but not before batting her eyelashes at Ryan and giving him a seductive smile. Bitch!

  Everyone around us began poking their fingers. I must have been the only one done thanks to Ryan. The sweet metallic scent of blood rushed into the room all at once. My nostrils flared and my pulse exploded in my veins like a shot of epinephrine. I started to breathe heavier as my heart pounded in my chest.

  Ryan jabbed his finger and I watched mesmerized as he squeezed out a drop of blood. The beautiful rich crimson fluid with the equally beautiful smell almost knocked me to my knees. My stomach lurched and water filled my mouth, causing a stinging sensation around the jaw area. It was all too much—like a smorgasbord of scents.

  Dizziness overtook me and I swayed side to side, unable to maintain my balance. I could hear Mandy and Ryan speaking, but their voices sounded as if they spoke underwater—all gargled and murky. As I glanced around, every color faded—except red. Anything red blazed to life, seeming to pulse and lure me toward it.

  I gasped for breath and attempted to get a hold of myself. A thin layer of sweat coated my body.

  This had to be a bloodlust.

  And I was dangerously close to doing something I wouldn't be able to take back. My gums itched and burned.

  Oh, my God!

  My teeth started to extend. I grabbed my purse and practically ran out of the room, not even caring I didn't have permission to leave.

  Someone followed me out the door and into the hall, but I didn't look back. I had to get away. Find some privacy and take the supplements Nicoleta had given me ... before it was too late. I no longer heard footsteps behind me, so I stopped at the closest water fountain. I glanced around to make sure no one watched me. After digging in my purse and finding the pills, I took a drink of water then popped two of them into my mouth and swallowed.

  I shook so bad I could hardly stand, so I slid down the wall next to the fountain and sat. Footsteps echoed in the opposite direction, alerting me someone else occupied the hall. Taking in several deep breaths, I prayed my teeth wouldn't drop all the way and my bloodlust would subside. The loss of control scared the crap out of me. A feeling I never wanted to experience again.

  After a few minutes, I started to feel better. My heart rate returned to normal and I could see colors once again. I stood on wobbly legs and walked back to the biology room.

  Both Mandy and Ryan met me at the door as I entered the room.

  "Are you okay?” Mandy asked.

  "Yeah, you looked awfully pale when you rushed out of here.” Concern shimmered bright in Ryan's eyes.

  "I don't know. It was kind of weird
. I guess the blood got to me or something. I got nauseous and thought I might hurl, so I ran to the bathroom,” I tried to reason.

  "Shiznit! Don't tell me you have a blood phobia, too,” Mandy said.

  "Now, that would be ironic.” I managed a small chuckle.

  "Ironic?” Mandy scrunched her face in confusion.

  "Nothing. Inside joke."

  "Okaaay. If you say so."

  Ryan cocked a brow. “Blood phobia, too? As in you have another one?"

  "Oh yeah, she's like really claustrophobic."

  "Thanks, Mandy,” I said.

  "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has their thing.” Ryan draped his arm across my shoulders and gave me a brief squeeze.

  If he didn't quit touching me, I'd spontaneously combust or pass out cold. He consumed me, and I had no idea how to deal with it.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a movement. Val passed by with a smirk plastered on her face, making sure to touch Ryan as she brushed by. No doubt she enjoyed my little spectacle and it would be all over the school by the end of the day. I could just hear it ... Cheyenne, the bat girl, almost passed out from the sight of blood. Blah. Blah. Blah.

  The bell rang, sending students scurrying to make it to their next class. Me and Mandy dropped by our lockers to dump our biology stuff before heading to French. At least Ryan or Val wouldn't be in that class, so I could relax.

  "Well, Ryan sure seems to be into you. And it looked like you were more than just a little bit into him.” Mandy grinned.

  "Yeah, well you should see the gaga looks you and Brad give each other. Talk about disgusting,” I added, trying to take the attention off me. My reactions toward Ryan already had me plenty disturbed.

  "Oh, hey, don't you have an orthodontist appointment today?” Mandy asked.

  Nice change of subject.

  "Yep, I have to get the bracket put back on. I might be a little late for gym."

  "Yeah, sometimes they're slow, especially when you have anything done other than switching out the rubber bands."

  We got to French right as the second bell rang. Finding two seats side by side, we slid into the chairs. Luckily, today we'd be working more on grammar than speaking. I just wasn't in the mood, not to mention the fact that I kind of sucked when it came to the speaking part of French.

  Midway through the class our principal, Mr. Gonzales, came into the room.

  "Miss Wilde, I need to see you. Bring all your stuff, please."

  I whipped my head around to Mandy—my eyes wide with surprise. Mandy shrugged in response to my unvoiced question. I stood and walked out of the room with Mr. Gonzales.

  "What's the matter? Is something wrong with my mom or dad?” I couldn't think of any reason why I'd be called to the office, especially with Mr. Gonzales personally coming to fetch me.

  He fixed me with a stern frown. “No, it's nothing like that."

  It appeared I was indeed in trouble, but for what I didn't have a freakin’ clue.

  As we walked into the office, Val walked out. She seemed way too pleased with herself. She made sure to give me one of her smirky smiles as she passed. The witch had everything to do with this mess.

  "Have a seat, Miss Wilde."

  I did as I was told and sat.

  "We have been informed you may be in possession of some illegal drugs. We take these allegations very seriously. Campus security has been alerted and will be checking out your locker shortly."

  "What? I've never taken drugs in my whole life. Who told you I had them? Val?” Heat crept across my face and neck and I clenched my fingers into a tight fist.

  Oh, she was so going to pay. She must have been the one in the hall when I took my supplements. Crap.

  "The name of the person is unimportant. I need for you to empty the contents of your purse."

  Surprised at the request, my pulse sped up. “You can't ask me to do that. What about my privacy?"

  "Do you have something to hide, Miss Wilde?” His face left no doubt he thought he already knew the answer.

  "No, I don't, but it's not right,” I stated.

  "What's not right is kids bringing drugs onto my campus. Empty your purse, please."

  I opened my mouth to say something, then shut it again. Fighting a losing battle seemed senseless. I grabbed my purse and dumped it out in one big pile right in front of Mr. Gonzales.

  He slowly picked through the pile, thoroughly checking out each item. When he picked up the vitamin bottle, I held my breath. Nicoleta told me no one would be able to tell, but it still made me a nervous wreck as he opened the bottle and poured a few pills onto his palm. He put the supplements back into the container and moved on to the next item. I exhaled—the worst of the inquisition over with. Apparently satisfied, he motioned for me to put everything back into my purse.

  "Now, empty your backpack,” he demanded.

  Now I was angry. I took everything out and piled it in front of him—again. When he finished, I put everything back.

  One of the campus security guys knocked on the door, then entered. “We found nothing. Her locker is clean."

  "Good. Thank you, Ben."

  "Miss Wilde, you're free to go. Sorry for any inconvenience, but we have to treat every piece of information as serious. I'm sure you can understand."

  What I understood was that Val was about to get her ass kicked. She had gone too far this time. Blood boiled in my veins. I clenched and unclenched my fingers as I walked out of the office and into the hall. It wouldn't surprise me if smoke blew out my ears. I was completely one-hundred percent pissed off.

  Mandy waited outside the office. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, then her expression fell as she caught a glimpse of how angry I must have appeared.

  "What the heck is going on? I saw two security guys going through your locker."

  "Yeah, Val informed Mr. Gonzales I had drugs.” I twisted my face into a snarl.

  "What the—"

  "I know. I'm going to rip her head right off her stupid looking narrow shoulders,” I interrupted.

  "Why would she say that? I mean, why drugs?"

  "I don't know. I guess she saw me take some ibuprofen when I left biology."

  "Oh, my God! She's such a bitch. She's so jealous Ryan prefers you over her she can't stand it."

  "She's going to pay for this.” I clenched my teeth.

  The witch hunt was on!

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  Evil Has a Name

  "Omigod! You got them off! Wow. Look at you. You're freakin’ gorgeous,” Mandy yelled out.

  I should've known it wouldn't take her long to notice. I ran my tongue across my teeth, still amazed at how wonderfully odd the smooth surface felt. After having metal stuck onto my teeth for over two years, it would take some getting used to.

  "What's going on?” one of our teammates asked.

  "Yeah, what's up?” several others joined in.

  I grinned real big, just for their benefit.

  "You got them off!” they all screamed at once.

  "What's all the fuss about?” Larry asked as he walked into the gym.

  "Cheyenne got her braces off,” Mandy answered.

  He stood in front of me. “Well, let's see."

  I smiled again.

  Larry tilted his head to the left, then to the right, then back to the left. “Nope. You still look like a monkey."

  "Ah! How rude!” I punched him in the arm.

  A smile spread across his face.

  I knew that look. “No! Don't you dare,” I threatened. He laughed, then grabbed me around the waist and ran across the floor, dumping me in the bar pit.

  Everyone howled with laughter as I crawled out of the pit—pieces of foam stuck to my velvet leo and no doubt, my hair, too.

  "Okay, ladies, let's get to work,” Larry ordered.

  Oh, I'd be getting him back. No worries there.

  Shazaam! I had one freakin’ great workout. Larry said I should bottle wh
atever had motivated me and sell it. Trust me, no one wanted any of what I had. I drove every bit of fury I possessed in my body into my gymnastics. Val's stunt still had me in a snit.

  Feeling quite pleased with myself after my awesome workout in spite of everything else, I decided to grab a vanilla bean frappuccino at Starbucks before heading home. Nicoleta could wait a few minutes. Not like it would kill her. I pictured her waiting, drumming her manicured nails on her thigh. I chuckled to myself.

  I pulled into the parking lot. The drive-thru had a line of cars that snaked around the parking lot.


  But looking into the window, I noticed very few customers waited inside. Nicoleta could wait a bit longer. I drove around the parking lot. The long line of traffic waiting to go through the drive-thru blocked most of the close spots.

  "Double crap!"

  I ended up parking in the Popeye's parking lot closest to Starbucks. Right as I got out of the car, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

  "What now? Can't I catch a break?"

  I looked up at the streetlight between the two buildings and watched as two bats circled underneath searching for bugs—a scene I've witnessed a million times since it's so near the bat bridge where they hide during certain seasons. Nothing to be alarmed about. Still, an uneasiness stayed with me as I walked toward Starbuck's entrance. It felt as if a wild animal stalked me, waiting for the right moment to pounce and make the kill. My neck tingled and a sickly sharp feeling centered between my shoulder blades. I glanced around the area, my keys strategically placed between my fingers, so I could poke an attacker's eyes out if needed.

  Two guys got out of a truck and slammed their doors, startling me half to death. I made a face and chastised myself for being such a weenie. People occupied the area wherever you looked, and it was Starbucks after all. When did I get so paranoid? Oh yeah, since I found out I'm a vampire and being hunted. Silly me, how could I forget?

  Because of all the drive-thru traffic, the inside was bogged down as well—even though it hadn't looked like it when I peered inside, but I refused to leave without my coffee. I deserved it. I glanced around at the few customers that had planted themselves in the cushy chairs, clicking away on their laptops. Everything seemed normal, but I still couldn't shake the creepy feeling. When the girl with purple hair and a nose ring called my name, I grabbed my drink and headed straight to my car. Even though I knew I was being ridiculous, I wanted to get the heck out of there and into the comfort of my house—even if that meant dealing with another Nicoleta session.


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