Cave of Terror

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Cave of Terror Page 28

by Amber Dawn Bell

  "Yeah, not good.” I sighed, my shoulders slumping.

  Ryan and Amarande picked Val up and carried her out of the room, Nicoleta following behind.

  "Let's go, Cheyenne,” my dad called. “You, too, Mandy. We better get you home.” Dad whistled. “Roxie, come!"

  Roxie circled the area one more time, then joined Dad.

  I found it hard to believe everything that had happened. I glanced around the Crap Room, my gaze resting on the black looking stain. My blood had mingled with Ryan's and dried, caking the cave floor.

  "What if one of the cave workers call the police and they investigate the blood stains? Won't my DNA be all over it?” I watch way too many CSIs. “And what about all the candles everywhere?"

  "Don't worry, everything will be taken care of. I'm sure Nicoleta is calling in a cleanup crew as we speak,” Mom said as if it happened every day. That thought rather creeped me out in a big way.

  "Let's go, girls,” Dad said.

  Mom put her arm around me and Mandy and guided us out of the cave, Dad leading the way, Roxie following behind. Now that everything seemed to be somewhat back to normal, I couldn't help but think back on what Ryan had started to tell me before Val's moans caught our attention.

  He said he had fallen for me, but what did that really mean?

  When the cave passage narrowed, Mom moved ahead of us.

  I leaned toward Mandy and in a low voice asked, “Mandy, umm ... what does it mean when a guy says he's fallen for you?"

  "Shazaam! Did Ryan say that to you?” Mandy boomed loud enough for everyone in Georgetown and Round Rock to hear.

  "Sssh!” I warned. Mom glanced back and shook her head. “Yes, he said it, but what do you think he meant by it?"

  "You are such a dork. I swear.” Mandy laughed.


  "You don't know what he meant? Seriously? Oh, my God, you are serious."

  "I wouldn't ask if I did."

  "Well, why don't you ask him yourself?” Mandy gave me a smug look.

  Ryan stood at the entrance, his eyes set on me. I inhaled a sharp breath. Thinking he had left with Amarande and Nicoleta, he surprised me with his sudden appearance. He tended to have that effect on me anyway.

  When Mom and Dad reached Ryan, he said something to them I didn't catch because Mandy continued to yap. I knew it had something to do with me because they turned back and smiled, then kept on walking out of the cave toward the gate.

  "Come, Roxie! Let's go bye-bye,” Mom called.

  Roxie stood next to Ryan, refusing to budge from the spot.

  I stopped in front of Ryan, but Mandy kept going without a word, just a quick goodbye flick of her wrist.

  "It's okay, girl, I'm fine,” I said, reaching down to pat Roxie on the head.

  She whined, glancing between me and my parents. I nudged her, and she finally followed after the rest of the group.

  "Your protector?” Ryan asked.

  "Yeah, something like that."

  He looked down at the ground and traced a circle in the dirt with his foot. “I asked your parents if I could drive you home.” He looked up and searched my face, for what I didn't have a clue. He seemed almost shy. So unlike him. So weird. “Are you okay?"

  "Yes, I'm fine. I think I'm basically all healed. I feel physically great."

  "No, I mean are you okay with ... what happened in the cave?” he tried again, looking deep into my eyes.

  "What are you asking, exactly?” I had no clue what he meant by the question.

  "The blood exchange. Are you okay with what we did?” Worried anticipation crinkled his face into a slight grimace.

  "Well, I guess I'm a little grossed out with myself for enjoying what I did. It freaks me out, but I'm okay. You saved my life. I guess I should thank you, huh?” I nudged him with my elbow and grinned.

  He took me by the shoulders, his fingers firmly planted in my flesh. “I mean are you okay with the bond?"

  My brows furrowed. What did he mean?

  "I knew it.” He released my shoulders and hissed out a breath, slapping his thighs with his hands. “You didn't comprehend what I tried to explain to you about making the choice, did you? You couldn't."

  "I guess I don't understand what you mean by a bond. Or why you're so upset. I'm fine, really.” I tried to calm him.

  "What I mean by bond is that we are eternally bound. By exchanging blood, we've allowed the other to enter our thoughts and emotions. When I hurt, you hurt. When you cry, I cry. Understand?"

  "And that's a bad thing?” By the way he acted, he apparently thought so. It didn't seem so bad to me. Actually, being ‘bonded’ to Ryan sounded kind of nice. Butterflies fluttered inside my stomach at the thought.

  "You just don't get it.” He pressed his lips together.

  I placed one hand on my hip. “I guess not, so why don't you explain it."

  "Do you know what it's like to be inside someone's head while they're in the throes of death? How about when they're being tortured? What if that person was your older sister—the sister that lent her blood when you needed it the most? Huh? Do you get it now?” He pushed his long fingers through his hair. “I would never wish that torment upon anyone, especially not you. I knew from the moment I first met you that our connection was strong. You felt it, too. You just didn't understand it. Now that we share blood, that link will become stronger than anything you've ever experienced before.” As if speaking to himself, he lowered his voice to a whisper. “It scares me."

  He pulled me into his arms and squeezed me tight against his hard body, his lips pressed against my forehead. I melted in his embrace, allowing the pin pricks of static pops to infiltrate my highly alerted senses. Never had I felt anything so wonderfully warm and safe.


  "Huh?” I snuggled into his shoulder.

  "I'm really sorry I lied to you."

  I jerked my head up and pulled away from the comfort of his body. “Lied about what?” Oh, God, what could he have lied about? That he'd fallen for me? I held my breath waiting for the answer.

  "About me having to be friends with Val because my dad asked me to. Val's dad is a banker, but he doesn't really have any influence over my dad. And my dad would never ask me to do something like that anyway. I know it was lame, but it was the best reason I could come up with at the time. It's just that you were so hurt, and I didn't want you to think I was really interested in her when all I was doing was trying to throw Constantine off from my true feelings. It was selfish. I'm sorry."

  I released the pent up breath. “Oh, is that all? I thought you were going to tell me something really bad."

  "I never want to lie to you. You mean too much to me.” His eyes brimmed with tenderness ... and truth.

  I leaned back against him, and he gathered me back into his arms.

  Just when I thought for sure I'd float away on a cloud headed straight for heaven, a ripple of sensations assaulted my conscious mind. I gasped and pulled away from Ryan, staring into his beautiful blue eyes so filled with concern. Another wave crashed into me and I shuddered. What was going on?

  "It's started.” He took my hand and placed it on his chest. The pounding of his heart pulsed into my hand. “You're feeling my emotions—what I feel for you."

  His eyes burned into mine, the sensations becoming stronger and clearer. I sucked in a breath and held it, savoring the strength of his feelings toward me. It was glorious and overwhelming at the same time. He licked his lips and I followed the motion, resting my gaze on his full lips. I was bonded to him—one of the hottest guys I had ever met. And he wanted me. It was just plain crazy.

  Ryan pulled me back into his embrace, molding my body against his. My breathing became shallow, unsure of what would happen next. I know my heart must have skipped more than just a few beats before it went into hyper mode. He nuzzled the pounding pulse in my throat. No longer could I think clearly. When he pressed his warm lips to my neck, I went completely stupid. Nothing more than Jell-o in th
e shape of a body ... watch it wiggle, see it jiggle. Oh yeah, I was a goner. He lightly nipped my ear and I let out a tiny squeak, tingles racing up my spine. His chuckle vibrated against my cheek.

  "Are you going to make it?” he asked as he gave me a squeeze, his cinnamon musky scent tickling my senses.

  "Umm hmm,” I murmured against his perfectly sculpted chest I felt even through his shirt.

  He ran his hand up my back and worked his fingers through my hair. He tugged gently, forcing my head back. His eyes darkened into a deep blue as he scanned my face. Self-consciously my tongue darted out, licking my lips. He took in a quick breath as his fingers fisted in my hair. He had the look of a starving lion about to devour its prey. I should've been scared, but I wasn't. The hunger radiating from him made me all woozy inside.

  A soft, feral moan slipped from his throat. His grip tightened on the back of my neck, and then he drew my face toward his, crushing his lips against mine. In my shock, my lips parted, allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth. I jolted with the new and unfamiliar sensation. It was all warm and silky and weird and fantastic. My heart pounded against my ribs so hard I thought they would crack from the intensity.

  After a minute or so when I finally gained some courage, I shyly swirled my tongue with his. He moaned and deepened the kiss, sucking the breath from me. He edged me even tighter against his body, his hand splaying across my lower back. My insides were on fire—a fire I had no intention of putting out. It felt so freaky weird.

  I desperately needed to come up for air, but I didn't want to break the magic of the moment. He must have realized my dilemma because he broke the kiss, then pressed his forehead against mine. Warm puffs of breath flowed across my face in rapid succession. He seemed to be fighting for some kind of control. When his breathing regulated, he placed soft kisses on each of my eyelids, then brushed his lips across the tip of my nose. The possessive gentleness squeezed my heart. Tears stung my eyes as I realized the truth. He really wasn't like any guy I had ever known. Emotions flittered across his face like an open book—one only I had permission to read.


  I tilted my head back, my eyelids half closed. “Hmm?"

  "I love you."

  Air whooshed from my lungs. He said he loved me. My body told me his deepest feelings, but hearing it was a whole other thing—a confirmation of sorts. An invisible hand cradled my heart as tears spilled down my face. He knew who and what I was, yet he still wanted me, accepted me. Loved me for me. Never would I have to hide the real me or pretend to be someone I wasn't.

  I am Cheyenne Wilde—a Vanator from the clice Pantere. And that's okay.

  A smile spread across my face. I was free at last and it felt wonderful.

  "And I love you.” I leaned into Ryan and planted a soul-scorching kiss on his lips.

  Everything was once again right in my world.

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  The Ending

  Happily-Ever-After, Sort of

  Actually excited to go to school for once, I woke-up before the alarm even buzzed. Since I'm not a morning person, it was nothing short of a miracle. As I strolled into the main building for my first class, I hummed the SpongeBob SquarePants theme song, singing the words in my mind while I moved my head side to side in rhythm to the beat.

  Oh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

  SpongeBob SquarePants!

  Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!

  SpongeBob SquarePants!

  So ridiculously giddy, I almost made myself sick. Heck, I felt like that Julie Andrews lady who sang and twirled around on a grassy hill in the dorky Sound of Music movie. Seriously, at any moment I'd start skipping down the hallway. My heart felt like exploding from sheer excitement. Ryan drew near. His presence vibrated within me. As I approached my locker, I noticed him leaning against it. A sexy smile brightened his face when he spotted me.

  It seemed like miles separated us. Those crazy butterflies bounced around in my belly as our eyes locked. No one else in the crowded hallway existed—just me and Ryan. My pulse sped up the closer I got to him until it beat so hard I could hear the blood flowing through my own veins.

  "Morning, Sparkie.” His deep, rich voice held me hostage.

  I leaned my shoulder against the locker, my body facing Ryan's. “Morning.” I twirled a lock of hair between my fingers and scraped my teeth against my lower lip.

  He bent his head down and inched closer, reducing the gap between us. I held my breath, hoping he would kiss me. “I missed you."

  Oh, God! Kiss me already! I was dying.

  I couldn't keep my eyes off his lips. He must have known the direction of my thoughts because he ran his tongue along his lower lip, then dipped his head even more.

  My eyes drifted closed, anticipating the press of his lips to mine.

  "Okay, break it up you two,” Mrs. Jones, our school's volleyball coach, said as she passed us.

  My eyes flew open and I jumped back, dropping my backpack on my foot. Heat flooded my face. I covered my mouth and giggled.

  Ryan laughed, then bent down to pick up my backpack. “Great timing, Sparkie. You really should learn to control your urges better.” He smiled, then winked.

  My jaw dropped. “Ooooooh! You ... “—I smacked him on the arm and he busted out laughing—” ... pig."

  Val's voice rang out in the hallway as she loudly chitchatted with her two best buds, interrupting our goofy moment. We both stiffened. I held my breath wondering how Val would react to me, to us.

  The trio stopped in front of us. Val looked at me and then at Ryan. Her brows drew together and her gaze moved up and to the right. I didn't dare say a word, neither did Ryan.

  "Why are you stopping in front of the bat girl?” Kimee whined.

  Val glanced at Kimee and frowned. “Shut up, Kimee. You can be such a bitch sometimes.” She looked at me with a complete blank stare. “Hey, Cheyenne.” Then, she continued on her way.

  I choked on my own spit and after coughing up a lung, I managed to croak out, “Hi."

  "Wow. That was interesting,” Ryan said.

  "You can say that again."

  As I continued to stare after Val and her buddies, a prickly feeling centered between my shoulder blades. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. Warning bells in my head sounded off with a vengeance.

  I was being watched.

  Twisting my torso around, I searched the hall, looking for the threat. Ryan also scanned the area. He must have sensed the threat through me. It rocked being linked to someone so intimately.

  "What is it?” I asked.

  "I don't know, but whatever it is, it's strong.” Ryan moved closer to me in a protective stance, ready to pounce if needed.

  It may be a powerful entity, but with Ryan by my side I could deal.

  I refused to allow anything to ruin my day, not even the evil now stalking me.

  I'm a proud Vânetor from the clice Pantere, and a gorgeous, wonderful guy loves and accepts me. What more could I ask for?

  Evil be damned!

  Ryan draped his arm around my shoulders, and we walked off into the sunset and lived happily ever after.

  Okay, he walked me to algebra, but you get the point.

  * * * *

  * * * *

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  Want More?

  Turn the page for additional adventures in Cheyenne's life.

  A Ghostly Affair

  From Amber Dawn Bell

  Available from Highland Press Publishing


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  Ghostly Affair

  Vanator Diaries Series

  Amber Dawn Bell

  Highland Press Publishing


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  My name
is Cheyenne Wilde, and I'm a vampire. Yep, that's right. Trust me, I couldn't believe it either. But on my sixteenth birthday of all days, I was let in on this little secret. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it little, especially since I'm also a Vanator.

  You see, I have these kick-ass powers that are used to protect my clice (clan in human terms) from evil. I'm a hunter of sorts. The last Vanator was my great-great-grandmother who was born over 500 years ago. She was killed while fighting another vampire clice—a very nasty one.

  Needless to say, the revelation of my status thrilled my clice. Me? Nope, I wasn't as excited. Seriously, how would you feel if you'd been going along with your life for sixteen years and then BAM! you find out you're not who or what you thought you were? Talk about disturbing. It blew my neatly ordered life into a million shattered pieces. I've had a tough time trying to combine my new life with my old.

  Gymanstics has been the main focus of my life for as long as I can remember, spending five hours a day in the gym training. Now, I have more life-altering things to deal with—like hunting down wayward vampires. It's taken some time to get used to, and even more time to accept.

  Nicoleta is my mentor. She's helped me to understand my special ability and how to use it in order to keep our kind safe from outside evil. And I had no idea just how much evil there is in the world ... or in my small part of it any way. But I sure got one heck of an initiation into my new life within the first week of finding out my status.

  Oh, did I mention I can shift into a black panther? Yeah, it happened once in a rather awkward situation. There I was about to get my very first kiss and fur starts sprouting from my skin. Lucky for me, the guy, Ryan, just happens to be my lifemate. Yep, we're bonded. It's kind of like having a boyfriend for life. He can feel what I feel and vice versa. And it doesn't hurt he's drop-dead gorgeous. Dang! I still melt into a puddle of goo with just the mention of his name. It's quite disgusting, really. My best friend Mandy, the only one outside of my clice besides Ryan who knows about my ability, has gotten a huge kick out of watching me react like a typical love-struck teenager.


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