Cave of Terror

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Cave of Terror Page 29

by Amber Dawn Bell

  Now that you're caught up with my life so far, it's time I tell of another ... adventure. But, I must caution you. If you're scared of things that go bump in the night, don't turn the page.

  You have been warned.

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  The scent of cinnamon and almonds wafted through the hall. I scanned the swarm of students filing past me. Ryan would be rounding the corner any second. I leaned against my locker. The cold metal seeping through my thin Aéropostale shirt chilled my back. I clutched my literature book tighter, not bothering to shove it in my backpack. Butterflies fluttered inside my stomach. He neared—my every instinct alerted.

  It's still hard to believe he's mine. Literally. As in bonded for life. As in no one or nothing can come between us. You see, we share blood. When he was on the brink of death, I gave him the needed blood, and he returned the favor not long after. Nasty, right? Well, it freaked me out, too. Still does. But, because of it we now have a connection so strong we can sense the other. Feel the other. It's the coolest thing—ever.

  I watched the corner, twirling a lock of hair around my finger. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, my ribs expanding faster and faster. A tingle shot up my spine. Locker doors clanking shut and muted voices blended together in a blur of sound. Funny how everything around me fades in the background whenever Ryan is near. He rocks my world in ways you can't imagine. I worried my bottom lip—the anticipation intensifying until I thought I'd lose my mind. The air crackled around me. I straightened, focusing in the direction Ryan always appeared in the mornings. The aroma of cinnamon strengthened. I licked my lips.

  "Boo-yah!” Mandy goosed me from behind.

  "Eeeeeeh!” I dropped the phonebook sized book on my toe, hopping around like one of those chattering teeth wind-up toys. “Dang! That freakin’ hurt. Thanks a lot."

  Mandy, my now ex-best friend, covered her mouth to stifle the giggle I managed to hear anyway. “My bad."

  "Yeah, your bad.” I glared at her. Why she loves doing that I'll never know. But, one of these days, I'll get her good.

  "Who's bad?” The deep and sexy voice washed over me, freezing me to the spot.

  My body heated as I slowly turned my attention to Ryan. Aaag! Why does my whole system go wacko every time he's near? Because he's the most beautiful guy I've ever seen. Duh! There he stood in his Hollister jeans and t-shirt—the material hugging his pecs and hinting at his six-pack. His startling blue eyes burned into mine with a warming intensity that rendered me speechless—as usual.

  His voice lowered to a caress. “Mornin,’ Sparkie."

  Oh, God! Just the way he said my nickname shot weird feelings straight to my lower abdomen. The endearment touched me, reminding me of our first meeting when he'd wrapped his warm fingers around mine while I played one of those love tester games, sending electrical sparks into the air. Ever since then, he's called me ‘Sparkie.'

  "Hi,” I managed to say—my voice all husky.

  His lips spread into a grin, revealing his straight white teeth. “How's my girl?” He leaned in closer where only inches separated us.

  His girl? Gush! Oh, how I love the sound of that. And I was fan-freakin'-tabulous! Like he needed to ask. He sensed exactly how I was doing. Not to mention the proof was written across his smug face. “I'm fine."

  "Well, I can see that, but how are you doing?” He waggled his eyebrows.

  Mandy cleared her throat. “On that note, I think I'll leave.” She rolled her eyes, then turned to leave.

  "Bye, Mandy.” Ryan kept his eyes set on me.

  "See ya...” I barely managed to utter.

  "Oh, I almost forgot. Brad is taking me out to the Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner tonight. You know, to celebrate. He wants y'all to come, too."

  Crap! Mandy's birthday! I was so caught up in Ryan it poofed right out of my head. “Happy birthday! I really didn't forget. Well, okay, maybe for a minute.” My face flushed. “Yeah, we can come.” I turned my head back to Ryan. “Right?"

  "Sure. Should we meet y'all at the gym and go from there?” Ryan asked.

  "No, let's meet at my house around 8:45. After five hours of gymnastics, I'm thinking we could use a little ... freshening up.” Mandy looked at me for support.

  "Yep, but we'll have to hurry. It'd be 9:15 or so if we went straight there. If we stop it's going to be even later.” Mom and Dad don't like me staying out late on school nights, but Mandy's birthday would hopefully be an exception.

  The bell rang, and the hall exploded with students scrambling to get to class.

  "See y'all later.” Mandy waved.

  "Happy birthday,” Ryan called after her.


  "See you at lunch.” I waved back.

  Ryan looped his arm around me. “We better get going, too.” Walking me to class had become a morning custom—one I wasn't gonna complain about.

  Once we reached my English class, he glanced around the hall, then pressed a quick kiss against my lips. “Later, Sparkie.” He winked.

  I watched him disappear down the hall—my lips still burning from his kiss.

  * * * *

  "You still alive?” Mandy wiped the sweat from her brow, then bent to gather her things.

  "I think he was trying to kill us.” I dropped to my knees. Even working out as hard as I normally did, I rarely broke out in a sweat. But today, Larry, our coach, decided to try a new conditioning routine. My hair plastered to my head and my leo was damp. Yick! Not how I wanted Ryan to see me.

  "Ladies, where do y'all think you're going?” Larry put his hands on his hips. “We're not done."

  Mandy looked up and crinkled her nose. “Huh? We did our stretches and put away the mats. What else is there?"

  Oh crap. I had an idea of where this was going and Mandy wasn't going to like it. A smile tugged the corner of Larry's lips when he caught my questioning stare. Yep, just as I thought—the birthday spanking train. I'm still puzzled how I managed to escape the train on my birthday, but it didn't look like Mandy would be so lucky. I chuckled to myself.

  "What? Why is everyone looking at me?” Mandy flicked her gaze around the circle of girls crowded around her—white chalk coating their palms. Awareness flickered across her face. “Oh no. I don't think so."

  "It's time for the birthday spaaaaanking train!” Larry announced like a wrestling match was about to begin. And it just might by the look on Mandy's face.

  "You can either go willingly, or I'll hold you down and let them at you.” Larry hitched his thumb in the direction of the girls anxiously awaiting the coming torture.

  "You're so mean.” Mandy huffed.

  "That's my job."

  "And you're so good at it,” Mandy mumbled.

  "You might as well get it over with.” I couldn't help but laugh. It served her right for scaring the crap out of me earlier today, bruising my poor toe. “Besides, we have to go."

  "Easy for you to say, Cheyenne. You got out of it."

  "Yep, I guess I'm special."

  Larry lunged forward, causing Mandy to jump up. “Okay, okay."

  The younger girls squealed with excitement as we got into a line—our legs braced wide enough apart, so Mandy could crawl through. The object of the ‘game’ is to make it under everyone's legs as fast as you can before they have a chance to smack you on the butt as you pass through. And the added bonus is getting chalk hand prints on your rear to prove a hit landed.

  Everyone cheered for Mandy to go. She crouched, then dove through the tunnel of legs. I got in one solid spank. When she stood, we all cracked up laughing. The booty area of her black leo was now white.

  "Happy now?” She raised her hands up in a questioning gesture.

  Larry grabbed her, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Happy birthday, honey. Now you can go."

  "Gee, thanks."

  We grabbed our stuff and ran out the door. The boys would be waiting for us, so we had to hurry.

  When we drove into M
andy's driveway, we noticed that neither of them had arrived yet. Only my car was parked along the curb since I'd driven with Mandy to the gym. I sighed with relief. I needed at least a few minutes to put myself together. I looked like warmed over crap—make that sweaty warmed over crap. And Mandy didn't fare much better.

  We got ready in record speed and made it downstairs right as the doorbell rang.

  "Mom, Dad I'm leaving.” Mandy glanced in the entry way mirror and checked her hair once more before answering the door.

  "Have a good time,” her dad shouted.

  "And don't stay out too late,” her mom added.

  I still couldn't get over the fact that Mandy's family belonged to a wolf-shifting clan—the Luptãs. I'd thought I was alone in the freak-factor department after finding out about my own clan affiliation until she revealed that secret. Her mom and dad are like second parents to me. I've practically lived at Mandy's house and never knew a thing. But then again, I never had a clue my parents are vampires either. Crazy.

  Mandy pulled the door open.

  The breath sucked from my lungs. Could Ryan be any more gorgeous? He'd traded his Hollister t-shirt for a button-down, blue shirt and tucked it into his form fitting jeans. Talk about hot.

  Brad stepped around Ryan. “Hey, birthday girl. You ready to go?"

  The ga-ga look on Mandy's face was priceless. I cut my gaze to Ryan and smiled. He acknowledged my sentiment with a wink.

  "Yeah, I'm ready."

  Only one car was parked behind mine—Ryan's black Mustang. Apparently, they'd come together. Ryan lived across the street and a few houses over from Brad, so it made sense.

  "Hope y'all don't mind cramming in my car.” Ryan looked back at us.

  We shook our heads no. I loved his Mustang. It was the car I really wanted, but my parents wouldn't let me have a sports car.

  I didn't realize just how little room there was in the back seat. “I'll sit in back. My legs aren't very long."

  "That's okay. I think I'll sit with the birthday girl,” Brad said.

  Brad folded the seat forward, and they climbed into the back. After lifting the seat back in place, I slid into the ‘shotgun’ position next to Ryan. He started the car, reached over and grasped my hand, then placed it on the gear shift under his. He put the car in gear and we drove off.

  When we reached Spaghetti Warehouse, there were no parking places along the street. We had to pay for the privilege of occupying a spot in the lot across from the restaurant. For some reason, traffic was heavy, so we had to play dodge-the-cars as we crossed the two lanes. Nothing like jaywalking in downtown Austin.

  True to my klutzy nature, I tripped up (yes, up) the creaky wooden steps that led to the entrance—almost knocking down Mandy in the process.

  She struggled to right herself. “Dang, girl!"

  I grimaced. “My bad."

  Brad held the ornate glass door open and allowed us all to pass through. To the left, four squeeze handle games stood against the wall—like the one Ryan and I played the first time we met. I glanced at Ryan. He must have thought the same thing, because his lips tugged into a huge smile.

  A big crystal chandelier hung above our heads. The glass teardrops tinkled with a sudden movement, yet no vent appeared to be anywhere near it. And any breeze caused by us entering would have long passed. I frowned. How weird. Something didn't feel right. I couldn't quite explain it, but the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. It was like someone was watching me. Ryan scanned the room, then cut his eyes back to me. He must have sensed it, too. Have I mentioned that Ryan's a vampire, too? That's what happens when you're bonded.

  The scent of garlic and sourdough bread made my mouth instantly water, diverting my attention to my grumbling tummy. I was hungrier than I thought. And I bet you're thinking vampires can't be around garlic, right? Wrong!

  The hostess led us to a table for four across from the trolley car that sits in the middle of the room.

  Ryan pulled out my chair and motioned for me to sit. “For you, my lady."

  "Why thank you.” I giggled, then sat on the padded wooden seat.

  Brad did the same for Mandy. Copycat.

  The waiter set a loaf of bread on the table. My stomach rumbled as I stared at the yummy hunk of sourdough. “Hi. My name's Matt. I'll be your server tonight. Can I get y'all something to drink?"

  We ordered our drinks and Matt hustled off to get them. I reached for the bread and cut the loaf into pieces. Before I could set the knife down, three hands snatched all but one end piece. “Hey!"

  Mandy laughed. “Hey, what? We left you one piece."

  "Thanks, you bunch of oinkers."

  Ryan and Brad made pig noises, drawing attention to our table. We all cracked up laughing. What a bunch of dorks. I swear.

  After slathering my piece with garlic butter, I took a big bite. Mmmm! At times like these, I thanked the stars above I could still eat human food. But I had to make sure I took one of my supplements when I got home. I was more than hungry I now realized. And I had no desire to go into a bloodlust, thank you. One near experience was enough. Instead of taking blood directly from humans, our clice takes vitamin-like pills containing the part of the blood we need in order to survive. Thank God. No way was I going to go around biting people.

  Although, I have to admit blood has its good points. But that's another story. Not to mention, snacking on Ryan had an appeal. Aaag! My face heated at the thought.

  "Why is your face all red and splotchy?” Mandy just had to point out.

  Ryan grinned. “Yeah, Sparkie, what are you thinking?"

  Omigod! Sometimes he hit a little too close to the truth—like he could read my mind or something. We were connected, and he could feel ... oooooh. Right. He felt my thoughts. How freakin’ embarrassing. I'd never get used to it.

  "I'm just hot.” I fanned my face.

  Ryan's grin widened. “Hot, huh?"

  Talk about double entendre. “Whatever."

  Mandy turned to Brad. “Do you ever get the feeling like they're on a different wavelength than us?"

  Brad nodded. “Yep."

  "Oh, and y'all aren't?” I shot back.

  They chuckled.

  When I turned my head to make a snarky comment, I caught a movement in the trolley car. Only one couple sat inside, and they were farther over. Then, a little head popped up on the other side of the window. The little boy smiled and waved, then ducked back down. He must belong to the couple. He popped back up and waved again. I waved back. He giggled, then ducked back down again.

  "Who are you waving to?” Mandy followed my stare.

  "There's a little boy in the trolley. He keeps looking out the window and waving."

  "I haven't seen a little boy,” she said.

  Brad looked toward the trolley. “Me either."

  "Well, he's there. I just waved to him."

  "You sure you're not hallucinating, Sparkie? Too much ... bread?"

  "Ha ha."

  Matt placed our drinks on the table and another loaf of bread, then took our order. Since I was practically starving, I ordered the lasagna and parmesan chicken. Ryan got the Italian feast. I didn't bother listening to what Mandy and Brad ordered because I was too focused on the couple from the trolley car passing our table—with no little boy. Maybe he belonged to someone else in the restaurant who allowed him to play in the trolley. Yeah, that had to be it. I'm not crazy. I know what I saw. Absently, I grabbed a slice of bread Mandy had cut and bit off a chunk.

  A strange tingle settled between my shoulder blades. I glanced behind me. Nothing.

  "You okay, Sparkie?"

  "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine.” Ryan gave me a weird look. Hiding anything from him would be near impossible. I pushed away from the table and stood. “I'll be right back."

  "Where you going?” Mandy stuffed some bread in her mouth.

  "To the bathroom if you must know."

  "Want me to go with you?” Her voice muffled from the bread.

; "I think I can manage by myself.” I rolled my eyes.

  As I passed through the foyer, I heard giggling. I whipped my head around. The little boy from the trolley slipped around a corner. I followed after him, but the only thing in the corner was a coat rack. Where could he have gone?

  Okay, I was losing my mind.

  I continued on to the bathroom. I pushed open the door and out ran the little boy—terror shining bright in his eyes.

  "The bad man is going to get me. Help me.” He sprinted down the hall to the men's room and disappeared through the door.

  What the...? He didn't push the door open. He went through it.

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  About the Author

  Amber's love of romance and medieval history led her to pursue her dream of writing. She is a stay-at-home mom and now that her kids are older, she's able to spend time making her dream come true. She loves stories about Vikings, pirates, Scotland, and just about anything of the paranormal nature, especially vampires.

  Amber lives in Texas with her own knight in shining armor, her high school sweetheart and husband of 22 years, along with their two teenage kids, two dogs, and two cats. Amber believes that everyone should have a happily ever after—even vampires.

  [email protected]

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  Praise for

  Highland Press Books!

  In Fate of Camelot, Cynthia Breeding develops the Arthur-Lancelot-Gwenhwyfar relationship. In many Arthurian tales, Guinevere is a rather flat character. Cynthia Breeding gives her a depth of character as the reader sees both her love for Lancelot and her devotion to the realm as its queen. The reader feels the pull she experiences between both men. In addition, the reader feels more of the deep friendship between Arthur and Lancelot seen in Malory's Arthurian tales. In this area, Cynthia Breeding is more faithful to the medieval Arthurian tradition than a glamorized Hollywood version. She does not gloss over the difficulties of Gwenhwyfar's role as queen and as woman, but rather develops them to give the reader a vision of a woman who lives her role as queen and lover with all that she is.


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