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The Harvest

Page 79

by John David Krygelski

  “Ostracism,” Reese commented.

  “Yes,” the Cardinal continued. “If individuals strayed too far from a life of decency and morality, they were viewed as outcasts, in some cases pariahs, not a role many relish. It was avoiding the ostracism by the mainstream that prompted many to remain good.”

  Tapping the apex of the two lines again, he explained, “After this point was crossed, what was considered mainstream was altered. Soon, the indecent and the immoral were no longer outcasts.”

  “They became celebrities,” offered Melissa.

  “Exactly.” Bonavente nodded slowly. “Acts that were considered to be repugnant only decades ago are now perfectly acceptable.”

  “We’ve had a joke in the Bureau for years now,” Craig said, “that it’s becoming harder and harder for blackmailers to make a living.”

  “Sadly, that is true,” agreed Mario. “An indiscretion which would have caused a celebrity or even a politician to withdraw from the public eye in disgrace has become something to brag about. The result of this new societal paradigm is a turning of the tide, a reversal of the pressure, pushing the weak and the undecided in the wrong direction instead of the right one.”

  “When I went to high school,” Claire recalled, “the few girls who were known to have had sex were considered to be tramps by the others; they were not the ones the boys wanted to bring home to their parents. That kept a lot of the girls in line.”

  “Now,” Melissa added, “if you haven’t done it by your sophomore year, there’s something wrong with you.”

  Mario sighed. “That is exactly what I’m talking about.”

  “But my question was, why wasn’t His presence in so many people sufficient?” Reynolds asked again.

  “Because, unlike Lucifer, who was opportunistic and relentless, Christ only went where He was invited,” answered Mario.

  “And the invitations tapered off because of what you’ve described,” added Margo.

  “Plus, as has been mentioned, there was the skimming of the very best twice before. In addition, the very essence of Jesus’ teachings was a passivity, an acceptance, not the aggressiveness of Lucifer. What we witnessed this evening was consistent with the personality of Elohim, as some refer to Him – the God of the Old Testament, not the persona of Christ. Jesus taught us to resist Satan, not smite him.”

  McWilliams grinned, remarking, “Jesus is Gandhi…Elohim is Patton.”

  “That is accurate,” acknowledged Bonavente. “Both have their places in the world. But the love of Jesus, planted within the hearts of the devout, was no match in the battle against unbridled evil.”

  “Like going to a knife fight unarmed,” Bill Burke concurred. “The other guy isn’t playing by the same rules.”

  Reese muttered to himself, “Finished.” He dramatically tapped the ENTER key and leaned back from the laptop computer.

  “What are you going to do with it?” asked Doris.

  “I just put it on my department’s website,” he answered, staring at the screen. No one spoke for a moment.

  The silence was broken by Bill Burke. “I think I’ll be going home. I want to be with my family tonight.”

  McWilliams stood. “Me, too. Dorothy’s waiting for me.”

  Reluctantly, as if feeling that there was unfinished business, they all began to rise. Claire turned to Reynolds and gave him a hug. “Thank you, Nicholas, for everything.”

  “Hey,” he said, trying to keep his voice light. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Promise?” Melissa asked, tears welling in her eyes as she stood next to her mother.

  “That I do,” he answered, hugging the teenager.

  Reese walked to McWilliams. “I want to thank you, Craig.”

  “For what? I didn’t do much.”

  “That’s not true. More than once, when I was getting all caught up in the details of things, your…uh…insights helped to clarify things for me.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Leo added.

  Smiling, Craig responded, “I always have had a way of cutting through the BS.” His face became more serious. “Reese, none of us could have held it together the past few days without you.”

  “I’ll second that,” Walter Penfield spoke pensively. “You had a way of making me see myself in a different light. I needed that.”

  Reese noticed Margo Jackson standing to the side. When their eyes connected, volumes were silently spoken. She stepped forward and lightly kissed Reese on the cheek. He gave her a brief hug. As they stepped back, she said, “See you tomorrow,” and reached for the doorknob.

  She opened the door to the hallway, and they all started to file out, when Mario stopped and looked back. “Leo, come with us.”

  All turning, they saw the Rabbi, sadness filling his face. Attempting a smile, he answered, “I am. I’m right behind you.”

  “You know what I mean. Tonight. Join us.” Bonavente’s voice was soft and imploring.

  As he looked down at the carpet, Leo’s answer was barely audible. “I, too, made a promise.”

  Bonavente assured him, “The eyes of the world have been opened tonight. There is nothing more for you to do here. Your departure to Heaven would reverberate resonantly through your faith, more loudly than your words ever could. Even Moses found that it was right to break his promise.”

  “He’s right, Leo,” Reese agreed. “After this evening, there cannot be any doubt.”

  “Please,” Claire urged, “come with us.”

  “I cannot. There is much work to be done. When the rose has died, it is too easy to forget its beauty and its fragrance. When the sun rises tomorrow and Elohim has gone, so, too, will rise up the voices of discontent.”

  “But Jesus will be here,” Melissa reminded him.

  “That is even more reason for me to stay. The Jews refused to acknowledge Him two thousand years ago. That cannot happen again.”

  Mario started to speak, and Leo cut him off by raising his hand. “I am decided, my friend. Please, if you say more, it will only make me more sad than I am.”

  Heartbreak written on his features, Bonavente respected the Rabbi’s wish and did not speak. Instead, he stepped forward and enfolded Leo in his arms. After their long embrace, Mario stepped back and each of the others, in turn, also hugged the Rabbi.

  As the last of the eleven hugged Leo, Mario, tears trickling down his cheeks, held him by the shoulders and said, “I will miss you, my friend.”

  Leo, also tearful, replied, “My lifetime will pass in but the blink of your eye…as will the lifetimes of all of the others who will await Elohim’s return. I will see you soon enough.2”

  The Cardinal fought back a sob, merely nodding in response. Loosening his grasp from Leo’s shoulders, he turned and followed the others into the hallway.


  As the night swept across the face of the Earth, inexorably bringing the promised moment to each continent, the Chosen, having said their farewells and tidied up their earthly affairs, exhausted and filled with ennui, climbed into their beds. Filled with wonder…overcome with trepidation and uncertainty, convinced slumber would elude them throughout the night, they surrendered to the darkness of a deep and profound sleep.

  The End

  Other books by John David Krygelski

  If you enjoyed reading The Harvest by John David Krygelski, you may wish to consider his other novels.

  The Aegis Solution

  In this, John David Krygelski’s third and perhaps most powerful novel yet, he creates a spine-tingling story of suspense, drama, and intrigue. After the only child of the President – his teenaged daughter, Neve – commits suicide in a violent and senseless act, President Walker proposes an institution where people who have lost all hope may enter.

  Motivated by his grief and compassion, Aegis, intended to be a civilized alternative to suicide, is built and opened. There are only two rules in Aegis: no communication is allowed between the outside world and those who enter, and once individuals
go in…they can never leave.

  Twelve years pass and what began as a noble social experiment has turned into a hideous nightmare, fraught with controversy and public outrage. In response, Elias Charon is selected by the new President to be the first to enter Aegis and be allowed to leave. Ostensibly sent in to investigate the claims of abuse, a darker and heinous personal motive arises.

  With pulse-pounding suspense, The Aegis Solution takes the reader through a twisting, turning plot to an explosive and electrifying climax.

  Praise for John David Krygelski’s third novel – The Aegis Solution

  “Once I started The Aegis Solution, I could hardly put it down. It was truly captivating, thrilling, and awe-inspiring. Thank you for such an outstanding read. It almost felt like I was there in Aegis with ‘Mr. Death’ and the lot!”

  “I enjoyed it – of course! Again, a fantastic read! Cover to cover I was trying to decide where you were going, and I had many roads open, yet you led me down one I hadn’t seen. Thanks for another fun ride. I look forward to your next literary entry! Don’t make us wait too long!”

  “I really enjoyed reading The Aegis Solution! Loved it, in fact. The characters were full of life, and I can see how something like this could happen. It gave me goosebumps.”

  “The Aegis Solution not only had me dying to know what happened next, I found myself intrigued by concepts, and deep in thought for most of my experience. I can’t seem to find a word to describe how much I loved the book.”

  “I just finished reading The Aegis Solution, and I was totally enthralled from start to end. This book is by far my favorite of the three, with so many changes and points that caught me off-guard. I love the character Tillie. She was so stubborn and had strong opinions about what had happened and what could happen.”

  “Wow! That was quite good. I had trouble putting it down.”

  “I finished The Aegis Solution on my way home for the holidays. I must say, you have impressed me once again.”

  Time Cursor

  Jack Augur comes back from thirty years in the future to stop his own wedding. Although warned of the dire consequences if he tampered with any other events, within minutes of meeting his younger self, he is responsible for the accidental death of the man who is to eventually invent the time machine. As the older and younger versions of the same man join forces to undo the damage they’ve done and get the world back on track, mysterious beings thwart their every attempt. Time Cursor is a roller-coaster ride of suspense, action, and intrigue with an ending that will not disappoint.

  Praise for John David Krygelski’s second novel – Time Cursor

  “It is amazingly brilliant, right there with some of the best I’ve read. In terms of science fiction, it’s up there with greats like Heinlein; definitely a book I’m going to make sure stays in my possession.”

  “I couldn’t put it down! I really enjoyed it. I truly hope that they make a movie out of it!!! Seriously…it was amazing!!! The ending freaked me out!!! :) I actually was sad when I finished it!!!!”

  “The only thing I can say is WHAT A RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Far exceeded my expectations. I’ve been reading SF since Asimov & Bradbury started, and this was a treat and a blast. Thanks again for a great run.”

  “I just finished reading Time Cursor; I started yesterday. After reading both of your books, I have to say I cannot wait for the next.”

  “Finished the book yesterday…WOW! Great story – super plot. Really twisted my mind on the intricacies of time travel, or time segment repositioning, if you prefer.”

  “I finished it over the weekend…LOVED it!!! Never saw the ending coming.”

  “Just finished Time Cursor, and I loved it! So enjoyable to read a book that wasn’t dumbed down!”

  “In short, it’s amazing and I could not wait to finish it.”

  “Just finished Time Cursor. What an amazing ride! The twists and turns, the surprises…and what an ending! I loved the players and their relationship to each other.”

  “What an incredible read!!! Quite the twist at the end that I wasn’t expecting.”

  “Just finished Time Cursor this morning, another phenomenal tale! Great effort! An intriguing roller-coaster of a plot along with engaging dialogue.”

  You can order a personalized and autographed copy of The Aegis Solution or Time Cursor in either the softcover or the hardcover edition by going to

  Coming soon

  Grabbing the Brass Ring

  Michael Earl Nolan

  This epic saga of the life of Richard Mansan, a front-line fighter and adventurer who recognizes early in life that he is destined to “grab the brass ring,” is masterfully written with uncanny insights into human character. During Mansan’s far-flung, iliadic exploits, he forms lifelong friendships with the great leaders of his day: General O’Riley, his courageous battlefield commander whose own nation eventually turns its back on him; Tyron Jrcy, a young foreign soldier whom Mansan sends safely on his way and who later becomes his nation’s Chief Council; and Nele Martel Moran, the feisty youngster who serves under Mansan on her parents’ fishing fleet and who later becomes the visionary President of her nation.

  All three are profoundly and irrevocably influenced by this extraordinary, unconventional man. When the world crises worsen to the breaking point, Mansan himself receives the ultimate mantle of power, the daunting responsibility for humanity’s survival. This futuristic novel grapples with the frailties and strengths of humankind, the nature of true leadership, and the possible destiny of planet Earth; it is as prophetic as it is exciting.

  Included with the novel is the fascinating biography of the author – a legendary, real-life hero. Truly a “Renaissance man,” Nolan distinguished himself on the field of battle with the United States Marine Corps in World War II; in college and professional football, track and field, and boxing; in engineering; and in the hearts and minds of all he met.

  About the Author

  John David Krygelski, a semi-native of the southwestern desert, has written two novels subsequent to The Harvest. His second release – Time Cursor – is a mind-bending time-travel adventure about a man who travels back from thirty years in the future with the goal of preventing his younger self from going through with the biggest mistake of their life. Delving into the paradoxes of time travel, ancient aliens, and the pitfalls of tampering with your past, it is a masterful, fast-paced adventure.

  His third novel – The Aegis Solution – an intense suspense/thriller, takes you on an unexpected journey into an isolated world of individuals who have given up on life and society. It is a journey of desperation, punctuated by periods of confusion and excitement, as the main characters seek to unravel the mysterious circumstances and sequences of events that have brought them all together. It is a tale of high espionage, genetic manipulation, societal evolution, love, and hope.


  You can contact John by email at or on the website You can also follow him on facebook and twitter.




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