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Star Wars - Tales of the Black Curs 4 - Starter's Tale

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by Peter Schweighofer


  First aid 4D, security 3D+2, space transports repair 5D, starfighter repair 5D+2, starship weapon repair 5D

  Force Points: 2

  Character Points: 15

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (5D), Rebel pilot’s uniform

  (Three years after the Battle of Endor)

  Blaster 7D, dodge 6D+1, running 5D+2

  Planetary systems 6D, streetwise 6D, survival 5D+2

  Astrogation 7D, communications 5D, repulsorlift operation 5D+2, starfighter piloting 9D, starship gunnery 8D, starship shields 6D

  Command 5D+2, con 8D+2, persuasion 5D

  Brawling 5D, climbing/jumping 4D+2

  Security 5D, starfighter repair 7D, starship weapon repair 6D

  Force Points: 3

  Character Points: 18

  Capsule: Few know Starters true name or any real facts about his past.

  However, he has made several outrageous claims about his background — he’s said he grew up in Anchorhead on Tatooine as a close friend of Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter. Then again, he’s also said he learned about starship piloting from Han Solo himself. These days, few people believe much of anything Starter says.

  In reality, Starter was the son of an Imperial admiral. He attended the Imperial Naval academy on Corulag, but was quickly thrown out, labelled as undisciplined, obnoxious and generally loudmouthed. Rather than return home in disgrace. Starter took what he learned about Imperial starfighter tactics and joined the Rebel Alliance as an X-wing pilot.

  Starter is an exceptional X-wing pilot, and can be counted on to lend a hand in a heated dogfight or fleet battle. He is fond of recounting past battles and heroic actions in excruciating and often exaggerated detail. A handsome man, he’s always trying to impress the ladies — although his charm and storytelling ability are more often used in boring his few friends.

  Although he is not an official member of the Black Curs, a rogue mercenary group occasionally helping the New Republic with intelligence and commando work, Starter sometimes teams up with Platt Okeefe, Dirk Harkness, Jai Raventhorn and Tru’eb Cholakk when he’s guaranteed a chance to fly some heroic mission in his customized X-wing.

  Starter’s X-wing Starfighter

  Craft: Incom T-65B X-wing

  Type: Modified space superiority fighter

  Scale: Starfighter

  Length: 12.5 meters

  Skill: Starfighter piloting: X-wing

  Crew: 1 and astromech droid (can coordinate)

  Crew Skill: See Starter

  Cargo Capacity: 50 kilograms

  Consumables: 1 week

  Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1

  Hyperdrive Backup: None

  Nav Computer: None (uses astromech droid)

  Maneuverability: 3D

  Space: 8

  Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh

  Hull: 4D

  Shields: 1D+2


  Passive: 25/0D

  Scan: 50/1D

  Search: 75/2D

  Focus: 3/4D


  4 Laser Cannons (fire linked)

  Fire Arc: Front

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 3D+2

  Space Range: 1-3/12/25

  Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km

  Damage: 6D

  2 Proton Torpedo Launchers

  Fire Arc: Front

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 2D+2

  Space Range: 1/3/7

  Atmosphere Range: 30-100/300/700 m

  Damage: 9D

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 4 (11-1994)




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