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Page 6

by Chandra Ryan

  “Oh.” The trace of disappointment in Dixie’s voice brought Ben’s attention back to the man. “That’s too bad.”

  “Yeah. It’s too bad that my kids will never have to go through the name-calling or the ass-kickings I had to. Damn tragedy.” He shouldn’t drink any more but he needed something to do with his hands.

  “Have you been back to Ontesys since the recession hit?”

  He laughed bitterly at the question. “The day I left, I swore I’d never go back. I don’t break promises.”

  “Tri is becoming more socially acceptable. Three incomes instead of two holds a certain appeal when it keeps food on the table.”

  Ben had had enough of the conversation. “Thanks for the pep talk, sir. But it’s not your job to make me feel better about my childhood or my parents.”

  “You’re right. But I’m not here in an official capacity.”

  He took another drink. “Then why the hell are you here? Oh yeah, you wanted to make sure we’ll be okay now that you’re sleeping with Lisa.” Jealousy reared its ugly head once more and the need to pick a fight filled him. “She’s a good fuck, isn’t she? At first I was surprised. She’s such a quiet, timid thing normally. Get her in a bed, or on a console table, and that all changes, though.” Dixie took a deep breath and then slowly let it out. Good, he was getting to Dixie.

  “I’m going to ignore that because I know why you said it and because I have something important to discuss with you. Putting you into a coma would be counterproductive.”

  Ben snorted. “Far be it from me to interfere with your productiveness.”

  “Indeed,” Ben said dryly. “So here’s the thing, you like Lisa.”

  “We’ve already established that.” Ben felt a new stab of pain at having to admit it to the man who’d won her.

  “And I like Lisa.”

  “Yep.” He tilted the bottle back to get one last drink.

  “And Lisa likes me.” Dixie took the bottle away from him. “But she still has feelings for you.”

  Now this was starting to make sense. “And you’re worried I’m going to try to sway her over to the tri way of thinking? I’m not stupid. I have feelings for her, but I do have some sense of self-preservation left.”

  “Are you always this dense or only when you’re drinking?” Dixie rubbed his temple as if he had a headache. “If she chooses between us one of us will lose.”

  “She’s already chosen, Dixie. I’m the loser.”

  “Only because she doesn’t know you still have feelings for her. She thinks you’re comfortable being part of her past. Once she finds out…”

  Seeing where this was going, Ben nodded. “You’re concerned you’ll lose her to me.”

  “But more importantly, I’m concerned all the fighting and hard feelings will cost me a friend and a trusted soldier.”

  “I’m guessing you aren’t offering to bow out, then.”

  Dixie laughed as he took a drink. “You should know me better than that. But what if we made it so she didn’t have to choose?”

  But the only way for her not to choose would be if they both bowed out. Unless… The whole conversation shifted in Ben’s head. “Are you suggesting a tri?” Damn. He was dense when he drank. He’d have to stop. Just after he’d made it through this encounter.

  “About time you caught up with me.”

  He felt a tingling in the pit of his stomach but he didn’t dare embrace it, not yet. “You’d be okay with that?”

  “Would I be suggesting it if I weren’t?”

  “It’s a complicated arrangement.” He remembered the fights his dads used to have with his mom—and about his mom. He didn’t want to drag two unsuspecting people into that. “And what about Lisa? How does she feel about this?”

  “I can imagine it would get complicated, but doesn’t everything in life?” He paused for a second. “And I’m sure that, if we presented a united front, we could probably talk Lisa into it.”

  It might work. As much as he hated the pain his parents’ life had brought him, he’d have to be blind not to realize how much they meant to each other. “This would be a real commitment, Dixie. It’s not a fraternity dare. She’s the mother of my child. I won’t have her treated with anything less than respect.”

  “Says the man who just told me what a great fuck she was?”

  “I was angry and trying to pick a fight.”

  “I know. Just trying to point out that this is going to take a level of trust from both of us if it’s going to work. You aren’t the only one with cause to doubt the sincerity of the relationship.” Dixie’s words were calm but there was no attempt to disguise their importance as he said them. “I’m putting a newly found relationship on the line to protect a friendship.”

  “I get it.” And Ben did. At this point Dixie had Lisa. And Lisa wasn’t a fickle woman. She’d stay with Dixie unless something major happened. Like, for instance, if Dixie called her a government whore. Not that Dixie would ever be that stupid. Nobody but Ben would ever sink to those levels of stupidity.

  “But if it makes you feel better, I’m not trying to mark one off my bucket list. We both like her and she likes both of us. In time, it would tear us apart. Especially being trapped in the bunker like we are. It’s not as if we can go anywhere for space when it gets rough. Better empires have fallen over just such a dilemma, my friend.”

  “And is that going to be the pitch to Lisa? If we can’t figure out a way to share her, it could bring about the very end of civilization as we know it?” He couldn’t resist a smile.

  “Oh, I’ve got something much better in mind. Just follow my lead.” He wobbled as he stood up. “Come on.”

  Intrigued, Ben followed Dixie back to the command room. Unfortunately a small group of people was in the room with Lisa when they got there.

  “There you two are,” she said as she cast a slightly disapproving look at him and Dixie. “We’ve had a break. I had to call in a couple of people to see if the charts are correct,” she gestured to the small group standing around her, “but it looks as if some of the military personnel are pulling double shifts.”

  He momentarily had no idea what she was talking about and, apparently, neither did Dixie. “This is a break, how?” Dixie asked.

  “If they’re running double shifts they’re going to be exhausted in a couple days and probably too happy to see extra people to ask questions.”

  Seeing her logic, Ben had to admit that it was a good idea. “How long have they been running the double shifts?”

  “We think it just started today.” She pulled up the daily surveillance chart on her digital reader. They’d been keeping screen captures of the techs with schedules next to each one. Originally they’d been hoping for a hole in the schedule, but double shifts might be even better.

  Ben scrolled through the document and, sure enough, there were two sets of techs pulling double shifts. “It looks as if they’re having a hard time filling the early morning and late-night shifts.”

  “Great catch, Lisa. Make a note in the chart. If the trend continues, we’ll be able to exploit the weakness,” Dixie said. “And speaking of double shifts, your shift ended about twenty minutes ago.”

  “Yeah, but I was waiting for you guys to get back.”

  He could hear the question in her tone. “We had some work of our own we needed to get through.”

  “Everything good?” She looked nervously at the two men.

  “Actually, there’s been an unexpected development. We were thinking it’d be a good idea to have you look it over,” Dixie said smoothly. “Never hurts to get an independent opinion.”

  She looked confused but then shrugged. “The sitter is still scheduled to watch Nate for another hour so I have time to grab breakfast. As long as you don’t mind me talking with my mouth full, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Ben couldn’t help but snicker at her words.

  She sniffed as she got close to them. “Have you been drinking?”

sp; Dixie wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her out of the command room. He waited for the door to close behind them before saying, “Maybe just a little.”

  “And you, Ben? You’re being awfully quiet.”

  “I might have had a little to drink.” That she was letting them guide her without any real struggle surprised him.

  “And did you guys talk things out or just drink?”

  “We talked a bit and we drank a bit.” Dixie guided them down a corridor on their right. It didn’t take Ben long to figure out where he was leading them. They were on their way to Dixie’s quarters.

  “Oh really? It smells like you drank a lot. I can only hope you talked a lot as well.”

  “I think it was the right balance of drinking and talking,” Ben said with a wink.

  They got to Dixie’s quarters and the man put his palm on the keypad. It whooshed open smoothly. “Wait. This isn’t the mess hall.”

  “She’s quick,” Dixie said as he ushered her into the room.

  “Always was smart,” Ben agreed.

  “What the hell is going on?” Still, she hadn’t freaked out yet. Ben took that as a good sign.

  “Ben and I had a long chat.” Dixie closed the door behind them. “And it turns out we might have a problem.”

  She looked from Dixie to Ben and then back again. “What kind of problem?”

  “First is the delusion you’ve been living under that Ben hates you. He doesn’t.”

  Her gaze snapped back to Ben and then she sighed. “You guys don’t have to do this.”

  “Do what?” Ben asked.

  “Lie to me to make me feel better. I’m a big girl.”

  “I’m not lying, Lisa. I should’ve said something earlier but I was giving you time to get to know me again.”

  Both men took a step toward her and she took a step back. “I don’t understand.”

  “We didn’t part ways under the best of circumstances last time.”

  “That’s putting it mildly.” She took another step back and, as if on cue, Ben and Dixie stepped toward her.

  “I’m unbelievably sorry about that. And I was wrong. You weren’t using me to spy on the Coalition.”

  This time, when she stepped back, she bumped into a chair. “I’m glad you realize that now.” She sat down on the arm of the chair. “But I still don’t see how this is a problem.”

  “He’s been giving you time so when he made his move, you’d be more receptive.” Dixie walked around and sank into the seat. She seemed to ignore him as her gaze remained locked on Ben.

  “I’m sorry. But I don’t know what you expect me to say. I’ve moved on.”

  Ben’s heart stopped at her words.

  “That’s what we wanted to talk to you about,” Dixie said. “You admitted you still had feelings for him. Are you sure you’ve moved on?” Dixie ran his fingers down her arm in a sweeping motion. Ben saw the peaks of her nipples bead against her thin t-shirt at the touch.

  “I’m sure.” But her voice was soft now and held an uncertain waver. “Is that why you brought me here? You wanted me to choose between you?” She looked from Ben to Dixie. “If that’s the case, I’ve already made my choice.”

  “And now we’ve reached the problem.” Dixie intertwined his fingers with hers and then lifted her hand up to kiss the back of her wrist.

  She jerked her hand away from Dixie and turned as she stood so she faced him. “Do you disagree with my choice?” As she took a step away from him, though, she collided into Ben’s chest and he had to wrap an arm around her waist to steady her. The warmth of her body pressed against his made him break out in a wave of goose bumps.

  “No,” Dixie said calmly. “We disagree with you having to make a choice.” Dixie stood up and then took the three steps that separated them. “We’re attracted to you and you’re attracted to us. If you did choose between us, it’d be a lie. It’d sit in the back of your mind and in the backs of our minds festering until none of us could stand to look at each other.”

  “So what do you suggest we do?” She didn’t deny the truth of Dixie’s words. Ben took that as a good sign.

  “You’re a smart girl.” Dixie reached out to run his fingers down her cheek. “I think you’ve probably figured out what I’m suggesting.”

  If she’d pulled away from him or complained in any way, Ben would’ve let her go immediately. But she didn’t. As Dixie stood in front of her, she actually rocked her hips, causing her lush ass to brush against Ben’s crotch. Desire burned through him hot and true at the sensation. Just as Dixie went in for a kiss, Ben brushed his lips against the sensitive skin at the side of her neck. Her muffled moan was all the encouragement that he needed to continue.

  He grabbed her hips and pulled her back into him until he was certain she could feel his erection. God, it felt amazing to have her in his arms again.

  “This is wrong.” The words were strained with desire as she arched her back and laid her head on Ben’s shoulder. “Isn’t it?”

  Interesting question. And the answer depended solely on who was asked. Fortunately, she’d asked them. “Doesn’t feel wrong to me,” Ben answered. “What about you, Dixie? Does it feel wrong to you?”


  Ben continued to kiss her neck as he moved his hand to the front of her pants. As he unbuttoned and unzipped the piece of clothing, Dixie started removing her shirt. Ben backed away from her just long enough for Dixie to be able to pull her shirt over her head. With her now half naked, Ben was able to feel the silky texture of her skin as he ran his hands up her, over her rib cage and then to the firm mounds of her breasts.

  “I…can’t.” She arched her back and rested her head on his shoulder again. “Too much sensation. I can’t think straight.”

  Ben looked up at Dixie just in time to see the man wink at him. As far as plans went, this was one of the best ones Dixie had ever come up with. “You don’t have to think, sweetheart. All you have to do is feel,” Dixie said smoothly. She seemed to listen as she shifted her body so Dixie could push her pants over her hips.

  Ben watched over her shoulder as Dixie slid a finger through the curls around her sex. She shivered in his arms and grabbed his thigh as if she suddenly needed something to hold on to.

  He had a moment of concern as he watched Dixie’s finger disappearing into her sex. Not because he wanted it to stop but because of how deeply he needed it to continue. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. Hotter than anything he’d even fantasized about. And that worried him. Shouldn’t his hottest experience be one of his own and not one he’d watched?

  Lisa’s hand moved from his thigh to his cock and, with one firm caress, he quickly forgot any concerns he might have. Before he could second-guess his decision again, he cupped her breast in the palm of his hand and began kneading it as Dixie fucked her with his hand.

  “I need you inside me now.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Dixie said.

  “Then why are you still dressed?” She grabbed at Dixie’s shirt and pulled it off him. “You need to be a whole lot more naked for what I have in mind.” Ben didn’t know if he’d been included in the statement so he continued caressing and kissing her skin. When she’d gotten Dixie undressed, though, she turned to Ben. “You too. You both came up with this idea, I’ll be damned if either of you back out now.”

  That was the answer he’d been waiting for. He quickly undressed as Dixie grabbed a condom out of his fatigues’ pocket and then guided her to the bed.

  Lisa took a deep breath as she stretched out on the bed. Was she really going to do this? She looked from Dixie to Ben’s naked and erect body and decided that not only was she going to go through with it, but she was also going to enjoy every second of it. They may both want her at this moment, but there were no guarantees that this was going to last. And she didn’t expect any. Life didn’t come with guarantees. But she planned on making as many memories as she could while it did last. “How do you want me?” she asked Dix
ie. He always seemed to be the one coming up with the plans around here so he seemed to be the one to ask.

  “That, my dear, is the question of the day, isn’t it?” He slid a finger through her sex and then smiled. “It appears you like the idea of being with two men.”

  Her face heated in a blush. “I like the idea of being with you and Ben. I wouldn’t be here for just any two men.” Dixie’s warm smile told her she’d just passed a test she didn’t know she’d been given.

  “Roll over. On your hands and knees.” Dixie climbed onto the foot of the bed and then waited.

  Excitement raced through her, making her body pulse with need as she complied. “And now?” she asked as she looked over her shoulder.

  Dixie knelt behind her and then nodded over at Ben. “How would you feel about giving Ben head while I fucked you?” The sound of him tearing open the condom package seemed to punctuate the question.

  Her life had been the genteel one of academia up to this point. She’d never had anyone use such coarse or graphic words around her. And maybe that’s why they had such an instant and devastating effect on her. As soon as the image that the words provoked sprung into her head, she had to make it a reality. She whimpered and clenched her thighs together to help alleviate some of the ache that consumed her.

  Dixie slid the condom over his erection and said, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Ben seemed to agree as he walked over to them and then joined them on the bed. He settled in front of her with his back against the headboard as Dixie grabbed her hips and positioned his erection at her pussy’s entrance. “Are you sure?” Dixie asked, his voice suddenly serious and somehow sincere.

  She looked back at him over her shoulder and winked before turning her attention back to Ben. She and Ben still had issues. And they were going to have to sort through them at some point. But they could deal with that mess later. She kept her focus on Ben as she swept her lips with the tip of her tongue. “I’m sure.”


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