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Sins in the Sand

Page 2

by Kait Gamble

  She dashed to the bathroom.

  Another thing she loved about working at Totally Five Star—there was never a dull moment.

  * * * *

  Kendra made it out into the already sweltering morning with minutes to spare, yet the car was already at the curb waiting.

  She recognized the driver and gave him a smile. “Morning, Tarik.”

  “Good morning, Ms. Wright. You must have done something extra special to warrant a car.” He leaned close as he opened the door. “Or extra bad.”

  “Let’s hope it’s the former.” Kendra slid into the back and settled in. Much better than a van. She ran her hand over the supple leather. She could definitely get used to this.

  The closer they got to the hotel, the more the anticipation in her gut turned to dread. What was going on? Why did they need her back? And without being properly dressed? It could only be bad news. They were going to fire her. It was the only thing that made sense.

  More than likely, Desiree had done or said something that painted her in a bad light. Kendra kicked herself for not having done something about that woman earlier. Playing nice had obviously been a bad idea. Some people were just programmed to be horrible.

  Tarik opened the door for her and helped her out, as if she were any of the privileged few who were able to stay at a Totally Five Star Hotel. She managed a tight smile while she walked back into the gorgeous lobby, making sure to memorize every detail on her way through. Kendra sorely wished she’d worn something with deeper pockets so she could take some of the incredible soaps with her.

  With her head high and shoving her trembling hands into the pockets, she strode straight to Julia’s office, ignoring the questioning glances from the day staff.

  She rapped on the door twice and was immediately beckoned.


  The way Julia said that in her British accent made Kendra imagine Julia waiting on the other side on a throne with a crown and a scepter. The thought almost put a smile on her face.


  She opened the door and walked in to find Julia and another woman seated and looking far less regal. In fact, they appeared as though they were both at the ends of their tethers.

  It occurred to Kendra to start the conversation with a denial, a defense, but she had nothing to be ashamed of. She’d done her job to the best of her ability and there was very little they could fault her on.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  “Kendra. So glad you decided to come in.” Julia waved at the woman next to her. “I’d like you to meet Malika Alfarsi, the PR rep for the Totally Five Star Hotel, Dubai.”

  They shook hands. Kendra couldn’t help but notice how soft and dainty the other woman’s hand was. Petite, elegant, breathtaking, Malika was gorgeous. Kendra had to fight to stop from staring. “A pleasure.”

  Malika smiled, but there was little happiness in it. “Charmed. I’ll cut right to the chase. We need your help with the benefit tonight.”

  Relief flooded through her. “Of course. Anything you need.” What did they want her for? Someone to help serve? A hostess? A seat filler? Anything was better than the firing she had imagined.

  “I’m glad you said that.” Malika walked up to Kendra and circled her. “You’re right, Julia. She looks almost identical.”

  Kendra flinched under the close scrutiny. “To who?” Don’t say it.

  Julia smiled, though her eyes still looked exhausted. “I told you. With a little fixing up, no one will know the difference.”

  Panic started to flutter in her gut now. They weren’t saying what she thought they were, were they? “Sorry, but what do you expect me to do tonight?”

  Malika nodded to Julia, who immediately picked up her phone and issued orders like an auctioneer mid-bidding frenzy. She then turned to Kendra with a placating smile, setting off warning signals in Kendra’s head.

  “I’m sure you’ve been told that you bear a striking resemblance to Kiki Brandt.”

  Kendra sighed inwardly but nodded at her two superiors. “Yes, I’ve been told that more than a few times.”

  “You don’t seem pleased,” Malika observed.

  “Not really. I’ve worked hard to get where I am and when people mistake me for…her, it feels like a slap in the face.”

  Malika nodded. “I get it. Having people think you’re less than you are is frustrating. Believe me, I know. The world seems to think that, because of my age, I can’t be trusted with my position.”

  Kendra couldn’t believe that. Malika had managed to turn the Totally Five Star Hotel, Dubai into an international sensation with her masterful marketing strategies. The event to be held at the hotel that night was the biggest yet and was sure to draw the notice of the few people who hadn’t heard of the hotels.

  With some of the world’s biggest stars, richest people and best causes in attendance, it was sure to be a media sensation.

  “So what does my looking like Kiki Brandt have to do with anything? You want me to stand in for her?” Kendra laughed. Who would believe that she was Kiki? It was ludicrous.

  When both women turned to her with serious expressions, it was obvious her attempt at a joke had been right on the nose.

  The laughter died in her throat. “You’re kidding. We might look similar, but only at first glance.”

  Malika’s smile stayed understanding. “Kiki seems to be MIA, but chances are she’ll turn up on time. I’m sure you realize her reputation as a bit of a flake.”

  Which was just one of the reasons Kendra wanted to distance herself from the woman as she much as she could. “And if she doesn’t? Won’t that constitute fraud?”

  “I know it sounds terrible. It’ll all come back on me if anything goes wrong. But I doubt it will. The prize Kiki was giving away was a dinner with her at the most glamorous of the hotel’s restaurants. You’d only have to be her for a couple of hours, max. Stars use stand-ins all the time. I’ve spoken with her representation and they would have sent one of their own, but there isn’t time.”

  It didn’t sound so hard. “I doubt I look enough like her to keep the charade up for that long.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Malika motioned to Julia, who was still on the phone, and flicked up her thumb. “We both owe you a massive debt.”

  How could she say no when having those two on the hook for a favor was very appealing? The doors they could open up for her…

  “I suppose it is. But that doesn’t mean I’ll turn into Cinderella just because you want me to. Unless your combined wills are that magical.”

  Malika laughed at her joke. “You’re funny. I like that. Julia’s handling that right now. We’ve got a whole retinue of wizards who will have you looking the part in no time at all.” She arched an eyebrow. “All the clothes and everything will be on us. That goes without saying. Whatever you wear, you keep. That goes for the shoes and accessories too. And like I said, we would owe you big time.”

  Kendra wasn’t sure if she should risk looking like a mercenary bitch and hold out for more. It wasn’t worth it. Doing the favor was sure to garner her goodwill for the next few months at least.

  “But what if I end up with someone who actually knows her? What will I do then?”

  Julia swiped her phone and nodded. “All set. And we’ve got that covered. I can make sure that it’s someone we’ve vetted. In this case, I think Malika can pull some strings to get the winning bidder to be someone we want.”

  Malika pouted, but nodded. “I hate to do something so underhanded. However, we’re left with little choice. Damn Kiki Brandt! Why can’t that woman do anything right?”

  Kendra sighed as the two women swept her away. If Kiki hadn’t flaked on her commitments, Kendra’s life would have been a whole lot simpler.

  Chapter Two

  Kendra knew the hotel inside and out so it didn’t come as a surprise when they headed up to the spa. She couldn’t help but stare as they strode into the beautifully decorated space, a calm descending
upon her just as the place was designed to inspire.

  The bold blue-green of the polished stone floor shone in the abundance of natural light. The white of the walls and ceiling, the horseshoe arches, reflected the brilliance, almost making it seem ethereal.

  It was Kendra’s favorite place in the hotel. As they stepped past the desk, she peeked out of the window to stare at the Persian Gulf shimmering the same vivid teal as the floor. Whoever had designed the place had done a great job of creating the illusion of walking on the water.

  Obviously, the spa staff had everything already prepared for their arrival. The moment they entered the treatment room, Kendra knew they meant business. A mini army of people stood waiting, armed with the tools of their trade, while the head stylist had several racks of clothing within reach.

  Kendra slowed her pace, still a little unsure of what she was about to do.

  Malika pressed a gentle hand at the small of her back. “I know this is a lot to ask, and I wouldn’t have if the stakes weren’t so high. But you can say no now if you must. There will be no hard feelings.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say no. But when would an opportunity like this come her way again? To rub elbows with the rich and famous while looking like one of them? On top of helping out Julia and Malika, that was a definite perk.

  Kendra started unbuttoning her cuffs. “I wasn’t lying when I said I would do anything to help you out.”

  Julia smiled as she put her hand on Kendra’s arm. “We won’t forget this. Will you be okay with us in here with you?”

  She shrugged. “It’s not like I’m going to be here alone in the first place.”

  “Great.” Julia turned to address the others in the room who hung poised on her every word. “Everyone, you know why you’re here and what we’re asking of you. Let’s get to work.”

  It took Kendra seconds to get down to her underwear and, within moments, the stylist had taken her measurements.

  “You’re thinner than Kiki, but we can do something about that.” The stylist winked at Kendra from under her razor-sharp fringe before turning to the others. “She’s all yours.”

  As she was plucked, buffed and polished, Kendra watched videos of Kiki doing her thing to get to know how she moved and talked. It seemed all the time she had spent avoiding everything to do with the woman had been absolutely pointless. She could almost laugh at the irony. If she hadn’t been so focused on learning how to be her, that was.

  Julia and Malika discussed her choices in clothing, jewelry and just about every other aspect of her appearance for the coming evening. It wasn’t going to be easy, but excitement was building. With every minute that passed, the old Kendra, who worried about bills and just making it through another month, gradually disappeared. In her place, a confident, worldly, beautiful and polished Kendra appeared.

  Her hair and nails were done perfectly and at speed before that crew switched with the makeup team. Kendra pictured herself as an F1 car being serviced by a pit crew before roaring out onto the track.

  How could she not look like an exact replica of Kiki when they were done? The thought of looking so put together and perfect boosted Kendra’s confidence that much further.

  As Kendra was being dressed in the finest clothing she’d ever touched, bearing labels of designers whose names she couldn’t even pronounce, Malika stepped into her line of sight.

  “I’ve got a bidder set to offer the winning bid.” The words must have been nasty on her tongue. She seemed pretty disgusted with herself for even saying them.

  “I’m sorry you have to do this.”

  “It’s not your fault.” Malika had moved on to scrutinizing the clothes and shaking her head. “A different dress. Go for black.” She turned her gaze back to Kendra. “It’s Kiki that should be apologizing.”

  Kendra winced from the snarl in the other woman’s tone. She would hate to be Kiki the next time Malika got a hold of her. The dressers whipped the dress off her to replace it with a black sheath that received another shake of the head from the tiny marketing manager.

  “We need something edgier. That shows more skin.”

  Not too much, Kendra hoped. But she knew Kiki’s style tended toward the ‘less skin covered, the better’ camp.

  The next dress, Kendra recognized as something worn on the catwalk not too long ago. It was one of those things she’d seen in a magazine that had her sighing in awe and disappointment that she would never have the chance to see let alone wear in real life.

  The dressers slipped it over her head, zipped her in and stepped back.

  Murmurs of appreciation came from everyone in the room. She looked over to the two women in charge and, for the first time since Kendra had arrived, they had smiles on their faces.

  “Take a look.”

  Someone pointed her toward a mirror and the world fell away.

  Kendra knew she was looking at herself, but it took a long time to register the fact. Yet whenever she moved, so did the woman in the mirror, so logic dictated that it was herself she was gawking at.

  Her skin glowed with dewy freshness. Her makeup enhanced her newly darkened eyes. Thanks to contacts, Kendra’s natural dark green eyes were now a deep brown. Her lips had been carefully lined and filled with a beautiful coral color. Together with the eye makeup, it gave her a dramatic look that she had never dared to try before. Not that she had the skill to pull something as incredible off. Her long hair framed her face to spectacular effect. Somehow the stylist had made it look like it was in a perpetual state of being blown back by a gentle breeze.

  The asymmetrical dress clung to her body as if that same gust of wind had blown it onto her and hooked itself at her shoulder. The heels that they’d slipped on her feet were sky high, giving her legs that endless appearance.

  Kendra had never looked better. Too bad it was because they had transformed her into Kiki Brandt.

  Julia circled Kendra, walking a path opposite to Malika’s. “You’re almost identical.”

  The stylist stuffed a couple of gel breast enhancers into her bra, granting her the illusion of having the same pillowy cleavage as Kiki. Combined with the padded shorts she wore under the dress, she appeared to have all the curves Kiki had. Kendra patted her butt and felt none of the contact. “Let’s just hope that no one gets close enough to find out this is all fake.”

  “Let’s hope,” laughed Julia. “Right. Try walking. You’re sure you can in those?”

  “I’ve never worn shoes this high before, but as long as I don’t have to spend all day standing in them, I think I’ll do okay.” She almost made a lie of her words when she teetered a moment as she took her first steps.

  “It’s like watching Bambi learning to walk.” Julia steadied her for a few paces before letting her go. “Swing your bum a bit more. Kiki does this ridiculously exaggerated sway as she walks.”

  “I never said I could sway and stay standing.” Kendra gave it a try. It took a few trips up and down the room to get it down.

  “Anything else I need to do?”

  “Poses.” The stylist stepped forward now. She reached for Kendra’s arms and stopped just short of touching her. “May I?”

  “Sure, why not.” It’s not like the people in the room hadn’t already spent the afternoon treating her like a doll. Why stop now?

  “Kiki favors several poses that make the most of her figure when she’s photographed.”

  Julia nodded. “It’ll be good to know just in case, though we don’t want too many photos of Kendra taken tonight.”

  “There are bound to be a few, so memorize these.” They stylist posed her as she would a mannequin. “Shoulders back, chin down. Or with your arms at forty-five degree angles to make your waist appear smaller. Stand with your weight on the back leg. There. Good.” She nodded with her lips in a moue of appreciation. “You could definitely stand in for her, you know.”

  Kendra would love to keep doing this, but standing in for Kiki would drive her insane. “I’m hoping th
is will only be a one-time thing.”

  “It’s too bad. We could use you sometime.”

  Well, at least she had a line to a side gig if anything ever went wrong with her job.

  They quickly decided on accessories to match what Kiki would wear. And after a few purses changes, everyone decided they had the perfect ensemble. Kendra had to agree that she did look great. She managed to resemble the other woman, but retained a more tasteful than usual appearance.

  The next hour was spent practicing. Walking like her. Talking like her. Answering questions like her. Any more and Kendra would end up with an identity crisis.

  By the time the benefit was about to begin, Kendra buzzed with excitement and nerves. Knowing that she looked the best she ever had but that it was because she was meant to appear to be someone else put a whole new spin on her usual insecurities. At least if anyone perceived anything wrong with her appearance, it would be attributed to a dozen other people. Not to mention it would be another woman’s name sullied instead of her own.

  That didn’t mean she would slack. She was doing Malika and Julia a favor and that meant trying her utmost not to make them regret coming to her.

  As they made their way back out, they ducked into one of the offices. Within waited a trim man with a carefully shaped goatee. From his clothes, Kendra expected him to be very wealthy. Then again, hadn’t she just gotten the full treatment to come across as though a high-end designer had dumped everything they’d created in the past year on her?

  His eyes widened when they landed on her, but before he could say anything, Julia walked over to shake his hand. “Kendra, this is Gerald. He will be the one to win the dinner date tonight.”

  Kendra shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You look extraordinary.” His crisp British accent matched Julia’s. “The likeness is uncanny.”

  “I’m glad you think so. Maybe it won’t be so bad to have to spend dinner with me then.”


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