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Sins in the Sand

Page 5

by Kait Gamble

  That blew the wind out of her sails a little.

  “We know just how accurate those reports can be.” His smile turned sympathetic. “Believe me, I know.”

  Dmitri snorted. “The amount of shit that’s been printed about me alone is mind boggling. As if I would be caught dead with either of the Silviera sisters.” He shuddered. “They’re repugnant.”

  That made her laugh. She didn’t even have to know who they were.

  For the first time since she’d seen him, Dmitri cracked a smile. “That’s better. Your smile is much more radiant in person. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  She shook her head, still dazed from his dazzling smile.

  “You know you look different in the flesh.”

  The way Nikos said the word had her wondering what he looked like ‘in the flesh’. But of course she looked different from Kiki. Kendra was a mish-mash of southeastern Asian descent on her mother’s side and Canadian on her father’s, while Kiki was of a Polynesian background, if Kendra remembered rightly. It was a strange coincidence of genetics that they looked so alike, considering how different their origins.

  “You know what they say about cameras. And with all the makeup and everything.” Kendra waved a hand at herself. “It’s amazing people recognize me at all.”

  Dmitri shook his head. “Not so hard. Every eye would naturally be drawn to the most beautiful woman in the room. It would only be a matter of time before they figured out who you are.”

  Or who she wasn’t. Which was why the sooner she wrapped this up, the better.

  “I think I’m ready for dessert. What about you two?” The moment the words had left her lips and she caught the smoldering looks from Nikos and Dmitri, she realized how suggestive her words had sounded “Or how about some coffee?” Yeah, great recovery.

  “So ready to be rid of us?” Dmitri dropped his attention to her barely touched plate. “Nikos, I think we should be offended.”

  Nikos chuckled at the wry comment from Dmitri. “Perhaps we should take the hint, then.”

  “I don’t mean to run you off.” Kendra knew she wasn’t going to damage her own reputation with her actions, but she still didn’t want them to think badly of her. “I guess I’m not too good at this.”

  “Life is a bit different off camera, I take it.” Nikos’ easy smile was back, coaxing her to open up to him.

  It would be so easy to do just that. Nikos had a way about him that made her want to spill her guts. Kendra could imagine them staying up all night making love and talking about anything, everything. Just the kind of guy she would usually jump at the chance of dating.

  Dmitri grumbled something about ‘scripts’, but otherwise regarded her silently. Watching her every move. Studying her every expression. Dark, dangerous, mysterious, he drew Kendra in a completely different way. She wanted to know what he thought. Wondered what adventures he could take her on. How he would transform her life simply by being in it.

  It was quite incredible how much they were both affecting her just by sitting at the same table.


  The irritating syllables of that name drew her attention back to the present. Nikos had asked her a question, hadn’t he? What did he ask again? She had no idea. Her mind might as well have been made of mush, thanks to these two.

  “I’m sorry. I guess jet lag is getting to me.” No, actually it was her underutilized hormones, kicking into overdrive just because two handsome men had turned their attention her way.

  Nikos nodded understandingly. “And now I see why you wanted to end this without hurting our feelings.”

  “You should have said something.” Dmitri wiped his mouth and dropped the napkin on the table. “Unnecessary subterfuge is more likely to damage feelings than the truth. If you were tired, you should have just told us. We know what it’s like to be dragged in a million directions at once with little to no time for ourselves.”

  “We’ll walk you to your suite.” Nikos stood and held his hand out to her.

  Damn. Her suite? “I haven’t gotten checked in just yet. You don’t have to do this. I’m sure you both have better things to do with your time.”

  “I don’t know about Dmitri, but I have nothing planned for the rest of the evening. Perhaps we should let him get on with his busy life?”

  Dmitri sighed. “Playing silly games bores me.” He turned his gaze to Kendra. “We shall both accompany you.”

  Why did everything he said seem so final? As if he was the definitive authority on…everything.

  “Really, you don’t have to. We can meet up tomorrow.” Before which time she would have to ‘fly out of town’.

  “Let us at least walk you down.” Nikos smiled coaxingly. “It’ll give us a chance to get more of a look around.”

  “And what kind of man doesn’t walk a woman to her door after a date?”

  Dmitri certainly didn’t seem like the chivalrous type. He seemed more like the type of guy who took what he wanted and be damned with everything and everyone else.

  For once, Kendra wanted to be the focus of someone like that. Someone who saw and wanted only her.

  She sighed inwardly. Perhaps she wished a little too hard for that because now she had two men who didn’t seem to know how to take no for an answer.

  What could she do? Refusing something so benign would put up red flags, wouldn’t it? She’d figure out something along the way.

  “Thank you.” She took Nikos’ hand and he helped her out of her seat, but it was Dmitri who stepped over and wrapped an arm securely around her waist to lead her through the room.

  Gazes came from around the room once more, as they quickly made their way to the elevator.

  Kendra imagined a dozen insane plans of how to deal with the situation. From pocket-dialing Malika or Julia and making a painfully obvious speech so they’d know what was coming, to coming clean altogether. It all rushed through her mind. None of them made any sense, however, or mattered. Because the moment the doors of the elevator closed, all thoughts about everything other than the two ridiculously handsome, domineering men at her sides were blotted out.

  They flanked her. Heat radiated from them just as surely as she could smell their cologne. Them. And it was scrambling her brain even further. She’d read stories and heard tales that had her younger self believing in love at first sight. Growing up, she realized it was more like lust at first sight. But she’d never thought she could feel so strongly about two men at once.

  So strongly that she could barely breathe at that moment.

  Kendra wanted to grab whoever was nearest, climb up to his mouth and find out how he kissed. What he tasted like. Then she wanted to do the exact same thing with the other. Kendra didn’t even care who was first, just that she got to taste them both.

  It was insane. She steeled herself against the throbbing heat the thought alone managed to create deep in her pelvis. Kendra had never been the type to make the first move let alone want to jump a man—or two men—she barely knew in an elevator. It had to be the craziness of the situation and being thrown into a world that she’d only lived on the fringes of.

  Dmitri and Nikos had the world at their beck and call. What did she have? A mountain of debt, barely anything that could be called a life. She had work, sleep and more work. They had parted with so much money today, just to spend time with her, and hadn’t batted an eyelash at the thought of what that amount of money would mean to someone like her.

  Someone who wasn’t even close to being in the same class as they were. She might have gotten glimpses into their world, but she definitely didn’t belong anywhere in it.

  Kendra was jolted out of her thoughts when the hot hand that belonged to the Russian on her left brushed the small of her back in soothing circles. Did he sense her agitation? More like he was teasing her. Seeing how far he could take things.

  The sensation of his hand burning through the thin fabric sent tendrils of heat radiating from the spot he touched. It was incredible
how something as simple as a touch could be the focus of her entire being.

  That was until Nikos glided his fingers down her arm to tease and tangle with her own.

  What were they doing to her? What did they think was going to happen? Did they expect her to choose right here and now? Did they think this was how they were going to win her over?

  Why wasn’t she stopping them?

  Kendra would let herself enjoy the attention just until they reached the lobby. Then it would be over. It had to be.

  She couldn’t let them derail her from her mission. As far as she was concerned, the deal ended once dinner was over.

  And it was most definitely over.

  The doors swished open to the lush lobby once more, and Kendra’s stomach sank. Was that loss? How could she feel as though she were losing something when she’d never really had it in the first place?

  The click of her heels echoed through the mostly empty space. How late had it gotten? Kendra attributed it to the fund-raiser earlier that the hotel lobby seemed so quiet.

  She walked up to the desk, hoping the two men would hang back. They gave her a little space, to their credit, though Kendra knew they were within earshot. She had to be careful.

  Who was working tonight? Kendra was supposed to be at the desk, so who had Julia got to cover her?

  “How nice to see you, Ms. Brandt.” Desiree swept to the desk with a mocking smile. “How can I help you?”

  Obviously, she’d been briefed about what was going on. She just hoped that Desiree wouldn’t give her a hard time for once. “Hello, I’d like to check in. I’m sure my people have it all arranged.”

  “I’ll take a look.” She held Kendra’s gaze for an instant before turning with an expression of ennui to the screen. “I don’t see anything…” She typed slowly, goading Kendra’s temper.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Nikos and Dmitri appeared on either side of her, though it was Nikos’ slight Greek drawl that accented the question.

  Desiree glanced up only to do a double-take when she saw the two men. She cleared her throat and resumed typing. “I’m just having a little trouble finding Ms. Brandt’s reservation…”

  Kendra gritted her teeth. She knew the woman had it in for her, but to go this far? Malika and Julia would be livid if she screwed everything up. And for what? To get some sort of twisted satisfaction out of ruining her attempt to help out their boss?

  “I’ve got the penthouse suite,” offered Nikos. “There’s plenty of room if you need a place to stay tonight.”

  “And I have the penthouse of the first tower.” Dmitri put his hand on her shoulder. As if he had to remind her that he was there.

  “That really isn’t necessary.” Kendra could imagine that staying with either of them would lead to a night she would always remember. No matter how much she longed to be with either of them, it couldn’t happen. “If she can’t find my reservation, I’ll just have to see if there’s a free room.”

  “Doubtful. A suite at a Totally Five Star Hotel has to be booked months in advance.” Nikos gave her an apologetic, lopsided smile.

  “Then I’ll find another hotel. There are enough of them in the city.” True enough, but she would head straight home to fall into her own bed to dream about the night that could have been.

  “I’m sure it won’t come to that, will it, miss?” Dmitri glowered at Desiree, but Kendra wasn’t sure if he was angry and willing Desiree to find her ‘lost’ reservation or wishing for the opposite to happen.

  “It looks like neither of you will have the pleasure of Ms. Brandt’s company tonight.” Desiree slipped a card across the gleaming desk to Kendra. “All sorted.”

  “Thanks.” The word lacked any true emotion behind it. She took it before they could see that it was quite blatantly the key card housekeeping used to get into the rooms. She turned to Nikos and Dmitri and forced a bright smile. “I guess that’s it. I had a wonderful time with you both. Thank you again for your generosity. Your contribution will be most appreciated, I’m sure.”

  “I enjoyed myself as well. I hope we can do it again sometime.” Nikos turned her toward him and kissed her on her cheeks.

  Dmitri took her hand and tugged her out of his grasp before she could process what was happening. He pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “We will see each other again. Soon.” It was a promise.

  If only that could be true—on both counts. Kendra couldn’t blame herself for being intrigued by such fascinating men. It wasn’t like she got to spend time with people like them on a regular basis. But now it was time to get back to reality.

  She watched them saunter away with a heavy heart.

  “They wanted Kiki, not you. You do realize that, right? Even you can’t be that delusional.”

  Kendra turned to see Desiree watching her closely. No doubt she listened to their conversation just as attentively.

  “You don’t think I know that?” She dropped the card onto the desk and pushed it toward her coworker. “And what was with that? You couldn’t just play along?”

  “I did.” She sniffed disdainfully as she took the card back. “If I hadn’t, you would be explaining your deception to them right now.”

  Kendra clenched her hands into fists. Just one punch. It would be so satisfying. But where would that get her? Besides, it was Desiree’s own bad behavior that would get her into trouble one day. Kendra just had to wait for karma to catch up with her.

  How many times had she told herself that now? It was becoming somewhat of a work-time mantra since they’d started working together.

  While she let fate handle itself, she was going to go home and get a good night’s sleep.


  Chapter Four

  Kendra had waited at the hotel for a little while to make sure that her dining companions were long gone before making her exit. A quick cab ride later, she arrived at her apartment completely drained, mentally and physically, though her hormone-soaked mind wouldn’t stop coming up with scenarios of what she could be doing at that moment with Nikos or Dmitri.

  Or both.

  The images running riot in her head made sleep next to impossible. She considered an icy shower to blast the thoughts out of her mind, but she doubted it would help. Kendra was sure that the only thing that would help was getting under one of them.

  And because that was impossible, she was destined to drive herself slowly, but inexorably, insane.

  Every time her eyes drifted closed, luridly vivid images of Nikos gently exploring her skin popped into her head. Or, just as surely, Dmitri’s rougher touch ramping up her excitement. But each time—just before reaching climax—she would wake aching, sweaty and exceptionally frustrated.

  The sun hadn’t yet begun to paint the sky with the predawn pinks and golds when Kendra decided enough was enough. She would get in the shower then call Julia to find out what was going on. It was obvious that she couldn’t work the desk with the two astute billionaires prowling around. Lying low until they were gone was the obvious thing to do, but where would that leave her? She needed the money and if she wasn’t working, it wouldn’t be forthcoming.

  Raking her hands through her hair, she then shuffled to the bathroom and turned the shower on hard and hot. Instead of beating some sense into her, the rivulets of hot water became their fingers in her imagination, sweeping over her, radiating warmth. Kendra imagined them caressing her everywhere the water touched. As warm hands sliding down her body. Over her breasts, down the slight swell of her stomach, the curve of her ass, down her legs. Between them.

  Taking in a lungful of the steam-laden air reminded her of how it had felt just being near them. The excitement. The anticipation.

  Kendra ran her hands over herself, imagining they belonged to the two men who had dominated her thoughts since she’d met them. She closed one hand over her breast, gently squeezing, pinching her nipple into a tight point. The other, Kendra glided between her breasts, down, dipping into her belly button briefly bef
ore slipping over the slick, aching seam of herself.

  That hand was Dmitri’s. He’d be strong, slightly rough, just enough to hitch her breath with his demanding movements. He would brush her thighs, pushing them apart to gain access to what he sought. What he wanted.

  Kendra circled her clit as she imagined Nikos’ luscious lips at her throat, nipping and sucking gently while his rival coaxed an exquisite orgasm from her.

  It hit Kendra without warning, like a velvet-gloved fist to her gut that left her reeling and gasping for breath. Dazed, she leaned against the wall as she regained her senses.

  It was too bad she’d never find out what the reality of being with them would be like. Not only would she never experience them one on one, but having them together was just another fantasy.

  If just picturing what they were like could reduce her to a trembling mess, what would they do to her for real?

  She’d be destroyed, that’s what.

  And yet, despite just having a knee-knocking orgasm and knowing they would ruin her, she still yearned for it. For them.

  She rushed through the rest of her routine and had just turned off the shower when she heard her phone ringing from the living room where she’d left it the night before.

  What time was it? Wrapping a towel around herself, Kendra dashed to the couch where her purse sat. Was it her father? Had something happened?

  Kendra dumped the contents of her purse out rather than waste time rooting through it. With a trembling swipe of her thumb across the screen, she answered with a choked, “Hello? Charlie? Is that you? What’s wrong?”

  “Morning, Kiki. Sorry, it’s not Charlie.” The voice was unmistakably Dmitri’s.

  “Dmitri? Is something wrong?”

  “Not at all. I wanted to make sure you were available for breakfast.”

  “Breakfast?” Between the mind scramble of her shower and the worry that something had happened to her father, Kendra’s brain needed a second to get back on track. Dmitri had called, at the crack of dawn, to ensure her availability for breakfast? How had he even gotten her number?


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