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Sins in the Sand

Page 7

by Kait Gamble

  Nikos merely smiled. “We could make it a threesome since I’ll be here as well.”

  His use of the word ‘threesome’ gave her pause. A very vivid image of the three of them naked and tangled in a bed blotted out all other thoughts. When had she become such a hedonist? As much as she dreamed about it or thought she wanted it, it wouldn’t work. How could it?

  She was lying to them both. It upset her, sure, but her guilt over it didn’t excuse the fact. And it was going to keep her from pursuing them and letting them pursue her.

  There had to be a way out without hurting their feelings or making them come up with something even more insane later on.

  She dabbed the corner of her lips the way she’d seen quite a few people do. “I’m going to give my people a call now and see what’s up. Will you excuse me a moment?”

  Both men nodded as they stood.

  Kendra forced a smile and walked into the washroom. She made a quick check to make sure she was alone. Once she was satisfied that no one would overhear her conversation, Kendra dialed Julia.

  “Kendra! I was just about to call you!”

  She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Nikos Demarchis told me he got me a modeling job and that you and Malika helped him to set it up.”

  “Thank goodness he came to us first. We’ve sorted it with Kiki’s people. She will get the credit but you will be the one paid.”

  Kendra almost dropped her phone. “Are you serious? I don’t know the first thing about modeling!”

  “What’s to know? They tell you to do something, you do it. It’s hardly rocket science.”

  Kendra shook her head. “The problem with that is that I’ll be forced to spend time with Nikos and Dmitri. They’re going to figure out this whole thing.”

  “No one is forcing you to do anything. But just think of how something like this will help you out. I know about your situation. The money you earn from this would go a long way.”

  It would, but the lying… How could she do this in good conscience? She would be accepting the job under false pretenses, perpetuating the lies that were already beginning to eat at her, then the icing on the cake—Nikos and Dmitri would be hovering around ready to figure out her lies. Confusing her. Tempting her.

  Two men as astute and intelligent as they were would discern that she was a fraud in no time.

  Then where would she be? In jail, probably.

  And what would happen to her father then? But what would happen if she didn’t get caught? He could get better care, which could make all the difference in the long run.


  What choice did she have? “I’ll do it. But you have to promise that if things go wrong, you’ll take care of my dad as if he was your own.”

  “I swear. I’ll get a suite sorted out for you at the hotel. You’ll just have to stop by the desk to pick up the key card.” She paused. “I’m sorry things are getting so complicated. If you need anything, let me know.”

  Kendra was reeling from what she was about to do. “I’m sure you’ll be hearing from me again soon.”

  She ended the call and stared at herself in the mirror for a long while before shaking her head. Was she really about to do this?

  For the sake of her father, she was.

  It took several long, calming breaths before she was grounded enough to walk out of the bathroom again.

  She was going to go to Hell for this.

  Nikos and Dmitri hadn’t moved and turned to watch her approach with anticipatory expressions on their handsome faces.

  Or heaven.

  The thrill just looking at them gave her was more than anything she could remember feeling…ever. And with one word, she could be spending a week with them both.

  There was no chance of her withstanding either of them for that long.

  Nikos stood first, claiming her hand before Dmitri could. The Russian held her seat out for her instead.

  Nikos kept hold of her hand after she was seated. “So, Kiki, will you take the job?”

  They regarded her with undivided attention, waiting for her answer.

  “Yes. I will.”

  “Thavmásios. That’s wonderful. I’ll let my people know.” Though, for all his excitement, he didn’t immediately reach for his phone. Instead, he leveled his glowing gaze on her as if he were imagining how the week would be spent.

  Trembling in her seat, Kendra did her best to look excited but calm rather than terrified and on the verge of passing out.

  “In the meantime, we can relax a little and enjoy ourselves.” Dmitri took her other hand, caressing it gently.

  Kendra couldn’t breathe. Anxiety over what she had just agreed to was at the top of the list of what was seizing her lungs, but she knew it was their touch that affected her the most.

  She couldn’t tell if she was going to faint from nerves or melt into a puddle in her seat.

  Either way, Kendra was in serious trouble.

  Chapter Five

  Breakfast lasted a couple of hours as they sat and chatted, during which her nerves calmed somewhat. Nikos and Dmitri proved to be charming dining companions who seemed intuitively to know how to ease her reservations—at least about the modeling. The prospect of spending a week with them still had her body humming.

  They were certainly competitive when it came to her attention. She wondered how she would be able to choose between the two amazing men if it came down to it.

  What the hell was she thinking? Choose? Things would never come to that. They would figure out she was lying and she’d never see them again.

  The notion actually made her quite sad. Kendra knew it was ridiculous. She’d only known them a few hours and both times they’d come together it was nothing more than chitchat over a meal.

  And with all the deception hanging over her head, what made her think she could even take things further? Everything would have been built on a foundation of deceit.

  Not to mention that the last thing she wanted to do was antagonize either of them. As it was, they found just about anything to bicker over.

  It did make her wonder what had caused them to behave that way. When had it started? Why? They seemed to come from completely different places. For them to behave the way they did, it had to go deep.

  “You look pensive.” Nikos arched an eyebrow at her from over his coffee. “Are we keeping you from something?”

  “Not at all.” Kendra said it without thinking. She wanted to spend time with them. Either of them. Both of them. They were fascinating. She had gotten a glimpse into their world and it wasn’t crazy or weird as she’d been assuming from the bizarre encounters she’d had over her time working for Totally Five Star.

  She wanted to know more about them. About their lives.

  They seemed to be as interested in her as well. Or at least they made her feel as though they cared about more than just getting her into bed. Nikos had gotten her a job for goodness’ sake. Unless this was how men with more money than they knew what to do with made their intentions known. Not that anyone had ever been the slightest bit romantic in her life.

  If that was Nikos’ first move, what would Dmitri’s be like?

  Kendra’s mind reeled from the possibilities.

  He smiled at her now. “Good. We should find something to do today before you have to start work tomorrow.”

  Kendra bit her lip. Surely models had to do some sort of prep before a shoot. “I should probably prepare for it, actually. Find out what the vision is… Make sure I’m looking right…”

  “You are perfect for any scenario they could possibly throw at you.” His smile grew wider. “Nikos will take care of that and come back to you, I’m sure. He would never let you go in unprepared. After all, it was his idea.” Dmitri threw their dining companion a triumphant smile.

  Nikos was already on his phone. After a few quick texts, he put it back down. “Done. You will have all the information you need waiting when you next check your email. All clothing, makeup and anyth
ing else you’ll need will be provided.” He smirked at Dmitri. “It looks like I’m free to spend time with you as well.”

  The speed at which these two worked made her head spin. “You two never just relax, do you?”

  “Who has the time when there is so much to see and do in this beautiful world?” Dmitri might not have looked happy about Nikos being free to join them, but he seemed willing to at least let it go. And he was right. The small smirk that curved his lips told her he knew it.

  “Okay, I get it.” She put her hands up in supplication. Kendra knew that no matter what she said or what excuses she came up with, they would find a way around them. “What should we do today?”

  A true smile spread over his wide, sensuous mouth. “I have the perfect place to go.”

  * * * *

  An hour later, they were on a ski slope throwing snowballs at each other. Kendra picked up a handful and launched it at Dmitri, who caught it on the shoulder. He laughed and gave her a mock menacing snarl before dumping an armful over her head.

  Nikos swung her out of the way just as the icy clump touched her hair. His attempt didn’t stop a few chunks from slipping in through her collar and sliding down her spine. She flinched, squealing into his arms.

  For a long moment, she embraced the sensation of having his strong arms wrapped around her. He smelled so good. Felt even better. It took just a little too long to remember where they were.

  Kendra dragged herself away and stepped back. Though it just took a second, there were a few condemning glares from people nearby. She straightened her shoulders. It wasn’t like they were frolicking naked on the snow, but they had to try to keep a respectable distance.

  She gazed at the two men. Fat chance of that. It was hard enough to see them without wanting to touch, to feel. To explore. How could she not when faced with such fine male specimens?

  Kendra took a long, slow breath. “Shall we get some skis, then?”

  It had been far too long since she’d hit the slopes. Growing up in northwestern Canada had ingrained a love of snow in her that hadn’t waned over the years, no matter how far she had traveled.

  Dmitri smiled. “I never knew you were a skier.”

  “Of course I can ski. I’m Cana—” Realizing what she had almost let slip, she choked on her words. “I’m perfectly capable.” Would that cover her mistake? That was her hope.

  When they didn’t say anything, she let herself relax.

  “Shall we?” Dmitri led the way. “I’ve got skis ready and waiting for us.”

  “Great.” Nikos didn’t look quite as sure as Dmitri.

  “Is something wrong?” Did he know how to ski? In her mind, everyone with over a million dollars in their bank account wintered in the Alps and was an expert skier.

  “Not at all.” His smile was reassuring, but she knew there was something he wasn’t saying.

  Perhaps this tycoon wasn’t the type to seek snow. She pictured him on a yacht that bobbed lazily on sapphire-blue water, while he soaked up the sun like a Greek god. An image of him burnished and gleaming under the hot sun burned itself into her brain.

  No. Stop it. They were nothing more than new friends enjoying themselves on a very improbable snow hill in the middle of the desert.

  As Dmitri promised, an attendant was waiting with everything they needed ready to go.

  Kendra and Dmitri immediately put the boots and skis on.

  Dmitri obviously knew what he was doing and nimbly put on the gear as if it was something he did every day.

  They had all changed into suitable clothing prior to entering the amazing snow paradise. Dmitri wore jeans and a dark woolen sweater while Nikos preferred jeans and a red ski jacket. They had insisted on buying her an outfit so Kendra had opted for thick leggings and a blue ski jacket, picking them mostly based on cost rather than looks, hating that she felt like she owed them.

  As if she didn’t owe them enough already. Nikos especially.

  “Ready?” Dmitri waved her toward the slopes. “Ladies first.”

  While she was raring to go, Kendra looked for Nikos. He had disappeared as had his skis and the attendant.

  “Any idea where Nikos went?”

  Dmitri shrugged, his expression unconcerned. “I’m sure he’ll catch up.”

  “I suppose.” Leaving him behind didn’t really settle well with her, however. Wouldn’t it just create another avenue for retaliation? “But we should really give him a minute.”

  Dmitri leaned in close so Kendra could scent his cologne. She got a potent punch of his masculinity at the same time. No man had any right smelling so good.

  Or looking so good.

  Just then they were covered in a shower of snow.

  Kendra released a gasp of delight when she saw Nikos on a snowboard.

  “Sorry for taking so long. Skiing isn’t really my thing.”

  They were both proving to be a surprise a second. Grinning, she nudged him with her shoulder. “I was worried you didn’t like snow.”

  “As was I.” Dmitri didn’t look anything of the sort. “Since it seems we’re all well acquainted with snow, why don’t we have a little race to the bottom?”

  Yet another competition.

  Kendra looked at Dmitri then at Nikos. With a smile and a whoop, she took off down the hill.

  The rush of flying down the hill was exhilarating. Kendra hadn’t known how much she’d missed it until this moment. Zigzagging her way down the hill, she couldn’t help the grin on her face. All the tension and stress of the past few days—months—evaporated. By the time she reached the bottom, she was laughing from the sheer joy of it.

  The three of them skidded to a halt at the same time.

  “Draw!” Kendra was glad to see that her companions were enjoying themselves as well and weren’t hiding it. “Best of three?”

  “Absolutely.” Nikos undid the binding on his back foot and stood up again. “Are you up for it, Dmitri?”

  “More than.”

  He might have been answering Nikos, but Dmitri’s penetrating gaze held hers when he said it.

  Kendra nearly tripped on her skis, but was steadied by Nikos.

  She gave them both a shy smile. “Let’s go, then.”

  They made their way to the lift and waited in line with everyone else. Kendra almost expected them to try to push ahead of the long string of people, but they seemed content just to hang around and wait it out.

  She let her poles hang from her wrists as she stretched out long underused muscles and regarded her two handsome companions. “You seem like you know what you’re doing out there. I guess you two manage to hit the slopes every once in a while, huh?”

  “I get out there once, maybe twice a year.” Nikos shrugged. “I enjoy the snow, though the rest of my family would say I’m insane.” He chuckled.

  Kendra joined in with him. His laugh was deep and warmed her from the inside. “Do you have a big family?”

  “Quite. Sometimes it makes me glad to get away from them, as horrible as that might sound.”

  Didn’t she know it? Kendra loved her family and would do anything for them, but sometimes she just needed to isolate herself. It was one of the reasons why she’d accepted a job so far away. She had her space, but was still able to provide for them. And she got to see parts of the world she never would have otherwise.

  In just about every way, this job was the best thing to ever happen to her.

  She smiled at him in commiseration. “I can understand that, totally.”

  “Who couldn’t? Family brings its own brand of insanity.”

  Dmitri had a slightly wistful expression on his face that Kendra would have given good money to know what was over.

  Her attention was quickly reverted back to Nikos when he drawled, “I’m sure your family is as nice as they appear on television.”

  Kendra knew Nikos was only being nice, but the reminder that she was pretending to be Kiki was like throwing iced water over her.

  “Well, li
ke you said, you can’t believe everything you see on TV.” Or that I say.

  They finally were able to get on the lift and somehow Kendra found herself wedged between the two men. Thigh to thigh with them on either side, she had nowhere to go or hide.

  But what thighs they were. Rock hard, they hemmed her in. Kendra attempted to make herself as small as possible by pressing her legs together. That only compounded another problem she had.

  Being so close to Dmitri and Nikos caused her head to swim and a throbbing heat to pool between her thighs.

  Closing her eyes, Kendra took a long, deep breath to try to center herself. It would only be a few minutes. She could handle it.

  “Kiki? Are you uncomfortable with heights?”

  Nikos’ gaze missed nothing.

  “I’m fine, really.”

  “You’re trembling.” Dmitri took her hand. “You should have said something.”

  And then what? They would have hauled her up the slope between the two of them? The absurd image put a small smirk on her face. Only the trembling wasn’t due to fear. It was from being so close to them. Not that she could tell them that.

  Though they seemed to have turned down the intensity from the night before, Kendra was still very aware of their presence. Of how much she wanted them.

  How greedy was she? One billionaire wasn’t good enough, she wanted two?

  Sighing, she gripped her poles tighter.

  “It’ll only be a moment longer.” Nikos wrapped a supportive arm around her shoulder as Dmitri kept her hand firmly between his.

  Both of which did nothing to ease the tension growing in her. Their thick clothing might as well have not even been there. Visions of them naked and tangled together on a decadent silk-covered bed flashed unbidden in her mind.

  The resultant blast of heat had her tugging at her collar.

  She imagined Dmitri holding her in place as he ravaged her mouth while Nikos plunged into her with his thick cock wringing out the most incredible sensations.

  By the time they slid off the lift and were on solid ground again, Kendra’s knees shook and could barely hold her up. Something that only seemed to reinforce their belief that the ride had been what was bothering her.


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