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Sins in the Sand

Page 9

by Kait Gamble

  The men’s gazes met for a brief moment before turning unwaveringly back to her.

  Nikos grazed his lush bottom lip with his teeth before he said, “We’re not asking you to choose.”

  Chapter Six

  It took Kendra several long breaths to register what they’d said over the buzzing in her ears.

  She didn’t have to choose between them?

  Had she heard Nikos correctly?

  What did that mean exactly?

  Were they going to just hang out together? Or was her mind slipping gears into dirtier territory than they had meant?

  What would they think of her if she asked very plainly if this meant they were going to play out some of her growing catalog of fantasies that featured them? Both. At the same time.

  Kendra bit her lip. “By not having to choose, you mean spend time with you both like we did today, right?”

  The look that passed between them was one of amusement. As if she was adorable and should be indulged.

  Dmitri was the one to speak this time. “Not have to choose as in you can have us both, if that’s what you wish.”

  There had to be a problem with their translation. There was no way two men like them would share a woman. They were both so domineering… Demanding. Did they even know the meaning of the words? They’d been doing well so far, but having a meal or two and skiing was hardly the same thing.

  It was as if she were missing something. Maybe she was the one who was misconstruing what they were saying out of pure wish fulfillment.

  “She’s confused, Dmitri.” Nikos caressed her cheek so that her gaze was drawn to him. “You’ve never had any men offer you the same, koukla mou? Two men who could not do without you, but would never make you choose?”

  Lungs constricted, she shook her head.

  A slow smile spread over Dmitri’s mouth. Slightly wicked, mostly promising, it sent shivers down her spine.

  Her hands shook in theirs and she knew they had to have noticed. This was really happening. Kendra wasn’t sure if she was excited or terrified.

  “Thoughts?” Dmitri’s dark gaze held hers and she knew he could see how conflicted she was.

  “I don’t know where to begin. I’m attracted to you both, of course, but I know you two have a hard time playing nice. I’ve seen how competitive you both are.”

  “And you’re afraid we’re going to hurt you? Never. Let us take care of you.” Dmitri’s voice had dropped to a husky almost growl.

  “You two have…” She swallowed with difficulty when Nikos brushed the nape of her neck with his fingers. Stringing words together into a sentence was even harder. “You’ve done this before? Together?”

  “Once or twice.” Nikos gently tugged a lock of her hair. “It’s rare for us to find a woman we both want and who’s willing to join us as well.”

  There were women in the world who could resist them both? Her mind reeled. Their loss was her gain.

  What would they be like when they focused their formidable talents on her?

  Kendra’s mouth went dry.

  Would she survive it?

  That was something to worry about later.

  “It’s up to you how we proceed. We won’t push you, zolotse.”

  Dmitri held her gaze and she got the distinct feeling that he was trying to sway her opinion telepathically.

  Hadn’t she been wanting this? Kendra had been weighing the options since the moment she’d met them. All the rationalizing and self-delusion she’d been doing over the past couple of days had led up to this moment. Would she run away or grab it with both hands?

  They were giving her the choice. All the power was hers for the taking.

  Kendra hadn’t thought there could be any more curve balls thrown at her. How wrong could she have been? And what else could possibly happen?

  Rather than worrying about the what-ifs, she focused on the here and now. And right now, there were two amazing men waiting for her answer.

  “If I decide it’s too much?”

  “Then we’ll figure out what works for you,” said Nikos.

  They made it sound so simple.

  And why couldn’t it be?

  “We’ll see how this week goes.” Kendra wasn’t sure where that came from, but it seemed to make sense. Then afterward, they would leave and things would get back to normal. Until they came back to stay and discovered she was a fraud. Maybe she could use the favor Julia and Malika owed her to move to another hotel.

  Was a week-long tryst worth uprooting her life for?

  All it took was one glance at Nikos and Dmitri to know that she was about to do something earth-shaking that would change her life. Whether for better or for worse, she would leave judgment for another day.

  “Shouldn’t we actually figure out if we’re compatible?” Kendra knew the moment they touched her, she would probably melt into a puddle. But would they feel the same way about her? They’d dated models and women who were just as sophisticated and wealthy as they were.

  What was she?

  The torrent of worries and chaotic thoughts were blasted away when Nikos cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers.

  It was gentle. At first. A light brush of their lips, learning the texture of each other. His scent enveloped her senses until she had to gasp for breath. Something he took full advantage of and he deepened the kiss the instant her lips parted. Each breath, each brush of his tongue allowed her to learn his taste. The slightly bitter flavor of the scotch he had been drinking added to the complex and delicious flavor of Nikos. The combination was heady and so tantalizing. His cologne mingled with his scent—that was something she quickly learned she couldn’t get enough of. She clawed her hands into his hair, holding him tightly, not wanting the kiss to ever end.

  But all too soon he pulled away.

  Kendra protested with a disappointed mewling sound, but it died when Dmitri hauled her to him, practically wrapping her around him as he sensuously assaulted her lips. He growled something against her mouth that she couldn’t define. All she knew was that she wanted more. She must have said or done something. Or perhaps he was tapping into that preternatural ability to read her mind, but Dmitri was all too happy to comply. Kendra clung to him, unable to do anything else but hang on as he plundered her mouth, pressing her into his hard angles.

  By the time he set her back, Kendra was trembling from head to toe. When she finally came back to herself, she realized she was holding on to both their shirts, as if she couldn’t bring herself to let go.

  Dmitri and Nikos looked less than composed themselves. Rumpled and with heavy-lidded eyes, they looked more approachable and good enough to eat.

  “Have we proven the chemistry between us is real?” Nikos’ eyes burned as he gazed at her.

  More than.

  Biting her bottom lip, she nodded.

  Dmitri groaned. “When you do that…” He ran his thumb over her lip.

  Kendra couldn’t stop herself from grazing his thumb with her tongue before closing her lips around it.

  The move earned groans from both men.

  Nikos was the one to scoop her up.

  There was a flash of colors and the sensation of being held securely in strong arms against a hard body.

  It took him only a moment to find the bedroom and to lay her on a huge circular bed that was covered in deep burgundy silk. Kendra lay staring at the canopy for a moment before she had to look at Nikos and Dmitri.

  Kendra tried to sit up but found that they were sitting on either side of her.

  “Close your eyes,” Dmitri commanded.

  She let her eyes close after a quick look at them both.

  Almost immediately, they slid their hands over her. Gentle. Exploring. With the pashmina gone, there was only the thin fabric of the dress and the even thinner lace of her lingerie separating them.

  Nikos glided his fingers up her arm, coaxing goosebumps along their path, while Dmitri started at her ankle, brushing his big, warm palm up over her
shin to stop just short of the hem of her dress.

  The strange thing was, with her eyes closed, she was more sensitive to the differences in their touches.

  When she imagined being with them, it was Dmitri who had the rougher touch. What a surprise it was to find that he was so gentle. Nikos, on the other hand, wasn’t averse to being firmer with her. Obviously, there were some things that couldn’t be determined based on looks alone.

  Not that she was complaining.

  Kendra lay stretched between them practically purring with pleasure and all they’d done was touch her. What could they do if they really tried?

  Nikos was first to slide onto the bed next to her while Dmitri slowly glided his way up her body, kissing a path up her leg.

  The sensation of his lips and breath blazing a trail over her skin had her writhing on the bed.

  Not content to let Dmitri be the only one to taste her, Nikos cupped her cheek and turned her to meet his lips.

  As before, it started as a gentle meeting of their mouths. The featherlight caress ignited another fire in her until Kendra was sure she was going to burn up completely. It didn’t take long before the kiss turned deep, open-mouthed and biting. Nikos angled himself over her, taking full advantage of having her pinned beneath him. A husky groan escaped him when she twined her fingers in his hair to hold him close.

  Kendra almost forgot Dmitri was there as Nikos expertly plundered her mouth.

  That was until he brushed his tongue along the lace edge of her panties.

  She reared up against the slight touch wanting—needing—more. Loving the huff of his hot breath against her skin, she used her other hand to guide him back when he tried to move on. He chuckled again when she arched against him clearly asking him for more.

  Nikos crept a hand over her rib cage to cup her breast. He kneaded as he flicked his thumb over her hardened nipple. The rough impatience inherent in the way he tugged the fabric aside to touch her heated skin reminded her that while she had most of her clothes off or out of the way, they were both still fully clothed.

  She sneaked her hand into Nikos’ collar, fully intending to rip off buttons if she needed to. Kendra wanted to be skin to skin with him, with them both—now.

  Tugging, she managed to get two buttons undone before he stopped her with a small smirk. Nikos eased her hand back and over her head.

  “Not yet, kardia mou.”

  He unzipped her dress and helped her take it off. Left in just the skimpy lace of her bra and panties, Kendra had never felt so vulnerable.

  But a look into their eyes halted her insecurities. Their gazes were filled with lust, sure, but there was something else.

  They didn’t allow her the chance to analyze.

  Dmitri gave her a wicked grin before he lowered his head and closed his lips over her through the lace.

  Kendra squealed as she tried to arch against his mouth. Dmitri hooked his arms around her thighs, holding her in place as he teased her.

  The rasp of his stubble-covered chin against the tender skin of her upper thigh added to the sensations brought forth by the hot, wet heat of his mouth. Unable to get any leverage, Kendra could do nothing but take what Dmitri was doing.

  She shivered under him, more than enjoying the way he alternated wet open-mouthed kisses with flicks of his tongue.

  Nikos took every cry out of her mouth and every quiver of her body as a direct challenge to make the next sounds he coaxed out of her even louder.

  He slid his hand under her and bowed her back so that her breasts were offered up to him. With her hands pinned by one of his, Kendra was truly at their mercy.

  And tremendously enjoying every second of it.

  In the past, she’d had a couple boyfriends who had pounced on her with their pleasure the only thing they cared about. They hadn’t lasted long. In any sense. There was the one who tried to please her, but just couldn’t get her there. And one who seemed perfect, had been in bed—or so she’d thought—but he hadn’t stuck around too long after she’d taken up more hours to pay for her father’s care.

  Then there was the tsunami of chaos and bad decisions that was her sister, Charlie, whose purpose in life seemed to be piling on all the complications in Kendra’s life.

  But when Nikos curled his tongue around her nipple and drew the tip of her breast into his mouth, she could barely put together a coherent thought.

  He sucked firmly as he licked. Every once in a while he would nip gently as he tugged her with his teeth. The slight pain lanced through her like crackling sparks of electricity. It was perfect in delightful juxtaposition to the featherlight strokes of Dmitri’s tongue.

  Kendra was in heaven. The onslaught of pleasure from these two incredible men was better than she could have imagined. She had never thought that being restrained could be such a turn-on, or that having herself spread between two men was something that would ever happen to her.

  Dmitri pushed aside the lace and slowly slipped two fingers into her, twisting his hand as he slid deeper. Kendra bucked against them both as the sensation rocketed through her. The instant he closed his lips on her clit and sucked, her orgasm slammed into her.

  She let out a wail as the waves of pleasure crashed over her again and again. By the time she was able to uncurl her toes, Kendra lay dazed, replete and content. With the little strength she could summon, she opened her eyes and contemplated trying to sit up, but ultimately just lay there trying to catch her breath.

  Dmitri and Nikos were on either side of her now with proud smirks on their faces.

  “How did we do?”

  As if he had to ask. She grinned at Nikos. “I don’t know. It could have been better. There were two of you after all.”

  “Vedma,” grunted Dmitri.

  Obviously, he intended to show her just how much better it could be as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off.

  Kendra watched transfixed as taut skin was revealed. Dmitri’s body could have been sculpted by a master artist. All hard muscle wrapped around a broad frame, his form was a masterpiece.

  She ran her fingers over his hard pecs and let them roam over his abs, stopping well short of the waistline of his trousers before traveling back up again to the other.

  “Do I meet your approval?” He watched her with a smug, indolent look in his eyes.

  Of course he did. And he knew it.

  What she was most curious about was the rather large bulge that threatened the integrity of his trousers. His cock appeared to be as big and as intimidating as the rest of him. The length and girth intrigued her, however, and she ran her finger along the hard ridge. Enjoying the way he twitched from her touch, Kendra did it again, earning a rumbling growl from the man.

  She hazarded a glance at the man on her other side and saw that Nikos was still fully clothed, though watching them intently. The blue of his eyes had darkened considerably and his breathing had quickened, but he seemed composed and content to play the voyeur. At least for the moment.

  Nikos nodded for her to continue.

  Since he didn’t object to the fact that she was paying Dmitri more attention and actually appeared to be enjoying himself, Kendra continued her exploration of the various delights of Dmitri’s body.

  She could spend days exploring him. The hard angles and underlying strength were going to be a never-ending source of wonder for her. At least for the next few days.

  Kendra pushed the reminder aside to focus on more pleasant things.

  Like discovering the taste of Dmitri, for instance.

  Sidling against him, she tentatively lowered her head to dart her tongue over his nipple.

  It pebbled instantly under her ministrations, begging for her to do it again.

  This time she took her time, drawing a circle around it before closing her mouth over him.

  Dmitri growled something as he gripped a handful of her hair, keeping her with no choice but to continue what she was doing.

  She contented herself with that
for a long while before she slid down his chest and ran her hands over the ridges of his abdominals. Dmitri must have found some time to work out, if not eat. There was no way he could maintain this physique otherwise. Kendra would make sure to get a thorough look at him before the week was out.

  And Nikos as well. He might have been leaner than the Russian, but she knew he was solid underneath. She wanted to see for herself what exactly was under his clothes.

  Nikos sat still dressed and watching avidly, yet had made no move to undress or engage with them.

  What was he waiting for?

  Dmitri turned her back to him with a gentle hand. “Don’t worry about Nikos. He will join us when the time is right.”

  What did that mean? What would make it the right time? As much as she enjoyed exploring Dmitri, she wanted Nikos’ talented hands back on her as well.

  But this was their show. Since she’d never done anything like it before, she would defer to their wisdom on the matter.

  In the meantime, she fully intended to reap the rewards of their experience.

  Kendra took Dmitri’s hand and placed it on her stomach. “I guess it’s his problem if he misses out.”

  Dmitri gave her a wicked smile as he curved his hand over her ribs before sliding it up to cup her breast. “Oh, I think we can convince him to join us. What do you think, zolotse?”

  Warming to the game, Kendra wiggled under him and slid her hand under the waist band of his underwear. She had meant to tease Nikos with the move, but the moment she brushed her hand against Dmitri’s erection, everything else seemed inconsequential.

  Sliding her palm down the length of his erection, Kendra found he was longer—bigger—than she’d thought. She couldn’t even close her fingers around him. Stroking him the best she could, Kendra couldn’t help but smile at the way he arched into her touch. Impossibly, he seemed to harden even more in her grip.

  She needed to see him. Taste him. Kendra couldn’t wait any longer.

  With her free hand, she tugged his clothing aside, impatient to get at him.

  Dmitri obliged her by lifting his hips and helping her tug off the offending garments.


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