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Sins in the Sand

Page 11

by Kait Gamble

  “I’m just saying. That’s all. You should do something with the resemblance you have to Kiki. Make a little extra cash.”

  “I already work nonstop. Maybe you should try holding a job for more than a week.” Kendra knew that wasn’t going to go over well, even if it was the truth. “I’ve got to go. I have a lot to do.”

  “I’ll talk to you again soon.”

  It sounded like a threat to Kendra. She ended the call and put the phone down next to the sink. The last thing she needed was Charlie on her case with everything else going on.

  What a way to ruin a nice morning. Not wanting to go out just yet, Kendra turned on the shower.

  Might as well since she was already in there.

  Taking a long breath, Kendra surveyed the room, knowing that it would take her mind off things if only for a little while. The water came down from a huge showerhead over the massive tub that looked as though it had been hewn from one giant piece of marble and polished to a glossy sheen. It sat on the floor like a giant bowl catching rain. Four pillars made of the same stone stretched upward from the edge of the tub to the ceiling. Like everything else, gold was the metal of choice for everything from the faucets to the frames of the mirrors. Was there any room in the place that wouldn’t take her breath away?

  “Kendra? Is everything all right?”

  She ran her hand over the stack of fluffy towels set on the edge of the tub by a pillar. “I’m fine, Dmitri. I just thought I’d get a jump on the day. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  She took another look at the tub. If they could drag her out of there afterward.

  “Very well. Let me know if you need someone to scrub your back.”

  His husky statement set off a torrent of vivid images of the three of them tangled together under the shower again. Only this time they were only a few feet away.

  Kendra dropped the robe and stepped into the tub to let the water beat some sense into her head and for her to try to focus on what was coming.

  Recalling her conversation with Julia the night before, Kendra turned her face up into the rush of water. Her manager was right about the modeling. It was simply doing what she was told to do, right? It couldn’t be that hard.

  And if Charlie had noticed her online, others were sure to have seen her as well, which was always a possibility, but she’d pushed it aside as she had before. Like she didn’t have enough to worry about. Particularly with her sister snooping around.

  Kendra loved Charlie, truly. But if there were ever a train wreck of a human being, it was her sister. Every decision, every move she made, always ended in disaster. Nothing she ever did seemed to work out and, worst of all, somehow, every single time, it landed at Kendra’s feet to clean up.

  Kendra had hoped that after their father had gotten ill, her sister would buckle down, if only to ease his mind about his youngest, but it didn’t happen. If anything, she had gotten worse.

  But thinking about how Charlie could possibly mess up next just stressed Kendra out more. She needed to relax.

  There was one sure way that would happen, but it wasn’t likely that Nikos and Dmitri had the time to hop in the shower with her.

  That was the prevailing thought until there was a cool breeze and she turned to find that she suddenly had an audience.

  Brushing the water out of her eyes, she wished she had something to cover up with, but the bath didn’t have so much as a shower curtain to block their view. Kendra reached for a towel, though not quickly enough. Dmitri divined her intent and dragged them out of reach just as Nikos did the same with the robes, both hers and the fluffy white ones that hung next to the bath.

  “It’s a bit late to be shy now, Kendra.” Nikos let his gaze rove over her and gave her an appreciative smile. “I told you, Dmitri. Like a siren beckoning us to join her.”

  A nod of agreement came from Dmitri as he studied her.

  Was he cataloging the differences he saw between her and the real Kiki?

  Kendra couldn’t allow it. Smiling a little, she cocked her head. “So you followed me in here and all you’re going to do is watch?”

  “We don’t have the time for what I have in mind, kardia mou.” Nikos bundled the robes in his arms and leaned back against the door. “We do have time for a little show, however.”

  Dmitri seemed to think that was a wonderful idea and sat on the edge of the tub—between her and the towels—and waited with a smile.

  A show? What on earth were they expecting? Having never done anything like that before, Kendra would just have to wing it.

  Primly, she turned, bent and picked up a washcloth. She loaded it up with body wash. It took seconds before she had an abundance of fragrant bubbles. Lathering herself up, she covered her torso with a frothy layer that covered her almost as well as a bathing suit would have. Slowly, she turned so they could get a look before a few stray droplets of water hit it and it started sliding off her body in tiny rivulets.

  Meanwhile, Kendra picked a song in her head and started dancing to the imaginary tune, twisting and wiggling along to the beat.

  A quick glance at the men told her they were riveted. So she continued to dance. Every once in a while she would let the water hit her more, giving them a glimpse of her skin before she covered herself with foam again.

  Again and again, she performed her bubble strip tease as she swayed this way and that. Bent and dipped. Finally ending the show by stepping under the shower and letting it wash the soapsuds away.

  If the looks on their faces were anything to go by, she’d satisfied their need for a show while at the same time arousing another need.

  “I think I held up my end of the bargain.” Smiling, she reached out her hand for a robe.

  In a daze, Nikos handed her the first one that he lifted from the bunch in his arms.

  Dmitri swept her up out of the tub to stand her before them, putting the robe around her and not caring that he was getting soaked in the process. Holding her tightly against his hard body, he whispered, “Tonight, vedma.” It was a promise.

  Nikos nodded in agreement. “I think she deserves a reward for that.”

  Kendra wrapped the robe tighter around herself, as if it was their arms closed around her. “I can’t wait.”

  “Sadly, we must,” Nikos muttered.

  On a sigh, she started to walk out of the bathroom but realized, “I have nothing to wear.”

  “I’ve had some clothes sent up. You can choose what you’d like to wear today. Later. To keep.”

  That was so like Nikos. So far, he was all about the open gestures. Though Dmitri might not have been as open, Kendra could feel the warmth from him. His attraction to her. As big and as gruff as he was, Dmitri wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

  “Thanks.” Impulsively, she pecked him on the cheek. “That was sweet of you.”

  “Of course.” Nikos smirked smugly at Dmitri for an instant before he returned her kiss. “Can’t have you seen wearing the same thing again, now, can we?”

  It wasn’t something that was a real consideration before. She rotated her work clothing but it was just combinations of the same thing, if she was honest with herself. Then, at home, it didn’t really matter what she wore because who saw her?

  But she wasn’t thinking like a diva. Kiki would never be seen in the same thing twice and neither did the women these two usually associated with.

  If she let herself dwell on it, she would just lose her nerve and drive herself crazy at the same time.

  Anything to keep her dad safe and well cared for. And perhaps have a little more fun in the process. Two birds with one stone, right?

  Still, she wanted to check on her father. Kendra hit the appropriate button to speed dial the home as she entered the bedroom. As promised, there was a clothes rail packed with outfits for her to choose from.

  “Hello? Sunny Glen Residential Home.”

  “Hello, this is Kendra Wright. I just wanted to check in on Phil Wright. How’s he doing?”

p; “Ms. Wright! It’s Priscilla. I’m so glad I got ahold of you. Your sister has proven to be quite hard to reach.”

  Kendra ran her hand over her face before bunching it in her hair to tug almost painfully on it. “What’s wrong? Has something happened?”

  “Your father had a minor incident, but I’m afraid he’s going to need more care than we can provide. We can suggest a few facilities that are better equipped to help. In the meantime, we can do the best we can, but I would urge you to find an alternate care facility as soon as possible.”

  Kendra sank onto the bed. “How is my father doing otherwise? His condition is stable, I take it.”

  “I hesitate to say too much. Like I said, the sooner the better.”

  Which meant ‘Now if possible.’

  “Thanks, Priscilla. I’ll check in again soon.”

  “Goodbye. Oh, and if you could talk to your sister. I know you’re a world away so it would be good to have someone nearby to contact in emergencies.”

  “I will. Goodbye.”

  There wasn’t enough time now to get into an argument with Charlie. So she sent her a text, stabbing at the screen angrily as she typed.

  “Is everything all right, Kendra?”

  Dmitri walked through the door with a concerned expression on his face. How long had he been listening? Had he heard any of her conversation? Why couldn’t she have waited until she was alone before calling the home?

  Gritting her teeth, she made a show of looking through the clothes. “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine. What’s bothering you?” He hushed her with a finger on her lips when she opened them to reply. “I know it’s more than just the clothes not being to your liking.”

  And that would have been her excuse too. Was he getting wise to her self-preservation tactics?

  Dmitri wrapped an arm around her and sat her next to him on the bed. “Does it have something to do with the call you received?”

  He felt so big and warm. So comforting. Kendra just wished she could wrap him around her and let him protect her from the world. “Sort of. I got news that wasn’t that great. It’s nothing I can’t handle. Just more than I want to deal with right now, that’s all.”

  He leaned close. “Let me help.”

  “It’s not anything that you can help with.” She looked straight into his dark eyes. His offer meant a lot to her. “But thank you.”

  “If anything comes up that I can help with, don’t hesitate to ask.” He tugged her close for a soft kiss.

  Kendra ran her tongue along the seam of his lips, wanting more of a taste. This morning he smelled of aftershave and tasted of espresso. A tantalizing mix.

  He drew her in for another kiss, this one longer, hotter, before he sat her back. “If we keep this up you won’t make it to the shoot today.”

  His heated gaze, as he looked down at her body, reminded her that there was very little separating them at that moment.

  It would be just so easy to part the robe and straddle his lap right then and there, but he was right, there was the shoot to remember. Kendra had to keep her head. The money that would come from that was very much needed.

  As Kendra stood to walk back over to the rack once more, Dmitri settled back on the bed, stretched his long legs before him and crossed them at the ankles.

  “Are you expecting another show?”

  He shrugged. “I expect nothing. I was hoping to help you choose something to wear.”

  “Right.” She turned back to rifle through the clothes. He’d seen her naked and in the shower so what was a little nudity while getting dressed? Besides, she was about to do some modeling which meant letting go of even more of her inhibitions.

  She gulped down a breath on that thought. Kendra doggedly searched through the clothes for something simple, since she probably wouldn’t be wearing it long, and she’d rather be comfortable while she could. However, Nikos, or whomever Dimitri had buy the clothes, had incredibly fine taste and nothing hanging could be described as simple.

  “Having trouble?” Dmitri hadn’t moved from his spot.

  “A little. I just wanted something simple to wear before I get all made up.” She found a pair of white linen trousers and a silk blouse. “I think this is about as simple as I’ll find in this.”

  “The clothing isn’t to your liking?” Nikos walked in with a frown on his face, obviously having heard what she said.

  “Not at all.” Kendra smiled at him, hoping it would smooth any ruffled feathers. “They’re all beautiful, but I would have been ecstatic over a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.”

  Nikos’ expression smoothed. “Not that you wouldn’t look stunning in jeans…or without.” He seemed to be remembering something, and she got the impression that he was recalling every inch of her naked body. “I just thought I would splurge on you a little. If that’s acceptable, that is.”

  How could she say no? Why would she? The clothes were worth more than all the others she owned put together, she would wager. And it was a nice gesture. To refuse would just make things more awkward for her.

  “It is, but for future reference, when I’m not being dressed up and paraded around I like to be comfortable.”

  “Noted.” He held out a stack of boxes. “These just arrived. I thought you could use them.”

  He lifted the lid to reveal the most sinfully beautiful lingerie. Kendra took them and opened them one by one. There were several pieces per box and each had a prevailing color theme. All opened and arranged on the bed it was as though he had boxed up a rainbow according to color as a present for her.

  “Nikos, you shouldn’t have.” She reached out in a trancelike state, needing to touch the abundance of lace, silks and satins. “It’s too much.”

  “Never. Although this time it’s not completely altruistic. I thought you could use them this week…”

  “And seeing me in them would be a treat for you?”

  The smirk she was beginning to enjoy seeing on his face reappeared. “Absolutely.”

  Dmitri shifted closer and searched through the boxes to retrieve a barely there lace bra and matching panties. The vivid teal color was something she’d only seen on tropical birds on television.

  “This,” he said, “will suit you perfectly. Especially for a day like today. It’s daring and seductive, yet feminine.”

  Nikos nodded as he circled her to stand next to the bed. “Absolutely.”

  Both men’s gazes stayed riveted on her. Apparently, she was to prove how perfect it would look on her right then and there.

  And why not? They would probably see it on her sooner or later anyway.

  Kendra parted the robe, just enough to show a lot of leg but nothing higher. To make up for that, she leaned forward, giving them a glimpse of cleavage as she stepped into the panties and slowly dragged the scrap of silk and lace up her legs.

  Turning her back to them, she dropped the robe and slipped the bra on. It didn’t even surprise her that it was a perfect fit. From the number of women he had supposedly been with, Nikos knew how to read measurements very well.

  Kendra almost stumbled when she realized that she was significantly smaller than Kiki. Hell anyone with the Internet could probably look up her measurements. And Nikos had obviously noticed.

  So why hadn’t he said anything?

  Maybe he’d rationalized it away? Or perhaps it wasn’t of any consequence to him. She wasn’t going to start questioning him about it. Most definitely not in front of Dmitri.

  She knew she’d been quiet for a bit too long. Kendra looked at them over her shoulder, giving her best seductive smile. “Do me up?”

  Nikos beat Dmitri to her by a hair.

  His warm hands grazed her skin as he hooked the bra in place then slid his palms over her ribs as he turned her around to appraise her.

  “Beautiful.” Nikos ran his hands up and down her sides for a moment before taking a deliberate step back.

  “He took the words from my mouth.”

Nikos cleared his throat. “We’ll leave you to get ready. Otherwise, we might not make it out of here at all.”

  A possibility that was gaining in popularity in her head. But Kendra nodded. As much as she wanted to stay hidden away from the world in the suite with these two, she needed to do the shoot so she could take care of her responsibilities.

  So Kendra quickly got dressed. She didn’t bother with makeup and pulled her hair back in a ponytail, knowing that any effort would be wasted and probably would cause more work later on.

  It took her a few minutes to go through the shoes that had been brought up with the clothes, mostly because she was in awe of the labels and the sheer number of pairs that were there for her to choose from.

  Finally ready, she marveled at how the woman who looked back at her from the mirror was worldly, cool, confidant. Beautiful. Was this how they saw her?

  Smiling, she gathered her things and shoved them into her purse. Optimism wasn’t usually something that she found easy to have, but this might actually turn out well. She crossed her fingers and sent out a wish to any deity that was listening that she wasn’t just fooling herself.

  Once, just once, she wanted to come out ahead.

  Nikos and Dmitri were waiting in the living area, the Russian at the window, gazing down at the world below as if he owned it, and the Greek sat on the couch, ankle over knee, arms over the back like a king.

  And they made her feel like a queen.

  She watched them a moment longer, which gave them enough time to realize she was there. “I’m ready if you are.”

  Nikos stood and straightened his jacket. “Perfect.”

  Kendra wasn’t sure if he was talking about her timing or her appearance. Not that it mattered.

  Dmitri joined them on her other side as they walked to the door. “We were discussing our arrival at the shoot together…” He gave her a moment to process that. “Would you rather I show up separately? Or not at all?”

  That was considerate of him, since it hadn’t even occurred to her how it would look for the three of them to show up in the same car. It would start tongues wagging for sure. It would be bad enough if people got wind that Nikos had gotten her the job.


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