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Sins in the Sand

Page 15

by Kait Gamble

  The atmosphere in the back of the limo was tense and Kendra hated it, mainly since she knew it was down to her. They were giving her space. Waiting for her to come around. Considering how things began with them, it was a very obvious change. Come to think of it, they were a lot less…intense now. At least out of bed.

  Or maybe she was just getting used to them? Or maybe they were losing interest in her?

  It was bound to happen sooner or later. In this case, sooner was definitely better. And perfectly timed with the end of their time together.

  Kendra hoped it would give her the clean break she wanted.

  Leaning back, she closed her eyes. Life without these two in it would certainly be dull.

  When the silence continued to stretch on, Nikos was the one to break it. “I have a meeting I have to attend in the morning. I’ve been able to handle everything over the phone so far but this one I can’t avoid.” Nikos’ voice drifted over her. “I wanted to let you know before I left tonight.”

  He was leaving? That got her attention. Kendra sat up to look at him. “When are you due back?”

  “Late tomorrow afternoon, at the earliest.” He shrugged. “It depends on how things go.”

  She knew she had no right, but jealousy reared its ugly head. Was he off to meet another woman? It was a stupid reaction. But there it was.

  Kendra tried to make herself smile, but she failed miserably. “I guess I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Nodding, Nikos toyed with the end of her ponytail. “I’ll call you.”

  Right. But she forced a small smile.

  The rest of the ride was relatively quiet. Kendra knew she had a lot on her mind, and a covert glance at the other two had her thinking they were also sorting through a lot in their own heads.

  At least she would get her wish now. Surely, Nikos wouldn’t want her staying with Dmitri without him there. Kendra wanted to keep the time spent with them equal so there would be no arguing. Like there wasn’t enough to spark their rivalry already.

  When the car pulled up to the hotel, Dmitri and Kendra filed out. She turned expecting Nikos to follow, but he stayed next to the car.

  “You’re going now?” She didn’t know why she found it so surprising. Though, they were probably more used to flitting off at the drop of a hat than she was.

  “I’m afraid I must.” He took her hands and brushed his lips over her knuckles. “That doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy yourself tonight.” His dark blue gaze flicked to Dmitri meaningfully before recapturing hers.

  “I don’t know…”

  “I’m just saying”—Nikos caressed her cheek—“don’t feel that you can’t do what you want. You can make up for anything I miss out on when I return.” He said the last with a lascivious wink.

  “It’s been a long day. I might just head up to my suite and rest until tomorrow.” Though now that she had said the words, it held little appeal.

  “As I said, it’s entirely up to you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He pecked her on the cheek then disappeared into the limo. Then he was gone.

  Kendra turned to find Dmitri waiting patiently for her to join him. As she approached, he held out his hand, which she took, and they walked through the empty lobby in silence. It wasn’t until she took the lead toward the desk that he said anything.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m getting my key card so I can go up to my suite.” She kept going only to slow when she saw Desiree at the desk. Why, why did it have to be her? Sadly, it was too late to turn back now.

  Kendra walked up and refused to flinch when Desiree smiled at her mockingly.

  “Good evening, Ms. Brandt. What can I do for you?”

  “I’d like my key, please.”

  “Yes, of course.” She arched her eyebrow at them speculatively and she pursed her lips and made a show of looking for her key card. “Did something happen to the other one I gave you?”

  “I must have misplaced it,” Kendra grumbled.

  Dmitri seemed to grow bigger next to her. He leaned over the counter to glower at the woman on the other side. “Is it the hotel’s policy to second-guess their guests?”

  Desiree balked. “Of-of course not.”

  Dmitri didn’t even blink. “Then I suggest you get her another key without comment. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your petty little digs. I have half a mind to talk to your superior about your attitude.”

  “My apologies. I was only trying to make conversation.” Desiree pushed a card over the smooth marbled surface. “I didn’t mean to offend.”

  “Then you should just do your job.” Dmitri took the card, sliding it from the glossy surface with a snap. “I don’t want to have to deal with you again. Next time you see me, make sure I don’t see you.”

  Closing his hand around Kendra’s, he dragged her toward the elevators. He stopped in front of one—not the one up to the tower where he resided—and turned her to look at him. “This one goes to your suite. If you want your solitude, tell me now and I will stay away.”

  Did she really want to be alone? For the sake of her sanity, it probably was for the best. “Come get me in the morning?”

  The muscle in his jaw jerked, but he nodded. “I’ll walk you to your door.”

  At least this time she actually had a door for him to walk her to. “Thanks.”

  It wasn’t until the doors of the elevator closed them in that Kendra realized that it might be a bad idea for him to come up with her. The heat emanated from him in waves, wrapping around her and bringing with it Dmitri’s scent. His mouthwatering scent. With each floor they ascended, her nerves pulled tighter. Her awareness of him crackled.

  Kendra touched his hand, wanting to connect with him. To feel him. The slight touch was all it took for him to lose the reins of his control.

  Dmitri picked her up and pressed her against the elevator wall, crushing the breath from her lungs. “I’ve missed you today.”

  He ground the words out just as surely as he ground his hard cock against her.

  Kendra didn’t care about propriety or about the fact that there was a camera to witness everything that happened in the elevator. All she wanted was to be wrapped around Dmitri. When he hefted her up, she didn’t have to be prompted to wind her legs around his hips. She didn’t need the help of his big hands to writhe and rub against him.

  Dmitri gripped her ass, holding her tightly as he kissed her, rocking his hips against her.

  Amazingly, it wouldn’t take much more of this to get her to orgasm. It was incredible the way they had her ready and on the verge of climax with barely a touch. And then when they did touch her…

  Her eyes rolled back from the pleasure of his lips on her neck.

  They arrived at the floor with a muted ping.

  Kendra opened her eyes and caught his gaze as he slowly lowered her to stand before him. There was no question about whether or not he was coming into her suite with her.

  She twined her fingers through his and stalked out of the elevator. It was then that she realized she had no idea which room she was in. Dmitri did, however, and wasted no time in dragging her in the proper direction.

  Rationalizing that he had seen the number on the key card, she had to almost jog to keep up with his long strides.

  It didn’t take long for them to arrive at a door. Dmitri took care of the lock and kicked the door open, pulling her with him inside.

  Breathless, she tore at his clothes while he worked on hers. Kendra would never get bored of seeing and feeling the muscles that were hidden underneath.

  Dmitri picked her up, twining her around him again the way she had been in the elevator. Without the barrier of cloth between them, Kendra felt every line of his hard form against hers.

  He walked her to the bedroom and lowered her to the bed, not once letting go. Kendra smiled as she arched into him, loving the feel of him hard and hair-roughened against her. He explored every inch of her that his hands, his mouth his tongue c
ould reach until Kendra lay quaking in a ball of sensation and need.

  Somehow, he produced a condom and donned it before pushing into her without preliminaries, without finesse, as if he couldn’t wait either. The pressure of his intrusion was a great burning stretch that brought a hissing breath to her lips. But Kendra wasn’t going anywhere. Even if she wanted, Dmitri had a death grip on her hips as he slowly worked to lodge himself into her as deeply as he could.

  One they were hip to hip, he took a pause to give her a chance to adjust to his size. And perhaps get a tighter grip on his control. Kendra felt the tremble in his muscles as he fought against himself.

  She wanted Dmitri, anyway she could get him.

  Working her internal muscles, Kendra smiled sweetly up at him as he groaned. The trembling increased then he growled, pulled back and plunged back in. The friction and the bump against her clit as he filled her again and again sent her senses into a frenzy.

  Their kisses were hard, biting, almost punishing as he thrust savagely. It was wild and rough and Kendra couldn’t wish for anything better at the moment. She met him thrust for thrust, bite for bite, letting herself get burned up in his possession and hoping she was giving as good as she got.

  Her orgasm bloomed, slowly at first, but Dmitri caught the hitch in her breath and wedged a hand between them to roughly circle the throbbing bundle of nerves between her thighs. Like a blast, it hit. Kendra gripped him to hold his head fast as she cried out into his mouth. Sparks of color burst behind her eyelids and pure delight sliced through her.

  Dmitri groaned and redoubled his efforts, adding a hitch to his upstroke that built her pleasure up again, above that heights that he had just taken her to.

  It was too much. Too hard. Too fast. The heat threatened to consume her. Overwhelmed, Kendra squirmed under him when her orgasm crashed over her this time. Wanting him to stop. Needing him to continue.

  His driving strokes deepened, his rhythm uneven as he came. Dmitri gripped her hips again, pulling her close as he drove into her as far as he could, groaning as he pulsed inside her.

  Kendra stared blindly at the ceiling as she recovered. “That was…” She couldn’t find the words to describe what was pinging through her.

  “It was,” Dmitri agreed. It took him a moment to summon the strength needed to shift his weight and flop onto his back next to her.

  As wonderful as she felt—as good as he made her feel—Kendra couldn’t quite push aside the guilt she felt that this happened without Nikos. He had told her she was free to do as she liked, and she knew there was no commitment between them, but had he truly meant it?

  Dmitri’s face eclipsed her view just before he kissed her. It was soft. Lingering. Dare she call it loving? When he drew back, the look in his eyes matched his actions. “Stop worrying. Nikos is a big boy. He knows how this works.”

  He might, but Kendra didn’t know what to do with all the emotions coursing through her. She had feelings for them both. She was lying to them both. Trying to keep a lid on the dueling emotions wore her out.

  She gave him a wan smile. “Will you stay?”

  “Just try kicking me out.” He fell back again, taking her hand with his as he did.

  Chapter Ten

  They lay quietly, fingers tangled. Kendra couldn’t help but relax. It felt wonderful to just be.

  “You know if you came with me, this could be a regular thing.” His voice was heavy, sleepy, but interested in her reply.

  “But what about my life? I have a lot of people counting on me.” At last something with a hint of truth coming out of her mouth.

  “I’m sure we could figure out something.”

  Since it wasn’t anything she was actually contemplating on doing, she just shrugged.

  He tugged her arm so she would look at him. “I’m not kidding. We could travel. Explore together what the planet has to offer.”

  It did sound nice. There were so many things she wanted to see and do. And she would have if she didn’t spend every cent she made trying to take care of everyone. “As nice as that sounds, I can’t afford to just drop everything on a whim.” She tipped to her side to look him in the eyes. “And what happens to me once you get bored?”

  His eyes shuttered. “Do you always think so far ahead?”

  She had to. “So you admit that it’s going to happen. It’s easy for you. You have all that money to fall back on. For me, life is a little more complicated.”

  “You make it sound as if money cures all.”

  “Doesn’t it?” She could think of so many issues that she wouldn’t have if she just had the money to cover it.

  “Not everything.” Dmitri sighed but, thankfully, let the matter drop. “Join me for a shower?”

  She shook her head. “You go. I’ve got things I need to check on.”

  When he let go of her hand and severed that connection, Kendra felt her heart fracture a little. Dmitri probably wasn’t used to having someone turn him down. He wasn’t taking it too badly, at least. But she had to be realistic. She couldn’t pretend to be someone else forever.

  She wrapped the sheets around herself and went in search of her phone yet again.

  A call to the residential home confirmed that Charlie had checked in and even showed up to visit their dad. Phil might not have been their biological father, but he cared for them as if he was. They owed him the same in turn. She was told yet again that his condition was stable, but was urged once more that he needed better treatment than they were capable of providing.

  Kendra promised to call again soon and that she would come up with a solution before then. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough. Just one more day and she wouldn’t have to worry about money again for a little while.

  She had a few texts from Charlie who had some good news to share, apparently. She didn’t bother texting back just yet. It could wait. There was one from Malika checking in and another from Julia. She quickly answered them before wandering around the suite. Suitcases had been brought up and they were filled with clothes to complete the illusion. Her heart swelled knowing that she had people to back her up for once. Malika and Julia as well as Nikos and Dmitri. Hadn’t the men both stood up for her as well?

  After leading such a solitary life for so long, Kendra had forgotten that she could rely on others once in a while. That there were people who cared.

  Her eyes welled up as she turned to stare at the ocean.


  Dmitri closed warm hands over her shoulders to turn her around.

  Dmitri’s eyes rounded in alarm when he saw the tears. “What’s wrong, kotenok?”

  She swiped away the tears with an angry slash of her hand. “I’m fine. Just a bit overwhelmed I guess.”

  “If this is because of my offer…”

  “It’s not.” Not really. Well, maybe a little. All she knew was that her emotions were no longer allowing themselves to be leashed.

  “You’ve been preoccupied, not just today. Since we met, you seem to be holding back.”

  And she thought she’d been doing so well.

  Dmitri tipped her chin up to look at him. “I can understand the need for caution. For people like us, it’s an occupational hazard. There’s no telling who will be a rat. But I think in this case, we’ve found something true. Something real.”

  That just proved to her how much sex could cloud someone’s mind. Kendra figured everywhere else Dmitri would be a good judge of character. But with her, he had failed spectacularly.

  “What we have is great sex.” Even now with all the turmoil inside her, she couldn’t help the flare of awareness that bloomed from being so close to his towel-clad form.

  He glowered. “That’s no small thing.”

  She glared right back. “What if Nikos is thinking the exact same thing?”

  “I don’t give a shit about what Nikos is thinking. I’m talking about us.” Anger darkened his eyes. “Is he why you won’t go away with me?”

  “Only one of the re
asons. We’ve only just met. You barely know me. All you know is that we’re compatible when we’re naked.”

  “I know more than you think,” he growled.

  If he knew as much about her as he thought he did, Dmitri wouldn’t want her anywhere near him.

  The last thing she wanted was to distance herself from him. From Nikos. But it was for the best. “You can’t know anything about me after a few days, Dmitri. That’s impossible. What happens if, during our travels, you find out something about me you don’t like? I get chucked to the side of the road?”

  The look on his face stabbed her in the heart. “That you would even think I could do that to you, let alone anyone else, proves your point.”

  “See? We’re moving way too fast. Why can’t we just enjoy the last day and we’ll figure it out from there?”

  He said nothing but stared at her stonily.

  Kendra knew she was in the wrong for being so harsh. “For the record. I know you wouldn’t just leave me on the side of the road. I was just trying to show you how little we actually know each other.”

  “Point made.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He held up his hand, stopping her apology. “No, you’re right. We know next to nothing about each other. Maybe we should fix that.”

  “That’s what I’ve been saying. It takes time.”

  “No. I mean right now. You’ll have a shower. We’ll get some wine and talk.”

  That wasn’t what she’d been expecting. She had wanted him to back off a little. Only a man like him, so used to getting what he wanted, would make things happen on his time table. “Then what?”

  “We learn something about each other. See if we’re as good together as the sex would have us believe.”

  “Wouldn’t that have to include Nikos, then?” Kendra bit her lip. She might as well have come straight out and said that Nikos affected her the same way Dmitri did.

  Dmitri gritted his teeth. “Seeing as he’s not here right now, we’ll have to make do without him.”

  “I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that.”

  “You were comfortable with it just being us not too long ago.” Dmitri stared at her long and hard. “Get in the shower. I’ll have everything sorted by the time you get out.”


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