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Sins in the Sand

Page 22

by Kait Gamble

  Kendra wondered if they thought she would bolt again if they left her alone. The thought brought a smirk to her face.

  “Why do I get the feeling that you’re thinking something wicked, kotenok?” Dmitri leaned in close enough for her to feel the heat coming off him.

  She blinked up at him innocently. “I have no idea.”

  “Right.” Nikos wound a gentle arm around her waist.

  Kendra fought the urge to press herself up against him. As much as she wanted to, there were just too many eyes on them. Coupled with the fact that the need was just as strong to do the same to Dmitri, she knew that giving in to it would raise way too many questions from onlookers.

  As the night wore on, she had gotten more and more tense. Now that it was coming to an end, her nerves were so tight they could probably be used to string a bow.

  “What should we do now?” Kendra knew that they had mentioned they needed to talk and she knew it was time that they cleared the air.

  “We were hoping you would know of a place to go.”

  She turned to look at Dmitri questioningly. “Aren’t you guys booked in here?”

  The small smiles they gave her told her they weren’t. “I guess we’re going to my place.” It sounded weird saying that. “Just to warn you, it’s not much and I haven’t exactly had time to sort it out.”

  “Are you kidding me? We don’t care about that.” Nikos held her gaze.

  Kendra knew the feeling. She couldn’t care less where they were as long as she was with them.

  “My place it is, then.” Kendra headed to the desk to call for a cab but found Michel already there with a small smile on his face.

  “I’ve called you a cab.”

  “Thanks.” Kendra narrowed her eyes at him. “So the entire day was a set-up?”

  His smile grew sheepish. “Sorry about that.”

  “I knew all that paperwork was weird.” Kendra was in a forgiving mood, however, and simply shrugged it off.

  “I had to do something to keep you from coming in or going through the village and seeing all the banners publicizing the event.” Michel flicked his gaze over to the men at her side before meeting hers again. “They wanted it to be a surprise.”

  It certainly had been.

  “But we’ll see you in the morning… Unless you’ve decided that working here won’t fit in with your lifestyle any longer…”

  She hadn’t even thought about that. There was just so much in the air at the moment. Kendra shrugged. “I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

  Michel nodded and gave her a wink. “You know where to find me.”


  So many thoughts swirled around her head as they sat quietly in the back of the cab. By the time they arrived at her apartment door, Kendra didn’t know whether she wanted to tear their clothes off or start firing questions.

  There was one option she certainly wanted to do more…

  The choice was taken from her the instant the door closed behind them. Dmitri picked her up and kissed her deeply, pulling her tight against him.

  He took his time exploring her mouth, as if he needed to refamiliarize himself with her taste. Not that she complained. She kissed him back like a woman starved.

  A hard body pressed against her back and before Kendra knew it, she was turned around and being thoroughly kissed by Nikos.

  Before she knew what she was doing, she had half the buttons on his shirt undone and her hands inside exploring his taut, warm skin.

  It took her a long moment to get a grip on herself and her hormones. Allowing herself one more caress of her tongue against his, she extricated herself from their arms and took a few unsteady steps toward the kitchen to put some space between them.

  “Kendra?” Nikos drew several slow breaths as he watched her.

  Dmitri, as well, studied her with his dark, unwavering eyes.

  “We need to talk. There’s just so much…” She wanted something to do to keep her hands from trembling and her mind from turning into mush. “Do you want some coffee?”

  The looks on their faces told her it was the last thing on their minds, but Dmitri nodded curtly with Nikos following suit.

  She busied herself with the machine as she still would have done, even if they had refused. Losing her head when she was around them was something that was far too easy to do.

  She stared at the lights on the coffee machine for a long while before lifting her gaze to meet theirs. “So how long ago did you figure out I was a fraud?”

  Her blunt question seemed to catch them off guard. Nikos smirked as Dmitri was floundering for words for the first time since she’d met them.

  “It took me a couple of days to be sure.” Dmitri sat at the breakfast bar. “There were just too many things that didn’t add up.”

  “Your eyes were what tipped me off,” added Nikos. “There’s too much intelligence in yours. And the color is much more beautiful than Kiki’s.”

  She knew one of them would have noticed. “I had contacts in during the benefit dinner. And padding.” Kendra let her gaze drop meaningfully as she twisted her hip.

  The ‘I knew it’ expressions that came over their faces were almost too comical and she probably would have laughed if she wasn’t so tense.

  “I suppose I have quite a bit of explaining to do.” Kendra gazed at them both pleading with her eyes that they would understand.

  Nikos shrugged while Dmitri looked as though he could doze where he sat.

  “I’m not as bothered as to the why as I am about how much longer you were going to keep it from us.”

  “Not much longer. You have no idea how guilty I’ve felt over the lies. It’s not who I am. I only got roped into the whole thing because I look like Kiki Brandt.”

  “We know. Malika filled us in. She didn’t like doing what she did either. And when we confronted her about you, Malika told us everything and even helped us set this up here.” Nikos looked meaningfully around at the apartment.

  “Well that explains that, then. And the gala with your friends Anika and Luca?”

  “It took little convincing to get them to fly over and hold the party here. I think they’ve always wanted to visit Whistler. This just gave them the perfect opportunity.”

  Kendra could almost imagine all the loose ends being tied up in a nice neat bow. All except for one major one.

  She made the coffees and slid one along the counter to Dmitri before doing the same to present Nikos with his.

  “Are you two hungry at all? I’ve got pretty much anything you could want in my fridge.” Kendra knew she was babbling just as she knew they probably had been the ones to stock her fridge in the first place.

  Nikos took a long sip of his coffee while Dmitri studied her. Finally, after a long moment, he’d had enough. “Sit, Kendra.”

  The jig was up. Kendra did as she was told and waited to see what he had to say. But when he said nothing, she decided to jump in.

  “I don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry for what I did. Thank you both for coming and for obviously going to all this trouble to set this place up for me.”

  Dmitri pushed his coffee away. “You sound like you’re about to say goodbye.”

  She supposed she did. “I don’t know. I guess it depends on where this conversation leads.”

  The men looked completely unimpressed with that.

  Kendra got up and paced the length of the kitchen. She managed it twice before she figured out half of what she wanted to say. “What drove me crazy more than all the lying was worrying that I was going to hurt one of you by being with the other.”

  Nikos, of course, had something to say, but she waved him off.

  “I’ve never been in a relationship half as exciting as what I’ve shared with you two. I’d never experienced anything that came close. And I don’t mean because you two are billionaires, or that you’re both so beautiful to me that sometimes I can’t believe what I’m looking at is real. It’s you, the heart
of you both. You two are the most amazing men I’ve ever met. And while what I feel might be real to me, I lied my ass off the entire time I was with you, so I understand if that’s put you off. I know I wouldn’t be able to be with a liar.”

  Dmitri stood, almost exploding from his seat, to glower at her. “You will stop calling yourself a liar, now. You only did what you did because of the circumstances. We know that.”

  “But do you know that I fell in love with both of you? That it’s got me so twisted up inside I can barely see straight? I was almost glad to be caught out because it meant that I wouldn’t have to choose between you. It’s something I can’t—won’t—do.”

  Nikos calmly pushed the coffee aside to stand next to Dmitri, giving Kendra a good look at them both. So virile. So handsome. So out of her league.

  “That’s what we wanted to talk to you about. What if we don’t make you choose?”

  Kendra couldn’t have heard that right. “But you two bicker like a couple of old ladies over the smallest things…” What would they be like if they fought over something that mattered to them?

  Unless she didn’t…

  “Wait. Stop what you’re thinking.” Dmitri, as always, seemed to have divined what was going on in her head. “We’re willing to put aside our differences for you. That’s how much you mean to us.”

  “We were only joking around anyway, it’s just how we are with each another. We’ve known each other for years and sometimes still act like the callous youths we once were.” Nikos turned to Dmitri. “I guess it’s time we grew up.”

  Dmitri rolled his eyes before focusing them on Kendra once more. “What now? How do you feel knowing we both want you?”

  Like her heart and knees were going to give out. “I… How will this work? People are going to talk.”

  Dmitri shrugged. “The thing with being a billionaire is that you don’t have to listen to them.”

  “And being the girlfriend of two billionaires would mean more security than anyone would dare to wade through to get to you. Who cares about gossips and their empty words?” Nikos raised his eyebrows expectantly. “What do you say?”

  Kendra couldn’t make her voice work.

  “Would it help if I said I think I can truly—that I—love you?”

  The fact that came from Dmitri loosened her jaw.

  “And you have to know I feel the same way about you.” Nikos smiled at her sheepishly.

  She opened and closed her mouth a few times. Kendra had never dared to dream that they would care about her as much as she did for them.

  “Starting to feel a little insecure now, Kendra.” Dmitri’s expression seemed to darken by the millisecond.

  Kendra’s eyes welled up.

  “Damn it, Dmitri. You made her cry.” Nikos shoved aside his friend in his rush to comfort her.

  Shaking her head, she sniffled, “I love you both too.”

  The next thing she knew, Kendra was swept up into his arms and not even a half second passed before a hard chest pressed to her back as well.

  “You have no idea how much my life has changed for the better since you two have come into it.”

  “I think we do.” Dmitri’s lips were warm against the side of her neck. “Things haven’t been the same for me since I first saw you at that dinner.”

  “You have no idea how freaked out I was when I made eye contact with you two. Not to mention the complex I was giving myself since I was convinced you both wanted Kiki and not me.”

  “We shouldn’t have let it carry on for as long as it did.” Nikos ran his fingers along her cheek. “I had been trying to talk to you about it before you ran.”

  “And that was cowardly of me. I panicked.”

  Dmitri hummed pensively as he considered her words. “I still think punishment is in order.”

  “I agree. Leaving us like that was unbecoming of our girlfriend.”

  Kendra listened to this while still pressed between them. Being called their girlfriend caused a warm sensation to spread through her. Though the threat of punishment triggered a bit of apprehension. If it weren’t for the thick erections hardening against her, she might have been leery of what they would do. Not that they would hurt her. Kendra knew that much about them.

  Breathless and starting to quake, Kendra stared up at them. “I suppose it’s only fair. I have been a bad girl, after all.”

  The groans that came from them were a mix of exasperation at her bad joke and their arousal.

  Kendra smiled at them, ready for anything they could throw at her.

  Nikos picked her up, winding her legs around his waist. “I think it’s time we found a bedroom.”

  Kendra jerked her thumb over her shoulder in what might have been the right direction, but she was too dizzy to care. Once again, she was with Dmitri and Nikos and everything was right. With her. With them. With their world.

  On the way down the hall, it dawned on her that she didn’t have time or motivation to stock the apartment with things they would need. Namely protection. Why would she when she had thought things were done with them?

  “Nikos, I’m not… I haven’t got…”

  “Hush.” He silenced her with a kiss. “Didn’t we tell you we set this place up for you?”

  Mind still reeling from his kiss, Kendra glanced around and noticed that Dmitri had disappeared.

  Not that she had much time to consider it. Nikos lowered her to stand on the cold floor of the bedroom and quickly peeled the clothes from her body, worshiping every bit of skin that was slowly revealed with his hands and lips.

  By the time she was completely naked, Kendra could barely keep her knees from buckling.

  Apparently sensing this, Nikos kept a hold of her as he let his gaze wash over her. “You truly are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Kendra.”

  “And the same goes for me.” Dmitri walked into the room carrying a black box then stopped close enough to give her a searing kiss.

  “I doubt I need to tell you what I think of you two.”

  Dmitri came up behind her, gliding his hands up and down her sides. “I’m just glad we’re here.”

  In total agreement, Kendra craned her neck so she could smile at him. “I’d be happier if I wasn’t the only one naked.” Impatient, she tugged at both their collars, doing her best to undo the buttons one-handed.

  Nikos and Dmitri gently propelled her backward. When her knees hit the edge of the bed, Kendra sat. All she could do was watch the scene, rapt.

  Crossing her legs, she propped herself on her elbows as Nikos and Dmitri slowly pulled off their clothing. She didn’t know where to look first, second… Kendra’s attention ping-ponged between the two men.

  Nikos managed to get his shirt off first, and she couldn’t help but take stock of the angles of his beautiful body that came into view. Then Dmitri dropped his shirt and drew her attention to his arms and his chest and his abs.

  But somehow they managed to coordinate themselves and the moment they both stepped out of the rest of their clothing, Kendra’s head was already swimming.

  How had she gotten so lucky?

  Now that it was her turn to ogle them, she took her time. Comparing them was a waste of effort. They were both so incredibly beautiful and well built. It was hard to look away. Not that she had to.

  Joy flooded her system as she considered the future and she let the smile spread wide across her face.

  She had two very hot men ready and waiting for her, so why was she wasting time?

  Sitting up, Kendra crooked her fingers, beckoning them to come close so she could touch them. Feel them.

  Only neither man moved.

  Apprehension fluttered in her gut. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Dmitri edged around one side of the bed while Nikos stared her down.

  Kendra couldn’t find the strength to look away from his entrancing blue gaze.

  As far as she was concerned, as long as she had these two men, she had everything she needed.

  “Lie down, Kendra.”

  She didn’t even question it. Kendra shimmied back to lie at the center of the bed and crashed into Dmitri’s broad chest.

  When she tried to readjust, Dmitri held her in place. Gently, but firmly. Kendra knew she could get away at any moment, but why would she want to? Being held against Dmitri’s solid body was definitely not a hardship. And when he cupped her breasts with his big, warm hands, all inclination to move away from him evaporated.

  She tilted her head back to look up at him. The depth of feeling in his eyes as he gazed back at her hitched her breath. He didn’t try to mask it or avert his attention. He was focused on someone he loved and that person was her.

  Kendra couldn’t look away if she tried and the longer she held his gaze, the more it seemed to build until there was no denying it. Heart filled to bursting, she slid her hand up his nape to draw him down to meet her lips with his.

  The kiss was the most gentle she’d experienced with Dmitri—that was until she parted her lips to draw a breath and he took the kiss further. Each brush of his tongue against hers, the mingled warmth of their breath, the groan that rumbled through him, caused her to tremble more.

  He drew back a little, just enough to breathe and link her arms up around his neck. Dmitri winked and smiled wickedly. “Don’t let go, kotenok.”

  She had no intention to until he said that. What did they have planned?

  Dmitri dropped a kiss on her nose. “You trust us, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do. With my life.”

  “Then relax and let us love you.”

  Hearing the word coming from his lips created a cascade of emotion that filled her heart.

  Dmitri filled her senses so that she barely noticed that Nikos had gotten on the bed. At least not until he slowly kissed his way up her leg. Every few inches, he flicked her skin with his tongue or gave her a hot open-mouthed caress.

  Kendra leaned back, closing her eyes with a moan as Nikos hitched her knees over his shoulders and closed his lips on her folds.

  A sound of disapproval rumbled through Dmitri. “No, open those beautiful eyes and watch him, Kendra.”

  Obeying, she met Dmitri’s gaze before tipping her head down to watch Nikos. He winked mischievously but otherwise held her gaze as he used his talented mouth on her.


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