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Overwhelm Me (Callahan)

Page 15

by Marchman, AC

  Donovan helps Jon grab the luggage from the rental car my mom drove. I watch them through the window in the living room, hoping and praying this is a good idea for them to stay. My mom is busy giving herself a tour of the kitchen. My mom loves to cook, and I have a feeling she will insist on making all the meals for us during their stay. My heart is so happy my family is here with me. I walk into the kitchen to see what she is up to.

  “Hi, honey! This place is beautiful! I can’t get over how modern it is,” my mom exclaims, obviously impressed. “So anyway, how did you meet Donovan? He seems like such a great guy.”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I smile at her, recalling that fateful morning. I giggle and my mom grins back at me.

  “Try me.”

  “I was on the way to my last final, and I knocked him over while racing to class. We ended up being at the same bar that evening, and we really hit it off.” I glance at my mother, and she laughs. “Yeah, it is kinda funny,” I smirk at her.

  “That’s not why I’m laughing. I’m laughing because your father and I met in a similar way.” I cock my eyebrows up at her. “You did?”

  “Yes, we did. I was in the office at my high school running an errand for a teacher. When I came out, your father almost barreled me over, knocking my books out of my hand.” She closes her eyes as she relives the memory in her mind. “He stopped to help me, and our hands touched. We just stared at each other, and that was it. We knew we were meant for each other at that exact moment.”

  I can’t believe I have never heard the story of how my parents meet. Tears start to prick my eyes as I think about my daddy. Mom steps around the island and comes to my rescue. “Now, there will be no crying this weekend. Jon and I are only here until Sunday, and we are going to enjoy every minute of our time together.” She kisses my forehead, just like Donovan does.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good, now, let’s go help your brother and boyfriend with the bags.” She winks at me and takes my hand, and we walk into in the living room.

  Donovan and Jon are walking in as we come around the corner. “Here, let me help you boys with that.” I grin and reach to help take a bag. Jon throws it at me, being the butthead that he is, and laughs. “Here, sis. That’s mine, and it has my underwear in it. Don’t make me put it on your head like I did when you were little.”

  “You’re so dumb. Jon.”

  “Yeah, but you love me.” Jon winks at me and punches my arm.

  “Ow, jerk!” I rub my arm, then punch him back. “I missed you, too.”

  All the while, Donovan is laughing hysterically at our sibling banter. Jon and I both smile at each other and join in the laughter. “You two are so funny,” Donovan says.

  “Yeah, Jon’s a riot,” I stick my tongue out at him. I really have missed my big brother. Jon takes the bags and walks upstairs. My mom has walked back into the kitchen, leaving Donovan and I alone. He walks over to me and tilts my chin up, so I’m looking into his eyes. He plants his lips softly on mine. It’s such a sweet kiss, and I of course want more.

  “I’m really glad that your family can stay here. They seem so nice.”

  “Oh, they are. My mom is such a beautiful, strong woman. And my brother is, well, you saw him.” I giggle. Donovan wraps his arms around me. “By the way, my mom is probably going to want to cook for us all the time in that fancy kitchen of yours,” I say.

  He chuckles. “If that’s what she wants to do, who am I to stop her?”

  I lean my head on his chest and slide my arms around his waist. I could stand like this forever.

  Then I think of the story my mom just told me about her and daddy. I can’t help but wonder if that’s going to be Donovan and me. I beam just thinking about it. My man runs his fingers through my hair and rests his chin on top of my head. “I could stand like this forever,” he says softly. My heart swoons as I look up at his sweet face. He says, “I really enjoy being around, baby. I feel. . .well, happy.”

  I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his lips swiftly. “I feel the same way.”

  My brother comes down the stairs at that moment and ruins it by saying, “Jesus, get a room!”

  We pull apart, both blushing. “Dude, I’m kidding. My sister is a grown ass woman.”

  Donovan laughs and shakes his head. “Hey, Jon. I have a basketball goal outside. You play?”

  “Dude, it’s 9:00. It’s dark outside.”

  “Dude, I have lights out there, unless you’re scared you will lose.”

  Jon loves a challenge. “Oh, it’s on. Let’s go!”

  “Let me go change. I’ll be right back.” Donovan takes off upstairs.

  Jon walks over to me and hugs me, which catches me off guard. “Allie Cat, are you happy?”

  “Well, yeah. I am happy.” A huge grin comes across my smile. “I’m actually the happiest I’ve been in a long time.”

  “Well, he seems like a good guy. And if you are happy, then I am.” Jon kisses my head, and the sentimental moment brings tears to my eyes. I knew my brother cared about me, but for him to say that warms my heart. “But, hey. If he hurts you, I’m kicking his ass, and that’s a promise.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “I think we’ll be fine, bro.”

  Donovan comes bounding down the stairs dressed in black basketball shorts, a white wifebeater, and Nike basketball shoes. Holy crap he looks seriously hot right now. His arms are well defined and strong. I should know. My brother smirks and says, “Lets go, Callahan.

  Ready to get your ass whipped?”

  “Bring it on, Marshall.”

  They head into the kitchen and out the back door. I follow their trail and look out the window.

  The basketball goal is more like a court with two goals on each end and bright outdoor lamps. I didn’t see it the other night, but of course, I wasn’t looking for a court either. I laugh as I watch my man and my brother start to battle it out. Donovan tries to school Jon, but it looks like my bro is standing his ground. I smile at the two of them, then turn to my mom, who is quietly standing beside me.

  “Sweetie, I think you have yourself a keeper.” She puts her hand on my shoulder, and I reach up to touch it. My mom always knows the right things to say, but she also doesn’t sugarcoat things. So I know she’s telling me like it is. “I see the way you two look at each other. I used to look at your daddy the same way. Just keep your mind and heart open.”

  I sigh. “I think you’re right, Mom. He is so awesome. I even told him about Jackson.”

  My mom’s jaw drops. “You did? What did he say?”

  “He was actually really accepting of it. I told him that I see Jackson from time to time. He said it was a selfless act to give Jackson up for adoption.”

  “Then I know he’s a keeper. Most guys would run or at least feel uncomfortable with the situation. If Donovan knows, and he is still around, then there is something very special about him.” My mom’s green eyes twinkle, and she wraps her arm around my shoulder. “I’m very happy for you.”

  “Thank you, mom. I love you.”

  “I love you too, sweetie. Now, enough of this sappy stuff. Let’s find us a nighttime snack.” She rubs her hands together and it makes me giggle.

  “Sounds like a plan.” I grin at my mother as we walk over to the pantry.

  My graduation weekend goes off without a hitch. In fact, it is fantastic. My mom and Jon really enjoy their stay at Donovan’s. He makes sure their every need is attended to, like making sure Jon has Coke and my mom has her Folgers coffee in the morning. The more time my family spends with Donovan, the more they like him.

  Graduation is nothing special. We all just wait to get our diplomas and get the hell out of there because it is insanely hot outside. Everyone comes to see me walk across the stage. Of course my mom, Jon, and Donovan come. Livey, Mr. Trent, Jasmine, and Cindy also come to cheer me on. As I am handed my diploma, I hear my name being chanted over in their section.

  I turn my tassel and give a huge
smile to my cheerleaders. That same evening, I receive my acceptance letter from Emory’s P.A. program, and we all celebrate with bottles of Donovan’s family wine.

  Now, I stand at the airport. It’s Sunday afternoon, and I am saying my goodbyes to my family.

  I hug my brother tightly. “Now, it’s your turn to come home for a visit. Don’t forget to bring the city boy with you.” Jon lets me go and gives Donovan a bro-hug. “Thanks, man. And dude, take care of my sister.”

  My man looks my way. “I promise.” I smile through my tears.

  I wrap my arms around my mom’s neck, and we both sob. “I miss you already, Mom,” I choke out, bound and determined not to let her get on that plane.

  “I know, dear. I miss you, too. Don’t worry, we will see each other soon.” She rubs my back as she struggles to let me go. We finally pull apart, and she wipes my tears away with her thumb.

  “I love you, sweetie. I’ll call you as soon as we land.” I nod in response. My mom walks over to Donovan and pulls him in for a hug. “Now, you be sure to look after my Allie. She’s my baby.”

  Donovan grins, “She’s my baby, too.” He gives her a tight squeeze and grins at me. I laugh in spite of my sadness. He has a knack for making me smile. My mother gives him a swift kiss on the cheek, and she and my brother both head toward the terminal.

  Donovan holds me as we wave goodbye to my family. When I can’t see them anymore, I break down, “I really miss them.”

  I feel myself being rocked gently back and forth. It soothes my frazzled nerves. My tears stop, and I catch of a glimpse of Donovan’s face. He has a single tear on his cheek. I’m not sure if it’s from my family leaving or from my crying. Either way, it shows he cares about me. I hug him tighter.

  We watch the plane take off, then we walk to the parking lot hand in hand. “So, you like my family, huh? They seem to like you, especially Jon.”

  “Yeah, they’re awesome people. Jon and I even like the same football team.” I know Jon will talk about the Redskins for hours if you let him. Those two sat in the living room and had a heated discussion about Washington’s best quarterback. Mom and I just rolled our eyes and went back to our gossiping.

  “You know, I see a lot of your mom in you, now that I’ve met her,” he says with a grin.

  I giggle. “A lot of people say that. I don’t see it, neither does she.”

  “Well, I have something to look forward to when you’re forty-five.”

  I gasp and take a swat at him. He bobs and weaves, then takes off. He’s too fast for me as I chase him through the airport. We are both laughing and looking like two idiots. He’s too much sometimes! He slows down so I can catch up to him. “You know, you’re an ass,” I pant, with my hands on my knees.

  “That I am, and you like it.” Donovan hasn’t even broken a sweat. Bastard. I smack his arm, making contact this time. “Ow, you hurt me!” he says as he rubs his arm. It makes me think of the first night we spent together, when I smacked him for the same reason.

  “Take it like a man!” I joke back and stick out my tongue at him. It’s hard to believe that just five minutes ago, I was crying my eyes out. He brings out the best in me. He suddenly wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up. I squeak as he starts to carry me out the front door.

  “Donovan! Put me down!” I laugh. He is really trying to cheer me up, and it’s working.

  “Play nicely, and I will.” He keeps a tight hold on me as we walk through the sliding glass doors.

  People are staring at us and shaking their heads. He doesn’t notice or doesn’t care because he still doesn’t let me down.

  “Fine, I’ll play your way!” I can’t stop my laughter. Donovan drops me and gives me a smart ass grin. “You suck, you know that?”

  “So do you, and you’re better at it,” he quips.

  “Oh my God! You ass!” I gape at him, not believing he said that out loud, in public no less.

  “Didn’t we already make that part clear?” Donovan gives me his sexiest smile, and just like that, I want him. Right here on the sidewalk would be fine. Our playfulness turns to desire in a second.

  He must feel the electricity change between us, too. He says nothing as he grabs my hand and takes off to his car. He fumbles with his keys to try to open the door. It’s so fun to watch him get out of sorts because he can’t have me right this second.

  He finally gets the door open for me, and I slide in. Even though it’s about ninety degrees out here, I feel my nipples harden, and they poke through my white tank top. He looks down as he shuts the door, and I hear him say, “Holy shit.” He races to get in on his side, and he bangs his head against the door.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” I purr as he struggles to get the car started. I rub my hand over his crotch, and I feel that his dick is already hard. He breathes in sharply, then lets out a small moan.

  “I can’t get you home fast enough.” He puts the car in drive and skids out toward the exit.

  “Fuck, it’s going to take over half an hour!”

  I giggle at his frustration. He really wants to get me in bed now, so I decide to tease him once we leave the parking lot. I continue to rub on his bulge and moan in his ear. “Oh, Jesus, don’t do this to me,” he begs.

  I start to unbutton his jeans and pull his zipper down. He tenses up as he cuts his eyes over to me. I lick my lips, giving him a hint of what I’m about to do to him. “Oh, fuck me,” he whispers.

  “Are you really getting ready to…” I stop him short as I pull his erection out of his pants. His Ipod starts playing Saving Abel’s “Addicted,” and that’s all it takes for me to lower my head and start to lick his tip. “Oh, shit!” he moans. I feel his foot hit the gas harder. I take my hand and start moving up and down. His breathing is erratic, and he’s trying his best to keep his hands on the steering wheel.

  I start moving my mouth down his erection, squeezing my lips tighter as I come up. He hisses through his teeth. I rub my legs together, getting hot and bothered by my man’s reaction to my spontaneous oral pleasure. I swirl my tongue around him, and his hips buck in response.

  Then I start to really fuck him with my mouth, using my hand to jerk him off at the same time.

  Donovan groans my name. Holy shit, this is crazy and so fucking hot! I slide my lips up and down while I cup his balls with my other hand. I feel them tighten, and I know he’s almost ready to explode. This excites me so much, I feel like I’m going to cum, too.

  “I’m gonna cum, baby!’ Donovan moans. He places his hand on my head to keep me down on him as he floods my mouth with his release. There is so much that it runs out the sides of my lips. I’m so turned on that I feel myself let go, too. I groan as the shivers take control of my body. As the last aftershock rolls through me, I lift my head up and smack my lips. I glance over at him, and he exhales deeply. “What the hell was that about?”

  “I wanted to please my man, simple as that.” I wipe the corners of my lips with my thumb and index finger. “And anyways, I got off too.”

  He looks shocked. “You came because you gave me head? Wow, that’s definitely a first for me.”

  “Well, me too. I’ve never gone down on a guy who was driving before.” I pick up the Ipod and look through the play list.

  “I thought I was the only one you ever sucked off.” He narrows his eyes slightly.

  “Well, you know what I mean. And that’s rude to say ‘sucked off.’ It sounds so…vulgar.” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Okay, fine. Is ‘gone down on’ a better phase for you?” He snickers at me.

  “Actually, yes. I like it much better than sucked off.” I can’t hide my giggle. I turn my attention back to the playlist. I find a song I haven’t heard in awhile. I hit play, and Lifehouse comes through the speakers. “I’m fallin’ even more in love with you, letting go of all I held on to. I‘m standing here until you make me move. Hangin‘ by a moment here with you.” This is the story of my life right now.

>   Donovan takes my hand. He brings my hand to his lips and kisses each knuckle. “You like that song?” he asks absentmindedly.

  “Yeah, I do. I haven’t heard it in a while.” I stare out of the window, seeing the Sandy Springs exit.

  “I have a better one.” He takes the IPod and slides through the song lists while managing to keep his eyes on the road. He finds it and taps the screen. A soft guitar plays, then Jason Mraz’s voice starts to sing. “I won’t give up.” I smile as I listen to the words. “I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I’m giving you all my love.” His voice is mellow and sweet, then he belts out another verse, singing about having a lot to learn. I look at Donovan, and he’s smiling. “That’s how I feel about us.”

  Wow. How sweet can he possibly be? I lean over in my seat so I can rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my head and kisses the top of it.

  “Oh, don’t forget. Next weekend we meet my family,” he says.

  “Great, I can’t wait to meet them, especially Megan.” I smile as I think about the trip for next week. As we ride back to his place, I feel more hopeful than I ever have.

  “What the fuck do you mean he doesn’t want to see me?” Claire shouts into the phone. She is so livid with Regina. “I ask you to do one thing, and you screw it up!” She stares at her sister through the plexi-glass window. Claire is dressed in an orange jumpsuit, her blonde hair gone, replaced by her naturally light brown hair. Her eyes are still as dark as ever. She has seen better days, but once her lawyer gets her out of prison, that is going to change. She is going to demand that Donovan see her, and she will do everything in her power to make that happen.

  “I’m sorry, sis. That’s what he says. He’s seeing some young bitch. He won’t tell me anything about her.” Regina grips the phone tightly to her ear, bracing herself for her sister’s wrath. “He didn’t give me a chance to tell him about your parole hearing.”

  “It’s probably just one of his casual fucks. I’m not really that worried about the tramp. My hearing is in a month, and I‘ll be out.” Claire twirls a strand of hair around her finger.


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