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Crazy Fast Love (Crazy Love Series Book 2)

Page 16

by MF Isaacs

  I could see the moment she gave in. “Fine. But you have to turn around.” And just like that, we were heading down the hall to the bathroom. The same one she sucked me off in; the thought, of course, made my dick twitch. Once inside with the door locked, I pulled two tests out for her to choose from. I pulled the early detection one and the one that gave the plus sign. When she caught sight of them she just giggled. “You pick, which one do you want me to use?”

  I handed her the plus sign one. “This one.” I put the other one back in the bag as she opened the package. Once she had it opened she slowly sat on the toilet and motioned for me to turn around with her finger twirling in the air. Giving her a little peace, I turned my back to her as I looked at the picture instructions. Once she peed on the stick we had three minutes to wait. She pulled a handful of toilet paper with one hand trying to put it down under the test strip. After flushing and washing her hands, she turned to me, eyes brimming with tears. I pulled her into me holding her close, “Please don’t cry Baby. This could be one of those days we will remember for the rest of our lives.” I could feel her body vibrating as she cried. “What can I do? What is making you cry Babe?”

  She didn’t respond right away. I gave her time, I held her close, I rubbed her back and I willed her to feel my love. Finally, she pulled back enough to look up at my face. Making eye contact, she finally voiced what I am guessing is only a small portion of her feelings right now. “I am scared to know. No matter what the results are, it’s going to change things. I know you want this, I know you want it to be positive. What if it isn’t? I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  She was killing me. Gutting me. Cutting me open to bleed out. The tears were rolling down her face faster than I could wipe away. I needed her to know I would never be disappointed with a negative result. “Baby, look at me. Please Sierra, look in my eyes. I want you to listen to me. This isn’t something you need to carry the weight of. I’m not going to deny the fact that I will be over the fucking moon if that test is positive. But Babe, I will never, ever be disappointed in you if the test is negative. Look at me, remember when you told me you knew I didn’t do those things to hurt you intentionally? Remember that? If this test is negative, I know with every fiber of my being that you didn’t not get pregnant on purpose. Seriously Sweetheart, it’s not something we can change one way or the other. Just know Sierra that regardless of the results, I love you and that will not change.”

  The tears didn’t stop and I didn’t rush her. I just held her while she cried. I knew three minutes had long since passed. But the results weren’t going to change, they could wait until my girl was done crying her eyes out. I hated to see her cry but I loved the fact that she didn’t hide her emotions. Eventually, she pulled back to look up at me, I brushed her hair from her face holding it off her forehead where I held a kiss. I could feel her pull in several lung filling breaths before removing my lips. When she asked, “You ready to look?” I couldn’t hide my excitement. My words wouldn’t come, so I just stood there like a bobble head shaking it up and down.

  I kept my arm around her shoulder as we turned together. Being taller than her, I think I saw the result before she did. I tried not to respond, I tried to mask my disappointment. I felt her shoulders drop the instant the results registered for her. I quickly put everything into the original bag of tests and swiftly picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom. I dropped the bag inside the bedroom door and deposited Sierra back in the bed. She hadn’t said a single word. She wasn’t crying. She also wasn’t looking at me. I tucked her back into bed, where she snuggled into the pillow with both hands resting under her cheek. I leaned over kissing her forehead and whispered words I wasn’t sure she could hear, “I love you. Get some more sleep. I’m going to sit with you until you fall back asleep.” That is exactly what I did, I softly ran my hand over her hair until I felt her body relax. I knew she wasn’t faking it, because the peacefulness on her face was back. I quietly placed the “I love you” card on the pillow next to where she slept before I slipped out of the bedroom.

  He tried so hard not to show his disappointment. I could feel the drop in his posture the second he saw the negative test sitting there. I know it’s not the end of the world, I know we are a new couple and we should enjoy our time together without kids first but I honestly expected the test to be positive. I had convinced myself that I was pregnant. I convinced myself that I could “feel” the difference. I convinced myself that my boobs hurt. I convinced myself that I was tired because I was growing a baby. I convinced myself of all those things. So to see the negative result, I was shocked.

  He was so sweet putting me back to sleep, whispering words that went unanswered. I woke up from my sleep startled from a dream, a dream where Cal and I were walking the beach. There weren’t any kids playing around us being crazy. The panic I felt was real, it was as if I was really watching myself and Cal. The dream Cal shared with me, us on the beach with kids, I’m dreaming the opposite. I sat up quickly. Knowing I was done sleeping, I wasn’t willing to risk seeing more of the dream.

  I found a card resting on the pillow next to me. Calvin was prepared for a negative result. He knew me. He knew I would need this. It just confirmed that the man I love knows me. My sadness and worry over disappointing him disappeared. Instead I was thinking about his words “I look forward to trying hard and often to make babies with you.”

  And suddenly I couldn’t wait to get my hands on him again. With those thoughts and knowing we didn’t have any plans for the day, I quickly showered and put on a cute stripped jersey dress that clung to my body in a way I knew would drive him crazy.

  We were hanging out with everyone, minus Kyler who was still at school and Luke who was working for a few hours, when Hannah’s phone started ringing. I was too busy trying to drive Cal crazy to notice that Hannah was trying to get my attention. Instead of catching my attention, she caught the attention of Steve and Cal. She just made it worse by trying to deny anything was going on. Then, with Cal hovering over my body, my arms pinned to the floor by one of his he tickled me until I caved. I knew there was no getting out of it, I was going to have to tell him, but there was no way I was going to tell him with my brother sitting right there. He took me at my word when I told him I would tell him everything, so long as I could do so in private. Seconds, it only took him seconds before he was carrying me directly to his bedroom.

  “You have approximately five seconds to tell me what the hell is going on. I am holding on by a thread here. You’ve been teasing the fuck out of me all day. I’m yours, there is no need to tease me. I’m seriously seconds away from turning into a beast. Don’t even think about trying to get out of telling me. Your best bet is to give it to me straight.” I could see his pulse beating along the side of his neck. If I weren’t already horny, I would probably have been tempted to tease him some more.

  “Remember the shopping trip Hannah and I went on? She won a photo shoot, I was with her when she found out she won. It was a drawing we both entered. She didn’t want to do it by herself so we made arrangements with the photographer for both of us to do it. We didn’t want to tell you guys because the end results would be put into a photo book. I wanted to give you the photo book as a Christmas present.” I didn’t look away, I wanted him to know I was telling him the truth. I didn’t want him to think I was hiding anything else.

  “What kind of pictures did you have taken Sierra?” I could feel the tension mounting. I knew he already knew what kind of pictures they were. At this moment, I didn’t know how this was going to pan out. Was he going to freak the fuck out on me? Or was he going to love the idea that I did this for him?

  “Boudoir.” I blinked and waited.

  “Show me.” he didn’t blink. “Seriously Sierra, show me exactly what you did for the photo shoot.”

  I did exactly that. I stood across the room and slowly removed my dress. I watched with wide eyes as he pulled his already hard dick from his pants. He sat back agains
t the headboard and stroked himself as I put on a show for him. Eventually I went off track as I got completely naked and pulled his hand away from his leaking cock. Kneeling between his legs with my ass high in the air, I took him in my mouth. He wasn’t willing to just take, he shifted on the bed flipping me around so we could both give oral pleasure at the same time. I could taste him as he got closer, the more I could taste the harder I worked. He exploded a half a second before I did.

  After getting redressed we didn’t leave his room. He had more questions about the photo shoot and what happens next. I explained that she might be calling because our images are ready to choose from or it could be something completely different because she had asked Hannah about possibly modeling. He pulled out his wallet, slid his black credit card out and handed it to me, “I want all the pictures. Every-fucking-one. I don’t care what it costs, just make sure you buy them all.”

  It was then we heard Amy calling us. Thankfully we weren’t still chasing our pleasure. I don’t think I could play nice if she had interrupted that. Steve and Hannah were already out there, which made me realize I didn’t have a clue what I looked like. Suddenly embarrassed that they might have heard us, I kept my eyes adverted. Amy wanted the guys to get stuff out of the attic while Hannah and I ran to the store for a few forgotten items.

  Hannah wanted details. Details that I was still holding onto for myself. She told me about going to Vegas for a photo shoot. I was instantly jealous. I had no desire to do another photo shoot, but I definitely wanted to go to Vegas. I am sure she got tired of hearing me ask if she thought Cal could get the time off to go. I would even dip into my secret stash of money to pay for the trip, if there was the slightest chance he could get the time off work. She finally had mercy on me and called her dad to see if Calvin could have the weekend off for a surprise getaway I was planning for us. And just like that, we’re going to Vegas!

  Bunco. Amy wanted to play bunco and now that Curtis, Callie, and Will had joined the group, there were enough people to play. Most of us hadn’t played before, but it was super easy and despite the initial reservation among the group we were hooting and hollering within two rounds.

  Amy had put a lot of effort into the prizes. It wasn’t just the winner, there was a prize for the loser and the one who had the most bunco’s. Amy was technically the winner, Callie was the biggest loser and Kyler had the most bunco’s. Amy wouldn’t take her own prize, so I got it since I was in second place. Part of my prize included scratch lottery tickets, which I proceeded to scratch as quickly as I could. I won $500. I may have over reacted slightly with my excitement. I jumped around like a crazy lady. I couldn’t help but think it was a sign that Vegas was going to be awesome!

  After bunco, Amy and Luke went to bed while the rest of us went downstairs to hang out. We tried playing a couple of the standard drinking games. It was during that time that Curtis admitted his truth to us, he was transferring out of Western State so he could be fully committed to his relationship with Callie and Will. My heart grew a little more when Cal shook hands with Will and hugged Callie, welcoming them both to the family.

  The guys and Callie had all been drinking and decided it was a good idea to go swimming. Thankfully Hannah had mentioned they had a pool so I was prepared with a couple of my own bikinis that I’d gotten while in Florida over the summer. Steve and Curtis hated it each and every time I put one on. Seriously, they bought me a dozen different cover-ups hoping I’d do just that, cover-up. I was anxious for Cal to see me in the skimpiest one I had. Thankfully, I knew Steve would be distracted by the sight of Hannah wearing the bikini I helped her pick out on one of our shopping trips. Curtis would be distracted by Callie who was mixing and matching suits, she wore my brief bottoms even though they were too small. She is definitely curvier than I am so rather than looking like the normal brief bottoms, they appeared to be the cheeky style. She wore one of Hannah’s tops, which did a better job than mine would have of holding her full C cups.

  The three of us got changed in Hannah’s room. My bottoms fit just fine, but when I pulled the top on, my boobs were practically falling out. Callie whistled as I turned around. At first, I thought she was whistling at Hannah until I realized Callie was looking at me. Her acknowledging that I looked good in my suit made me smile. It also served to take my mind off the negative pregnancy test for all of two seconds. Glancing down at my fuller boobs, I couldn’t help but to think about the negative pregnancy test. Bigger boobs could be a symptom of being pregnant; it could also be a result of being lazy. I couldn’t remember the last long run I’d gone on. If I hadn’t taken the test, I would have thought for sure I was pregnant, but I saw the results with my own eyes.

  As we walked outside towards the pool, which thankfully was heated, four sets of eyes bulged out and a fifth set darted between Callie, Curtis and Will. If I weren’t so set on making my way to Cal, I would have taken great pleasure watching Kyler. He clearly liked the curves that Callie had going on and was interested in watching the three interact. Calvin however, wasn’t interested in anything but getting his hands on me.

  Tomorrow is the day I ask Sierra to marry me. Forget sleeping, all I saw when I closed my eyes was her strutting her stuff as she walked out in the skimpiest bikini I’d ever seen. I didn’t care that the only people, other than me, seeing her were her brothers and mine; I wanted to keep her neck deep in the water. She kept swimming away from me. Thankfully, I am faster. If I could have attached myself physically to her, I would have.

  We’d been lost in our own world, just the two of us. I hadn’t noticed that everyone had moved to the hot tub until the triangle of her top slid to the side leaving her nipple exposed. On instinct, rather than adjusting her top, I covered her with my hand. Quickly looked around and saw that we were alone in the pool. Enjoying the effortless way I could manipulate her, I pulled her body flush with mine. There was no way she could have missed the effect she had on me. Without warning, she wrapped her legs around my waist and flopped backwards into the water. Her hair fanned out and her tits threatened to escape the tiny top she was wearing. It gave a new meaning to the term wet dream. She was my dream.

  Without warning, she reached for my forearms, which she used to pull herself up my body. “Take me to my room. They are distracted in the hot tub. If we wait, Curtis, Will and Callie will be in the room next to mine. If we go now, they won’t be there yet.”

  I needed no further explanation. I lifted her to sit on the side of the pool and used my upper body to lift myself out before helping her stand. I didn’t bother toweling off; instead, I used both towels I’d brought out to carefully wrap her up. We said good night as we made our way into the house. I wanted to scoop her up and run to her room, but showing more restraint than I felt, I simply let her lead the way.

  As soon as she stepped into her room, I pulled the string that rested in the middle of her back then quickly pulled the one at the back of her neck. “This is the last time you’ll wear this one.” Before she could respond I pulled the back of her bottoms up, wedging the already skimpy bottoms further up her ass. “Seriously, you’re never wearing this suit again.” She didn’t bother trying to stop me as I used one hand to tug, fully exposing both cheeks, I used the other to pull the string on my own suit. The strain of my rock-hard cock ripped the Velcro open on my board shorts. Just like that, I was able to slap her ass with my cock.

  She got a little sassy with me, “You don’t like my Brazilian bottoms? I thought you would like them.”

  “No Babe, I don’t. If you want to flash me your ass, feel free any time. But there is no fucking need to wear this shit for other people to see. I don’t give a shit who was out there. It could have just been my sister, I still wouldn’t want you wearing it.” I pulled a little harder as I guided her to stand at the foot of the bed. “Bend over. Damn Babe. I wish you could see what I see when you bend over like this for me.” I hooked my finger under the edge of the bikini, effectively forcing her pussy to spread on either sid
e of the suit. I was on my knees behind her in seconds, I could smell her arousal even over the strong scent of the chlorine. Using only my teeth, I pulled the bottoms off, taking my time, one side at a time. As the bottoms hit the floor I diverted my attention to her bare pussy. Using both hands to hold her ass open, I devoured her. No area off limits, I drilled her ass with my firm tongue then fluttered it over and around her clit. I alternated back and forth, lapping at her dripping cunt in between. She buried her face into the bedding as her orgasm hit. Greedily, I drank every last drop.

  When she bent her knees together, she effectively dislodged my mouth from her still pulsing pussy. The orgasm increased her sass, “So you’re saying you like the suit?”

  Faster than she was expecting, I landed an open palm on her right ass cheek. Rather than yelping as I expected her to do, she moaned deep in her throat. Instantly, my cock was dripping at the sound and knowledge that I just increased her pleasure. With one hand on each cheek, I massaged and squeezed, then released her so I could pinch the end of my cock; hopefully slowing the orgasm trying to work its way out. I lined myself up with her wet, open slit and with one thrust was balls deep. She didn’t shy away from the invasion. Instead, she increased my pace by slamming herself back against me. I needed her to slow down or it would be over in seconds. I smacked her left cheek with hope of slowing her down. Wrong, I just ignited the fire and she was burning even hotter. Rather than holding her by the hips, I took turns spanking then rubbing her ass as I gave us both pleasure with the movement of my hips. “Fucking perfect Babe.” were the only intelligible words spoken. Everything else was grunts, growls, and moans of approval and admiration. I watched as the physical twitching along her spine rolled down her body. When it reached her ass, I watched it twitch as well. As soon as it rolled past her ass, I could feel her orgasm explode. It was more than I could take, I shot off like a rocket as she rocked through it.


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