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Jaxson 2_Ghosts of Retribution_Black Devils MC

Page 13

by K. J. Dahlen

  About the time I was ready to stomp someone into the god dammed ground, the door opened and two men walked in. It was one of the teams I’d send to Coronado to find and watch over Bruno De Luca and Jaxson Coltrane. “What the fuck are you guys doing back here? You should be finding and tracking De Luca.” I scowled at the pair.

  One of the men, Paulie Simmons shrugged. The other man Harry Windom just stood there and didn’t say a word. Both men knew I wouldn’t like what they had to report but they also knew that if they didn’t report in, I was likely to just shoot them. This way was easier.

  “We were no more than ten minutes behind him all the way. We figured he’d go on home and we were waiting for him in the shadows where he lived but he never got there. We waited for hours then began roaming the streets but we couldn’t find him. Then we came here to report like you wanted us to.”

  My frown deepened. I wasn’t known to abide foolishness nor was I known to forgive very easily. Instead, what I was known for was my temper which was violent at best, deadly at its worst. “The man has to be somewhere,” I said softly. For those who knew me best, they would know when my voice got low I was really pissed, they knew enough to run. “I suggest you get your asses back to Coronado and find his dumb fucking ass and stay on him. If he sees you and runs, I’m going to personally strip the flesh from your bones and roast your liver for my dogs. Is that clear?”

  Paulie nudged Harry. They both turned away without saying a word and left the bar.

  I slammed down the alcohol in my glass and poured another drink. I knew I should stop drinking but the higher my temper got the more alcohol I needed to calm down. I would end up killing some dumbfuck who stood too close to me.

  Finally, I grabbed my phone and called the other team. I wanted to know what Jaxson was doing and where he was doing it at. “Rem, give me your report.” I growled into the phone.

  “I got nothing to report,” Rem answered. “Jaxson never came back to his apartment last night or this morning. I sent Scope out to patrol for him but he isn’t back here yet either.”

  “Fucking hell!” I shouted. “Can’t any of you do your fucking jobs right? Paulie and Harry can’t find DeLuca either. They have to be somewhere in that shithole town. Find them!” I screamed. “Find them now and report back to me when you do. Oh and Rem, I’d better not have to wait too long to hear back from you.”

  “Ok boss, we’ll find them.” Rem hung up the call.

  I wiped the sweat from my face and threw my phone down on the table. My temper was getting the better of me and I knew I had to keep it together. I also knew I needed answers, not more fucking questions and right now, I wasn’t getting enough of either.

  I was just getting ready to get up to go get the answers myself when the door opened and my VP came in. I sat there waiting for him to reach me before I asked, “What the fuck is going on around here? Nobody can tell me anything. The guys in Coronado can’t find De Luca or Coltrane. What do you have to report to me?” I paused then added, “It better be more than nothing or I might just start looking for another VP.”

  Levi Hall, aka Pyro otherwise known as the Bloods VP, nodded at me and sat down. “I just got back from the border. There’s activity in the dooryard. They’re prepping five SUVs for transport.”

  I scowled. “Five SUVs huh? I wonder what they’re hauling and where.”

  Pyro shrugged. “Don’t know what or where but if they’re loading the vehicles it won’t be long now. We’ll keep watching and let you know any updates.”

  I sat back, lifted my glass, and smiled at my VP. “You do that. I’m just gonna sit here and wait for any word.” I finally felt a bit better. At least we sighted activity.

  Pyro stared at me for a moment longer, then asked, “Are you gonna call the Sheriff in on this? He’d love to bust the cartel. It would make him a hero in this town.”

  I chuckled. “That it would, that it would. It also wouldn’t hurt us any either. Our connection to him is well-hidden and he might just be indebted to us for our part in making him a big man, in the people’s eyes at least. We all know what a suckup shit nose he is.”

  “Hell, he wouldn’t even be a Sheriff if it weren’t for us.” Pyro smiled evilly.

  I motioned for him to leave. “Let me know if there’s any change at the compound.”

  “I will.” Pyro got up to leave.

  I sat back and smiled sipping my drink. Well, maybe I didn’t have to kill some fucker tonight. And damn, I loved killing, but Jaxson was the only kill that would make me truly fucking happy.

  Soon, yeah very soon.

  An hour later, Harry called. I was just about drunk enough for the day and when I answered the call, I was expecting better news than what I got.

  “Hey boss, we still can’t find Coltrane but someone else showed up.”

  “And just who would that be?” I growled.

  “Viper herself.”

  “Viper?” I frowned. “Are you sure it was her?”

  “Yup, I am. She just arrived in her white SUV.”

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “I’m outside their fucking clubhouse. I figured Coltrane would be here at some point. If they’re doing a deal with the cartel he needs his men, right?”

  “You watch the place and if anybody else shows up, you better fucking remember to call it in.” I slammed the phone down on the table and began to think about what I’d learned today.

  Fuckin A, what was going on in my town?

  Chapter Fifteen


  My heart leapt into my throat as I hung up the phone. I had to catch Jax before he left. “Jax!”

  No answer. The house was silent.

  I opened the bedroom door and flew down the stairs. Dad, Dino and Bruno were already outside and Jax was just heading out of the door. I managed to stop him, grabbing onto his arm.

  He stopped in his tracks, pulling an unlit cigarette from his lips. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Through labored breaths, I choked out, “I just spoke to a Chief Inspector Croicheck.”

  Jax narrowed his eyes at me. “A cop?”

  I nodded frantically. “He called mom’s phone but she’s asleep, so I answered. When I heard it was the police that wanted her, I pretended and told them I was Sheila. She’s not safe to go outside of this place, Jax. And she’s in no shape to be answering police questions, but if she doesn’t comply with the police she’ll be in trouble with the law,” I told him, my voice strangled by trepidation.

  “Don’t believe everything people tell you, Chloe. It’ll be Roy’s loan sharks baiting her out of hiding. Don’t tell her they called. And don’t let her out of the house for Christ’s sakes that shit’ll get her killed.”

  “And if it really is the cops, then what?” I whispered.

  “Even if it were really the cops, being in trouble with the law is better than being killed. Her life is in danger if she leaves this house. Remember that,” Jax said in a low, warning tone.

  I felt so scared suddenly. “I’m worried about you.”


  “You were there the night Roy was killed, you and Dino. You could go down for this, or have you forgotten that?”

  “To hell with the cops. Jesse took care of Roy and the cops think Jesse is dead. So leave Roy where he damn well belongs…in the past.”

  “Oh, really? Think about it Jax, if Bruno controls the police in Coronado, Jumper must control the police in Tijuana. He’ll find a way to frame you for this – I know it.”

  “They’ve got nothin’ on me, baby.” Jax reached out and pulled me tight against him. He crossed his arms over my back and held me while stroking over my shoulder blades with his thumbs.

  I buried my head into his shirt and breathed in his scent deep, my mind still whirling, savoring the enticing smell of his spicy cologne, as though it were the last chance I would ever have. It really did feel that way, with Roy’s soul still haunting us, and Jax about to step out into the fire to work
with the drug cartel.

  “Jax…” I whispered. My voice was broken. My mind exploding with terror. Tears were running down my cheeks.

  Jax’s face was showing no emotion.


  He crushed his lips to mine, cutting me off. My fears ceased to exist as it blurred into the wild and untamable fever between us. Enveloped in a kiss that felt like heaven on my skin, my fears simmered down and I surrendered to the sensation of the moment.

  He said nothing as he pushed me up the stairs to the top next to our room. He pulled off my shirt and unhooked my bra with the slick accuracy of a professional. My boobs bounced and spilled free from their cage. Tossing the clothes onto the stairs, they landed with the softness of a whisper. Breaking the moment, I gave a cautious sideways glance around.

  “We only have a minute, so this has to be quick,” he whispered sweetly with a charming grin that always made my heart jump. I licked his lips as Jax brushed my hair away from my face with his hand. His thumb and index finger of the other hand were pressed firmly on the button of his jeans. He didn’t even pull his jeans down all the way, before he turned me and pushed me up against the wall.

  He drove his body into mine, without even giving me time to get ready. Thrusting my chest against the wall in the hallway, his intrusion burned for the first two strokes but then the pain turned to pleasure as my body readied itself. It felt like heaven. Being complete, whole as he ravaged me. God, I loved this. He was right too—this wouldn’t take long at all. He grabbed my hair and turned my head around pushing his tongue deep into my mouth, and then his tongue danced with mine with an expert application of pressure and rhythm.

  He pulled back to look at me leaving goosebumps while enlivening me with a tingle up my back in the wake of his kiss. Bright, forest green eyes beamed into mine, sending a zing of adrenaline though my bloodstream that made my heart flutter.

  Hoisting me off the ground like I weighed no more than a silk bed sheet, he pounded deep inside me. I tried to wrap my thighs around his hips and his hard cock throbbed in my pussy. Jax sank his teeth into my neck as he thrust into my core repeatedly with no mercy. He then sucked and nibbled on my bottom lip hungrily, drawing out a soft wail from my throat. I could feel his body tightening in anticipation of the explosion I knew was coming.

  The fact that anyone could walk in on us, as the door was still open, only intensified the excitement.

  He straddled my body against the wall and pushed his firm, hard cock deeper inside me. He cupped my throat in his hand, turning my head to meet my stare. He looked down into my eyes with his magnetic emerald irises. His hand slipped down to my clit as he thumbed it a few times, and I flew off the edge into that sweet mind blowing abyss. He followed me over as he thrust deeply into me and came.

  Jax lifted me off the wall and turned me around so I could wrap my arms around his muscled shoulders and back as he whispered in my ear, “I’ll never let anyone hurt you. You’re mine, Chloe.”

  I relaxed a little. “You sure I’m exciting enough for a man like you, Jax?” I asked softly, my words sounding constricted as I forced them out. I looked down at his chest.

  “I’ve got something to show you…This one’s for you, Chloe.” He passed his hand over the tribal design of swirls on his chest.

  I squinted and tried to see what he was talking about.

  “There in the base of that swirl where the heart is.” He took my hand and placed my finger over it.

  I looked closer and saw it. Chloe. Inscribed into his chest was my name.

  I gasped as I wondered how long had that been there in the midst of that intricate design and I had never noticed it?

  “I felt like shit, for ever hurting you,” he whispered.

  “Let’s not talk about any of that. Let’s not talk about it at all. Remember, it is in the past. I only care about now.”

  His eyes were still flaming with desire as he helped me pull my jeans back up. He flashed me a charming, reassuring smile.

  I took in his every feature, the dimples in his cheeks as he smiled at me. The look in his eyes, the way his lip curled when he smiled. I realized that just his smile made me wet. I suppose it always had. God, how I still wanted him and he just had me up against the wall. He was like a drug I couldn’t get enough of.

  “Fucking beautiful,” he said as he steadily gazed at my face.

  My cheeks heated as I blushed.

  A smile started to form on his lips, as I remained lost in his hypnotizing gaze. The look on his face left me with no idea what to say.

  He looked from my lips to my eyes, regarding me. “I’ve got to go, but when this is over, I’m going fuck you all night.”

  My legs grew weak from his words. The promise in his eyes snaked into my soul. My lips were begging to be kissed by him. As if he knew this, he pressed his lips against mine and the kiss was over all too quickly. He brushed his hand over my core and whispered, “This pussy is mine and mine alone. When this is done, you’re gonna know it.” He stepped away and pulled up his jeans. Buckling his belt he told me, “We’re leaving now. And please… you and your mom just stay behind locked doors and don’t unlock the door for anyone, only me, Bruno or Dino. You got that?”

  When I nodded, he turned and went down the stairs leaving the house, locking the door behind him.

  Jax’s words floated through my mind and I promised myself I would do as he asked me to for once.

  I leaned against the wall and could feel his warm cum deep inside of me. For a moment, I stood there, inhaling and exhaling heavily, spent and dazed. When my breathing slowed, I tugged my shirt down over my stomach again. I got up and went over to the window to watch Jax, Dino and my father as they prepared to leave. The dull roars of three Harley engines could be heard even from inside the house and a sudden angst chipped away at my post sex happiness.

  I felt my pulse rate kick up a notch in apprehension. I was nervous for everybody involved. I just got my dad back, though my heart was still locked against letting him in yet. What if he did die though? I hadn’t forgiven him and—I shook my head. Then if I lost Jax—my thoughts faded. I had to stop thinking like this. But it was hard to do. Chewing on my bottom lip as it quivered, I tried to hold back tears. I wanted to be strong. When I realized that this wouldn’t be possible, I pulled my head back behind the curtain to hide my face.

  Losing all semblance of control, tears began to run down my cheeks. I wanted to run outside and hug Jax. I knew that he rode toward certain trouble on his bike and there was nothing I could do to stop it. There would never be any way to stop him. Perhaps that was what frightened and saddened me the most. I’d never be able to change what was in my heart and the fact that I loved him for the way he was.

  Even if ‒ by some miracle ‒ Jax could continue to survive the many chances he took with his life, I wasn’t sure that I could. His world was ripping out my sanity like a psychiatric poison, monkeying with the chemistry in my brain. Though in reality, I had no choice. I needed to be with him, it was like breathing.

  Tonight was a night I’d been dreading. Deep down in my soul, I felt certain that Jax would be the one to pay the price for Bruno’s catastrophic mistake – getting involved with a drug cartel. From the day Jax told me about Bruno’s deal with the cartel, I could tell it was going to be a hellish nightmare.

  I slid down the wall as I wept until my ass landed on the floor. Please stay safe, Jaxson Coltrane.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The cell phone on the nightstand vibrated with a humming sound. I groaned.

  Rolling over in bed, I grabbed my cell and squinted at the screen. The call was from my VP, Pyro. Maybe he finally had something to tell me. “Yeah,” I answered.

  Pyro spoke over me, “Get your ass over to the museum at Balboa Park. I followed Viper’s SUV down there. Looks like she plans to be around for the cartel’s job with the Devils,” he alerted me. After a brief hesitation, he asked, “You want me to take care of it?”<
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  “No!” I snapped back. “Leave her to me,” I told him and cut the call.

  Stretching my arms, I sat up in bed and blinked my eyes. I was half way out of the bed when I realized my female company had awoken too.

  “Where are you going now?” she asked, her words drawn out and childish.

  I should have expected that the girl would start whining a second after her eyes opened. “Shut up,” I ordered, reaching for my pants and shirt. I stood up and shrugged on my clothes. My eyes darted over the room for my jacket.

  Forgetting who she was talking to, the girl persisted, “Don’t you walk out on me like this! We only just got here,” she whined again, her voice huffy. It hadn’t yet occurred to her that she was no more than a convenient way to get my rocks off. She got up and stormed over to my side of the bed.

  Ignoring her, I shrugged on my jacket. “Shut up,” I repeated, shoving her aside to reach for my gun in the closet. I didn’t have time for her petty bullshit. If she persisted, she was going to get a bullet.

  The girl got up and headed toward the door as I shoved my 365 magnum into its holster. I heard the door click shut. Lucky for her, she finally got smart.

  Primed for the night ahead, I left the house and tore down the highway toward the museum on the east side of the park. My only objective…revenge.

  Before approaching the entrance, I looked through the security gates on the outside to see that nobody was around. All seemed clear. I rolled forward slowly and turned into the open entrance that supplied access to the museum beside Balboa Park.

  There were no people about and no cars. None except the SUV I’d been expecting. It was early evening and the museum had closed for the night. The area as dead and empty as it always was at this hour - as though desolate; a place long forgotten.


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