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Immortal Becoming

Page 11

by Wendy S. Hales

  “GIL.” He appealed to the blood-bond he had with his mentor for the first time in his life.

  “S’up, Shane,” came the calm, soothing, immediate response.

  Shane sent Gil a complete memory of the last few moments. Less than a second passed. “Got it. Already here. Quick scrub and fill and I’ll meet ya at my place.”

  Shane let go of his kinetic hold on the door, comfortable in the knowledge that Gil had things well in hand. Exiting the building, he took a quick look around before lifting Jess’s neck to his dentes. Sinking them into the pounding artery, he drew in the rich flavor of her blood. Before he could fully surrender to the ecstasy of his first direct host feeding in well over a hundred years, magnified a thousand-fold by her iron levels, he gathered her energy with his own. He boosted his energy to port them both to the foyer of Gil’s estate.

  Safe, he dropped to his knees, Jess cradled in his arms. Everything male in him filled with primal possessiveness. BLOODMATE. He’d had his suspicions before, but now he knew. She was more than a mate; she was his bloodmate. Their body chemistry was a perfect match. He had bound himself to his bloodmate without her consent, knowledge, or reciprocation. So much for his promise to never take from her anything she didn’t offer. If she rejected him now, he would spend the rest of his existence incomplete. Yet he justified what he had done with the thought that, with her life at stake, taking her blood was the right answer.

  “Shanley.” A soothing, calm female voice came from behind him. He heard a low growl before he realized it was coming from him. The female softly chuckled from behind him, no fear of him whatsoever. “Ahh, when Sargon bonded me, he went completely feral for a full century.” Her voice calmed him somewhat, a gift she shared with her son.

  His mind connected her voice to her name. Ninlil. Not only was she Gil’s mother, she was also one of the SOSC representatives for the Americas. Sargon, her bloodmate, was Gil’s father and the Warrior Council Leader for the North American Continent. He could feel the power of the female. She would not take Jess from him. He heard himself growl again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jorie heard the chirp of one of her mother’s alerts. Taking a quick peek, she saw her mother was still sleeping soundly. She ducked into her mother’s office and saw that the chimed screen was the view from a camera overlooking the parking lot of her cousin’s Ryu. Jess’s jeep was still on the screen, and she could see nothing to alarm her mother over.

  A familiar longing came over her at the thought of Jess. She wished her mother would let her meet her cousin. Jess didn’t know about what they were yet. Her mom was afraid meeting Jorie would create too many questions, but she promised someday soon. Sometimes Jorie got tired of waiting.

  It was her job to let her mom know when she felt Jess’s energy coming through, indicating that Jess was coming for a visit. Jess didn’t know how to mask her energy, so it was easy for Jorie to know. Then she had to hide, but she always listened in. Jess talked about shopping and fighting and her new Jeep. Jorie wanted to go shopping. Her mother made her train in courses. She wondered if that was like fighting. She reeaalllyy wanted to learn to drive that Jeep. She wished she could grow up as fast as Jess did.

  She worried for Jess. Mother had told her that she was lucky. She was born with her dentes, her wings, and her ears. They all came natural to her. Jess would be getting all that stuff soon, but it would hurt for her. It would all develop over like a week or two, and Jess wouldn’t know how to fly or nothing. Mother told her that Jess would need Jorie to help her when that day came. Until then, Jorie and her mom had to let Jess enjoy her humanity for as long as she could.

  Softly closing the door behind her, Jorie tiptoed back to the living room and her book without disturbing her mother.


  “BLOODMATE!” Jess woke with a start to the sound of Shane’s voice shouting that word over and over in her mind. He sounded like he was in agony, and she wanted to comfort him.

  “Shane?” Opening her eyes, she sat up in a strange bed, looking around a strange room. It was luxurious, the way she imagined a four-star hotel would be. Not that she’d actually been in one.

  Swinging her legs off the side of the bed, she realized someone had removed her GI and left her in her tank top and boy shorts. Making another visual sweep of the room, this time looking for her clothes, she saw a familiar face.

  “Where are we, Aunt Moira?” She breathed a sign of relief. “Did you see a man with me? His name is Shane.” She stood up, stretching. Weird, but she felt fantastic. She was sure she’d been sick. “Thanks for the drink, by the way. I feel great.” Moira just watched her. Jess figured she was still waiting for her answer from earlier when Jess had left in such a rush. “I know you thought I’d be back before now. So much has happened. I don’t even know where to start.”

  Then Jess noticed the differences in Moira. Her eyes, although the right colors, held a gentle kindness within their depths, more like her mother’s than the cunning intelligence that burned in Moira’s. Her hair was a light red, not the deep red of Moira’s hair. Neither did Moira have the lithe build of the woman before her.

  All the hair on Jess’s neck stood up on end. She was scared of the strange power emanating from the woman. Feeling the anxiety attack coming on, she knew her mind had taken on one shock too many in such a short period of time. She tried taking a deep breath. “Who are you?”

  “BLOODMATE!” She grabbed both sides of her head at the agony and volume of Shane’s shouting. Where was he? Why was he yelling? Why was he hurting? “Where is Shane?” Her question whispered past her lips. Her head was about to explode.

  Instinctively she reached in to her inner self, her point of power, the thing she worked so hard to deny. Digging deep, she drew herself into that strength. The strange, red-headed clone woman rose from her seat, holding her hands up in a defensive pose. She was speaking, but Jess couldn’t hear her over Shane’s shout of “Bloodmatebloodmatebloodmate” over and over in her mind, matching the pounding of her heart. Beneath Shane’s voice and the pounding was a hum of vibration getting louder and louder in her head.

  “SHANE!” she screamed out telepathically, picturing him in her mind, every detail, every nuance. Clinging, grasping, she pulled his image to her until she could feel his essence as her own. Reaching up as if she were wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, she felt an electrical charge under her skin followed by the dizzy spinning from her dreams. Visualizing herself pressing her body tightly against his, she smelled his scent, then felt the warmth of his body as she manifested in exactly the position against him she’d pictured in her mind.

  His arms came around her in a fierce embrace. She laid her head against his chest, refusing to open her eyes, trembling from the power she had just invoked. His yell immediately stopped and he sighed in her mind, “Mine.” Just like that, the world was right again. Confusion didn’t matter when she was safe in Shane’s arms and he held her trembling body tightly against him. The pain and noise in her mind fell silent and her heart rate slowly returned to normal.

  “Great Fates.” An unfamiliar male voice spoke from behind her. She felt an energy ripple and was sure it was the red-head porting into the room.

  “Has she ever been to this room before?” said another voice. This one had a deep, booming timbre.

  “Nope.” At least she recognized Gil’s voice.

  “It took you forever to be able to call our bond the way she just did.” The female’s voice, soothing and calm, reminded her of Gil’s

  “Right back at ya, luv,” responded the deep, booming-timbre voice again

  “From what I gather, she dinna even think she could port, let alone do what she just did. Ain’t their bond one-sided?” Gil asked. What was he talking about?

  “Bloodmate. Hmmmm. Mine.” Shane’s voice, now content with her in his arms, nearly purred in her mind.

  “Yes, well, I don’t think separating them was a wise course of action.” The female’s voice. She
sounded weaker, as if less power was radiating off of her now. She wasn’t sure how, but Jess knew she was the cause.


  “What is a bloodmate?” Jess’s soft voice came from within the cocoon of Shane’s arms. Shane shifted, his hold not letting go, and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. He sat back down into the chair behind him, marveling at the innate power of his bloodmate.

  One minute he had been sitting there fighting the call to go her and finish his claim. The next he was standing with all of her lush curves pressed against him, wearing nothing but a tank top and boy shorts. Someone placed a throw over them once he was seated. He was too focused on the warm bundle in his arms to give much notice.

  He’d drunk enough of her blood to bring her iron levels to a safe level, and then some. Once he’d finally been able to regain enough control to release her limp form to Nin for care, it had taken everything in him not to tear the house apart to find her and finish what he’d started.

  He’d done his best to contribute to the discussion between Gil and Enlil about Jess. How could she be of their bloodline without their knowledge? Enlil’s son Ediku was being called, though he had yet to show up. There was some sort of strain between him and the rest of the family. Enlil had just been preparing to port to Ediku when Jess had made her appearance.

  Through her blood singing in his veins, he’d felt her draw on her energy and the energy that surrounded everything and everybody in her immediate vicinity. That was a truly rare talent. He looked up to meet the gaze of one the bearers of that talent, Enlil. He saw what it was that Gil had been trying to explain to his feral bloodmates-raptured mind: Jess was related to this family. Somehow, someway. There was no denying it. Enlil was Jess with male features. His hair had a hint of red in the blonde strands, but his eyes were undeniable.

  His gaze then shifted to Ninlil, currently being supported by the strong arms of her mate. Weakened from Jess’s unexpected energy draw off of her, Ninlil shouldn’t have been able to port. The fact that she could was a tribute either to her abilities or to her bond to Sargon.

  Shane was fairly certain that Ninlil, being Enlil’s twin, could have shielded herself from Jess’s attack. Probably even turned it on Jess and killed her with it. Instead of anger, Ninlil’s eye’s showed compassion and understanding. Her eyes were also a dead ringer for Jess’s.

  “I donna know how yer channelin’ that off so fast, Uncle En. That’s some nice ass-savin,’ that is.” Gil broke the sudden silence that descended after Jess’s question.

  Shane noticed for the first time that although Gil’s eyes were brown like his father’s, he did have a smaller version of the star shape within his iris, like his Mother, Uncle … and Jess.

  Thunder sounded overhead. Somehow Enlil was drawing the excess energy that still clung to Jess off her, redirecting it into the atmosphere and causing a storm. Jess lifted her head, looking up at the sound of the thunder.”Oh, shit! Ohshitohshit. I’m making this storm, aren’t I?” she said, taking in the occupants in the room for the first time.

  Enlil answered, “It is your energy. I am siphoning it off you, sending it into the atmosphere.”

  “You can do that?” Her incredulous tone caused Enlil to grin. Shane squeezed her tighter.

  “You will be able to as well. It just takes time. This is the first time I have ever directed someone else’s gift. Besides my great grandfather, you are the first I have ever met who shared this gift. It may be hard for you to control right now.” Enlil’s gentle tone with Jess filled Shane with appreciation for the male.

  Shane could see that Enlil’s eyes were glowing. How was Jess dealing with that? He heard her swallow hard and felt her nod against his chest.

  “You will master it, as I am sure you have mastered everything in your life. If that demonstration is anything to go by, your gift will be more powerful than even mine.” Leaning toward her, Enlil took a deep breath of Jess’s scent before adding, “Once you Become.” Shane’s appreciation grew when Enlil smiled at Jess with pride. Her blood running through him expressed the longing she felt at seeing that look on Enlil face. He could sense how much she wanted to belong.

  Gil barked out a laugh. “Ah, lil Jess, ya do bring some much needed excitement. I thought seein’ Shane’s gappin’ piehole was humorous. That look on my mother’s face when she ‘poofed’—priceless.” Shane shot him a look that should have melted him to cinders but only succeeding in making him laugh harder. Jess buried her face deeper into his chest.

  “‘Poofed’?” Ninlil chuckled. “Gilgamesh, sometimes you say the damnedest things.”

  Shane felt Jess turn her head to look at Ninlil and Sargon. He tried to imagine how all this must seem to Jess. Sargon was obviously Gil’s father. Where Gil’s arms resembled tree trucks, his were sides of beef. Not quite as tall as Shane, he was taller than his son by a few inches. He also had a Native American look, but his nearly black hair was crop-cut military style, accentuating the mass that was his neck. “Welcome to the family.” Sargon’s deep, rich voice resonated kindness. His smile was warm and genuine, welcoming.

  Shane squeezed Jess, a reminder that she was safe in Shane’s arms, when Ninlil leaned toward her.

  “I am so sorry.” Jess’s voice trembled with tears, breaking Shane’s heart. Jess hadn’t meant to sap Ninlil. It was an accident. He knew her family realized that. That didn’t keep her from feeling bad about it.

  “Don’t be.” Ninlil’s voice was soothing. “En used to do that when we were kids. I learned to shield against it young. You caught me by surprise. In more ways than one.” She shrugged dismissively. “I should have told you I wasn’t this Moira you thought I was. It’s just you look so much like our mother. You wear your hair longer. That is the only difference I can see.” She looked closer at Jess. “What about you, En?”

  With a look of pride, hope, and a tinge of sadness that seemed to be part of him, Enlil squatted down before Jess, taking in her features. There was no way Jess could continue to question her genealogy after taking a hard look at the male.

  “Wow.” Jess whispered. Enlil smiled kindly at her. Having looked his fill, he straightened and stood directly to the side of his sister. “Her face looks a lot like mother. Her figure and her hands are Etana’s. I can see why you were dumbfounded, Nin.” He smiled down at Jess.

  “Thought ta be the greatest political mind ever got dumfounded. Good thing she donna have ta fund-raise, huh,” Gil cracked at his mother.

  “You are such a shit.” That word coming from Ninlil made the whole room chuckle.

  “I’ll never get used to her swearing.” Enlil shook his head, his love for his twin sister apparent.

  “Makes a baby boy proud,” Gil said and received an eye roll from his mother. “I’d like ya ta meet my mother, Ninlil,” he said. Smiling, Ninlil reached out to shake Jess’s hand, not seeming offended at all that Jess had failed to stand for the introduction. “My father, Sargon.” Sargon held out his giant hand, and Jess placed her hand in his. He leaned in and laid a gentle kiss on her knuckles, then grinned when Shane couldn’t stop himself from growling. Jess peered over her shoulder, looking at him in question, raising an eyebrow in classic WTF position. All he could do was shrug.

  Ninlil cut her son off, taking over the introductions. “This is my big brother—well, by seven minutes—Enlil.” Taking Jess’s hand in both of his, Enlil squatted down to eye level with her again.

  “Are you my father?” Jess asked quietly. Enlil slowly shook his head, and Shane felt her disappointment like it was his own. Two days ago, the only father she knew, she wanted nothing to do with. Yet here she was feeling disappointed that this kind Elven in front of her was telling her he wasn’t it.

  “You are my descendant. Granddaughter, possibly great-granddaughter. We won’t have far to look. My mate and I only had one child.” There was the flash of sadness again. “Let’s start with something easy.” Jess nodded. “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-six,” Jess
answered, then proceeded to answer a long series of questions. Shane knew she was tiring. He knew every time one of their questions sent her mind spinning, especially when she found out that Hulvens could have life spans nearly as long as Elven, since both Hulvens and Elvens were considered Volaticus species.

  When she told them about her mother’s death, curiously Nin and Gil had shown great sympathy for the man Jess had thought was her father all this time.

  Moira was the biggest surprise. Turned out Nin and Enlil were the only known Elven twins ever. No one had ever heard of Hulven twins. Nin and Enlil had a few anomalies because of their twin bond, which were still being studied and documented. They were very interested in finding out the effects of being twins on Marja and Moira.

  Although it had only been a few hours, Shane felt that Jess had talked forever. He knew she was full of questions herself, but she seemed to have resigned herself to waiting for the answers. Except one.

  “What is a bloodmate?” It was the same question she had started with.

  Everyone looked to Shane. He’d remained mostly silent this entire time. Jess wrapped her arms around his neck, her beautiful eyes pleading with him. “Please tell me.” Not like he could deny her anything

  Shane looked to Gil. “Go on up ta your old room,” Gil instructed. “We’ll have some food sent up in a bit.”

  Nodding his thanks, Shane stood, still carrying Jess covered by the blanket. He couldn’t bear to be distant enough for her to walk on her own two feet. Heading toward the stairs, he wondered if Jess realized the cause of his silence. His dentes had not retracted in all the time they had been with her family. He smiled at the implications of Jess’s family. She would never be alone in the world again, plus they were a powerful lot. She may not understand that value yet. He knew she was the prodigal daughter, and those people would lay down their lives for her.


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