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The Problem With Jordan

Page 4

by Joannie Kay

  “I hear you, son. I’ll do my best to stop it before it starts.” The sheriff left the store, forgetting about his pipe tobacco in his hurry to ride out and see Ike.

  “Cray! Please make them stop! I don’t need this many clothes!”

  He walked over to see what she had. “All I see are yard goods. Tell me what is what.” He listened carefully and then said in a gentle tone. “I would like to see you buy a few more pieces of yard goods, Jordan. I know this seems like a lot right now, but in reality, it’s only three every day dresses and one church dress. That isn’t much. Did you see if you have anything ready to wear that would fit Jordan, Mrs. Atwater?”

  “I do have a dress, and a skirt and shirtwaist. We would probably need to hem the length, but that isn’t difficult to do,” Goldie answered, and then added in an honest voice, “They were ordered by a young woman visiting here, and then she upped and left town, and most women are too big in some areas to wear those things. They are of a very nice quality, too.”

  “Could my wife try them on here?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “But, I… don’t… want—”

  Cray put his finger over his mouth to gently silence her. He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Do you want a spanking for acting like a child in here?”

  She immediately shook her head no.

  “Good. You are pleasing me very much, Jordan, by getting new clothes. Try these on and let me see. If they fit, then we’ll concentrate on some shoes and then we’ll stop for the day. When you have everything sewn up, then we can pick out some other things, or order from a catalogue.”

  “You are being too nice, and I don’t want to take advantage of you!” She was careful to keep her voice down and not act like a bratty child. She did not want another spanking anytime soon!

  “You aren’t taking advantage of me; I am enjoying this shopping. It has been a long time since I’ve had anyone to shop for, Jordan, and it feels good.”

  “But, the money?” she whispered.

  “I’m not worried. I can afford this, I promise. We’ll talk numbers soon, and then you’ll have a better picture of our finances.”

  “Here we go. What do you think, Mr. McCormick?” Goldie held up wooden hangers that held a beautiful green dress, a rust colored skirt and a shirtwaist that had lace around the cuffs and collar.

  “I like all of them very much. What about you, Jordan? Do you like them?”

  “Yes, but they have to be very expensive!” She couldn’t help fretting over the money in spite of Cray’s assurances that he could afford everything.

  “Henry will give them to you at cost, I’m sure. They’ve been in the storage room for nearly a year now!” She motioned for Jordan to follow her. “Come with me and I’ll help you change.” The woman surreptitiously picked up a pile of underclothing and took them along, too, winking at Alice. “You just sit there and rest a bit, Alice. I’ll help Jordan and then bring her out for you all to see.”

  Cray got Henry’s attention. “I thought of something else, Henry; I need two baskets. You know, the market basket size.”

  “Sure thing, Cray.” Henry was planning to paddle his wife for selling those garments at cost, but when he saw Jordan in the dress, he thought her beautiful. “You look right pretty, Miss Jordan.”

  “Thank you,” she said, embarrassed.

  “Jordy, with the right shoes, that dress won’t even need to be hemmed!” Alice exclaimed. “Isn’t she beautiful, Cray?”

  “Yes, very beautiful,” he agreed. “We’ll take that one, Mrs. Atwater.”

  Jordy hated being on display, but she changed into the skirt and shirtwaist and it was as if the garments were made for her! She liked the skirt and top better than the dress because she knew it would get a lot more use.

  “We want that outfit, too, and Jordan will wear it home, please. Shoes? What size do you wear, honey?” The endearment slipped out without conscious thought and seemed so natural. The others in the store smiled at each other.

  “I don’t know, Cray. Truly. I always just try on boy’s boots until I find a pair that fits, and I ain’t done that for at least four years now!” She was being honest.

  “We’ll find out. Just take a seat, Miss Jordan,” Henry gently bossed. And then he measured her foot and picked out a serviceable pair for everyday wear. “Do you like these?” he asked.

  “No. I hate them.” She wasn’t trying to be rude, just bluntly honest, which was her way. “I like the pair next to them.” They were simple, and black. Henry hurried to the back and returned with a pair. They fit perfectly. “I like these a lot. They’re pretty comfortable… for shoes.”

  “Do you want to try on any of the others in that area?”

  “No, these will do.”

  “These are the ones you should try for dress shoes, Jordy,” Alice suggested. They had a heel on them, and buttoned up the side. “What do you think?”

  “I’ll try them on,” she agreed, anxious to please Alice. Once they were on her feet, she tried to stand and almost fell, but Cray caught her.

  “Easy now,” he whispered.

  “I feel like a newborn foal trying to get his legs under him!” Jordan giggled as she walked in them, holding tight to her husband. “Oh, Cray, do you mind if I get these, too? I feel like a princess!”

  “You look like a princess, too. Of course, you may get the shoes, I promised you would have whatever you need, and you need pretty things, Jordan.”

  Henry totaled the purchases and Jordan gasped in shock when she heard the grand total. However, Cray took out his wallet and paid it without so much as blinking. Jordan couldn’t believe he was smiling!

  “Cray!” she said in a strangled whisper. “That is a lot of money!”

  “I bought some larger purchases, too, Jordan. I assure you it is all right. We’d best get Alice home before Jim comes looking for her.”

  Jordan was impressed with the gentle, careful way that he took care of Alice, and Jim came outside when they returned and welcomed her home with a kiss. “Did you see anything you wanted?”

  “No, but I wasn’t looking. I had so much fun, Jim. Thank you for watching our little boys and giving me the time to go. It was a wonderful gift.”

  “I like seeing my girl so happy,” Jim admitted, and then chuckled when she hastily said goodbye before hurrying inside. She needed to pee, and he knew it. “Cray, thanks for including my girl. I could tell that it made her happy, and I should make sure she gets out a bit more than I do. Jordy, you look pretty as can be.”

  “Thank you,” she said, blushing.

  Driving through town on their way home drew even more stares than earlier. “I suppose you would be upset with me if I jumped up and screamed at them to mind their own damn business?”

  “I suppose you would be even more upset if I spanked your posterior in public for doing such a thing?”

  “I was afraid you would say something like that.” She remained quiet until they left town behind. “Thank you, Cray. You spoiled me dreadfully today.”

  “A woman should be spoiled on her wedding day.”

  “But, we didn’t plan to be married,” she reminded him.

  “All the more reason to make it special in some way, Jordan. I wanted you to have some pleasant memories of this day to share when someone asks you.”

  “I do have pleasant memories,” she assured him. “It isn’t the things you bought, but it is the fact you went out of your way to buy them and give me things that are special. You also cooked for me, and you gave me a ring to wear to let others know that I belong to you. That is truly special, Cray. You didn’t have to do any of it; in fact, most men wouldn’t have bothered. You also took the time to reassure me that I am safe with you, and you did that with Alice and Jim, too, when you could have told them it was none of their business. I am no angel, and I can be hardheaded and a real brat, but today, you made me feel cherished. Thank you for that, and tonight I hope you will permit me to cook supper for you?�

  “I would love that, Jordan,” he quickly agreed. “You aren’t one bit spoiled, honey, unlike a lot of women I’ve met. We’ll find our way together, and when we reach an impasse over something, we’ll sit down and talk it through. Best of all, we can each say we have ‘family’ now.” He added the last bit with a smile.

  “That is true. You have a wife and I have a husband.” They talked of minor things on the way back to the ranch and the dog welcomed them by barking and wagging his tail.

  “You are supposed to sound ferocious, dog!” Cray scolded, but there was humor in his voice, and Jordan giggled.

  “What is his name?” she asked.

  “I just got him and I haven’t named him yet. You can do the honors if you want to.”

  “Yes! I would love to!”

  It was such a minor thing to him, but he could see it was a big deal to Jordan. He was happy with himself for making the offer. He parked the wagon beside the house, and then jumped down to walk around and lift her down and put her on her feet.

  “Thanks, Cray. I didn’t know how I was going to do that without falling flat on my face. I’ve never ever wore skirts before today,” she whispered shamefully. “Aunt Hermione said that it upset Pa to see me in skirts because I looked so much like Mama. Aunt Hermione hated skirts and refused to wear them after her Pa died. He thought she wasn’t ladylike because she preferred to work outside in the garden rather than be cooped up inside doing sewing, cooking and the like. He punished her a lot. When he died, she wore pants to his funeral just to spite him. Since she hated dresses and skirts so much, it didn’t occur to her that I might actually like to at least have one dress to wear to church on Sunday. I didn’t have the heart to insist, either. She didn’t have much money, and after Pa was killed, we had even less to live on, so I never asked for a dress.”

  “You can always be honest with me, Jordan. I will admit that I would prefer to see you wearing a dress or skirt all the time, but I also know that working in a garden can be messy and pants might be easier. When I chop wood, I don’t like to keep a shirt on if it’s hot outside. Some people find that upsetting and wrong. We’ll just bring up the things that matter and we’ll talk through them.” He grinned at her. “I’m not the sort to be a tyrant. If it is really important to me, I’ll tell you, and if you do the same with me, we’ll be ahead of other folks who pout and get mad and their spouse never knows the why of it. Do you know people like that?” he asked, handing her a couple of the lighter parcels to carry inside.

  “Yes. Mary Ellen Myer is that way. She gets upset over silly things, but when her husband asks her what is wrong, she won’t tell him. She simply pouts that he got dirt on her clean floor and she complains about him behind his back. Mrs. Vaughn, one of the ladies who was here this morning for our wedding, says that Wade should paddle Mary Ellen. That she is behaving like a child and pouting like one, so she should be spanked and stop making Wade miserable, and that she shouldn’t be so disrespectful by condemning him to others.”

  “Mrs. Vaughn is one smart lady. I would be upset if I learned you were complaining about me behind my back. It is disrespectful, and I would never do that to you. If I ever do, I hope someone gets my attention and gives me a chewing out for it.”

  “I don’t intend to start acting like Mary Ellen Myer.”

  “Good.” They carried their first armloads inside the house and set things on the table and then made their way back outside. “If I hand you too much, I expect you to tell me, Jordan. I don’t know what is too heavy for you. You aren’t a pack horse, and I don’t expect you to do more than feels comfortable to you.”

  “I’m actually pretty strong. When Pa left to go to war, I had to take over the heavy work because Aunt Hermione couldn’t do it.”

  “It makes me mad as hell that the men around here didn’t help you more. I want us to be sure we go and help the lady you were talking about earlier. Elderly people shouldn’t have to beg for assistance.”

  “I agree with you, Cray.”

  A few minutes later Cray said, “That’s it for the light stuff. I should have asked someone to come by and give me a hand.” Just then they spotted someone coming and chuckled. “I hope it’s someone I know well enough to ask for help.”

  It was Jim Evans. “My lovely wife said you might need some help unloading a couple of things, Cray.” To his surprise, Cray and Jordan burst into laughter.

  “Your timing is perfect, Jim. I was just telling Jordan I should have asked someone to ride by and give me a hand. I don’t want Jordan to try and help with this. Thanks so much for coming.”

  “Man, I’m proud to help you. You’re doing this for Jordy, and Alice and I are thankful you aren’t mad at those interfering fools and taking it out on Jordy.”

  “Sometimes it’s hard to understand why things happen, but Jordan and I each have family now, and yesterday we didn’t. We have been talking a lot today and getting to know each other. I am enjoying her company and her sense of humor, too.”

  “I feel safe with Cray, Jim,” Jordan explained. “Knowing my temper, I’m sure we’ll butt heads sooner or later, but I’m not afraid of him. It is a good start.”

  “Considering everything, I would agree,” Jim said with a smile for the girl. “Now, you hold the door for us and stand back so we don’t accidentally knock you down.”

  “What is that?” she asked when the men started removing the heavy shipping crate.

  “It is a wardrobe for your things, Jordan,” Cray answered. “There is a section for dresses and things you hang, and there is another section of shelves for you to put other clothing.”

  “Oh my goodness! You are so thoughtful, Cray! I’ve never had something this nice for my very own!” Jordan suddenly started crying. “Thank you,” she tried to say, but could barely speak. “Why are you being so nice? I don’t deserve this! I don’t!”

  Chapter Four

  “Yes you do, Jordan,” Cray assured her. “Now don’t cry.” His words made her cry even harder and while Jim shook his head, Cray wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “You are my wife, my family, and that means something to me. You didn’t walk into this house and turn up your nose and start telling me how to fix it up. You accepted it as is, and you did the same with me. A lady, a wife, has the right to expect a place to put her clothing. Henry had a couple in stock, and I got the biggest one for you. He said he didn’t figure you had much furniture at your place, so we got what we absolutely needed for today, and we’ll take stock, and get other things as we need them. You can pick those. Today, I was afraid you’d refuse to choose if I asked you.”

  “You spent so much money on me! I don’t deserve this. I really don’t! I stole your eggs, lied to you about my name, and I shoved you and ran. When you found me, and you started to spank me, I bit you really hard. I lied to the sheriff and said you tried to rape me. You were forced to marry me, Cray. You should be angry, and instead of being so nice, you should be spanking me over and over until—”

  “Enough now,” he said firmly. “You did get a spanking, and you damn well had it coming. But honey, you were trying to survive in the only way you knew how. I won’t hold that against you. Now that we are married, however, I will paddle you proper if I catch you stealing from anyone.”

  “Jordy, there are some good men in the world, and you managed to fend one of them for a husband. A new wardrobe is just the thing for your new clothes. I like the way Cray thinks.” Jim tried to help, but Jordy just cried harder.

  The problem with Jordan was that she just plain didn’t know when to shut up. “It’s just too much, Jim! I feel as though I am taking advantage of Cray. The sheriff, the mayor and the reverend got their heads together and decided to make us marry each other. It was so unfair to Cray, and now he is spending all of his money on things he wouldn’t have had to buy if not for me! I just think—What are you doing?” she asked as Cray sat on the porch steps and pulled her down over his knee. “No!” she squealed as he spanked he
r hard. “No, Cray! Please don’t! I’m so sore already!” Jordan exclaimed. He spanked her again. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

  “You listen to me, young lady. If I want to buy a new wardrobe for you to use in our bedroom, then I will do so. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir!” She cried out as he spanked her again.

  “No one made me go shopping for you; I wanted to do it. It was my pleasure. I enjoyed watching you pick out yard goods. Do you believe me, now?” he asked her.

  “Yes, sir! Please stop spanking me!”

  “A couple of seconds ago you said I should be spanking you over and over again!” he reminded her.

  “But it hurts,” she whined. “Please, Cray! No more spanking.”

  “Will you stop telling me how bad you are and just accept that we are married and I wish to support my wife to the best of my ability?” He swatted her twice more for emphasis.

  “Yes! Yes! I’ll stop whining. Oh, Cray, I’m so lucky!”

  “I feel lucky, too.” He spanked her once again, but this was a gentle tap compared to the others. “Will you behave now, little girl?” he asked in a husky voice.

  “Yes, sir,” she immediately capitulated, and by doing so, Jordan earned her release. Cray stood, lifting her along with himself, and putting her on her feet.

  “Will you hold the door for us now, Jordy?” Jim asked with a brotherly smile and a wink.

  Jordan was embarrassed to see him standing right there. She’d forgotten all about Jim’s presence, and it was mortifying to know he’d witnessed the spanking! She felt her face turn scarlet and she wanted to hide.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, Jordy,” Jim said in a comforting tone of voice. “Your husband had the right of it, and I would have done the very same thing in his boots.”

  “You would spank Alice?” she asked, clearly surprised.

  “Ask her if I would,” Jim answered. “It is a tried and true method of calming a situation before it escalates into a huge fight. Your husband was gentle with you, but firm.”


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