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Ryder's Salvation_Gay Motorcycle Club Romance_Dragon Fury MC

Page 9

by M. T. Ossler

  Things got better after a couple of weeks, thankfully. I couldn’t take seeing my man bruised and beaten another day from those Neanderthals.

  This is a new year and a new beginning for all of us. Especially, Jesse and me. I’m looking forward to new adventures with him. Jules and I are working hard on our designs and talking about a new line as well.

  Val, Lorenzo, Romeo, and Bash got an offer from Ricco, around Thanksgiving, to leave the organization, so they could stay here with their sisters, and they all took it. So, Jesse and I are joining them on their trip back to New York with Gigi to pack up all our things. Ricco’s son, who will be taking over for them, is buying the Estate from Val.

  We moved all my things here to a storage unit from my apartment. We were going to move it to his house, but he doesn’t have much room. Jess has a lovely home, but I like being here at the Clubhouse around everyone and mostly my girls and my brothers now that they are staying. I don’t want to leave my loveys, especially with Bella being due soon. Nor do I want to leave my new family. The people that have become close to me and helped me get through the tough days.

  Bella’s home is due soon, and Ace and Jules’s home was started. I want to ask Jesse if he would sell his house and we could build one here, but I’m terrified to. He likes his privacy and his time away from the Club. So, I don’t know how he’ll feel about living here full time with no escape. Well, except for our little weekend trips to the club. Maybe I’ll approach that subject soon.

  In the meantime, Jules and I have been designing up a storm for our new maternity clothing line. Jess suggested we do an online store instead of opening a boutique right away. He said with Bella ready to have the babies soon, she’s probably not going to want to leave them anytime soon. Plus, Beast doesn’t want her far, even with everything over. I think Ace feels the same way.

  Val, Lorenzo, Romeo, and Bash started prospecting a few weeks ago. It’s weird to see them as the brother’s due boys, but that’s how things work.

  I must say life is good right now, and hopefully, it will only get better.

  Chapter 8


  Today is a big day, and I’m taking Ces down to the lake for a picnic. I have a couple very important questions to ask him. It’s the middle of the work week and Valentine’s day. I’ve planned a very special afternoon for us. A quiet one. Well, somewhat. Beast and Bella are in their house, but there is enough distance and trees between for privacy.

  A couple of weeks ago, we all moved Beast and Bella into their new house, next door to where Ace and Jules’ home is being built. I saw the pain in my Ces’ eyes when he saw their house, he tried to cover it up, but I see through him. He wants to stay close to his girls and be around everyone here. He would rather be here at the Clubhouse than at my house all the time. We spend a weekend here and there at my place, but nothing more. I’ve taken him back to Orlando to the club once. I’m hoping to take him back soon if I can only get him away for a few days.

  We bought him a car, so he can travel around on his own. He never had one before, always used drivers. Now, he has a brand-new Camaro SS in Bright Yellow. The day we got it, his eyes lit up like fireworks in the sky. His smile melted my heart and hardened my cock.

  So, that’s why I did what I did. I love Ces with all my heart and want to keep him happy. Gator is on board with my decisions, thankfully, or none of this would work. I know Ces wants this; I see it in his eyes. I just don’t know why he’s too frightened to ask me. I’ve never denied him anything, and he should know that. For Christ’s sake, I let him fuck me. He’s the only man I would ever let have that part of me, and I don’t regret one minute of it. Having that moment with him was so special, we’ve repeated the act once since. He prefers to be the receiver, the bottom, but once in a blue moon, he gets so horny, he wants to be the giver, the top, and like I’ve said before, I can’t deny him. He’s my world, and I will give him the universe if he wanted it.

  I’m nervous, and my palms are sweating. I don’t know why, I just am. I can’t stop pacing. The blanket is spread out and the picnic basket I ask Cindy to prepare for me. A bottle of his favorite wine, Moscato is here too.

  Cindy is a new edition to the Clubhouse, and we couldn’t be happier having her around here. She has taken over as the house mama. She keeps the whores in line, and does the ordering for the Club, stocking our kitchen with food and alcohol in the bar. She keeps the club girls under control for the most part, especially around Bella and Jules.

  Maggie still has some issues with Jules, and Chrissy with Bella. Chrissy and Bella got into it a while back and with Bella pregnant, you think the girl would be over it, but she’s not. If anything, her anger has gotten worse. I see the hate in Chrissy’s eyes when she sees Bella in Beast’s arms. That girl is up to no good, and I’m gonna find out soon. I’ve mentioned to Throttle that I have concerns. He’s been checking into her and keeping an eye on things.

  I texted Ces earlier to meet me here. He assumed I went into the shop this mornin’, and I did just to check in. Then I left to make a couple other important stops before our lunch.

  You’ll find out what they were soon enough. Ces needs to be the first to know, sorry. This is his special day, and I’m not gonna ruin it for him.

  “Sweets, what’s going on?” Ces asks, coming up behind me. I stop pacing and look out at the lake. The sun is shining brightly off it. It’s a beautiful day and perfect for a picnic.

  “Hey, babe,” I say, turning around to face him and opening my arms. He walks to me and wraps his arms around my waist. We kiss, and I hold onto him. He rests his head on my chest, and I rest my chin on the top of his head.

  “You did all this for me?” he asks like he would never expect this of me.

  “Of course, I did. It’s Valentine’s Day, and I love you.” I kiss the top of his head and hold him tighter to me. Keeping him close is calming my frazzled nerves.

  “Jess, is everything all right? I can feel your heart racing and your body shaking. You’re kind of scaring me.” That’s the last thing I want to do. Well, I guess this is gonna happen now. No time like the present, right?

  “Everything is perfect. You’re in my arms where you belong,” I say and take a deep breath before moving onto the heavy.

  “Babe, I guess I am a little nervous, cause there’s somethin’ I need to ask you and somethin’ to tell you. First, I put my house up on the market today.” He cuts me off before I can finish and looks up at me.

  “No, Jesse, no, you didn’t have to do.” I place my lips on his to stop him from saying any more. A quick kiss to keep him quiet, and it does.

  “I did because it’s not ours, and it’s not here. Cesare, you see this piece of land we’re on,” I say waving my hand around and then stopping to point down. Our house will be on the other side of Beast and Bella’s. Placing their home between ours and Ace and Jules. On our side are Cindy’s little cottage and Dusty’s apartment.

  “I asked Gator a few weeks ago if we could build a house here, he gave me permission to do as we please. I talked to Benny this mornin’ and he has some plans for us to look at tomorrow night. He’ll start building it when you’re ready.” I leave it at that as a gleaming smile spreads on his face.

  “Yes, I want that. Oh, Jess, I’ve been so scared to ask you for this. Thank you. I love you so much, sweets,” he says and leans up to kiss me. One question down and one to go. That at least was an easy one. I knew he wanted this all along and was afraid to ask me.

  “Babe, you never have to be afraid to ask me anything, got it? We are a team. I actually have one more question for you, though.” He nods, still smiling, and I take a deep breath. I hope me asking this now isn’t pushing him. I don’t want him to feel pushed or rushed in any way.

  “Cesare Theodor Nacci, you are the love of my life, the love I never thought I would find. Would you do me the pleasure and be my partner for life? Marry me,” I ask. He jumps up in my arms and wraps his legs around my waist. His lips meet m
ine in a passionate, lustful kiss. I’m gonna take this as a yes.

  “Yes,” he mumbles into our kiss. “I love you and want only you for the rest of my life.” We stand there kissing with him in my arms. I take him over to the blanket and lay him down. Our kiss becomes wild and once we get to this point there is no stopping us.

  I make love to my Ces under the sunshine, and we have lunch. Sitting naked in front of the lake, we eat the sandwiches Cindy made for us and drink wine. I feed him the heart-shaped fruit and brownies she threw in.

  The day is perfect, and the night is even better. I take him to a romantic dinner out and then back to my house for some alone time. We make love all night long, pleasuring one another’s bodies. Filling him with my cum till dawn breaks through the sky.

  This weekend is Bella’s baby shower, and we all have jobs to do to make it perfect for them. We haven’t had a baby shower around here since my brother and business partner, Bull and his ol’ lady Cassie had Emma last year. With all the kids in our family and the new ones on the way, it kinda makes me think about Ces and I having a family of our own one day, maybe. If he wants to be a daddy, then I’ll find a way to make it happen for us.

  The baby shower was not what I expected. Jules, Gigi, and Ces put it together. I had to lick diapers to figure out what chocolate it was and guess how many candies were in a big baby bottle. We drank from baby bottles and diapered dolls.

  My Ces made a diaper cake that looked amazing. They should have a month of diapers for the boys from that cake.

  Cindy showed us a ton of pictures, like a proud mother, of Beast, Bella, Jules, Val, Lorenzo, Romeo, and Bash as kids. Even some of a teenage Ces and baby Gigi. They all told old stories about all of them through the years. The guys told embarrassing stories about the girls and Ces. My Ces became part of their close Italian family, like a brother and son to Bella’s parents. The pride and love the guys have for him warms my heart.

  It’s odd to see my brothers, Beast and Ace, in a new light with the women they are in love with. It’s good, though. I know how they feel. Now, our brother Blaze, on the other hand, I wish he would find his peace. His unicorn, his love, as my Ces calls me. He’s been different for a long time. It started near the time arrived the bike rally, if I’m not mistaken.

  Cassy, Rosie – Iceman’s ol’ lady - and Cindy told us stories of their own pregnancies and deliveries. Bella started to freak out a little about having a natural birth, and Beast calmed her down. For some unknown reason, Jules ran out of the room. Apparently, she got sick. I wonder if they are pregnant again and haven’t told us. I wouldn’t blame them for waiting. I know they lost a baby a few months ago, and they are probably worried about it happening again. When they are ready, my brother will announce it.

  Bella’s brothers started prospecting for the Club recently and they fit in perfectly. Gator gave them the day off, for the baby shower, to spend with their sisters.


  It’s been almost two months since the baby shower. Bella had the babies a couple of weeks ago and came home a few days after. She delivered them during bike week. We stayed back with their family to be there for them. The rest of the guys met us at the hospital. We have seen them and those adorable little boys every day. Beast hasn’t left their sides, once. The hospital was very accommodating to him because of Sam.

  Gator called an emergency Church this mornin’. I’m not sure what’s goin’ on now, it could be anythin’. The good thing is I don’t have to wait long to find out. Gator gave me a heads up since it has to do with my guy too.

  I’m in my seat, and I see Lorenzo, Romeo, and Bash enter the room. Beast won’t leave Bella and the babies, so he’s on the phone for this meeting.

  The meeting room fills up ten minutes later.

  He and Ace inform us that we have a traitor among us. They want this person punished but don’t know how.

  The traitor is none other than one of our very own whores. She’s been trading information with the Hernandez Cartel.

  Chrissy, was the one who helped Antonio get to Gigi since she couldn’t give him Bella. Beast never leaves her side, especially since he found out she was pregnant.

  Chrissy hates that Bella got Beast and she didn’t, and she’s going after Jules because she can’t get rid of Bella. Jules was promised to Alejandro’s second in command, Santiago, from Antonio. Gator and Ace made a deal with them, months ago, to leave her alone since Antonio was dead and buried. They are reneging on it with Chrissy’s persuasion.

  I knew she hated the girls, I’m glad I warned Throttle about her. She asked Alejandro to give my Ces to the Mendez’s as payment.

  She needs to be dealt with, but we have rules about hurting women.

  Beast has his girls covered with protection. Ace tells us some fantastic news. I can see the distress on his face, though as he tells us Jules is almost 17 weeks pregnant. The brothers yell at him for keeping this from us. They don’t get it, they didn’t see the pain in their eyes when they lost their baby.

  They’ll get over it because that’s what family does, we forgive.

  After the guys rip Ace a new one, and we get back to the topic at hand. That’s when the banging on the door starts. Shadow gets up to answer it. The door flies open, and Jules and Ces burst in. She’s clearly upset, and he’s mad as hell about somethin’.

  Ace goes straight to her and takes her in his arms. I just sit there, having a stare off with Ces. He knows better than to come in here durin’ our Church. We are gonna have words later.

  Then, he tells us why they ran in here. Apparently, Bella was listening in on Beast and us talking and called them. After yelling at Jules for keeping things from her, she told her about Chrissy and her plan.

  Then we get the biggest shock of our lives. Well, actually two shockers they throw at us. First, Bella, Jules, and Ces offer to take care of the problem for us and them. They want to exact their revenge on the bitch. Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about the girls gettin’ involved in Club business.

  Horror number two, Jules spills the beans about the three of them killing a man that was stalking my Ces. I don’t know who was more stunned about that one, Ace, Beast or me. Don’t get me wrong, I was thrown for a loop, but Ces is a man and all about protecting his family. That’s exactly what he was doin’. After the man knocked him out and the girls fought with him, he had to protect them from the man. So, he stabbed him after the girls bashed his head on a parking stopper. Any one of them could have killed the man with any of those blows, no one knows which one caused it.

  I made my mind up after that story and the look in Ces eyes. I will give my permission for him to take out the traitor, cause that’s what he wants, and he’s capable of handling himself.

  Beast is a flat-out hell no, and Ace feels like me. The women are strong and don’t need their hands held, if they say they can do this, then I tend to believe them. They wouldn’t have asked if they couldn’t. Plus, they have been around this shit their whole lives, and nothin’ scares them.

  Once we get Beast on board with Ace and me, we hear a loud bang on the door. Ace is the first up, running and opening it and finds Jules passed out. Ace lifts her off the ground and takes her back to their room. We finish up Church, and I leave to find Ces. We need to have a little chat before dinner.

  I find Ces in my room after searching for him on my app. Quickest and easiest way to find a person. When Ace and Beast got their girls their new iPhones, I got one for Ces, and we set this up for our sanity. This allows us to always track them when they’re not close. I know it sounds stalkerish, but after all the shit the four of them have been through, they are lucky we let them out of our sights at all.

  “Hey, baby,” I say entering the room. He’s sitting at my desk with his back to me and head down. At the sound of my voice, he tenses and slowly turns to face me. His face is pale, and I can see he’s nervous. Does he think I’m still mad at him about earlier?

  “Hey,” he says weakly. That won’t do. I he
ad to the bed and sit at the end.

  “Come sit with me, babe. We obviously need to talk.” I’m staying as calm as possible.

  He doesn’t want to come near me, but at a snail’s pace, he does. When he’s settled on the bed, I take him in my arms. Resting my head on top of his, he melts into me. Taking a deep breath, I talk to put him out of his misery.

  “I’m not mad at you, Ces, shocked, but not mad. I never expected you would have to endure anything like that in your life. I hate that you had to go through stuff like that before me.” I take a deep breath and give him all my honesty the way I’ve given him my heart.

  “The protective lover in me wants to shield you from my life. I know I can’t, you’re a man, and you had a life with violence all around you for years. You may not be part of the Club, but you are as strong as any man here.

  “I hate that you have to take care of our problem, but Cesare...” I lift his head up to look him in the eyes.

  “When this is done if you still want to be part of this Club, then I will appeal to Gator and Ace on your behalf, and speed up the process.” I kiss him on the lips, sweetly. He attacks me with passion. He’s happy with my words. We talked about him prospecting previously, since he was trained for the Mafia.

  “Aww, Jess, I love you, and if they will still have me after I do what I have to for the girls and me, I want in. I want to be part of this family with you. I want to be involved in every part of your life. Plus, I hate secrets, even if they are for my own good. You are a good man, the best man for me, and I want to go down to the courthouse as soon as this shit is over and just do it. No more waiting for the right time, or when our friends can join us. It’s about us, and I want it to be just us.”

  He says the words, and some I can see he means. He wants to be part of our Club, but the rest of his statement was false. He wants all our friends and family there the day we commit to one another, legally. I already planned on that happening. Bella, Jules, and I talked before she had the babies, and they are helping me plan a day we will never forget. It will be here at the Compound, down by the lake after our house is done. Reverend John is gonna perform the ceremony for us. The girls are cooking dinner for everyone to celebrate with us.


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