Jane Zombie Chronicles Box Set Books 4-6: Crisis Cell, Ominous Ordeal, Running Rampant (Jane Zombie Box Set Book 2)
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Let’s face it, people fear the unknown. And this zombie plague is still the biggest unknown humanity is facing right now. Most people who are bitten die or turn into zombies, but I made it. I survived.
I finish up my shower, dry off, and try to decide what to wear. I normally opt for long sleeves no matter the weather outside. I just can’t deal with people looking at me as if I have the plague. If Jack was here, he’d say something to make me feel better like, “Let ’em stare. You’re beautiful. And they’re all just jealous.” Jack has a wonderful, charismatic way about him. He’s basically irresistible.
OK. I’ve got to get moving. I have to wash the dishes I left in the sink from last night, give Rocky his breakfast, hit the post office, and then head over to the quaint little bistro for my lunch date.
I park in the lot and walk across the blacktop to the restaurant. I’ve never eaten here before, so after I open the entryway door and feel the cool air on my face, I look around and I’m immediately overwhelmed. There are huge video screens covering entire walls and constant chatter from employees and guests. I guess this place doubles as a sports bar as well. As I’m looking around, taking in the ambiance, a woman starts talking to me.
“How many for lunch?” she asks.
“Four. No three,” I reply. “Wait. Sorry. I’m actually meeting people for lunch.”
“Ah! Yes! We already have a group who said you would be along any minute. Let me escort you to the table.”
As I walk behind the hostess and we weave our way around the perfectly set tables, I see Nora and Connor smiling and waving at me. I smile back at them. While I haven’t seen them since Scarlet Peak, we’ve kept in touch a little through social media and e-mail.
Before I even approach the table, they get up, walk closer, and embrace me. I hug them back.
“You look fabulous! How are you?” Nora asks as she steps back to look me up and down.
“I’m good. You look great, too,” I reply.
“Life is good. Where’s Jack? I thought he’d be joining us.”
“Me, too, but he couldn’t make it. Duty calls, ya know?”
“I hear you. Are you OK? Being the spouse of a field journalist can’t be easy.”
“It’s not, especially when he should be the anchor and not wasting his time running around the globe,” I say. “And I’d be lying if I said I was fine with him being away. I just hope he comes home soon.”
“I’m sorry he’s not here to make our threesome a foursome,” Connor says. “We were hoping to see him, too. When do you expect him back?”
“I’m not sure exactly,” I answer. “He tells me not to worry, but you know the job of a field reporter is unpredictable at best.”
“Yeah. That’s why I don’t do it anymore. It’s too stressful,” Nora concurs.
“I think it may be more stressful for me,” I admit. “He goes where the story takes him and covers it for as long as he sees fit. Every time he leaves, it ages me horribly.”
“I know it’s tough, but he’s right. There’s nothing to worry about. It’s not like this is his first zombie rodeo. Jack is smart and he’ll be back as soon as he gets his story,” Nora whispers in my ear, hugging me again.
“Let’s sit down and order,” Connor suggests. “I know Nora is starving. I heard her stomach growling on the drive over.”
“Oh stop that,” Nora responds playfully. Connor smiles at her, his eyes beaming.
The banter between them is refreshing and wonderful, but it also makes me miss Jack that much more.
We head back to the table, sit down, and begin to study the menu.
“Do you want to tell her the news?” Nora asks Connor.
“Why don’t we order first?” he replies.
“I can’t wait,” she says as she flattens out her small, dainty hand on the table, revealing a sparkly engagement ring.
“Oh my gosh,” I say, covering my mouth. “Is that what I think it is?”
“It is! It is! Yes!”
“I’m so happy for you. When did this happen?”
“A couple of weeks ago, but we wanted to wait and tell you and Jack the news in person. It’s a shame Jack isn’t here. If it wasn’t for you, Jack, and the rest of the gang at the radio station, I don’t know what would have happened to us,” Nora says as she reaches for Connor’s hand, getting a little misty-eyed. “All I remember is falling through the attic floor and zombies clawing to get in. I still can’t believe we made it. We owe our lives to you and Jack.”
“No. You two would have been fine regardless,” I say. “You made it because you’re survivors. You’re not gonna let a little thing like some zombies take you out. Anyway, let’s forget about the past, all right? I’d rather focus on your exciting future.”
“Sure! I love talking about this guy over here,” Nora says as she pats Connor’s hand.
“Have you set a date?” I ask.
“We’re thinking sometime in the spring. And I have something to ask you.”
“Shoot. Anything.”
“Will you be my matron of honor?”
“Yes! Of course I will!” I gush. “I’m so flattered that you’d ask.”
“And what about Jack? Do you think he’d want to be my best man?” Connor asks.
“Are you sure about that, Connor?” I ask.
“Yes. Totally. Like Nora says, we could have died when the attic collapsed, but we didn’t. It brought us closer together. You and Jack helped us, and everyone else for that matter, and we got through it. Nora and I thought this might be the best way to really say thank you.”
“It’d be an honor and, if Jack were here with us right now, I know he’d feel the same,” I reply. “Count us in.”
My brain is going a million miles an hour. I don’t know what you do as a matron of honor, but I guess I’m going to find out soon enough. As Nora and Connor talk about themselves and how happy they are together, my fingers fidget with my wedding ring. Right now that’s all I have to remind myself of Jack. I wonder what he’s doing right now. God, I miss him so much.
As the afternoon progresses, we order, get our food, and continue to talk about how wonderful their lives are going as we chow down. Like I said, I’m happy for them. Really, I am, but I can’t help but feel bad. Bad that I’m not totally in the groove of their happy conversation. Bad that I’m focusing on myself. Bad that when Jack is gone, a part of me is missing. I smile and put on a brave face. That’s what friends are for after all, right?
As we finish up lunch, the waitress comes over with the dessert tray and tries to tempt us.
As I’m perusing the sweet confections and pastries, my mouth begins to water. Everything looks so delicious. To hell with my diet today. I’m going to treat myself to something chocolaty. I deserve it. As I’m trying to make my decision, I notice from the corner of my eye that Connor is looking up at the television. He doesn’t say a word, but taps my shoulder. I look at him and he points at the video wall screen. I look over and I see Jack.
At first, I’m delighted. But, as I realize what’s happening, my happiness turns to dread. Jack is sitting on a chair. His arms are tied behind his back and his legs are tied together. He’s got a black eye, a cut on his cheek, and his beard is scruffy-looking. There’s also what looks like duct tape over his mouth and eyes.
Am I dreaming again? This has got to be one of my nightmares. I pinch myself. Unfortunately, I’m already awake. This horror isn’t just a bad dream.
On instinct, I grab the waitress. “Turn up the sound. Please! Now! Hurry!”
The waitress signals to the bartender and I can see the volume level on the TV increasing. I can hear someone talking in the background. Someone is speaking a foreign language, but there’s an English translation audio overlay as well as subtitles. Trying not to freak out, I watch and listen. I can’t get emotional right now. I need to keep it together and figure out what’s going on.
“We are the Brotherhood,” the translator says. “
Your judgment is at hand. We have captured this reporter scum trying to find out things he shouldn’t. He’s learned valuable information and we caught him trying to send you a message. If you want him to remain alive and well, do not try to stop us. Do not try to track us. Do not test us. Outsiders must leave this country or else we will kill your man from the TV. His blood will be on your hands.”
A sack is then put over Jack’s head and the video ends abruptly in black. The news anchor starts talking about something, but I can’t hear anything she says. I stand up, hoping for more footage of Jack, but there’s no more. My eyes drop from the TV.
My breathing picks up as I begin to process what just happened. I then sit down in my chair and see Nora and Connor facing me, talking to me, but I can’t understand them, either. My eyes begin to get watery and my nose starts to run.
“No. No. No. This isn’t happening.” I shake my head back and forth. “What do I do? What do I do?” I mumble to myself as I try to figure out my next steps. “I-I just spoke with him last night. He was fine. He was fine. I don’t understand what’s happening.”
“Jane,” Connor interrupts, “where is Jack on assignment?”
“I-I don’t know. I don’t know. Uhhh. Give me a minute. I need to think,” I say, closing my eyes, trying to collect my thoughts. “He’s most likely half a world away. Before he left, I overheard him talking with a colleague about a flare up in zombie outbreaks in the Middle East. Maharabad, I think. Or maybe it’s Qa’irut? I’m guessing. He said not to worry about him. He’s immune. That he’d be home soon. He said he’d be home soon. He will. You’ll see. You know he’s a man of his word. If he says he’s going to do something, you can count on him no matter what.”
Silence. No one says anything.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” I say as I run to the bathroom. I scurry into the lavatory and open one of the bathroom stalls. I fall to my knees and vomit into the toilet.
I hear the click-clack of heels on the tile floor. “Jane? Are you all right?” It’s Nora.
“Of course I’m not all right,” I reply between heaves.
“Of course you’re not. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.”
“That makes two of us.” I use the toilet seat to help me get back onto my feet. I exit the stall and see Nora staring at me. I wash my hands and go back to the table to grab my handbag. Nora follows me out.
“Nora, let’s get her home,” Connor says when we get back to the table. “I think she’s in shock. Pay the check and let’s get outta here.”
“No. I’m fine,” I say.
“You are? You just found out your husband is being held hostage for god knows what in some crazy place around the world and you’re fine?”
“Yes. Yes. I just have to figure out what to do.”
“How are you gonna do that?”
“I don’t know, but I have to find a way.”
Just then my phone rings. I fumble through my purse until I find it. The display screen only says RESTRICTED. I answer it anyway. “Hello?”
“Jane? Is that you?” the voice on the other end asks.
“Yes. Who is this?”
“It’s Chris.”
“Chris! Thank god for you. Chris, did you see the news? Someone has Jack. What’s going on? You’re going to get him back, right?”
“Slow down, OK? One thing at a time. Stay calm. Breathe.”
“Please tell me you’re going to get him back. That’s why you’re calling, right?”
“Jane. Listen to my words. First, stay calm.”
“Calm. Yes. I’m calm. Did you see Jack? What’s happening?”
“I don’t know exactly and I shouldn’t even be risking my neck to call you, but I have some information you may find helpful.”
“What is it?”
“The military knows about the group who’s holding Jack. The Brotherhood.”
“They do? And?”
“You can help him, then!”
“I can’t,” Chris replies.
“You can’t? I don’t understand,” I say, raising my voice. “You’re going to leave him there to die? Is that what you’re saying?” I glance over and see Nora and Connor staring at me. They must think I’m acting crazy.
Connor has his arm around Nora, making me wish Jack were here with his arms wrapped tight around me.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources right now.”
“What do you mean? You don’t have the resources? Screw your resources. This is Jack we’re talking about.” The waitress comes over and tries to escort me out of the restaurant, but I turn away from her. I stick my pointer finger into my ear to block out the restaurant’s rising noise level and shrug her off, knowing I need to focus on Chris’s every word. In order to give me the time I need on the phone, Nora intervenes, talks to the waitress, and pulls her away from me.
“I’m sorry, Jane. I really am, but I know of someone who might be able to help you. I don’t know his real name, but he goes by ‘The Rat.’”
“What are you talking about?”
“Jane. Stop talking and just listen for a minute, OK?”
I take a breath. “Fine. I’m sorry for freaking out because some terrorist group kidnapped my husband.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“I hear you loud and clear. You want me to make contact with this Rat person by myself because you don’t have the resources? Are you crazy?”
“Shut up and listen, all right?” Chris yells. “This guy doesn’t play by the rules and he definitely doesn’t want to talk to the authorities. I’m texting you his information now. I know you’re upset from seeing Jack in that condition, but you can’t help him if you fall apart, OK?”
Chris was always there when Jack and I needed him and now he’s ditching us. Whatever his reasons are, I can’t seem to process what’s happening. I feel as though I have cotton in my ears, like I’m watching myself in a movie.
“Jane? Jane! Are you still there?” Chris asks.
“Yes. I can’t—”
“I know you, Jane. You can do this. Do it for Jack. Focus on my words and I’ll tell you what to do. Can you hear me? Are you listening?”
“Good. Get yourself together. Call the Rat and get moving.”
“Are you listening to me? Did you hear what I just said? Jack might not have much time left. He’s depending on you.”
“I got it. I’m on it.”
I hang up the phone, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. I fiddle with my wedding ring again and begin to cry. Nora hugs me. After a few seconds, I wipe away the tears so I can focus on my mission.
“Who was that?” Connor asks.
“No one. I gotta go.”
“No one? Can’t we help?”
“Thanks, but no thanks. I have to do this on my own.” Then I pause. “Wait.”
“Wait? What? What can we do?”
I reach into my bag, pull out the spare key to the house, and hand it to Nora. “I’m not sure how long I’m going to be away.”
“Away? Where are you going?”
I ignore her question. “While I’m gone, can you take care of Rocky? He’s the nicest dog you’ll ever meet. You have to feed him and play with him. Sometimes he doesn’t realize he’s a dog.” I force a chuckle.
“Of course, but…aren’t you going to call the police?” Nora asks.
“No, I’m not. If I call them, I may lose Jack forever and I’m not willing to risk it.”
“But nothing. Listen carefully. You’re not going to call them, either.”
“No more questions. Promise me you’re not going to call the police.”
“Jane. Please think about this.”
“Stop talking. Promise me!”
“I promise,” Connor says.
I look at Nora.
“I promise, too,” she s
I hold one of each of their hands in each of mine. “Thank you both. Jack and I are so happy things are working out for you two. Pray for him. Pray for me. Pray for us.”
I walk quickly out of the restaurant and head straight for my car. I open the driver’s side door, get in, scroll through my text messages, and find the number Chris sent me. It’s too many numbers to be a call within the country. Where the hell am I calling? Chris didn’t tell me, and I don’t even care at this point.
I punch in the numbers as quickly as I can with my trembling fingers. I double-check the numbers and hit the call button. I hear the line ringing for a few seconds and then I hear a click. Nothing. Silence.
“Hello? Hello?”
“What do you want?” a voice responds. This person on the other end of the line definitely sounds familiar, but I’m too frazzled right now and can’t place it.
“Is this the Rat?”
“Who wants to know?”
“I need your help to find my husband. The news just played a video of him. I believe he’s been kidnapped by the Brotherhood.”
“And you think I can help you?”
“Maybe. I don’t know. I hope so.”
“How did you get this number?” he asks.
“A friend gave it to me,” I reply. “Apparently he thinks you can help me locate and rescue my husband. Can you help me or am I wasting my time?”
“I may be able to help. It’s my business to know everything when it comes to this crap.”
“Fine. Good. What do I need to do?”
“Come to the city of Maharabad. Fly into the Yalla airport. There’s a club in the city called Ariyana. Pay the cover charge and sit at the bar. I’ll find you. I’ll expect you in the next forty-eight hours. Hurry up. Your husband may not have much time left.”
The line goes dead. I’m still sitting in my car. My breathing begins to get erratic. Tears are pouring out of my eye sockets like waterfalls. My hands are shaking. Horrible thoughts of people torturing Jack scorch my brain.