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The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.
adult time, 9, 189–90, 196, 225, 351
American Academy of Pediatrics, 125–26
American Baby magazine, 127
attend, xvii, 62
authority of parents, 355–60
absence of, 70–72, 227–28
allowance of bêtises, xvii, 163–64, 236–37, 359
authoritative versus authoritarian, 234–35, 238–39
the big eyes, xix, 223, 234–35, 359
building cadre, 230–32, 239, 330–31
caprices, xviii, 74–75
child-king syndrome, xix, 7, 225, 230, 321
child’s security and happiness, 55, 86, 88, 223
complicité, xviii, 234, 239–42
dedramatizing, 358
éducation versus discipline, xix, 9, 222, 235–36, 358–59
nations, 356–57
fear of stifling creativity, 72–73, 226–27
leadership in family hierarchy, 228–30
punishment, 242, 360
saying “no,” 73–76, 222–23, 242–43, 355–56, 357
saying “yes,” 356
shouting, 235
strictness, 236–37
autonomy, 329–35
arguing, 332
as child’s need, 248, 258–59, 330, 335
child’s time alone, 55, 68–69, 146–47, 335
classe verte, xviii, 248
colonies de vacances, xviii, 245–46
cursing, xvii, 168, 331
dealings with other children, 250–52
déclic, 334
overprotection and smothering, 148, 247, 252, 333
praise, 253–58, 333–34
school vacations, 245–46, 248–49
self-reliance, autonomie, xvii, 246
tantrums, 324
tattling, rapporter, xx, 251–52
time away from parents, 331–32
trust and respect for children, 249–50, 259
awakening and discovery, 313
within cadre, 239
éveillé/e, xix, 84
exploratory play, 314
independent play, 55, 68–69, 85, 146–47, 314
as natural developmental process, 80–86, 112, 246
for pleasure, 86
Baby and Child Care (Spock), 94, 188–89
BabyCenter Web site, 19, 58
baby weight:
gain, 21, 28–30
loss, 126–30, 341
baked apple with cinnamon, 372
bedtime. See sleep
bêtises, xvii, 163–64, 236–37, 359
the big eyes, xix, 223, 234–35, 359
birthday parties, 341
birthing. See childbirth
Bitoun, Pierre, 124, 126
Blessing of a Skinned Knee, The (Mogel), 247
Bloom, Paul, 97–98
bonjour, xvii, 156–60, 313
boundaries and limits:
for child’s happiness, 86, 223
permissiveness, 70–72
protection of child from own desires, 76–77, 239
stifling of creativity, 72–73, 226–27
See also cadre
braised broccoli, 365
American recommendation on, 125–26
as competition, 121
French disinterest in, 121–24, 286
lack of correlation with baby’s sleep pattern, 41–42, 53
brocoli braisé, 365
Bronson, Po, 256–57
Bruckner, Pascal, 195
caca boudin, xvii, 151–52, 168–69, 331
cadre, 330–31
allowance of bêtises, xvii, 163–64, 236–37
child’s blossoming within, 239
child’s predictable and coherent world, 86–87
in consumption of sweets, 215–17
definition, xviii
flexibility within firm limits, 70, 111–13, 212–13, 330–31
talking with child about, 230–32
See also boundaries and limits
caprices, xviii, 74–75
career. See work, return to
carnet de santé, 37
carottes râpées à l’orange, 363
Carroll, Raymonde, 254
Child and His Sleep, The (De Leersnyder), 44–45, 55
epidurals, 32, 36, 279
hospital experiences, 35–37, 175–77
plans and customization, 31, 33–34
child care, freedom from:
équilibre, xix, 149, 339
mother’s separation and independent identity, 131–34, 149
mother’s time to herself, 108, 131–32, 144–46, 148–49
parents’ adult time, 9, 189–90, 196
child-care facilities. See crèche; day care, American
child development, 283–87, 311
awakening and discovery, 55, 68–69, 80–86, 112, 146–47, 246
competitive parenting, 6, 82, 85, 141–44
extracurricular activities, 315
intensive supervision and concerted cultivation, 141–44, 183
moment privilégiés, 316
not rushing in, 311, 312
Piaget on, 81–82
quality of parenting, 117
reading, 312
child king, xix, 7, 225, 230, 321
chocolat chaud recipe, 220
chocolate cake, 373
chores, 329–30
classe verte, xviii, 248
cognitive development. See child development
Cohen, Michel, 46–49, 54–55, 141
colonies de vacances, xviii, 245–46
Commission Menus, 205–8
competitive parenting, 6, 82, 85, 141–44
complete-meal lentil soup, 366–67
complicité, xviii, 234, 239–42
concerted cultivation, 142–44, 183
cosleeping, 347–48
creamy artichoke soup, 364
creativity, 72–73, 226–27
caregivers, 110, 112, 115
definition, xviii
dining experience, 113–14, 205–8, 231–32
enrollment process, 108–9
French enthusiasm for, 103–4, 107–8
government control, 102, 115
history, 100–103
mother’s time off from child care, 108, 132
parenting model and enforcement of cadre, 111–13
recipes from, 361–73
sample weekly lunch menu, 376–77
as social experience, 103, 107–8
crying it out, 40–41, 53–54, 56, 291, 293, 295
curse words, xvii, 151–52, 168–69, 331
Daily Mail, 39
Dati, Rachida, 149
day care, American, 99–100, 105–6, 117
day care, French. See crèche
déclic, 334
delayed gratification. See patience
Denisot, Michel, 136–37
discipline versus éducation, xix, 9, 222, 235–36, 358–59
See also authority of parents
discovery. See awakening and discovery
Dolto, Françoise:
on autonomy of children, 146, 236, 248, 259, 335
on children as rational beings, 90–91, 92–94, 284
influence on French parenting, 89–90
Major Stages of Childhood, The, 146, 236, 248
own childhood ambitions, 91–92
on parents’ ability to solve problems, 95
respect for children, 92, 95, 259, 284
doucement, xviii, 96–97
Dusoulier, Clotilde, 67, 235
eating. See meals
école maternelle, xix, 152–55, 158
éducation versus discipline, xix, 9, 222, 235–36, 358–59
Elle magazine, 145–46, 149
Emile, or On Education (Rousseau), 83–84, 243
Enfant Magazine, 123
enfant roi (child-king), xix, 7, 225, 230, 321
epidurals, 32, 36, 279
Epstein, Jean, 188
équilibre, xix, 149, 339
éveillé/e, xix, 84
feeding schedules for infants, 52–53, 54–55, 58, 285–86
female bonding, 17, 119–21
Ferber, Richard, 43
Ferrari, Laurence, 195
Fischler, Claude, 212
flans de courgettes, 368–
food. See meals
French Women Don’t Get Fat (Guiliano), 30, 129
benefits of, 55, 73–74, 77, 271
coping with, 63–64, 75, 212–13, 322, 323
hearing “no,” 73–76, 222–23, 242–43
gâteau au yaourt, 66, 79
gâteau chocolat, 373
Gerber, Magda, 271
gourmand/e, xix, 219
Goutard, Audrey, 159–60, 251
chocolat chaud recipe, 220
chocolate, 216–17, 300, 307–8
definition, xix, 300
gâteau au yaourt recipe, 79
official time for, 59, 66
saving treats for, 66–67, 307
Grand Journal, Le, television show, 135–37
Grand Livre de la Famille, Le (Goutard), 159–60
Granju, Katie Allison, 141
grated carrots with orange, 363
les gros yeux, xix, 223, 234–35
Guidebook for Mothers to Be, 30
Guide for New Mothers, The (French health ministry), 28
Guiliano, Mireille, 30, 129
bottle feeding, 126
eating during pregnancy, 30
focus on marital relationship, 189–90
herself, 132–33, 148–49, 339–40
imperfection as mother, 147–50
use of day care, 100, 116
valorization of, 147–48
Happy Child, A (Pleux), 74
health measures and comparisons, 28, 32, 124
hospitalization for childbirth, 35–37, 175–77
independence, child’s. See autonomy
independence of parents:
adult time together, 9, 189–90, 196
équilibre, xix, 149, 339
mother’s time to herself, 108, 131–32, 144–46, 148–49
relation fusionnelle, 148, 347
separation and own identity, 131–34, 149
intensive supervision, 140–44
It Is Permissible to Obey (Marcelli), 238, 240–41
James, William, 88
J’élève mon enfant (Pernoud), 204–5
Kamerman, Sheila, 106, 116
la Fressange, Inès de, 149–50
Lareau, Annette, 142, 253
Leersnyder, Hélène De, 44–45, 50–51, 55–56, 189
lentil soup, complete-meal, 366–67
limits. See boundaries and limits; cadre
Major Stages of Childhood, The (Dolto), 146, 236, 248
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