Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2)

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Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2) Page 7

by Dusty Lassetter

  “Candice wait.” Bethany shouts out before running after me. I can hear her footsteps growing closer. I have no idea why I’m reacting like this to a little joke, but the anger and confusion I feel keeps me from turning back and apologizing for my outburst. We make it outside the gym doors, and I take in a deep breath for some much needed fresh air.

  “Don’t you think maybe you are over reacting just a tad bit. He was just trying to joke around with you. That has to better than the rude comments and glares he has been giving you since you’ve been back.” Bethany says, trying to be the voice of reason. Before I am able to agree with anything she just said, Jasper comes storming out of the building, “Leave us Bethany.” He demands.

  “Umm..yeah.. okay.” She stutters out before walking back toward the door. Just as she is entering the gym she turns back around and mouths, “Sorry.” The look of pity on her face, slaps some sense into me. I’m not going to let him just waltz out here with his challenging tone and try to boss me around like he did when I was a teenager. Nope, it’s about time I pull up my big girl panties and demand the respect I deserve.

  I charge forward, getting into his personal space, “I’m not going to take your crap right now.” I bring my voice down as low as I can, trying to get my point across

  “Is that your angry voice?” He asks, trying to hold in his laughter.

  “Aargh! You make me so mad. You went from being a real shit head, to being funny and playful. I don’t know what to think, or what to do. I’m terrified if I do the wrong thing you’ll go back to hating me. Just tell me what you want Jasper.” I say.

  “You just called me a shit head.” He quirks his eyebrow up, causing me to laugh. The moment he realizes my anger is gone, he grabs me and pulls me in for a hug. “I never hated you Candice. I tried to, and for a while I thought I did. I don’t know what I want to be in the future, but for now I’m content just being your annoying shit head friend.”

  I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest. Happy to finally have his arms around me once again. Hearing him say he doesn’t hate me makes me feel a little bit of hope for us. I’m not through fighting for what I want. While his friendship is better than nothing, that’s not what I came back for. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s going to be mine, I just need to figure out how to make that come about.

  Chapter 13


  The past two weeks of self-defense classes are the only down time I have lately. With the fight drawing nearer, my mind and body are getting into the grove of training and dieting together. I’m right on schedule with my weight loss, but I feel my training is taking a back seat to all the other bullshit. I’ve been traveling to Miami to talk on talk shows and do radio guest appearances. This is the part of the business I could do without.

  My manager called the other day to let me know that the account my mother gets her allowance sent to has not been over drafted this month. I looked into it this morning and there is still over half of what I gave her last month sitting there, untouched. I have no intention on trying to get a hold of her, she probably got arrested or is sleeping off a major drug induced coma. I look down at my phone, and realize if I don’t get moving I’m going to be late to my last self-defense session.

  All of us guys got together and decided to surprise the girls tonight, and take them out for drinks and dancing instead. They have worked really hard, and for the most part I’m shocked at how quickly they picked up on the maneuvers. Candice was reluctant to do the bear hug technique, mainly because of her past, but she got through it. I will never forget the look of shock on her face when she started wiggling around, making my dick grow hard as steel in record time. However, I meant it when I said we would be friends, and fucking her would cross that line, but that won’t stop me from thinking about it. I thought I hated her and always would, but her aunt made me realize that was not the case. Candice is not someone I could ever hate, and I think by trying to punish her, I was only making everyone around me miserable, including myself.

  I park my Hummer beside Dalton’s car and K.J.’s bike. Walking into the gym, I see the girls standing by the mirrors, in their normal workout clothes, looking at me with curiosity. I am wearing a white button up shirt, with the long sleeves rolled up to the elbows, untucked for comfort. My blue jeans are faded and worn out looking, keeping to my style of choice. I know I look damn good, it’s time for me to pay Candice back for every little seduction technique she pulled on me this week. I somehow managed to play it off. Acting as if I was clueless the whole time.

  “Jasper why are you not in your workout gear?” Bethany asks.

  “The same reason your man is in the locker room changing. There has been a change of plans.” I reply, looking at Candice, waiting for her response.

  “What change?” She whispers cautiously.

  “You mean to tell me Izzy was actually able to keep a secret from you two.” I say to Candice and Bethany, currently giving Izzy suspicious glances.

  “Elizabeth Waters what did you hide from us?” Bethany yells out, right before grabbing Izzy by the shoulders. She starts shaking her, demanding to know, curly hair flying all over Izzy’s face.

  “Okay..Okay. Stop! I’ll tell you.” She shouts out while laughing, “K.J. made me promise not to say anything.” Bethany stops shaking her, now just holding onto her shoulders, while Izzy swipes the hair from her face, “We’re going to Vegas BABY!”

  “WHAT?” Candice and Bethany scream at the same time. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, why didn’t Dalton tell me.” Bethany asks.

  “Because your man wanted to surprise you, but Jasper had to come already dressed and ruined it. We brought you ladies everything you would need. Go get ready, the limo will be here soon.” Dalton gives Bethany a kiss on the lips, before smacking her ass. “Go.”

  Candice looks over at me, then back at Dalton. “I’m normally not too keen on surprises, but this is Vegas, so I guess I’ll have to suck it up and go.” She says walking off with a smirk.

  The girls get ready just as the Limo pulls up. Opening the door Liam and Josie slide over making room for the rest of us. Dalton is sitting between Josie and Bethany. I look to Izzy to slide in next, so she can sit by K.J. and Candice by me. Just as she is climbing in, she hauls Candice in by grabbing her arm, making sure K.J. can’t sit by her. That leaves me no room to sit by Candice on the side bench seat. K.J. glances my way, winking before ducking in. I don’t know what he whispers to Izzy in her ear, but she gets up, rolling her eyes and muttering under her breath. K.J. tilts his head to the side, indicating for me to get in and sit by Candice.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what exactly brought on this surprise trip to Vegas?” Candice leans over, showing me a great view of her tits in that dress. “I have a press conference tomorrow, I tried to get out of it but couldn’t, so we thought we would reward you independent women for working so hard.”

  “ Hmmm.” She says. “Do You know what’s going on between those two?” She asks, looking over at K.J. and Izzy. Izzy is looking like she is plotting K.J.’s murder in her head, while he rubs small circles on the inside of her wrist that is resting in her lap, looking like he hasn’t a care in the world. “I don’t think those two even know what’s going on. Better we just wait for them to figure it out and then let us know.”

  The remainder of the ride is filled with small talk and lots of champagne. When the girls find out we are flying in my personal jet, they all but break the windows with their screams. K.J. must not have said anything else to Izzy, because she is no longer sulking, but joining in on the conversation.

  The jet lands in Vegas at seven o’clock, there is another limo waiting to take us to Sinner’s Club. I choose that particular club because the owner is looking for someone to buy him out, and I’m thinking about taking it off his hands. I would need Dalton to help me get her back to the glory she once was, but if anyone could do it, it would be him. It is located in downtown Vegas, so it takes us no ti
me at all to get there. The limo driver drops us off at the back entrance, so we can avoid the crowd up front. Holding the door open for everyone, the security guard nods his head when I walk by.

  Walking into the main part of the club everyone follows the security guard toward the VIP section the owner has set up for me. A bouncer is waiting at the red velvet ropes, letting everyone in.

  “Mr. Johnathan, on behalf of Mr. Morgan we would like to welcome you to the Sinner’s Club.” A waitress wearing a red corset and black booty shorts says, before handing me a glass of chilled champagne. She then loops her arm through mine, walking me to the booth seat in the middle of our roped off area. As we pass Candice, I see the look of irritation on her face. Smiling at her I continue to let the waitress lead me to my seat. Candice has always called me a caveman, saying I was too jealous for my own good. I think I may have fun seeing how she chooses to handle her jealousy.

  Chapter 14


  Jasper left early this morning with his manager to do a promotional photo shoot, and get ready for the press conference today. We all had a great time at the club last night. To say I was jealous watching all those girls surround him is a major understatement. I could tell he was enjoying my reaction so I ignored him and his followers for most the night. It wasn’t until he took one out on the dance floor that the green monster finally shoved all my logical thinking aside and I poured a drink down the woman’s dress. Everyone knew it was no accident, but I got my point across. Jasper finally asked me to dance, not really having any rhythm, he showed me how to move my hips. We danced for most the night, laughing, talking, and teasing each other. There were times when I could see the same look in his eyes he used to give me, when we were together. I never realized how much I had missed those looks until then.

  “Good morning chicka.” Izzy says, rolling over in bed. She is now facing me, her wild hair fanning all around her. We are staying in a suit at the MGM Grand. There is a total of three bedrooms. Jasper and K.J. got their own room, and Izzy is sharing a room with me. The two couples of our group got single rooms on another floor.

  “What are the plans for today? You wanna go shopping?” Izzy suggest, stretching her arms out, bumping me in the head with her elbow.

  Rubbing my head, I reply, “I hate shopping. I was just going to lay around here all day and watch Jasper’s conference.”

  “That sounds nice actually. I’ll call Josie and Bethany over. Who could say no to eating room service all day and being lazy.”

  “While you do that I’m going to take a shower.” I say to her as I get out of bed. Having washed the makeup off my face last night before going to bed, I now need to wash the layer of club smoke and sweat off me.

  Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, I wipe the steam off with my towel, studying the image staring back at me. I never thought there would be a day that I looked into the blue eyes that remind me so much of my mothers, and I wouldn’t feel an aching emptiness in my chest. There is no void today, nothing making me wish I was anywhere else but here. I know this is where I’m meant to be, with these crazy people I am proud to call family.

  I exit the bathroom, walk down the hallway that leads to the main area of the suite. There are two sofas that sit around a flat screen T.V. mounted on the wall. “Are you guys starting without me?” I ask Izzy, Bethany, and Josie. They look up from their plates of food service, shaking their head yes. “We didn’t want it to get cold, and Bethany was too hungry to wait for you to order.” Izzy states looking over at Bethany.

  “Yeah, I’m eating for two now.” Bethany says, rubbing her still flat stomach.

  “Or three.” Josie chimes in, smiling.

  “Maybe four.” Izzy says, stretching her legs out, and placing her feet on the table in front of the couch she is sitting on.

  “Please do not jinx me, I am only prepared to have one baby.” Bethany grunts, glaring at Josie and Izzy.

  I step over Izzy’s feet and plop down on the couch beside her. “The world is not big enough for that many Dalton’s anyway.” I say. I hear a chorus of, “True” before they all go back to stuffing their faces.

  “What time does the conference start?” Josie asks. She looks at me, waiting for a response. Isn’t she dating Liam, who went with Jasper today. Why is she asking me?

  “A little over half an hour from now.” Izzy answers for me. I didn’t think Izzy would know that. She has never seemed interested in the events leading up to the fights, just the blood matches themselves. Looking at her suspiciously I question her, “How did you know that?”

  She shrugs her shoulders acting nonchalant, “K.J. mentioned it last night.” I remember being on the dance floor with Izzy for a short time, then she disappeared. At the time Jasper was distracting me, but now I wonder where it was she went off to.

  “So it was K.J. you disappeared with last night?” I continue on with my interrogation. She says nothing, just stuffs her mouth full of cinnamon roll, her cheeks poking out like a chipmunk’s.

  “You little hussy. Why won’t you just tell us what is going on with you two?” Bethany finally asks. On the edge of our seats all three of us wait for her to swallow down her food, anticipating what she is going to say. “There is nothing between us. I tried all through high school to get his attention, but he never so much as winked at me. Now he wants to boss me around, and act like he owns me.” She finishes with an eye roll.

  “He acted like a jealous boyfriend when we were all at the bar. There has to be a reason for that.” I say.

  “Yeah. He says that Giovanni was an asshole that only wanted to fuck me. When I told him that I was tired of being a twenty-one-year-old virgin he got really angry and refused to let me go back to check on Giovanni.” She looks down at her hands, a clear indication she is embarrassed by the information she just shared.

  “You’re a virgin?” Josie asks. “No offense, but I thought you were the freaky one of this group.” She finishes her statement, shock written all over her face.

  “Well it’s not something I thought was appropriate to tell everyone. I do have some boundaries you know.” We all laugh at her last statement, because Izzy is the only one that seems to have no boundaries, except when it comes to her personal stuff apparently.

  “So why do you always listen to him?” I resume my questioning.

  “I try not to, but he has this ability to make me want to obey him or something. All he has to do is whisper in my ear and I’m at his beck and call. It’s really annoying actually.”

  “Sounds to me like, you two are playing with fire and someone is bound to get burned. At least promise to share the juicy details afterwards.” Bethany says, smiling at Izzy.

  “I promise. Now can we talk about something else, while we wait for this stupid conference to begin?” Izzy asks, looking at each one of us. We all shake our heads yes, letting her off the hook for now.

  In the time it takes for the conference to start, I get to know Josie a little better. It turns out she had been our waitress once before, and that is also where she met Liam. They have been together for two years and she recently moved in with him.

  “There’s Jasper.” Bethany says, effectively capturing my attention.

  He is walking toward his seat at the table, his belt once again waiting for him. His hair is messy, eyes are tired, but every girl in that audience is screaming his name right now. He gives the crowd a smirk, then takes his seat. While Josie and I were talking everyone else must have walked out because the two tables are full of fighters that are on this fight card. I don’t recognize the guy standing at the podium, which means he must be a fill in for Trent.

  “Who’s got the first question?” Unknown guy asks the reporters.

  A woman stands up, wearing a black pant suit, “This question is for Lucky,” she states. “We are here in your home town of Las Vegas, but the crowds seem to favor Jasper over you, will that have an impact on you in July?”

  “I’m not going into this fight worry
ing about anyone else but me. By the end of the fight they will be cheering on a new champion.” Lucky says.

  A man stands up next, “Jasper, Lucky has been known to fight dirty in the past. Has that played a role in your camp, and how you are training to fight him?”

  “I’m not training to fight him. I am training to beat him. He won’t get the chance to fight dirty against me. I will keep the fight off the mat, and win by KO.” Jasper sits the microphone down, and relaxes back in his seat.

  “I have never been knocked out, and this asshole thinks he’s going to be the one to do it. All he needs to do is show up and be prepared to hand that belt over. He cannot beat me. I’m too fast for him.” Lucky states, before laughing out loud.

  Jasper picks up his microphone and leans over the table speaking directly to Lucky, “There is no scenario where you win this fight. I will control you in that ring, and show the world what a pathetic piece of shit you are.”

  The guy at the podium whispers something to Lucky, effectively cutting off his retort. Allowing another reporter to ask a question.

  “Jasper, will the passing of your mother in such a horrific way have any effect on your fighting in July?” The question comes from a tiny redheaded woman, standing in the middle of all the reporters.

  “Repeat the question.” Jasper says.

  “The news broke last night, that your mother had been found murdered in your childhood home. Will that in anyway have an effect on your fight in July?” She asks.

  Jasper stands up so fast, his chair goes flying behind him. “What in the hell are you talking about? Is this some kind of sick fucking joke?”

  The reporter looks around, confusion on her face. She places her hand over her mouth, looking mortified when it finally dawns on her Jasper has no idea what she’s talking about. “I’m so sorry, it was on the news, they held a press conference in Tampa. I thought you knew.”


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