Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2)

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Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2) Page 8

by Dusty Lassetter

I see Lucky’s mouth move, but the microphone on the table doesn’t pick up on what he says. Jasper must have heard him because faster than any human should be able to move, he yanks Lucky out of his chair, and throws him to the ground. Dalton, Liam, and K.J. rush onto the stage and try to stop Jasper from attacking Lucky, who is now back on his feet. Two steps are all it takes for Jasper to reach out and grab Lucky by the throat. Dalton and Liam are pulling Jasper’s arms trying to get him to let go. I can see Lucky scratching at Jaspers hands and arms, trying desperately to breath. Just when I think Lucky is about to pass out, K.J. walks up to Jasper and hits him in the jaw. This causes him to loosen his grip just enough for Liam and Dalton to pull Jasper back. The fighters that were at Lucky’s table help him off the stage and through the exit doors. Jasper is still on stage, flinging everyone off of him, breathing like a crazed maniac. He looks up into the camera allowing everyone to see the look of utter devastation and rage he is feeling. Dalton and Liam back off, letting him have the space he needs to cool off. Just as fast as he attacked Lucky, he exits the building slamming the door into the back wall.

  Chapter 15


  I walk into the dressing room with my name on the door, to see that my manager Ken is on his phone speaking to someone. I don’t listen to what he is saying, that is not important right now. What I want to know is what in the hell happened to Janice and why I am finding out about it from a reporter. I take the phone from him and chunk it against the wall. I hear it shatter and some pieces fall onto the floor, but I never break eye contact with Ken. He places his hands out in front of him, seemingly trying to keep me at a distance.

  “Calm down Jasper, I was just on the phone with your publicist. We are trying to figure out what is going on.” He tries to reason with me.

  I hear the door open behind me, and I know it’s those nosy bastard friends of mine, trying to protect Ken from me. “Where the fuck is Janice?” I ask Ken. I pay him a lot of money to manage not only my career but other aspects of my life. He agreed to keep me updated on Janice and make sure she got her money each month.

  “I don’t know Jasper. I was trying to figure that out before you broke my phone.” He answers me.

  “I pay you to know asshole. You have ten minutes to find out, now get the fuck out of my sight.” I seethe at him. If he doesn’t return in ten minutes with answers, I’ll have to go looking for him, and he won’t like what I do when I find him.

  He doesn’t reply, just rushes by me, then closes the door on his way out. I slowly turn around to come face to face with Dalton and Liam. Dalton begins pacing back and forth, rubbing his hands through his hair. He finally stops in front of me, “You just tried to kill Lucky on live T.V.” he begins pacing again, “That makes you a special type of stupid. You’re going to have to make a public apology.” He states.

  “The FUCK I WILL! I’m not apologizing for something that asshole had coming.” I yell out. I need to find a way to release all this anger, before I end up doing something I will regret, like attack Dalton. I push past him and Liam, and head out the door, to the car that should be waiting for me. Walking out into the sunlight, I make my way to the black BMW. Once inside, I give the driver directions to the club I bought just his morning, and lean back in my seat, my instincts telling me everything that reporter said was true. Janice was murdered, now I just need to find out why.

  I’m sitting at the empty bar of my new establishment, waiting for the cavalry to arrive. It takes half a bottle of the nastiest whiskey known to man before I hear a car door slam outside, a clear indication that they ‘ve found me. I turn in my seat expecting to see the entire gang walking through the doors, but Candice is the only one here.

  “Where is everyone else?” I ask, knowing they are probably too concerned to sit around the hotel and wait for me to return.

  “I’m the sacrificial lamb, here to make sure the hulk has officially left the building. Seeing as you are not green, I think I’m safe.” She takes the seat next to mine, and takes the bottle from my hand, taking a drink before placing it out of my reach.

  “How’d you get stuck being the lamb?” I question, giving the wall my undivided attention.

  “I volunteered.” She simply states. I finally look at her, turning on my stool, looking into her sapphire blue eyes. “The Candice I knew would never have come into the lion’s den.” I say to her. She gives me small a smile, “The Candice you knew realized she would have to fight for what she wants, this is me fighting. I’ve been through this, I’m here to help you in any way I can.”

  “What makes you think I want or need your help?”

  “Do you remember the first day we met?” She asks, “I was a complete wreck, trying not to look like a freak on my first day at a new school.” I shake my head, remembering the way she ran into that alley, hiding behind her long hair.

  “When I looked into your eyes, I knew you could see the real me. Not the Candice everyone else saw, but the Candice I tried so hard to keep hidden. You saved that girl three years ago, now it’s my turn to save you.”

  “I don’t need saving.” I respond, trying to reach around her and grab the bottle of whiskey. She slides the bottle further down the bar, “Yes, you do Jasper, I can see it in your eyes,” she whispers. I stand up, walking toward the end of the bar, snatching the bottle. The burning that follows the liquid running down my throat is a welcome distraction to the pain I feel in my chest.

  “I should have checked on her when they told me she hadn’t over drafted on her account this month. I should have paid more attention to what was going on with her.” I say to her, digging in my pocket to take out my cell phone. On the ride over, I had searched my mother’s name, and immediately headline after headline popped up. She was bound and gagged before being stabbed to death by a screw driver. I pull up one of the articles and place the phone in Candice’s hand. I turn my back to her, giving her time to read it.

  “Jasper,” she murmurs right before I feel her hand rest on my back. I turn around and look down into her eyes, and see the compassion and sadness she is feeling. I have craved her touch for so long my mind is no longer listening to all the reasons I shouldn’t touch her, I reach out with my hand and pull her into my chest. With her tucked into my arms, I rest my chin on the top of her head, and let the alcohol numb away the feelings of guilt and fury.

  Chapter 16


  The flight back to Tampa was silent, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Jasper spent the entire time passed out from drinking so much whiskey. The moment we landed the security team Ken had put into place helped us through the crowd of paparazzi all wanting to talk to Jasper. Finding out your mother was murdered on national T.V. and attacking anyone within a five feet radius is the perfect story for these hyenas.

  The car that was waiting for our arrival brought everyone home but Jasper and me. He demanded to go to the police station and talk to the detective in charge of his mother’s murder. Everyone tried to talk him into sobering up first, but he was relentless, so once again I volunteered to go with him.

  We met with a detective named Kane. He informed Jasper that Janice was found by an old friend that was stopping by to visit. The coroner says she was in the house about three days before the friend called it in. There was no sign of forced entry, or any type of struggle. They assume she was drugged then bound because of the amount of drugs found in her system. They asked Jasper questions about Janice’s life, and if she had any known enemies. Jasper told them everything he knew, then left his cell number in case they needed anything else, or had any new leads.

  Walking out of the police station, I could sense the weight of the world on his shoulders, so when he suggested I spend the day with him at his house, I accepted. I knew he had moved out on his own, also that his fighting career was going well, but the size of his house still surprised me. He made arrangements for me to stay in one of his many quest bedrooms. It’s just down the hall from his room making it quit easy to hear
him stumbling drunk to bed night after night.

  It is now Monday and the funeral has been planned today at noon. I called my boss and she told me not to come in until Thursday. I tried to explain that I only needed today off, but she was adamant, leaving me no choice really.

  “Jasper, are you ready?” I ask, walking into the kitchen, where he has been for most of the morning. He is wearing charcoal grey slacks, with a short sleeved button up blue shirt. The first to buttons undone showing some of his chest.

  “Yeah, just getting a quick drink. Would you like one?” He says, grabbing a bottle of clear liquid this time. Which means he must have run out of his whiskey. “Don’t you think it’s a little early to be drinking?” I finish saying while trying to grab the glass before he can drink it.

  “Don’t you think it’s rude to try and snatch shit from my hand?” He grumbles before downing the liquid. The empty glass making a clanking noise as it hits the bottom of the metal sink. The past two days have been the same, since we’ve been back. He drinks way too much and makes snide remarks when I question him about it. I’ve decided to let it go until after we bury his mother, but I refuse to see him turn into an alcoholic loser like my father.

  Arriving at the cemetery, we follow the path leading up to the burial site. Jasper had called the funeral home yesterday, making all the arrangements for today. He was very adamant about her being surrounded by white roses because they were her favorite. He asked the funeral home to take care of the rest. Jasper squeezes my hand as we walk up to the black casket, before placing a single red rose he brought with him on the coffin. Not long after our own arrival, others start to walk up as well. Our entire group is here, along with Roy, Dalton’s parents, and the detective working the case.

  The service is short and sweet. Jasper’s eyes glued to the casket, seemingly lost in thought. After the area has cleared out, and people have walked off to give Jasper some privacy for his final moments with his mom, I release his hand to make my way over to Izzy and Bethany.

  “Please don’t go.” He whispers so softly I barely hear it. He never looks at me. Just keeps his gazed locked forward. I take his hand back into mine, gripping it tightly, “Never again,” I say. “I’ll never leave you again.” I make that promise to him as we hold hands, and watch as the casket is lowered into the ground.

  Chapter 17


  I refused to talk to anyone after the funeral. I’m in a weird place right now, and prefer to be alone with Candice. She’s agreed to stay with me until she has to go back to work. I know I’m not exactly the nicest person to be around right now, but for whatever reason she keeps grinning and bearing it. I know my drinking is worrying her and everyone else. Hell even I know it is getting out of hand. That doesn’t make it easier to stop or slow down. Everyone has a coping mechanism, mine just happens to be alcohol.

  When we get back to the house, Candice walks a head of me, probably trying to get to the liquor cabinet before I can. I had put little bottles of vodka in the car, that I drunk on the way home. My suspicions are soon proven when I turn the corner into my kitchen and Candice is standing in front of my liquor cabinet.

  “Move.” I order her in a low voice. She gets a determined look on her face, before crossing her arms over her chest. “No” she says, her voice filled with false power. “I will not move aside and watch you drink yourself into another deep sleep. You have a problem Jasper. It’s time for you to man up and learn to deal with your emotions like everyone else, SOBER!”

  With the drinks I had this morning then the other two in the car, my mind is not working on any type of concern or compassion for anyone. How dare she come to my house and demand me to stop drinking. Also accusing me of not being able to deal with my emotions in a healthy way.

  “I seem to remember the way you dealt with losing your mom, Candice. Would you like for me to use your method instead? Is a razor better then vodka sweetheart?” I seethe at her, trying to hurt her and get her the hell away from me right now.

  “That is not fair and you know it.” She says calmly. “I know what you are trying to do, but I’m not going anywhere Jasper.” I take a step toward her, towering over her small frame, fully expecting her to cower and back off. “What are you going to do, Jasper?” She asks in a louder voice. “Are you going to hit me like he used to do?” She continues to shout when I say nothing, “Well are you? Go ahead, Jasper. Will it make you feel better to slam my head against the WALL LIKE HE USED TO DO!!” She is now screaming at me, standing on her tip toes, as close to me as she can get.

  I take three steps back, giving us some much needed space. I would never hurt her, never lay a hand on her no matter what the circumstance. “I won’t let you turn into him Jasper. I can’t sit back and watch you become the monster he was. That is where you’re headed as long as you keep drinking like you do.” She whispers to me, as I continue to walk backward. I need to get the hell out of here.

  I had every intention of going to a bar, drinking away the events of today, but instead I find myself knocking on K.J.’s door. Deep down I know Candice is right my drinking has gotten out of hand. K.J. opens the door, wearing workout gear, which means he must have been doing his daily weight lifting. He quirks his eyebrow up, before opening the door all the way, letting me enter.

  “I was on my way to a bar but somehow ended up here instead.” I say as a way of greeting. He walks past me, and goes into the kitchen, coming back with two bottles of water. He throws me one before taking a seat on his weight bench. K.J. doesn’t have furniture other than his bed and dresser in his room. While I find this completely odd, I’m not bothered enough to ask him about it. I take a seat on the floor, leaning against the wall and relaxing my arms over my knees.

  “Where is Candice?” K.J. asks, before taking a drink of his water.

  “She is probably on her way back to her aunt’s house by now. We had a fight. Well she was the one doing all the yelling actually.” I say laughter in my voice. I remember a time when I could barely get her to speak to me, now she goes around poking me and demanding I listen to her.

  “I can’t see Candice getting too rowdy. Maybe it’s not as bad as you’re thinking.” He suggests.

  “She compared me to Christopher. Accused me of drinking too much like he used to.” I say with distain in my voice. I am ashamed that she would even make such an accusation.

  “She’s right.” He states, “You do drink too much, you are becoming an intolerable asshole, and you have no shot at defending your belt in three weeks. You keep drinking and you’ll be living the same life your mother was.”

  His words should anger me, but they are all true. My mother didn’t live a good life. She let an addiction ruin her, and I’m on the verge of doing the same thing. I have been slacking on my training despite my weight being on schedule. I’m slow and sluggish right now. Lucky will rip me apart in the ring if I continue to slack off.

  “She never called me an intolerable asshole.” I mumble.

  “No, that was everyone else.” He says, drinking the rest of his water. I get up off the floor and walk over to him, offering to be his spotter. He laughs at me lying back down, and starts his bench presses again. I stay at his house until dinner time, then decide I am sober enough to deal with the aftermath of my argument with Candice. I can’t be mad if she went back to her aunt’s, I said a lot of hurtful things to her.

  Walking into the house I smell something coming from the kitchen that has my stomach growling. As I stroll in through the door, I see Candice now in her pajamas standing over a pot, stirring something. My mind is completely blown that she is still here. The fact that she is in my house cooking dinner has me smiling for the first time in days.

  “Is there enough for two?” I ask her since she has yet to speak to me.

  “Maybe. It depends on where you have been. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your now messed up hair and wrinkled clothes.” Her tone a little harsh.

  “Why would that matter Candic
e?” I say, walking up behind her, placing my hands on both her hips.

  “I’m not sharing my dinner with some male whore that just came in from being with a bunch of groupies.” She states, getting angrier by the second. I decide to put her out of her misery instead of letting this go on, “I was with K.J., doing some weight lifting. There were no groupies involved. I promise.”

  She turns around smiling up at me, “You weren’t at a bar making horrible choices. I’m so proud of you, Jasper.” She declares right before hugging me.

  “I’m sorry for what I said earlier gorgeous,” I whisper while pulling her back. I take my finger and tilt her head back, making her look me in the eyes. “I’m an asshole. I didn’t mean any of it.” I watch as a tear rolls down her cheek. It’s killing me knowing I am the one that caused her this pain. I move my hand to her cheek, letting her rest her face into my palm. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  “I’m not crying because you hurt me Jasper.” She says, before whipping the tears off her face. “I’m crying because the Jasper I love is back.” I stand there like a fool not saying anything. She just admitted to loving me and there is nothing but truth in her gorgeous eyes. “Say it again.” I demand, my voice a little harsher then I attended.

  “I love you Jasper. I’ve always loved…” I don’t let her finish her sentence. I pick her up, and slam my mouth onto hers, while walking her up the stairs with her legs wrapped around me.

  “Where are we going? The spaghetti is going to burn.” She mumbles into my mouth.

  I break the kiss, still carrying her up the stairs, “I’m going to do what I should have done the moment you came back into town. Remind you who you belong to.” She kisses me again, her fingers now gripping onto my hair, trying to get closer to me. She wants this as bad as I do. I just hope she is prepared for the beast she just released by saying those three little words.


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