Secret-Santa Cowboy: The Buckskin Brotherhood
Page 11
“Is that good or bad?”
“Depends on whether you mind that I want you again.”
“I don’t mind at all.”
“That’s good news.” Moving between her thighs and bracing himself on his forearms, he watched her eyes as he pushed slowly into her slick channel. Poised over her, he cast a shadow, but not enough to rob him of the view of her bright gaze. “Can you see me?”
“Not well.” She cupped his face and coaxed him down to her waiting mouth. “And that allows me to focus on this.”
He closed his eyes and claimed her mouth as he sank deeper. She didn’t want eye contact. Not yet. But he could wait.
And in the meantime….
Once he was locked in tight, he remained still, concentrating on kissing her for the few seconds it took for him to resist the urge to climax. When he could move again, he eased up a little and slowly rotated his hips.
He lifted his mouth from hers. “Like that?”
He did it again and she quivered beneath him. Pulling back, he combined a deep thrust with a hip rotation.
She gasped. “More of that.”
“You bet.” Pleasing her was such a joy. He sped things up and she urged him on, panting and crying out as her core tightened. And tightened some more.
Shifting her grip from his face to his glutes, she held on tight as he went faster yet, his breathing ragged, his body begging for release.
“There!” Her fingers dug in and her orgasm rolled over his rigid cock.
He rocked into her once more, wringing breathless cries from her lips. Then, with a shout that emptied his lungs, he bowed to the demands of his testosterone-fueled body. The force of his climax sent shock waves from the soles of his feet to the roots of his hair. His ears rang and his body shook. Maybe he was having a heart attack.
That would be okay. He rested his forehead against her shoulder and fought for breath. He could think of worse ways to die than while he was making explosive love to Fiona Hildebrand.
* * *
As it turned out, he recovered. Gradually the world stopped spinning and he could breathe again. Lifting his head, he gazed down at her. He couldn’t tell for sure because even with the tree on, the shadows ruled. But he thought she looked happy. “Are you smiling?”
“I am. I think it’s a permanent condition.”
“My ears are still ringing.”
“Mine, too. That rotation move of yours was way more fun than I expected. Can we try it again, sometime?”
“I’m game. Even if I did think that climax was gonna kill me.”
“Mine was pretty intense, too.” She chuckled. “Not sure my heart can take it, but what a way to go.”
“Agreed.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Be right back.” The light from the Christmas tree helped him some as he headed for the door. He counted steps to her bathroom and turned on the light, since he was in there by himself.
As he was washing up, he caught sight of the dazed, smiling dude in the mirror, the guy who looked like he was one bottle shy of a six-pack. He laughed as he finished up and shut off the light. Fiona drove him crazy, and he couldn’t wait to climb back into her bed so she could do it some more.
The tree only lit the far corner, which allowed him to see the shadow of the bed, but not where she’d positioned herself. “Where do you want me?”
“In bed. Snuggled close.”
His cock twitched. He sent it a signal to stand down. At least for the time being. “Which side?”
“On the tree side, please.”
He walked around the foot of the bed. “Are you going to flash me again? Because if you are, I’ll just go straight to my jeans pocket and grab another raincoat.”
“I’m not going to flash you. That would be repetitious.”
“Not in my book. That routine never gets old.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
He had a better view on the far side of the bed. She’d pulled the sheet and comforter up to her chin, which was sexy in its own way since she was naked under those covers. She’d left him a generous portion of the bed. Too generous. He’d fix that.
“I gave you the warm spot.”
“Thoughtful.” He got in and reached for her. “Let’s share it.”
“I’d like that.” She snuggled close and something furry slid up his chest.
He yelped and rolled away, nearly falling out of bed. “What the hell?”
She started laughing. “It’s a mitten.”
“It’s not alive?”
“It’s a fake fur mitten. Sorry, I should have warned you.”
He turned back toward her. “I thought it was a ferret.”
She got the giggles. “Do you often end up in bed with a ferret?”
“No! But I knew a woman who had one. Its coat felt like that. Why are you wearing a mitten?”
“Sensual stimulation.”
“Something from Beth’s shop?”
“Yes. Want me to do it again, now that you know it’s not a ferret?”
“I guess so.”
She stroked his chest. “How does that feel?”
“Furry. I’m not used to having something furry against my skin. Manly men don’t—”
“Do you like it?”
“Depends on whether that will be our little secret.”
“It will.” She moved from his chest to his waist and around to his back. “No one has to know but me that you’re practically purring.”
“Am not.”
“You just went mmmm like a big jungle cat would sound purring.”
“Do I get to use it on you?”
“Eventually. But it’s my turn, now.” She scooted back. “Lie on your stomach so I can have a bigger surface to work on.”
He rolled over and she lightly massaged his back before shoving down the covers and using the mitten on his glutes and thighs. He shivered.
“Are you cold?”
“Not exactly. Just… sensitized, electrified, like I could shoot sparks out of my fingertips.”
“But this could lead to something.”
“Think so?”
“Yes, ma’am, and I promised myself we’d take a break.”
“We’re taking one now.”
“The way my nerves are tingling, it won’t be a long break. I—” A familiar melody floated up from the floor near the Christmas tree where he’d left his phone.
She stopped stroking him. “Is Lord of the Rings your sister?”
“Yep.” He turned over and sat up. “She probably opened her present.”
“Answer it,” she said gently. “Please.”
Chapter Eighteen
When Leo left the bed to grab his phone, Fiona slid out on the other side, crossed to the door and unhooked her bathrobe. His cheerful voice when he answered the phone made her glad she’d coaxed him to pick up. Putting on the robe, she walked into her darkened living room.
She couldn’t hear what he was saying, but his easy laughter and warm tone told her everything she needed to know about his love for his sister. And that he missed her. What was the story there?
Belting the robe, she continued into her kitchen to get a drink of water. Maybe Leo would like one, too. After all that exercise. She smiled. Or maybe she could come up with something more inspired than water.
She had spiced apple cider in her fridge. If she warmed it up, they could have part of the treat they’d missed the night before. When he got off the phone, she’d offer him that. He was, after all, a guest in her home.
Might as well take the cider out of the fridge and pour it into a pan, just in case. She turned on the light over the stove to give her a little more illumination.
As she poured the cider into the pan, Leo’s voice became more distinct. She turned as his shadowy form emerged from her bedroom.
“Yep, she’s read all the book
s and seen all the movies.”
He was talking about her?
“Hang on, I’ll see.” He stayed in the bedroom doorway, backlit by the Christmas tree glow. He’d put on his jeans and shirt, although it hung loose, probably open.
He pressed the phone to his chest and lowered his voice. “Penny would like to say hi. Are you okay with that?”
“Are you?”
“Absolutely. She always asks if I’m seeing anybody, and for a change I was happy to say that I was. Will you talk to her?”
She was confused by the request, but touched that he’d ask. “Sure. I was about to warm up some cider. Want some?”
“Sounds good. Is it in that pan on the stove?”
“Then let me take care of that while you talk to Penny.” He handed her his phone and headed for her kitchen.
His broad back and narrow hips were becoming a familiar and heart-stirring silhouette. She put the phone to her ear. “Hi, Penny. This is Fiona.”
“Hey, there, Fiona! I can’t believe my cowboy brother found a Lord of the Rings fan. That’s awesome!”
“He told me you were really into it.” She kept her eye on Leo as he surveyed her kitchen. He had enough light from the stove to get the layout.
“I have been into LOTR since I was a kid.”
“Me, too.” She watched Leo study the knobs on the stove before switching one on. Then he stepped back, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“I’ll bet you were Galadriel for Halloween.”
“Several times.” When Leo turned to face her, she tensed, but his features were still in shadow. The dim light only let her see his silhouette.
“Did he tell you what he got me for Christmas?”
“Hobbit feet slippers and a shower curtain with a scene from the Shire.”
“I’m a total geek, so I love them. I wasn’t supposed to open the package, but I couldn’t wait. Then I had to call to thank him, and to my surprise, I discovered that he was dating you. I thought he’d given up on finding someone.”
“Evidently not.” But she might not be that someone, not if she slid back into mouse mode when she finally saw him in the light. That would suck, but she wasn’t kidding herself that she’d licked that problem. Her flinch when he’d turned to face her confirmed that.
“He’s had terrible luck with women. They’re all about his looks, which are admittedly amazing, but he hates it when people focus on that aspect. He said you’re different.”
“I guess that’s true.”
“If you’re into Lord of the Rings, that’s absolutely true. He said you own a shop called Planet-Friendly Paper. Right up my alley.”
”You’re an environmentalist?”
“Sure am. But I love journaling in longhand so I search out the kinds of notebooks you carry. Listen, I don’t want to interrupt your evening any more than I already have. But it’s been great talking to you. Merry Christmas.”
“Same to you. I’ll give you back to Leo.” She held out the phone.
He walked toward her, took it and put it to his ear. “Hey, sis. Yeah, she’s special. So what are you doing for your Christmas break?”
Fiona walked over to check on the cider. Switching off the heat, she took mugs out of the cupboard.
“Sounds like fun.” He paused. “Haven’t opened mine yet. I’m not like you. I wait. Merry Christmas, sis. Talk soon.”
Steam rose from the cider pan. She poured it into the mugs, switched off the stove light and turned around as Leo came toward her.
Talking to his sister had unnerved her. She’d temporarily compartmentalized this affair as an adventure out of time. Her conversation with Penny didn’t fit that scenario.
Leo wrapped his arms around her waist. “Thank you for talking to Penny. She worries about me.”
“Because she loves you.” She rested her hands on his bare chest. “Guess you decided not to have your conversation while you were naked.”
“She’s my little sister. Didn’t seem right.”
“You mentioned a Christmas break. Is she in school?”
“She teaches English Lit at UCLA.” Capturing her hands, he placed them around his neck, bringing her closer.
“Has she ever been here?”
“Not yet. Maybe this summer.” He drew her into his arms. “She was fifteen when I left and for several years she was mad at me for taking off. Mom and Dad convinced her I was a selfish SOB.”
She nestled closer, laying her cheek against his warm skin. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He rubbed her back. “We’re good now. She’s been super-busy fast-tracking her career. Got her doctorate in June.”
“Yep. I would’ve gone to her graduation, but the folks still hate my guts, so me showing up could have ruined her big day.”
“That sucks, Leo.” Her parents weren’t very demonstrative, but they loved her.
“I’ve made peace with it. So has Penny. Like I said, I plan to get her out here when the weather warms up.” He hugged her closer. “I just realized something. Your bathrobe feels almost as soft as your mitten.”
Clearly he was ready to move on from a difficult subject. She lifted her head. “Do you want to forget about the cider?”
“Oh, no, I think we should drink the cider. You have a table about five steps behind us. We can sit there and drink cider and talk dirty.”
She laughed. “I don’t know how.”
“I don’t believe that for a minute.” Reaching around her, he picked up his mug. “I have my cider. Meet you at the table.”
“It’s a deal.”
“See you there.” He released her and seconds later, a chair scraped as he claimed one of her four kitchen chairs. “I’m set. Waiting for you, mitten lady.”
So they were back to flirting and great sex. She took her mug of cider and turned around. By concentrating on the shifting shadows and light, she made out the spot Leo had claimed. She took the opposite chair.
His voice came out of the darkness. “Cowboys are supposed to help women into their seats, but if I tried, we might both go down.”
“I’ve got this. I’m glad you didn’t try.”
“Is this cider leaded or unleaded?”
“Good. I want to keep my wits about me. What’s left of them, anyway. Thanks for the cider, Fi. Ready to play this game?”
“I have no idea. You start.”
“Okay. Here’s to all things warm and juicy.”
She lifted her mug and managed to connect with his. “To warm and juicy.” She sipped her rapidly cooling cider.
“Your turn.”
“Okay. Here’s to all things firm and…” She couldn’t come up with a second word.
“Long-lasting. That’s the one you’re looking for.”
“I like thick better. Firm and thick.”
He chuckled. “To firm and thick.” He took a swallow and held out his mug. “To a long, hard ride.” His voice grew husky toward the end.
Moisture dampened her lady parts. She tapped her mug against his. “To a long, hard ride.”
He put down his cider and pushed back his chair. “Come with me, pretty lady. It’s my turn with the mitten.”
Chapter Nineteen
Leo stayed until almost twelve, but then he forced himself to leave Fiona’s warm bed. They needed sleep and he could easily make love to her all night. He hadn’t had this kind of stamina in years.
He dressed in the light from the Christmas tree while she lay in bed, tempting as hell. He moved fast, determined to get his clothes on before his willpower failed him.
“I still want to walk down with you.”
He glanced over at her. “And I want to leave knowing you’re snuggled under the covers, basking in the glow of your latest climax. That’s why I asked for your spare key.”
“And now you can let yourself in, too.”
br /> “I can.”
“If you get finished with Garrett’s Brotherhood initiation before I’m done with the celebration at Eva’s, you could drive in and wait for me here.”
“That has possibilities.”
“You could be lying in bed, naked.”
He laughed. “That’s not a possibility.”
“It’s not manly.”
“So what would be manly?”
“I don’t know. Not that. But I’ll be happy to drive in and wait for you here if I’m finished early. I’ll switch on the tree and turn down the covers.”
“Then what?”
“I’ll think of something. But it won’t be stripping down and jumping into bed. Count on it.” Fastening his jeans, he zipped up and walked over to the bed. “Sleep well.” Hand braced on the pillow, he leaned down and gave her a soft kiss.
At least it started out that way. She cupped the back of his head and tugged him closer. The kiss quickly spun out of control. Soon his tongue was in her mouth and his hand was cupping her breast.
The alarm on his phone snapped him out of a maneuver that would have involved taking off his pants again. Gasping, he extricated himself and staggered back. “I’m leaving. I really am.”
She flopped back on the pillow, breathing fast. “What’s that noise?”
“My alarm.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and shut it off. “I set it for midnight in case… well, this.”
Her breathless laughter made him smile. “I’m taking off. No more goodbye kisses. Want me to turn off the lights on the tree?”
“You can leave them on. They’re almost like a nightlight. I love the tree. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He lingered a moment, gazing at her smile. Too bad she couldn’t see his. Didn’t want to, in fact.
He hurried through the door, calling out goodnight as he headed for the stairs.
* * *
Late the next afternoon, Leo grabbed a load of wood from the pile behind the bunkhouse and headed out to the fire pit. Nick followed with an armload of kindling and a couple of old issues of the Gazette.