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BDSM for the First Time (1st time Punishment + Victorian Humiliation, Submissive Fertile Female, Object Insertion, Voyeur) Volume 4 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY

Page 6

by Nicola Diaz

  “How about a sneak peek at what we do. If you’re intrigued you can join in if you wish,” Bruce said.

  I said nothing, but nodded slightly and stuck to my spot in the doorway. I could run if I so chose. Marcy pulled a black leather mask over her face while she looked a little ridiculous in the baby doll outfit. Wielding the whip, she yanked the covers from Bruce to reveal his stiff cock. He smiled at me and then wagged his brow at his wife. I can’t help but look at how big the man is. No wonder she called out like she did during sex.

  “You wanna piece of me?” Marcy asked Bruce as she smacked the side of his ass with the whip.

  “Mmmm,” Bruce answered as he shut his eyes for a moment. Marcy climbed on top and playfully rubbed the whip over his chest around his pecker. Then she reared back and smacked the side of his ass again. Next, she pulled a hood from the night table and put it over his head.

  “Now it gets interesting,” Marcy said.

  She pulled a feather from the night table drawer and ran it down Bruce’s side. He wiggled and grunted. The whip she trailed over his chest and around his cock, brushing the tip of it over the head before smacking it on his legs.

  Next she went down face-first over his crotch, placing her mouth over his erect cock. “Oomph,” he said as he lurched forward, the scarf ties stopping him from lifting from the bed. Marcy gently sucked up and down over his stiff phallus as she motioned for me to come closer.

  “Lick his balls,” she commanded as she raised the whip at me. My eyes widened and I did as she said, feeling very odd about licking a married man’s balls. I ran my tongue over his skin as Bruce moaned. I reached up and gently touched his hard dick, drawing my hand up to cause him to lurch and moan once again.

  “Fucking soft, tiny hands,” Bruce said. “Suck it, Penny.”

  I looked up at Marcy who raised her brow and nodded at me. I went down on Bruce, pulling the head of his phallus into my mouth. As I began to suck, Marcy raised my night shirt and the whip thwacked me on the ass. I jumped and pulled off of Bruce and looked up at Marcy.

  Lifting her brow, Marcy smiled and said, “You like?”

  I shook my head. “I wouldn’t do that while my mouth is on your husband’s cock. I might bite him,” I said.

  “Bonus,” Bruce said. “Keep sucking.”

  I went back down on my neighbor and began to suck in earnest while wanting to bring him to orgasm because giving head has never been my favorite thing. I was afraid of another smack with the whip so I did as told.

  “Uhh, STOP!” Bruce yelled as Marcy shoved me back. “I am saving myself for later.” Bruce nodded to Marcy who untied his hands. “Your turn, sweetheart.”

  For a split second I wanted to run, but I was turned on. The smack on my ass stung, but it made me want more. I wanted a screaming orgasm.

  “Off,” Marcy barked at me while taking the whipping stick and pulling up on my shirt. I looked at Bruce who waited for my obedience.

  Slowly, I pulled my shirt off as my breasts bounced. Bruce inserted his thumb in the waistband of my panties and yanked. “Those too.”

  “Now, lie down and give us your hands,” Marcy demanded. I obeyed, my heart thumping so hard I feared I would die of a heart attack at twenty-one. Bruce tied one hand and Marcy the other. Then they grabbed my feet and tied each one to the corners of the mattress. I was spread-eagle naked on my neighbor’s bed. Next, a blindfold was placed over my eyes.

  “You’ve been a bad little girl, Penny. You’ve been spying on us. I’ve caught you ogling my package,” Bruce said.

  “You will be punished,” Marcy added.

  I lay completely still. I could hear sounds like Marcy and Bruce kissing. Suddenly, the whir of a vibrator reverberated in my ear as it rubbed around my ears. The vibrator traced down my neck and sat on my nipples. The action instantly aroused me. A moan escaped my lips. Suddenly, the whip landed on top of my thighs. “Say, spank me Bruce, I want more,” Bruce commanded me.

  “Spank me, Bruce, I want more,” I replied.

  The whip thwacked me across the thighs and a hand landed hard on my ass and squeezed it. Then I felt breath on my chest as a mouth found my nipples. I moaned; I can’t stand it as I begin to grind into the bed. The vibrator snaked up my legs and around my muff, followed by a smack on the ass. I quivered at the reverberation, not particularly liking the pain, but strangely turned on by the events.

  The vibrator buzzed close to my muff between my legs as a pair of hands worked over my nipples. I moaned, the pleasure almost there but not quite. “Please,” I begged.

  “Please? You are begging for what?” Marcy demanded.

  “I want to come,” I said as I rolled my head from side to side.

  “Demand Bruce do it.”

  “Bruce, make me come,” I squealed.

  Suddenly, the vibrator disappeared as Bruce climbed on me, his hands rough over my body. He slapped my ass as a pillow was shoved under my butt. His pecker, long and hard, ran over my swollen clit. Arching my back, I called out, “Pound me hard.”

  “A pounding, eh?” Bruce said.

  Thwack. The whip hit my thigh again. “You want to fuck my husband? You slut!” Marcy’s voice sounded mean and I could not be sure whether she was pissed or if this was a part of it.

  “Yes,” I replied while playing into their event. “I want your husband to fuck me hard.”

  “Why? Do you like Bruce?” Marcy asked.

  “I like his package,” I replied as Bruce rubbed his penis over my clit, causing billows of pleasure to build inside my mid-section.

  “Oh, do you? You like this?” Slap! A hand smacked hard against my ass. I couldn’t move, my hands and feet bound. I couldn’t see, my eyes blindfolded.

  “How about this?” Marcy said as she then dug her fingers into my nipples and twisted violently; I liked it.


  “I’m going to give you the fucking of your life,” Bruce said as he entered my tight pussy. It’s had the pleasure of a few younger, inexperienced college boys, but nothing like this.

  I’m so turned on that Bruce had no trouble sliding in balls deep, where he began to pump into me hard for what seemed like an eternity. With the constant twisting of my nips as Bruce pulled out and rubbed the tip of his dick over my clit, my body shuddered into a full-blown screaming orgasm as I winced. Gasping for air along with the intense orgasm caused me to scream, “Stop!”

  But Bruce didn’t stop. He continued with the fucking as he ripped the mask from my face, his expression skewed into utter pleasure as he shoved hard while coming, filling my pussy fuller than it’s ever been before.

  Once finished, Bruce sat back on my legs as Marcy clapped. “Good! You did good for a first-timer,” she said.

  Bruce untied my hands and feet and I sat up, the semen then pouring out of my slit. I was dizzy and lethargic from the action. Marcy yawned as she advanced to the bed, vibrator in hand. Beaming a smile my way, she said, “I played support, so it’s manual for me, if you don’t mind.” Inserting the vibrator into her pussy, she laid back and let the small appliance do its thing.

  I smiled at Bruce and felt awkward as I backed toward the door. As Marcy grabbed the edge of the sheets, she screamed into an orgasm; I turned to leave. Bruce walked to the door and leaned out. “I hope we can do this again,” he called out.

  I nodded and waved my hand as I walk back to the patio and back into my own home. It was now almost two in the morning. I yawned and crawled into bed, knowing that I would have to take a good shower once I woke up in the morning. For now, though I would relish the slow dribble of Bruce’s spunk from my wet hole.




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  BONUS STORY - Bound for His P

  Bound for his Pleasure

  "Heave to, Dominator!" The shout carried across the crashing water as the Sea Witch drew aside the big frigate. Captain Lizzy Turner cast a quick glance at her crew. Able women all, busily doing their jobs.

  The little Sea Witch had quickly overtaken the larger vessel and a few well-placed shots and fast maneuvering had made it clear the Dominator had no place to run. The Sea Witch had forced her into the shallows where coral threatened to rip the hull apart if the captain didn't heave to and strike sails.

  "Ladies! Prepare to board!" Lizzy called down to her crew. Lizzy had her eye on the frigate, not just for the cargo she held, but she had a mind to expand her fleet. The women quickly swung onto the larger vessel and the fighting began. By now they knew the drill. They'd been doing this successfully for nearly five years and only lost one battle, their first. They'd taken on larger, more experienced crews and always came out victorious. But this time, something went wrong.

  Lizzy didn't know how it happened, only that it did. One minute, the ladies were winning, the next, the group aboard the Dominator were surrounded and disarmed, and she had a pistol pointed at her head.

  "Do you yield?" The young officer looked like he'd just as soon shoot her as take her surrender. "Aye," Lizzy threw down her own pistol and cutlass. "Harm one hair on any of them bony heads though, and there'll be hell to pay. Where's yer captain?" The young officer gave her an evil smile, "He's already on his way, madame."

  Lizzy watched the gangplank expectantly. He'd either be some young lordling looking to make a name for himself, soft, pale and pasty, or he'd be a grizzled old salt who probably engaged in a few acts of piracy himself. Either way, she knew how to deal with him. She would get her crew out of this and stay out of the noose herself or she wasn't Captain Lizzy Turner.

  She gave her bodice a tug, exposing more of her breasts, and flipped her hair back out of her face. Lizzy had learned long ago that dressing like a man may have been more comfortable, but using her shape and feminine wiles was smarter. Instead she dressed in snug breeches and a low-scooped bodice that showed off her curves. She looked up from her cleavage when she heard one of her crew gasp.

  He strode aboard the Sea Witch as if he owned it. He was tall, broad in the shoulder and lean in the hip. He looked too rugged to be a pampered lordling, but he was certainly no grizzled old salt either. His dress wasn't typical officer either. He had eschewed the uniform and finery for a simple white shirt left open at the throat and breeches snug enough she could see his cock clearly lined against the fabric. He walked straight to Lizzy and looked her up and down, an expression of amusement on his face.

  "So," his voice was liquid silk, "this is the infamous Captain Lizzy Turner."

  Lizzy smiled up at him coquettishly, "That I am, and what be the name of the captain of the mighty Dominator?"

  "Oh that won't work on me," he laughed. "Give up your charms, pirate wench. They won't save your neck this time." He turned to his crew, "Round up the rest of these wenches. Any that know how to respect a man in authority can swim for shore. Hang any who refuse such kindness." He turned back to Lizzy, "What? You have something to say?"

  "That's a long swim t'shore, captain. Have a heart, they're just crew, followin' orders."

  "Then order them to behave and none of them will die by the noose. Mr. Biggs! Make it known that once the crew is disposed of, we will sail out another oh... two miles I think should do it. Where we will then allow Captain Turner the choice of going overboard or hanging."

  Lizzy was made to watch as her crew was forced overboard. She kept telling herself it was shallow waters, with no dangerous currents. It was a long swim, but they could make it to shore. When the last woman hit the water, the captain returned to Lizzy. "Have anything to say for yourself now, wench?"

  She spat in his face, but he only laughed and grabbed her by the hair. "You'll learn manners, eventually." He whipped a rough piece of fabric over her eyes and tied it tight. "Make sure she's bound tightly, we don't want her escaping. Put her in my hold." Lizzy was roughly handed from one man to another, then led down steep steps. The last thing she heard as she descended below decks was the captain ordering the Sea Witch be put to the torch. She fought back tears. So many years of so much hard work, ruined. At least her crew had a chance of survival. If they went two more miles out, she wouldn't stand a chance.

  She was tied hand and foot in a place that didn't smell like a ship's hold or brig. There was no smell of moisture or mildew, only dry wood, wool, leather and beeswax. She twisted around and managed to get a finger under her blindfold and slowly work it up off her face. It didn't do her much good however. She was tied facing the wooden hull and the room was dark. She had a sense that the space was small. She could hear even the smallest sounds bounce on the hard surfaces around her. She heard the sounds of the ship as the crew set sail and began to haul farther out to sea.

  Eventually, Lizzy dozed in the darkness. The ship had been moving for some time, and she'd long ago realized they'd gone farther than the two miles the captain had promised. She woke with a start when a door opened and candlelight spilled into the space. "Awake are you?" the captain still sounded like he was about to start laughing at any moment.

  "Oh, sorry captain, I was just dozin'," Lizzy sassed back at him. "'Tis quite comfortable here."

  "Really?" All the laughter had gone from his voice, now it was pure steel and Lizzy realized she was afraid of the man. "Let's see what we can do about that."

  He stepped closer and Lizzy felt cold steel against the back of her neck. HIs knife slid down her back, cutting open shirt and bodice like they were nothing. He pushed the pieces down her shoulders, then used the torn fabric to tie her arms tight against her body. She was bare from the waist up.

  "You've got quite the tits, Captain Turner... Oh, wait, you no longer have a vessel. I suppose you are Miss Turner now." He picked up the candle and held it in front of her face.

  "I believe you need to learn some manners, madame." The candle waved back and forth in front of her eyes, and Lizzy tried to pull away. "You don't quite seem to know your place. Nor do you seem to comprehend your situation."

  He tipped the candle slightly and a single drop of hot wax fell on her shoulder. Lizzy clenched her teeth, refusing to admit it hurt.

  "You have been taken captive. Your crew believes you most likely dead. You are a known pirate, I could kill you and dump your body overboard, and no one would think twice about it. I cold give you to my men for their pleasure, and still no one would think anything ill. You are entirely at my mercy, madame, and I intend to enjoy it."

  He tipped the candle again, sending a stream of molten wax down her back. Lizzy hissed in a sharp breath, but refused to cry out. Suddenly, she felt his body press against her back. He closed a hand over her throat and growled in her ear, "Open your mouth!" She obeyed when his hand clenched tighter. He stuffed the candle sideways between her teeth, the wax dripped down onto her breast and she tried not to jump.

  His voice hissed in her ear again, "Do not drop the candle, wench!" He stepped back away from her and she felt the sting of a strap across her ass. He delivered ten hard lashes across her ass in quick succession as the wax continued to drip onto her breast. Lizzy was trembling and clenching her teeth into the wax candle by the time he was done.

  When he stepped back into her body, she whimpered and cringed away from him, but he grabbed her by the neck again and pulled her against his body. He was sweaty from the effort and breathing hard. "Let go," he took the candle from her teeth, tipping it to pour wax directly onto her nipple. Lizzy cried out and writhed against him.

  "Think on this wench, next time you see fit to sass me," he blew out the candle and slammed the door, leaving her in darkness. Later, a young man who identified himself only as Jimmy, the captain's steward, came and fed her broth. Lizzy's hands were numb from being tied for so long, and her body ached all over. After she'd eaten, Jimmy placed an iron manacle around
one of her ankles, then left just as the captain returned.

  Wordlessly, he came to her and cut away the rest of her torn bodice and shirt. He untied the ropes from her ankles, then from her wrists. Lizzy nearly fainted as the tight ties were removed and blood flow and breathing returned to normal. The captain caught her neatly and dumped her unceremoniously on a narrow berth she had not been able to see before.

  "This is your cell," he waved the candle around the small space. There was the narrow berth, a ingle chair and that was it. "If you need to use the head, there is a chamber pot. Here is where you will live until I decide what to do with you. Continue with the behavior of earlier and you will find me most unpleasant. Please me, and I can be quite generous as well. Do you have any questions?"


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