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Alpha's Destiny: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Texas Heat Book 1)

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by Aspen Grey

  “Damn, Jasper,” someone laughed. “Bet he’s tighter than a snare drum.”


  But before I had time to process, one of the four guys toppled over. As he hit the ground, his scent wafted across the lot toward me and I knew instantly – it’s him.

  He’s the one!

  My fangs instantly sprouted as I recognized my old stalker, dressed like the arrogant pretty boy he is. Beside him were his two favorite betas, Keith and Carlos. Instantly, I knew what was going on. Exactly what had happened to me eight years ago – roofies.

  “Who wants to go first?” Keith asked, laughing.

  “You know the answer to that,” Jasper chuckled as he undid his fly. Just seeing him again, standing there in his designer clothes, acting like he owned the fucking world, made me want to tear his throat out. But with the omega lying at his feet, the one that had me falling all over myself with lust, I knew that I was about to lose control.

  My bear roared within me and I didn’t even bother pulling at my clothes before I shifted. My monstrous bear frame shredded my jeans and tank top to bits as I transformed, and with a snarl, I raced toward the sons of bitches in front of me.

  Jasper looked up with confusion as I raced toward him.

  “Holy shit, Preston!?” he cried out as he shifted. I’d forgotten just how big he was in bear form, but my rage was fueling me in a way that wouldn’t be contested.

  His two beta boys tried to shift, but I leapt forward and caught Keith in the throat before he could. His spine snapped between my jaws before he was able to do a goddamn thing. I hit the ground and let his body drop to the ground.

  As I turned, Carlos shifted, but Jasper was already attacking. He clawed out at me and caught me in the shoulder, slicing into my flesh. I cried out in pain and lashed back with a backhand that caught him in the snout and sent him sprawling backwards.

  Carlos jumped at me, but I dodged his slow attack easily. I turned as he hit the ground and bit down hard on his ankle. Something snapped under my teeth and he howled in pain. I released him and he scrambled away, whimpering and licking his wound.

  Jasper was on me again. He hit me like a truck and knocked me onto my back. It was a hard landing, and I scrambled to the side, trying to get back on my feet. But he snapped at me, and took off a chunk of my fur just above my chest. He’d been aiming for my throat.

  I kicked with my back feet and sent him flying into the dumpster. His weight just about crushed it in half. He yelped as he hit the ground and scrambled to his feet. I could feel my hatred for him pulsing through me like lava rushing through my veins. My heart was pounding like a drum line as I readied myself for his next attack.

  The sweet-smelling omega lay beside me, out of his mind on whatever Jasper had given him. I felt a pang in my chest as I glanced over at him, knowing just what he was going through and how confused and helpless he was feeling. I had to get him out.

  Jasper roared and barreled toward me. I ducked and drove my head into his chest as he reached me. He skipped off of me and tumbled to the side. I leapt on him and sank my teeth into his haunch, clamping down as hard as I could. He yelped and snapped at me, but I jumped out of the way before his bite could connect.

  Finish him off! I thought as he thrashed around in pain in the dirt. But before I could act, the door to the bar opened behind me.

  “What the Hell?” I heard a voice call out. I whipped around to see an alpha and two betas looking out at the mayhem. I could tell by the way they were dressed that they were more of Jasper’s fan club. I didn’t even give them time to shift. I charged all three of them. The blow was enough to send them all sprawling, tumbling head over heels back into the bar. I slammed the door shut with enough force to cause it to buckle. That would stop them, but not for long.

  Jasper was writhing in pain as he tried to get to his feet. I had a window of opportunity to get the omega out of there, and if I didn’t act quickly, I’d be overwhelmed by the rest of Jasper’s goons.

  I raced to the omega’s side and shifted back to human form.

  “Hey!” I whispered, patting him on the cheek. “My name’s Preston, I’m going to get you out of here!”

  “Hnng…ugh…,” was all he could muster for a reply. Easily, I lifted him into my arms and began to run as fast as I could back across the parking lot. I heard shouts from the front of the bar and knew Jasper’s men were only seconds away.

  “I’m getting you out of here,” I told him as I drove my shoulder into the chain link fence. It tore from the pole, creating a gap just wide enough for me to fit.

  Jagged metal tore at my arm as I squeezed through. Blood spilled from my arm, but I didn’t give a fuck. I could hear Jasper’s men behind me, and I knew what they would do to the omega if I just left him there. No, that wasn’t going to happen. Regardless of what happened to me, I was getting him out of there.

  I stumbled as I broke through the fence, balanced myself again and raced for my truck.

  “There he is!” someone shouted behind me.

  “You son of a bitch!”

  I tore open the truck and slid the omega into the cab. I hopped in beside him and turned the key. The engine sputtered, then caught and roared to life. I saw the figures of Jasper’s men as they reached the fence. But I hit the gas, causing the tires to spin out and spray rocks and dust everywhere. I yanked the wheel to the right, swinging the truck into a hard turn.

  The tailgate, which I’d obviously forgotten to shut, slammed loudly as my tires hit the pavement. I straightened her out and gunned it, burning rubber as I sped away into the night.

  “Don’t worry,” I said to the omega beside me. His scent was so overwhelming I could barely concentrate on driving. I reached down and stroked his dirty blond hair. The warmth of his body was like an electric shock. I couldn’t help but smile. “You’re safe now. You’re safe.”



  When I opened my eyes, the world was still spinning. Instantly, I rolled to the side of the bed and threw up.

  “Ugh,” I groaned as I wiped at my lips with the back of my hand.

  “Don’t do that,” a voice said softly from above me. A wet rag pressed against my lips, wiping away the vomit. “There you go.”

  I looked up, confused and frightened, to see the most undeniably gorgeous alpha I’d ever laid eyes on in my life standing above me.

  “What…what is…” I muttered, trying my best to form a complete sentence. “What is going on?”

  I could actually focus on things now. That was a major improvement. But I still felt like absolute death.

  “You were roofied,” the alpha explained to me. “By Jasper – that massive, gaping asshole back at the bar. He and his boys were gonna…do awful things to you. I stopped them.”

  “You?” I replied, wiping at my eyes.

  Jesus Christ, he smells good! I thought, sniffing at the air while trying not to make it obvious. It was like some kind of wood with a hint of ginger. It actually began to overwhelm me. I felt as though I’d just stumbled into a testosterone paradise. His musk was practically dripping off of him.

  Who is this breathtaking man!?

  “My name is Preston,” he said, as though he could read my mind. “This is my home. I know it’s not much, but it’s better than that parking lot where I found you.”

  “I’m Kenneth,” I told him.

  Things began to settle down in my stomach and I managed to roll onto my back and look up at him.

  “You’re bleeding,” I told him, eyeing the four three jagged cuts on his left shoulder. “And naked!”

  “Sorry,” he shrugged. “Shredded my clothes when I shifted back there. Didn’t have time to change. We just got home.”

  I tried my best not to check him out, but I was powerless. His body was simply Adonis level beauty. It was like the David on steroids, and my eyes just simply wouldn’t listen to me.

  His chest was enormous, like Arnold back in the day, and covered with just the r
ight amount of chest hair. Veins were popping out of him, but most noticeably on his biceps.

  He could curl me, I thought.

  And then his abs…perfection.

  I’d do my laundry on those!

  They tapered into that V at the bottom that lead straight down to his…

  “Oh my God,” I said, without even thinking.

  “What?” Preston said slyly. But he knew what.

  Hanging between his legs, like a pendulum, was the biggest cock I’d ever seen. Not that I’d really seen many, but I knew enough to know that I was looking at perfection.

  It was like a small arm dangling between his muscular thighs, and he wasn’t even hard. My mouth actually started to water as I looked at it, and I was only able to tear my eyes away when he shifted his weight and the floor creaked. I brought my eyes to his and his gaze took my breath away.

  “You’re pretty…” I moaned, feeling drunk. Preston grinned, and I felt myself melt a little inside. He was like one of those guys that graced the covers of a men’s magazine. No…he was like a prettier, tougher version of the guys that graced the covers of a men’s magazine that could kick the rest of those guys’ asses and then fuck your brains out.

  “You’re still under the influence,” he replied, shaking his head.

  “No – I mean, yeah…maybe,” I muttered. “But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. You smell good too.”

  “So…so do you,” he replied. I could tell he was being cautious, due to the state I was in, and that instantly made me like him. I felt safe around him. If he was going to take advantage of me, he already would have. No, Preston wasn’t dangerous. He was the opposite of that.

  “Your dick is crazy…” I said, grinning from ear to ear. I was practically foaming from the mouth, and before I knew what I was doing, I reached out and grabbed it.

  It was hot, thick and heavy in my hand and I felt my own cock begin to twitch. But to my shock and horror, Preston backed away and my hand fell back to my side.

  “Wha – what?!” I stammered as I looked up at him.

  He knelt down beside me and handed me a glass of water.

  “You’re still under the influence,” he explained. “It just wouldn’t be right.”

  “But I want yoouuu!” I protested, pushing away the glass.

  “I want you too,” he admitted. His words were like a fire inside me. “But I want you when you’re sober. Not until then.”

  I wanted to cry. In fact, I felt tears fall from my eyes. Gently, Preston wiped them away with his thumb and put the glass of water in my hand.

  “Don’t cry,” he told me. “Drink this. It’ll help.”

  “Mmm,” I moaned as I took a sip. “My mouth tastes gross.”

  “Here,” he chuckled. “Open up.”

  “Mmm, for your cock?” I asked him. Again, he laughed, and put a mint on my tongue. The cool sensation instantly did wonders for the horrible taste in my mouth, but I was still salivating over the monster between his legs. I’d gone to R7 to try and get laid, and now here I was, back in some gorgeous alpha’s bedroom, being…denied by him.

  “Get some rest,” he said. “I’m going to go clean up.”

  “No, stay,” I groaned, grabbing at his hand.

  You’re a mess, my rational brain was telling me. But I just couldn’t stop myself.

  “Listen to me,” Preston said firmly, as he leaned down and brought his face close to mine. “You are the sexiest omega I’ve ever laid eyes on. Your scent is like a drug to me. Just smelling you makes me want to bone up. But I won’t take advantage of you. If you still want me when you come out of this, I will fuck you into a coma. How’s that sound?”

  “Good!” I replied instantly, wide-eyed with shock over his little speech.

  Preston smiled, squeezed my hand and walked away toward what I assumed was the bathroom.

  Jesus, I thought. Even his ass is perfect.



  I would have loved to have been in the shower with Kenneth. As I ran the bar of soap over my body, I couldn’t stop thinking about what his touch would have felt like on my skin, all lathered up with suds.

  My dick was half-mast after the way he’d been coming on to me, and I had to admit that it was hard to resist him. Humans will never be able to understand what smell means to shifters. And when I’d gotten Kenneth back to my bedroom, a realization had hit me.

  The omega in my bed was my fated mate.

  Was that how it worked? Had the world brought us together? Had it been fate that I’d been the one doing the zucchini run and not Frank? I didn’t know, and I didn’t care. All that mattered was the world had brought us together.

  Not only was I washing a day’s worth of sweat off me from working on the farm, but I’d also worked myself up fighting outside of R7. I was covered in dirt, blood and even more sweat. And my arm was still bleeding.

  “Worth it,” I muttered as I rubbed the soap over my wound, causing it to sting. I didn’t care. It made me feel alive and reminded me of the good thing I’d done when I’d gone chasing after that sweet smell.

  Jasper will come looking for you now, I thought. His family was powerful. There was no telling how he’d try to get his revenge – what kind of tactics he would use.

  I was confident I could take him in a one-on-one fight, especially after the injury I’d given him. But he wouldn’t come at me like that. If he wanted to scrap, he’d bring his pussy-ass goons with him and try to gang up on me.

  Frank wouldn’t be any help, and there was no way I’d ever let Kenneth get mixed up in that kind of shit. Either way, if Jasper decided to come back on me, he’d have to find me first.

  “We’ll worry about that later,” I told myself as I hung my head beneath the shower nozzle, letting the warm water beat down on me. “God, he’s hot.”

  Kenneth was so, so pretty. He wasn’t quite a twink, but he was significantly smaller than me. I loved his dirty blond hair. It was quite the contrast to my dark curls, and his body was smooth and tan like freshly poured caramel, making me want to run my tongue over every inch of him.

  I can’t wait to see what he looks like naked, I thought without any shame. I mean, he’d already seen me, hadn’t he?

  I was fired up and it had been one of the hardest things I’d ever done turning him down back there when he’d grabbed my cock. But I wasn’t about to act on my urges when he was like that. That just wasn’t right.

  In a burst of unexpected anger, I slammed my fist against the wall of the shower, cracking one of the tiles.

  Jasper, that son of a bitch.

  How could someone be so fucking evil as to get his rocks off like that? I wouldn’t even be able to get my dick hard for something as disgusting as what he’d tried now on both of us. If I’m with someone, I need to be with them, and that’s why I was going to wait on Kenneth.

  I let the water spill over my body and rinse away the remaining suds, then shut the shower off and grabbed a towel. Drying myself off, I stepped back into the bedroom to see Kenneth fast asleep in my bed. It was a beautiful sight as though we’d been a couple for years and this was just our routine.

  I realized I’d never locked the door when we got back, and headed down the hall to the living room and quickly turned the deadbolt. I was being overly cautious, of course. There was no way Jasper and his goons had managed to follow us. Even if they’d tracked my scent to my truck, I’d gotten out of the city too quickly. We were safe, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

  When I made my way back into the bedroom, I stood at the foot of my bed for a long time, just looking down at Kenneth.

  I had been a while since I’d been with an omega, and somehow jumping into bed to sleep beside him was still a big step for me. I tossed my towel on a hook in the bathroom and slid into a pair of boxers. Quietly, I got into bed beside him.

  I’d barely managed to get under the covers when Kenneth, still sleeping, rolled over and threw his arm over me. It was such an innocent g
esture, and despite the fact that he was still probably recovering from whatever Jasper had put in his drink, I couldn’t help but feel that he understood he was safe with me when he did it.

  Careful not to disturb him, I slid my arm out from under him and wrapped it around his shoulders. Instinctively, I began stroking the back of his head as his scent filled my lungs.

  My first reaction when I’d smelled him was pure feral sexuality. I wanted to ravish him and claim him as mine. And of course, I still did, but as I lay with him in bed, his arm around me and my fingers in his hair, I felt something more than that – something deeper.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned. “You’re warm.”

  Was he asleep? Or had he woken up?

  “You smell so sweet,” I whispered gently into his ear. That put a smile on his face, and he resituated himself to get closer to me. He fit perfectly beneath my arm as he curled up beside me.

  I’d been alone for so long, and I guess I’d just gotten used to it like so many of us do. After a while, it becomes the norm. You don’t realize just how much you’re hurting inside, or just how much your soul is aching. But with Kenneth lying beside me as I began to close my eyes, I realized just how much I’d been hoping for something like this.

  And fate had finally brought us together, and as I felt myself drifting off to sleep, I knew I would never let him go.

  “You’re mine now,” I whispered to him.

  “Mmmm,” he moaned back.



  Coffee. That was the first thing I smelled, even before I opened my eyes. A smile came over my lips as I stretched lazily and rolled over to wrap my arms around Preston, my gorgeous alpha savior.

  But my arms fell on an empty mattress. I finally opened my eyes and saw I was alone in bed and for a brief moment, felt sad and abandoned.


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