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Alpha's Destiny: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Texas Heat Book 1)

Page 4

by Aspen Grey

  “Harder,” I told him. I don’t know what I was thinking. His dick already felt like it was in my stomach, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for everything he could give me. But my desire was just too much to handle. My instincts had taken over. I was a slave to him, and that was all I wanted to be.

  Do whatever you want to me!

  Preston fucked me harder. It was a shock to the system, and I gasped and gripped the counter to brace myself as he picked up the pace. The whole house must have been shaking, right down to its foundation.

  Sweat dripped from his chest onto my back, drenching me in his alpha scent. My slick was wet all over both of us. As I took a breath, I realized I was drooling.

  My cock was still hard, swinging between my legs as he pounded me. I reached down and started stroking it as his cock hit that sweet spot inside me that turned my entire body to warm jelly.

  “Mmmmha,” I muttered, garbling my words as more precum spilled from my cock. It was almost too much to handle, and I didn’t think things could get any better. But I was wrong.

  Preston knotted inside me, his cock like a fist filling me up even more than I’d imagined possible. I gasped and felt my entire being shift. He snarled, spanked me, and leaned down and closed his mouth around my ear.

  “You feel that?” he asked me. All I could do was nod, my mouth hanging wide open. “I’m close. I’m going to fill you with my seed and make you mine.”

  “Y – yes!” I managed to stammer as I jerked my own cock even faster. I could feel an orgasm approaching, but it was something unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Most of the time, the sensation began in my cock – of course, and then swelled through me. But this time, I felt it beginning where Preston’s knot was embedded inside me.

  It was like a warm ball of pure sexual bliss, combining everything I loved around him into one singular sensation. His scent, his strength, his alpha dominance – all of it was expressed in what was threatening to overwhelm me. And when his teeth sank into the flesh of my shoulder, I went right over the edge.

  “Fuck!” I gasped as my cum shot out of my cock, spraying all over the floor beneath us. The pain in my shoulder had opened the floodgates as Preston sank his fangs into me. He was marking me, like a brand, to show the world that I was unmistakably his. Everywhere I went, people would know who I belonged to.

  As I came, he came.

  His knot pulsed and I felt his seed splash out inside me. It was even better than when I’d swallowed him.

  “G – give it to me!” I yelped as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, as tight as we could possibly get. His sweat poured over me as his cum shot into me. The pain from his fangs was beautiful and unexpected – more than I could ever have hoped for. I felt us bonding, forever, and as we both started to come down, I couldn’t help but think: Thank God I didn’t go home with some random from the bar!



  I felt like I’d just shot my entire soul out of my dick and into Kenneth. I opened my mouth and let my teeth slip out of his shoulder. My knees were weak. My entire body was shaking. I was panting and sweating like I’d just run a marathon, but I’d never felt more fulfilled in my entire life.

  Slowly, my knot subsided and I was able to slide out of Kenneth.

  “Ah…” I gasped as I took a deep breath and wiped my forehead with the back of my arm. I looked down at Kenneth, still bent over the counter, and reached down and cupped his ass. “Perfect.”

  It really was. I squeezed, then spanked him hard enough to leave a red mark of my hand on his skin.

  “Oooh!” He jumped with surprise as he turned around to face me. Our dicks were both still pretty full, but our erections were starting to subside. I’d just come twice, and was sure I’d be able to go for round three if I really tried, but my mood had changed. I just wanted to cuddle him.

  “Come here,” I said with a smile as I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips against his. His mouth opened and I sucked gently on his tongue. I felt him relax as I lifted him and carried him into the bathroom for a quick rinse.

  “So sweaty…” I murmured as I rubbed my soapy hands across his body.

  “I got a little carried away,” I told him.

  “I liked it,” he replied, pointing to the teeth marks I’d left on his shoulder. “All of it.”

  “The world will know you’re mine now,” I said with a smile.

  “Oh, Preston!” Kenneth yelped, pressing his hand against my arm. “You’re bleeding!”

  I looked down and realized that my cuts from the other night when I’d crashed through the fence had torn open. I’d never bothered to put anything over them, so it wasn’t much of a surprise.

  “Come on, let’s get that looked at,” he told me, turning off the water and grabbing a towel from the hook.

  My heart filled with warmth as Kenneth took over, took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom.

  “Where’s your gauze and things?” he asked.

  “In the medicine cabinet,” I replied, nodding to the bathroom. Quickly, he grabbed some things and returned to my side. He knelt down and inspected the three cuts on my arm.

  “Not too bad,” he said, dabbing at them with a piece of gauze. “I can’t believe this happened to you because of me.”

  “Don’t say that,” I told him, shaking my head. “It happened because of Jasper. Not you.”

  “Still…” he muttered as he wrapped a bandage around my cuts and secured it with a few pieces of medical tape. “There. All better. But be careful with it.”

  “I’ll try,” I replied. “But if you keep driving me crazy with that bod of yours, I can’t make any promises.”

  “Ugh, stop!” Preston giggled, collapsing onto the bed beside me. As he did, his towel unwrapped, exposing his body to me. I reached out and ran the back of my finger across his smooth abs. “Tickles…” he muttered.

  I lay down beside him and felt my heart go all warm and fuzzy as he curled up beside me and threw his leg over mine like he’d done it a thousand times before. Despite the air conditioner going on full blast, it was hot as Hell, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was that we were lying together, and I realized that for the first time in eight years, I was happy – really happy.

  “So,” I said softly. “What were you doing at R7 anyway? Doesn’t seem like your kind of place.”

  “Ugh,” he groaned. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  “Come on!” I prodded, poking him in the ribs. He squirmed and slapped me softly on the chest.

  “Don’t do that!” he laughed.

  “Then tell me!”

  Kenneth paused before he spoke. I could see it was something that meant a lot to him, and almost regretted asking. But I wanted to know more about him. I needed to. I wanted to know everything about the guy I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

  “My parents both just died,” he said. His words were like a dagger to my gut.

  “I’m – I’m so sorry,” I said gently.

  “I just…I wanted something to take my mind off of it, ya know?” he asked, sounding embarrassed. “I thought maybe a guy would do that. It was stupid.”

  “I understand,” I said quickly. The last thing I wanted was for him to feel guilty about going to the bar. Then he’d be back to blaming himself for Jasper and I couldn’t let him go down that route again. “What happened to them?”

  “Car accident,” he replied. “Drunk driver ran his truck into them.”

  “That’s awful.”

  “They died instantly,” he said. “At least, that’s what the coroner told me.”

  “I guess that’s the best outcome for such a terrible thing,” I said, moving my hand to his head and stroking him gently. “I can’t imagine what that must be like for you though.”

  “Are your parents alive?” he asked. I nodded.

  “Alive and well. Living in Waco.”

  “It’s strange not having a family,” he said sadly. My
heart hurt to hear him say that, and I sat up beside him and looked down at him.

  “We’re going to make a family,” I told him. I’d never meant anything more in my life. “You must be feeling what I’m feeling. As soon as I smelled you, I knew, and everything that’s happened since then just confirmed it. You’re my fated mate, Kenneth.”

  I saw the tears begin to well in his eyes, and then the smile as it formed on his lips. Finally, he nodded and burst out crying.

  “Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

  “And you are going to have my child and we are going to be a family,” I told him, brushing a piece of his hair from his face.

  “I’ve never known something so deeply before in my life,” he told me. “It doesn’t seem possible.”

  “I’ve been alone for eight years,” I replied. “And I thought I’d gotten used to it. And then I met you.”

  We kissed, and I felt our worlds come together. Our bodies had joined, and now our souls were linked as well. My house was now a home, and one that was only going to continue to grow.

  Instincts I’d suppressed for so long were pouring out of me. Protection, paternal, caring, and an overwhelming urge to make a baby. I’d take care of Kenneth in every way possible. I’d be the best father I could be, and I’d keep our family safe no matter what the cost.

  “It doesn’t seem possible to fall in love so fast,” Kenneth whispered.

  All I could do was smile, lean in and kiss him. We embraced, and although it was still the morning, I was so content I felt myself starting to fall asleep beside my new mate.

  This is the life, I thought as I drifted off. This is it.



  “I can’t believe we have done absolutely nothing all day,” I laughed as I sat on the porch watching Preston working on the hinge of his passenger side door. It had been sticking and he was doing something to fix it that I had no idea about.

  “You mean you’ve done nothing all day,” he laughed as he pried at something with a screwdriver. I waved a hand in the air and scoffed, pretending to be offended.

  “You wouldn’t want me helping with that anyway,” I laughed. “I’d probably end up blowing up the engine or something.”

  “Well, seeing as how the engine’s not remotely close to the door, I think you’d be all right,” Preston laughed. He finished up whatever it was that he was doing, and tried the door again a few times. It had been squeaking like a dying pig before, but now it barely even made a noise.

  “Wow! Look at that, Mr. Fixit!” I exclaimed, clapping happily from my comfortable porch chair.

  Preston grinned and flexed like a bodybuilder, showing off his ridiculous biceps. “Frank doesn’t keep me around here for my looks.”

  “Yeah, so tell me about the farm,” I asked him. “What do you do here? How’d you end up here?”

  “Well, you can thank Jasper for that,” Preston replied, grabbing a rag to wipe off his hands. “I was living in Austin, just being young and doing my thing, when I ran into Jasper…”

  “Uh oh.”

  “He came after me like – well, you know what he’s like…” Preston grumbled, tossing the rag aside as he shut the door to the truck. “He’s a real sadistic son of a bitch, and when I turned him down, he tried his roofie trick on me. When it didn’t work, he told everyone that I was the one that tried it on him! Of course, his family’s so powerful that they all believed him. I couldn’t show my face downtown after that.”

  “So you came here?”

  “Found a job,” he replied with a sigh. “Just doing a little bit of everything. Been here ever since.”

  “It’s nice here,” I told him, looking around. The land was flat all around, with the occasional mesquite tree. Rows of crops were laid out in long rectangles all around us. I saw some zucchini, carrots and a few other things I couldn’t identify.

  “It’s quiet, that’s for sure,” he laughed. “Sometimes a little too quiet.”

  “Are you like, the everything-man here?”

  “Something like that,” he smiled, coming over and taking a seat beside me. He’d worked up a sweat, and his scent was even more potent than usual. I leaned my head against him and inhaled deeply.

  “Mmmmm….” I groaned.

  “I’m all sweaty,” he replied, pulling away. But I threw an arm around him and practically jumped onto him.

  “I like it!” I protested. “You smell just so…alpha!”

  I was starting to sweat too anyway. Even in the shade, it was still hot as Hell out. I mean, it’s Texas in the summer. Even in December it barely dips below sixty during the day in and around Austin. The small fan beside me was blowing just strong enough to take the edge off.

  “I have a feeling I’m going to have a hard time getting things done around here,” Preston joked, kissing me on the side of the head. “Wouldn’t surprise me if Frank tried to kick you off the property.”

  “Oh, gosh! Are you serious!?”

  Preston chuckled. “I’m just shittin’ ya. Frank’s a good dude. I just wish he had more ambition.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “With the farm,” he explained. “He does…okay, ya know? But if he invested some more money, and time, into making the rest of the land here something he could grow on, and hired a few more workers, he could make a lot of dough.”

  “Why doesn’t he?”

  Preston shrugged and sighed. “I think he’s just old, tired and doesn’t want to take a risk investing money he can’t afford to lose.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll just have to buy the farm from him,” I joked.

  “Yeah, I will,” he said with a laugh. “When I win the lottery.”

  We sat there in silence for a while, watching the sun go down over the flat land before us. It was hard to believe that only a day ago I was ready to head off to Boston to start a new life. I’d have to head back to my apartment at some point and get the handful of items I had left, and my car, but I was paid up until the end of the month so there wasn’t any rush.

  “Getting hungry?” Preston asked as the last rays of sun were beginning to fade over the horizon. “I sure am.”

  “What do you want?” I asked him. “I’ll make you something.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, looking surprised.

  “Of course,” I smiled. “As long as you’ve got groceries.”

  “I’ve got a few steaks,” he replied. “And plenty of vegetables, of course.”

  I stood up and took my mate by the hand. “Come on, then. I’ll cook you something. And if you’re good, maybe I’ll do it naked.”

  Preston’s eyes lit up and he got to his feet. I pulled open the door and he slapped me on the ass as I stepped inside. “Oh! You are naughty.”

  “It’s your fault,” he laughed as we made our way through the living room to the kitchen. I headed for the fridge while he wet down a few paper towels and cleaned himself off.

  “Oh, you’ve got plenty of stuff,” I told him. “How about some steak and mixed vegetables?”

  “Hey, if you’re cookin’, I’m not arguin’,” he laughed as he slumped down on the couch. Shirtless.

  The open layout of the house meant that as I started cutting by the counter, I got a full view of his sculpted chest and abs as he lay there, his skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat he’d gotten from working outside.

  “You’re so manly,” I teased, doing my best not to get too aroused as I sliced a zucchini. Preston grinned and flexed each one of his pecs individually, making them dance. I almost dropped my knife.

  “Hey, keep cutting!” he scolded me.

  “Oh, you’re bad,” I told him, waving the blade in his direction.

  “You love it,” he chuckled.

  “I hate that you know that,” I replied.

  “No, you don’t.”

  I smiled to myself and went back to the cutting. If I gave in to my desires, neither of us would ever get fed. There’d be plenty of time for other stuff later.
I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “How do you like your meat?” I asked, turning on a burner on the stove.

  “I’m not picky,” Preston replied. “How do you like yours?”

  I looked over at him, a sparkle in my eye. “Thick. Nice and thick.”



  He’s hot, smells like Heaven, and he can cook? Oh, and his ass feels like something designed by God to make a guy bust his load the second he puts it in. It just didn’t seem possible, but there I was, sitting on the couch with my legs spread while my dream guy sucked on my hard cock.

  Spit dripped from his lips as he knelt on the floor in front of me, worshipping my cock.

  “Sit down and just admire the back of my head,” he’d told me after we finished dinner. How could I argue with that? He’d pushed me down on the couch and pulled my pants down. I was hard instantly, and just watching him down there had me aching to come in his mouth.

  I wanted to put my cum everywhere – in his ass, his mouth, all over his chest and face, ass and back. I wanted to touch every inch of his body with my tongue, my hands, caress him in every way imaginable. Everything about him drove me wild, and I was fighting against the orgasm threatening to bubble up within me and send me over the edge.

  “Mmm, you taste so good,” he told me, lifting his mouth from my cock and eyeing me with a devious grin. He loved making me squirm, and that was exactly what I was doing as he moved his lips to my balls.

  First, he kissed them, then opened his mouth and started to suck them, while simultaneously jerking me off. No one had ever done that to me, and I could see the desire in his eyes. He wanted to please me, and he was doing it.

  “Fuuuuuuckkk,” I groaned, spreading my legs wider. He inched closer and swallowed my balls, taking them both into his mouth. The sensation drove me wild, and I had to grab his hand and slow him down before I blew my load right there.

  “What’s the matter?” Kenneth teased me, flicking his tongue against the tip of my cock. “Gonna come?”


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